the-100-ruined-me · 3 months
every season i convince myself buddies gonna happen and everytime im disappointed and im like okay don’t get your hopes up next season. and then i immediately get my hopes up next season.
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the-100-ruined-me · 4 months
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TAYLOR SWIFT makes history as she breaks the record for most Album of the Year wins by any artist in Grammys history
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the-100-ruined-me · 5 months
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dreaming about the day when you wake up and find // that what you're looking for has been here the whole time. buck wanting someone to see and love him and eddie wanting magic - and them being exactly that for each other (requested by anon).
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the-100-ruined-me · 5 months
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the-100-ruined-me · 6 months
Noooooo the SPN spinoff 😭 I couldn't make it past the first ep... I so over John being this "tragic character" who can't get past his love for Jamie Fraser King of Men who everyone worships. I don't see it. Give him his own storyline that's not him pampering to the Frasers and give him a fucking happy ending istg he deserves it more than anybody and DG better not screw up the last book
Unpopular Opinion but I'm sick of the frasers. I especially hate Claire and Jamie. They always somehow manage without fail to make everything about themselves and give zero shits about how their decisions destroy other people's lives. I'd rather watch Outlander focused on the Grey family. I want less of the Frasers, not more.
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the-100-ruined-me · 6 months
Finally someone was brave enough to say it. And the fact we gotten a spin off of Jamie's parents (can someone tell me who actually gives af??) instead of a LJG spin off.... the disappoint is too real.
Unpopular Opinion but I'm sick of the frasers. I especially hate Claire and Jamie. They always somehow manage without fail to make everything about themselves and give zero shits about how their decisions destroy other people's lives. I'd rather watch Outlander focused on the Grey family. I want less of the Frasers, not more.
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the-100-ruined-me · 7 months
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From @ pinkpillled on tiktok
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the-100-ruined-me · 10 months
PLEASE this is so fucking real!! ☝️
everyone is always acting like there is some crisis of human interaction with one another because everyone is overly sensitive to how strangers approach them and like. no actually its because nobody has any fucking manners. social etiquette has legitimately vanished. it makes interacting with strangers miserable because people don’t know how to fucking behave in public.
like it is rude to stare. it is rude to point. it is rude to have a loud phone conversation in a quiet place. it’s rude to listen to music or videos or whatever on your device with no headphones on a loud volume, or at any volume in an enclosed or quiet space. these are rude things to do. like i’m sorry while some etiquette is silly, an acceptable level of decorum is necessary to make existing in public bearable for everybody…….it is LITERALLY common courtesy
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the-100-ruined-me · 10 months
I think it's so fucking ridiculous that men have so, so many things catered towards them. Movies, shows, books, even sports. Things that were created and for a long ass time were only produced with men in mind. Things that women can enjoy too, absolutely, but to which they're not the target audience.
But the second a movie comes out that's not specifically targeted towards men, they start crying about inequality and "anti-men" and woke feminist agenda. The moment they see themselves represented in one (1) movie the way women have been represented since cinema exists, they scream about oppression and injustice.
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the-100-ruined-me · 10 months
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the-100-ruined-me · 11 months
Love this 👆 Absolutely agree!!
So about John giving the sapphire to Jamie in 7x02… I genuinely yelled ‘yes, thank you!’ out loud. Of all the things that I dislike in the books, John giving Hector’s ring to Jamie is the one moment that made me abandon any and all regard for canon. To me, it just seemed like John would absolutely not do that. I also think that scene is extremely badly written in the book, which is just… I don’t know. It just feels like a bit of a fuck you to the feelings John ever had for Hector, and to their story in general. Like it could have been intended as John finally letting go of Hector, but it felt so meh! Like it wasn’t even a big deal (I mean wtf happened to “some people you grieve over forever”??). So the show having it be Jamie’s sapphire that John gives away was an improvement.
Was it changed because the casual viewer would have no idea about the sapphire ring or about Hector? Presumably, yes.
But I also think John giving back Jamie’s sapphire makes soooo much more sense. Like the whole “you thought it could be of use to you one day” just makes sense for the story. And it’s way more dramatic than the version in the books.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m glad the show got one (1) thing right.
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the-100-ruined-me · 1 year
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DAVID BERRY as LORD JOHN GREY Outlander season 7 promo stills  
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the-100-ruined-me · 1 year
AAAHHHHHH 😄😄😄 this is the best
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the-100-ruined-me · 1 year
Came across this post from a few years ago (and it still rings true!!!)
This message is to all Extreme Shippers
Mind your own damn business when it comes to Sam and Cait’s personal life!You have proven to be wrong on every level, with your outright lies, and conspiracy theories. Hannah James, aka Geneva Dunsany of Outlander is not gay. Neither is Sam Heughan, Tony McGill, or Caitriona Balfe. Did any of them make a public announcement? No! In fact, Sam told us all that he isn’t. The SamCait  ship has sunk, and I suggest you move on with your lives and do something constructive with it, instead of trying to ruin others. Your behavior is appalling, and it’s pathetic that most of you are over the age of 40. You should know better. Didn’t your parents teach you the value of love and respect, because I don’t see it from you? This message is not directed to wishful shippers, who have always been respectful, and never crossed that privacy line of intrusion. 
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the-100-ruined-me · 1 year
Finally some bts with Lord John and William!!! My babies 🥺🥰😍
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(From the @Outlander_STARZ Twitter)
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the-100-ruined-me · 1 year
Umm.. is this THAT fucking scene?? 🙏
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(From the new Outlander season 7 teaser trailer)
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the-100-ruined-me · 2 years
I’ve volunteered at our local senior center for years, and once I’d gotten to know the women who came, I’d eventually ask about their husbands, and they’d confide to me that they felt like a nurse, not a wife, because he expected to be waited on hand and foot, three hot meals a day, his medicine handed to him exactly when he needed to take it, her to make all his appointments. And I’d suggest, oh, they have those pill bottles that tell you when you last took your medicine, there are these services for seniors to help get you to appointments, I can sign you up for meals on wheels!
And they’d say, no, it wasn’t that he couldn’t manage his own appointments or pills or dinner, because he’d done it for years, but he stopped when they moved in together/got married/bought a house/had a kid/two kids. A woman told me she dated a man for years, had a child with him, got pregnant again, moved across the country for his job - and the second she had no job, no nearby family, a toddler, and a newborn, his personality did an immediate 180. I heard this story from every woman, the only difference was when it occurred. After marriage? The first kid? The second? When did he feel like she was in too deep to divorce him, and stop pretending to give a fuck about her?
So I started gently inquiring with middle-aged women and younger, trying to figure it out. And they all described the same thing. Some of them were bewildered, trying to fix it, thinking it was temporary. I met a woman who described her husband’s “postpartum depression”, which involved him reneging on his promise to take paternity leave, laying around when he was home, accepting every offer of work travel he could, and yelling at her constantly. Five years later, his “PPD” is still going strong. One woman wistfully told me about how they used to go grocery shopping together and cook a delicious meal together for them and their kid, but when he got a job across the country and they moved, he stopped helping and she became responsible for cooking all meals, or he’d feed their kid a microwave quesadilla for dinner every night. I know a childfree woman who separated from her husband because he started dumping all the chores on her, but went back to him when he promised to fix it and started acting like when they were dating. And then five years later, once they’d bought a vacation home together and were renting it out, he immediately struck again. Only this time, divorcing him was going to be such a financial tangle that she just decided to suck it up and pick up his socks for the rest of their marriage.
There was one single man who came to the senior center with his wife, doted on her, was an absolute Prince Charming until the end. He was so endlessly kind and adoring with his wife, she raved about him. They would look through the classes we offered, each circle on their own pamphlet the ones they wanted to do, and then do the ones they both circled, and he would peek over her shoulder to circle the ones she did - we all knew it, and it was hugely adorable.
Then she died, and he tried to alter her will to give her family farm that she’d inherited from her mother to their son instead of their daughter, who had been running it for years.
And after all these stories, I kind of just had to accept it. All of these women were intelligent, and aware of male violence, had vetted the men they were dating, and thought they were getting a good one. Literally making the same mistake as their mothers, over and over again, because they thought, “well, I checked him out! I dated him for years before we got married/had a kid! I lived with him, I know what he’s like! I looked for red flags!” not realizing that, yeah, so did lots of women.
But the problem is, we’re not talking to each other enough, so every woman is evaluating her relationship under the assumption that he will continue to act the same way he’s acting right then. Which makes sense, but doesn’t seem to be a good predictor of behavior in men. Every single woman would tell me, “oh, he turned out just like his dad, you have to look at the dad,” “it’s because he went to vietnam, I shouldn’t have married someone who went to war, “it’s because his mom did all the chores, you have to look at the mom,” “his parents were abusive, you have to marry a man who goes to therapy,” “i think he didn’t really want kids and was just going along with me, you have to make sure the guy suggests kids first,” and they were blaming themselves for not being able to see it - although, as far as I could tell, it was pretty universal.
And I had to accept that I was not smarter than them, I didn’t have any innate talent for reading people that they didn’t, there was no secret red flag, and I wasn’t going to do any better at vetting men than they did. I find it confusing, that men can put on a mask for years. I couldn’t do that, it would be literally impossible. But all my evidence suggests that many men are capable of this, and many women aren’t great at seeing through it. So why would I even bother? I don’t find it to be worth my time to invest in a relationship that has a countdown clock on it. I don’t want to put in the time to bond with a façade. I have like. real shit to do.
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