ROTTMNT Donatello x My OC - Chapter 2 : Out of her cage
Summary : The turtles meet a young girl, Tocq, during a fight in the sewers with a murky group. Raphael teared her arm prosthesis off by accident and they have to lock her in a cage to keep her still. Michelangelo successes to create a relationship with the girl ; on the other hand Donatello doesn't like her. At all. (here chapter 1 !)
Warning : Poverty ; Social abuse ; Fighting scene ; Donatello doesn't ask for consent !
Second part is mainly about Tocq's environment to understand her aim.
Hope you will like it !
The following morning, the little family was eating pacefully at the kitchen, except for Donatello who was still sleeping.
Splinter agreed to let Tocq join them for breakfast, out of her cage since the girl's calming down.
Donatello comes.
Immediatly the kitchen gets a tense atmosphere.
He has his telescopic glasses on his eyes and doesn't seem in a better mood than yesterday.
“Hey, Don !” Michelangelo's greeting with a happy but worried tone “Slept well ?”
No answer. Donatello is glancing at Tocq with a deep silence.
He's now walking in her direction, the others have a bad feeling about it.
“Donnie, what's the problem ? Don't feel good ?” Asks Michelangelo, remaining on his guard “Yeah, Tocq isn't in the cage anymore. Isn't it great ? We talked a lot. She's a nice girl, you know ?…”
The purple turtle isn't listening. He's still staring Tocq intensly, like he was about to kill her, before leaving without a word.
“Maybe you shouldn't stay too long.” Whispers Raphael to Tocq.
“This young girl isn't going anywhere, Red.” Opposes Splinter “Not before she's telling us where she comes from and why she walked near our lair.”
“I can tell you.” Answers Tocq “It's not a secret, it's just… I'm not very proud of it. I come from a homeless' community. We use sewers to safely go around. You know… the police and all. We didn't mean to invade your space or something. We just passed by.”
“Really ? That's all ?” Asks Raphael, a little surprised while he remembers their fight.
“That's all. I'm sorry if I was rude yesterday. Means of defense.”
Raphael is kind of moved by her innocent green eyes, as the rest of the family because of her poor situation.
“Can I wash my face and leave, please ? I miss home.” She humbly asks to Splinter.
“Oh, yes, yes. Go on.”
She leaves the kitchen.
“Well, that was unexpected.” Says the old rat.
“Nobody could guess she's homeless.” Admits Raphael.
“Poor Tocq.” Sighs Michelangelo “She lost her arm and she lives in the street. That's so sad.”
“I don't know. Something is off.” Says Leonardo, suspicious.
They suddenly hear a scream !
“That's coming from the lab !”
A few minutes before, Tocq was about to secretly leave the lair.
Then she saw the lab.
Big machineries, screens and hardwares everywhere, advanced equipments. Tocq was impressed.
All of a sudden, a big shadow stands behind her.
She just recognizes Donatello before he's grabbing her shoulder and violently pushing her against a wall ! He was attacking her !
Tocq struggles with her only arm and screams while metallic arms keep her still.
Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael and Splinter come to the lanb and see Tocq fighting against Donatello ! The girl defends herself, having hard time to keep Donatello away.
Michelangelo is the first to react :
“Donnie, let her go !”
The three brothers step in. In the same time Splinter yells with firm voice :
“Donatello, stop right now !”
Immediatly Donatello lifts his arms. The peace returns but nobody inderstand what just happened.
“Chill out, everybody.” Sighs Donatello “I was installing her new prosthetic, that's all.”
That was true : Tocq has got a new arm.
“Couldn't you just say it ?!” Asks Leonardo, upset by his purple brother's attitude.
“She wouldn't agree to let me do it if I asked her.”
“You didn't have to force her either, you savage !” Yells Michelangelo, very angry “Remember she's a girl ! You have to ask for her consent first !”
"What was that look a moment ago ? You looked like a serial killer !" Says Raphael.
"Huh ? What look ? I was just taking last measurements before present it to her."
"You call that presenting ?!" Yells again Michelangelo.
Without paying attention to his little brother who was still hanging on him, Donatello starts to describe to Tocq the ameliorations he put on the prosthetic :
“… And if you press on this part of you palm, you get a grab with a twenty meters cable. Cool, right ? I suppose it's way better than the piece of scrap you had before.”
“Donnie !”
They have a bad feeling about Tocq's response, since she cares a lot about her old prosthetic.
But the girl doesn't react, she is fascinated by her new arm. It doesn't really change from the outside but she does notice a difference in her articulations' suppleness and her fingers' moves, and the whole mecanism is lighter.
“That's great, Tocq !” Congrates Sheldon.
She finally reacts to its voice. A bright smile appears on her face, she looks at Donatello :
“Thanks a lot.”
Donatello feels a weight in his chest. His heart bounced. What was that ?!
“Don't you want to stay with us ?” Suggests Michelangelo, without even asking the rest of the family “You could have your own home here. We'll make you a room…”
“Thank you Michelangelo but my uncle is waiting for me.”
“Go, young girl.” Says the old rat “We're sorry we misjudged you and your friends. Don't forget to keep our existence secret. That's a very important matter to me.”
“I understand. I promise not to reveal your secret.”
Tocq takes a look to the labo. Donatello didn't come out since the incident.
“Can I visit sometimes ?” She asks.
“Of course, as much as you wish.” Says Splinter.
Tocq catches up docks. In a abandonned division of the port, a big freither take his place on the throne of the pile of ruined ships. Nobody would come here for two reasons : first, the risk of collapse. Second, its people. Thiefs, burglars, scavengers, any scum who only live for money. But nice companions during peace times.
Inside the freither, after a sea of rust, Tocq finds its heart : a big hole, like a old explosion, where life was rebuilted little by little. The hole has been transformed into little but warm refuges. They were maybe thirty occupants, except the children.
Tocq took the unique and circulare way to access to the shelters.
She comes across a loud group. Their joy faded away when they see Tocq, especially one of them :
“Tocq ? You… You came back ?”
“As you can see, Kurt.”
“A-Anyway, I'm happy that you are fine.”
“Not thank to you.”
Eveybody could sense the feeling of uneasiness.
“You don't know what happened. You were stunned.” Answers the so-called Kurt, tring to divert attention from his past attitude.
“I was stunned and you left me alone.”
“So what ? Did you want me to die for you ?”
“I would like you to use something else than your big mouth for once.”
The words were rude. Kurt is offended, really offended, but he has nothing to answer back. He's just watching Tocq leaving, with a glint of wrath in his eyes.
Tocq enters in a small and deep shelter where a man is working.
“Hello, uncle.” She says with a small voice.
The man is lifting his head. His face is unshaven and has sunken cheeks. His eyes glows :
“Tocq ! You're alive !”
“Of course I'm alive ! Did somebody doubt about it ?”
“Fools, obviously. They said you were kidnapped by some ghosts.”
“And you believed them ?”
“That my little Tocq could be walked away by ghosts ? No ! That three idiots could be scared by some shadows ? Damn, yes !”
They laugh. Uncle is leaving his desk to embrace his niece :
“I'm so happy you're okay.”
Tocq lies down. No, his uncle isn't short, he just can't stand up.
Even in his frails arms she could feel all his love. She's so happy to be at home again.
“What happened exactly ?” Asks the uncle.
“Long story. Let say I was falling in a large duct and had some difficulties to get out.”
“The sewers ! Your chief's idea, I suppose ? I swear if I dump into him one day, he will hear me !”
Then the uncle hesitate to ask :
“Otherwise… Do you find something on your way back ?”
Tocq smiles. Obviously his uncle was himself a kind of thief. But his legs sentenced him to stay hidded in this rusting hideout. Now it was Tocq's job to find “some interesting things” outside : computer, engin, tools, weapons, etc. But she isn't as talented as his uncle was at his golden age. She doesn't rob, she recovers dropped objects.
Furthermore, her journey with the turtles hadn't been helped her.
“I'm sorry, uncle. I just wanted to go home when I finally found an exit.”
“You wanted to-... Nevermind. Take a rest now, you must be tired.”
He goes back to work. Tocq was feeling his deception. And his fear. She understands it very well.
This hideout looks like a little paradise for lost souls, but it's just a giant trap. Most of people who's living here was attired by the promise of a better life in exchange of some little efforts. Time flowed and the little efforts mutated in bloodly slavery. The reason of this situation has a name : Billy John Tadd, worst dangerous arrogant ever who always talks with his fists. Anyone who defy him will die in atrocious suffering. Well, that's what rumors says, Tocq never sees Billy John Tadd in person. She only knows his frightening tone, his massive shadow and the last scream of his victims. Every week, his henchmen come to visit the refuges and take all values as a money exchange for people's safety. Then they give it to their boss who keeps a record. And if Billy John Tadd isn't satisfied… Tocq knows the risks. For her and her uncle.
“Don't worry, uncle.” She proclaims with a strong tone “I have a big fish in my nets. It's just a matter of time before I'm pulling it out of the water. And then, Billy John Tadd will never be a problem anymore.”
End of the chapter
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Sounds like something a cat would do
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ROTTMNT Leonardo x My OC - Chapter 2 : The wallet
Summary : Leonardo saved Robin, a beautiful woman, from brutes before he realized she took Splinter's wallet in which a family picture is ! He needs to get it back, quickly. (here chapter 1)
Warning : none ! Fluff, flirting ; Leonardo's brothers are quitters ; I was projected something hot but I'll save it for later ;-)
Short chapter, but I hope you will like it !
“Is somebody could tell me how long we'll do this ?” Asks Donatello with a big sigh “We're looking for this girl since one week !”
“Do you think I'm happy to go round in circles ?” Says harshly Leonardo “You are the tech man ! Use one of your so-wonderful invention to help us, instead of complain !”
“Surely my tech could help us if only we had a clue about our goal ! You might have thought about it if you hadn't been busy to flirt with her.”
“I didn't f-… ! And how could I've known what's going to happen ?”
“Keep cool, guys.” Says Michelangelo, hugging his angry blue brother “I'm sure we will find her soon. We'll get daddy's wallet back, go home and think about something else.”
“Here !” Yells Leonardo.
They lean over the building. Leonardo recognized Robin's figure walking on the street :
“It's her ! Brown hair and black jacket !”
“Oh, I do understand now.” Smiles Raphael.
“Oh mi gosh, she's so pretty !” Sings Michelangelo.
“Too much pretty for you, Nardo.” Finishes Donatello before being slapped on the head by his twin.
“Are you done ?” Scoffs the offended, loosing his patience “Remember why we're here, right ?”
“You're totally right, faceman. Go for it, we're watching you from here.” Says Raphael, sitting on the roof with Michangelo and Donatello “After all, dad lost his wallet because of you in the first place.”
"Are you serious ?"
"Hey, we helped you to find her, didn't we ?"
“Worry not, dear brother.” Adds Donatello with a smug smile “We will come to save you if the kitty shows its fangs.”
Leonardo is not even surprised.
Without a word, he's going down and waiting his prey in embush.
In one second, he's pulling Robin in the shadows.
The young woman thinks of one of her victims who comes for revenge. She smiles when she sees Leonardo :
“My pretty charming knight, here you are.”
“Did you miss me ?”
“Mmh… Let's say I was hoping we meet again.”
She's showing Splinter's wallet and taking the family picture out. The brothers understand why their father insisted so much to get it back.
Leonardo takes his sword :
“Okay, the fun ends now. Give me the wallet or I'll get it by myself.”
“No need to be this harsh. Catch it, hero.”
She's throwing the wallet in Leonardo's hands. He immediatly checks the inside.
“Where is the cash ?”
“Believe me or not, there wasn't any money in it in the first place.”
Leonardo wouldn't even be surprised if his family gave him an empty wallet for the joke. He faces his brothers' smiles ; they weren't even a little ashamed.
Leonardo didn't notice Robin turning around him.
“Hey, can we get to know each other ?” Asks the young woman behind his back with an innocent tone.
“What ?”
She moves her fingers forth along his arm and slowly takes his hand. Her voice is close to his ear.
“I fancy knowing what kind of man is hidding under this mask…”
Leonardo shivers by her touch, unable to think during a few seconds. This closeness, this words, this voice, this moves, everything in her is so sensual. Her hand is so soft. So warm. When she looks at him with her sweet black eyes, he could follow her to the end of the earth.
Is she a witch ?
But a disgusting smell wakes him up : Splinter's wallet and its sweat hints.
Leonardo remembers his brothers are watching him and frees himself to Robin's temptress grip :
“Sorry, milady, I'm expected somewhere. Perhaps another time, another place.”
He moves away and storing the wallet in his satchel, planning to go back to his brothers.
Amazed that the turtle can resist to her charms, Robin takes it as a challenge and smiles :
“Too bad. Is there a chance that we meet some day ?”
Leonardo, who grabbed a ladder, stoppes moving.
“You… You would like to see me again ?”
“Don't you ?”
She softly smiles at him. Leonardo's grin was about to appear when his phone rings. Raphael. The red turtle mutters with a firm tone :
“I can see you, Leo. Whatever she's saying : Don't. Come. Back. To. Her. She's a thief, a professional liar. Don't fall into her trap again !”
Leonardo knows his brother was right. But it's so hard to ignore this beautiful eyes, this charming smile.
He hears Raphael's voice in the phone but has only eyes for Robin.
She puts her hair behind her ear with a gentle smile. Leonardo feels his heart strongly beats in his chest, his checks are turning red.
“LEO !” Yells Raphael in the phone.
The blue turtle almost fell from the ladder.
“I… I have to go.” He says, embarrassed.
“Yeah, it seems so.” Says Robin with a soft chuckle “See you next time, my pretty charming knight.”
After a wave, she turns over and leaves. Leonardo feels a chill going down his spine as a smile appears on his face :
“She said she wants to see me again…” He mutters, before screaming in the phone “Guys, she said she wants to see me again !”
“Technically, she didn't say that…” Rectifies Donatello, without being heard.
They were particulary proud to give the wallet to Splinter who quickly inspects the inside.
“Don't worry, the photograph is still here.” Reassures Michelangelo.
“What photograph ?” Says Splinter just before raising his hand in a gesture of triumph and shouting “My favorite sushis restaurant's loyality card ! I only need one stamp to get a discount !”
End of the chapter 2
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Donnatello: turtle of utmost caution and concern to public safety
(Comments and Video ID below)
Totally forgot to post this!
Dear compatriot @gremlinscomics pointed out to me that Josh Brenner was in 'Love Death and Robots', then immediately after, I was assigned to animate a pre-existing character to an audio and... i mean, how could I not??
Its still (obviously) super rough, but we only had a couple days to complete it, and I hath been too busy with other projects to clean it up so, heres the sketchy lad ✨️
A 7 second hand drawn animation of Donatello from Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles acting and lipsynced to an audio from Love Death and Robots:
(Offscreen voice) "You landed us in a minefied!"
(Donnie) "Oh barely! Besides, look at these mines; they're ancient! They probably won't even go off anymore"
(A nearby explosion sound)
In the lower corner is the artist's username, @concerningamountofcrows
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thatseverythingilove · 2 months
I laughed so hard
happy anniversary to the greatest hate crime of all time
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thatseverythingilove · 2 months
ROTTMNT Michelangelo x My Female OC - CHAPTER 1 : THE MEETING
The story takes place after Krang's defeat. All characters are adults.
Warning : none, except english errors (sorry for that !) and little argument bteween Raph and Leo ; Raphael is super protective and Mikey is too girly for OC ; Favorite villain here ! Hope you will like it !
A nice summer day for a solo journey. Michelangelo was peacefully eating an icecream when his phone rings :
“Chello~?” He says with a playfull smirk.
“Mikey ? Where are you ?” Asks Raphael “You said you will not be long and it's been two hours ! Everything's okay, buddy ?”
“I'm fine, Raph. I finish eating my icecream and…”
“Icecream ?!” Repeat Leonardo, offended “Did I heard correctly ? It's hot as hell down here and you dare to eat an icecream without us ? High treason ! I can't believe my own little brother would do such a thing to me !”
“Okay Leo, we get it !” Stoppes Raphael who takes back the phone “Mikey, go buy us icecreams and come back home.”
“Yes sir~...”
He hangs up.
Oh, he wishes to stay here a few others hours. Besides, the sun is setting like a nice cherry on the cake. Can't he stay and watch ? The young turtle looks around and smiles : oh yes, he can. And what better spot than a skyscaper ? His brothers will wait a little more.
With his manriki gusari, he reached a high dish to see the whole show.
He opens his arms and welcomes the lasts shafts of sunlight. The sky becomes a beautiful mix of orange and pink. What a sight ! Pure bliss !
The sun disapears, his arms fells down. Michelangelo was about to leave when someone appears from nowhere. He didn't pay attention before but he was on a rooftop. And a luxury one in fact ! Big swimming pool, home garden, a good set of garden furniture.
Michelangelo hides in the shadows, observing the human under him. Well, he trought it was a human until he sees a big snake tail ! A yokai ? Michelangelo isn't rassured, surely because he's a turtle. Time to go, he thinks.
But a noice betrays him and immediately the yokai attacks him !
In one second, it's pulling him into its coils and starting a constriction. Michelangelo is trapped, unable to move one finger. The giant snake opens wide its jaw, hissing agressively and showing its huge fangs.
Michelangelo tries to escape, to catch his weapon, in vain. His body hurts, he feels his flow blood slowy stopping and the air missing his lungs.
All of a sudden, a big white dog, a pyrenean mountain dog precisely, arrives and bounces happily between them.
The yokai releases Michelangelo who fells on the ground. Quickly he catches his breath, before the dog comes to lick his face cheerfully.
“Are you okay ?” He hears next to him.
When he opens his eyes, he came face to face with a beautiful girl with long, very long, wavy blond hair and pretty blue eyes surrounded by numerous topaz like a light mask.
Her angel face makes Michelangelo out of breath again.
“I apologize for attacking you.” She says with a light voice “I trought you were after me.”
Michelangelo couldn't answer, eyes and moutg wide open, until the dog licks him again and wakes him up :
“No problem !” He says with an awkward smile “I shouldn't come in your rooftop without permission !”
“Come here, Fable.”
The big dog sits near its mistress. Michelangelo notices the low part of the girl's body is still in snake form. A big white snake. But instead scales, there is fuzz. He was so scared that he didn't even notice it when he was trapped in her coils. Now he couldn't believe that the beautiful girl in front of him was a terrifying beast who tried to eat him a few minutes ago.
“What's your name ?” She asks.
Michelangelo is surprised to stutter whereas he's normally in ease with people.
“Mine is Eva. Nice to meet you, Mikey.” She shakes warmly his hand “Would you like to stay with me a little more ? I usually don't have much visit.”
Obviously, if you attack them !, thinks Michelangelo.
She invites him to sit on sun chairs.
They start to discuss, the dog laying next to their foot. Eva likes to sing and dance, and skateboard like Michelangelo, and follows amateur artits on social medias. The turtle shows her some artists he follows too and then his own art. His ego growing as Eva compliments him with admiration.
They finally relax and open to each other. Eva lives with her father, an important manager, but she's alone most of time because of his job. She had friends before but they left because of her lifestyle and her father's stern attitude. Michelangelo feels much sympathy for the poor girl.
With the flow of the discussion,they leave the sun chairs and walk around the swimming pool, and then sit on the sill, foot on the water, to watch videos on Michelangelo's phone.
Suddenly the phone rings : Raphael ! Michelangelo didn't realize what time it was :
“He's going to kill me for sure.”
“I'm so sorry. I would never ask you to stay if I had known it causes you troubles.”
“You're kidding, right ? I liked talking with you, it was fun ! I will come again.”
“Really ? Thank you !”
She was so happy that she hugs him. Michelangelo doesn't know where he should put his hands ; it wasn't so hard with April, so why now ?! The feeling was so different… And Eva smells like vanilla…
“What the hell is happening here ?!” Roars a strong voice behind them.
A huge and furious man with white slicked hairs approaches them.
“Father !” Calls Eva.
“Father ?” Repeats Michelangelo, surprised to see a human.
The man turns his cufflink and a bright light is wraping him up and revealing his true appareance.
Michelangelo shudders : Bruce, the leader of the Masters of Barbarianism !
He was already upset to see his daughter with a stranger, he's raging when he recognizes Michelangelo, the bold one who humiliated him at Hueso's restaurant !
“How dare you showing your bastard toadface in my house ?!” The dragon fumes.
“Father, please calm down !” Begs Eva, who has no clue about what happened between these two “Everything is okay, Mikey is my friend…”
“Your friend, this coward in the pay of the Makers of Brutality ?! I told you I didn't want to see you with a boy until you're fifty, he certainly won't be the exception !”
“A boy ? Mikey isn't a boy…”
Silence. Eva looks at Michelangelo who couldn't believe what he just hears :
“Did you think I was a girl ?!”
“Well… Yes, I did.”
“But WHY ?!”
“I don't know ! Maybe your voice… It's kind of acute… And my dog doesn't like boys normally.”
They were both so embarrassed that they didn't look at each other anymore. Eva's is bright red behind her hands when she whispers :
“Oh no, I hugged a boy…”
Bruce sees red : he thought the dumbass turtle brings dishonour on his precious daughter ! Flames are coming out his nostrils, he takes his katana and jumps right on Michelangelo ! The turtle escapes in time and flies far away from the rooftop, hearing Bruce's screams of rage.
If he managed to escape from Bruce, he doesn't even try with Raphael.
The red turtle was way too much worried to let his little brother explains why he's running late.
Fortunatly Leonardo comes to complain about the missing icecreams, giving Michelangelo the chance to tell the whole story to his brothers.
The moment he told them about Eva, he caughted immediatly their attention : the fact that Eva is the daughter of a crime-gang's boss worried Raphael, while Donatello et Leonardo were intrigued by “angel face” and “pretty girl” terms Michelangelo used to describe her, with this nice kind of sparks in his eyes and this dumb grin on his face. Oh man, that was a very interessing reaction.
But as intrigued as they were, they are all rolling with laughter when Michelangelo said Eva mistaked him with a girl !
“That's not funny !” Grumbles the young turtle “I'm not girly !”
“Forget it.” Says Raphal as he patted his shoulder “It's not like you will see her again !”
Michelangelo avoided his gaze, Raphael frowned :
“You don't attend to see her again, don't you ?”
“Mikey, she's a mafia guy's daughter !”
“So what ? She's my friend ! It's not her fault that his dad is a villain !”
“You put yourself in danger with her !”
“I agree with Raph.” Says Donatello “You should forget her, she doesn't deserve a friend like you.”
“Oh, that's so ?! What exactly do you know about her ?!”
His anger surprised his brothers.
Michelangelo releases himself from Raphael's grip and goes straight to his room.
Leonardo stoppes Raphael to follow him :
“I got this, trust me.”
Even if he's letting Leonardo go, Raphael isn't rassured.
The blue turtle gets his head in his little brother's room. Now he's reading comics in his hammock, turning his back to the door.
“Hey little bro. May I come in ?”
Michelangelo mutters something, Leonardo takes it as a yes and sits next to him, smirking :
“She's that pretty ?”
“Yes. And she's alone. Instead her father, I was the first person to talk with her since a long time. It's so sad.”
“Oh, I see~... Rapunzel in her ivory tower.”
The blunt sound of the comic on Michelangelo's legs mades Leonardo jump.
“See ?! You're judging without knowing her !”
“Hey, calm down, little brother. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to mocking her. You really care about her, right ?”
Michelangelo blushes a little. Of course he cares about her.
“It's just… She's a nice girl, you know. She doesn't deserve to be alone like that. If I don't go back to her, I feel like I'm betraying her.”
“So you don't have a choice : you have to see her again.”
Michelangelo thought he was mishearing. But Leonardo has a knowing smile :
“Go back to her, idiot.”
Michelangelo jumps into his brother's arms, so happy :
“Thank you ! Thank you ! I love you, Leo !”
“Yeah, yeah.” Smiles the blue one “Try to come back in one piece, though.”
A few minutes later, when Leonardo leaves the room, Raphael was waiting for him, much less pleased than his blue brother.
“That's how you got this ?” He growls.
“What ? He's in a good mood again !”
“But he doesn't change his mind !”
“You can't change his mind, Raph.”
“So tell me why you even talked to him ?! You gave him your permission where I put my prohibition !”
“Mikey is not a kid anymore, he doesn't need permission, mine or yours. He would have gone back to this girl anyway. I just made sure he will not act out of anger. Now he will be careful. Trust him a little.”
End of the chapter
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thatseverythingilove · 3 months
How can you deny these faces these guys are the cutest iterations of the turtles EVER!
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thatseverythingilove · 3 months
The story takes place after Krang's defeat. All characters are adults.
Warning : harsh talk ; a little long story (but I hope you will like it !) ; Donnie and OC are idiots ; Probably english errors (sorry for that !):-)
The smell is awful. After days of rain, the sewers overflowed and greenish waves were stirring miasma and wastes in perdition. Four hooded humans are soaking in this humidity.
“Serioulsy, guys ! Remind me why we have to walk in this pigsty ?”
“Because we have to stay discreet.” Responds the leader.
“We are the sewers' shadows…” Whistles an other one.
“Oh, shut up !” Yells the first one, jostling the clown.
They're starting a fight. The leader was about to step in when the fourth is suddenly stopping :
“Did you hear that ?”
“It must be rats.” Says the leader.
“Ouh~! Are you scared of rats ?” Smiles the clown to the lookout.
“Stupid ! I'm sure there is something is this direction !”
They only find an empty chamber where waters converge to the main flowing. Wastes, smelling water, in conclusion nothing off ordinary.
“Enough now. We have some work waiting for us.” Says the leader.
“I'm sure I heard strange noises near here.” Insistes the lookout “If we follow this road a little more, I'm sure we will find…”
“I'm the foreman so you follow my orders ! And I said : enough !”
“Maybe you are the foreman, but I only serve the gang's commander. If there is something here, so I have to ensure greater safety for the gang ! The threats have to be eradicate ! Do what you want, I'm going…”
He doesn't have time to finish his sentence, a violent hit is knoking him out ! His collegues hear laughs and echo around them. Evil and furtive shadows are surrounding them. Fear is growning second by second. Then an giant appears right before them ! They take to their heels and vanish with long and pitiful screams.
Raphael, Leonardo, Donatello and Michelangelo are very proud of themselves :
“What a bunch of prats !” Says Leonardo, his sword on his shoulder “We didn't even need to fight !”
“That's really disappointing.” Sighs Donatello “I was so excited to test my new deterrents.”
“I think it's better this way.” Admits Raphael, a little worried.
“In any case, you Raph were amazing !” Applauses Michelangelo, happily jumping on his brother's back “Did you see their face ? They looked like they'll piss on themselves !”
“Eeeh, guys ?” Calls Leonardo, standing back “What are we doing with this one ?”
The headstrong lookout is still here, inconscious.
“I can't believe it ! They just left their friend behind !” Says Michelangelo, surprised.
“Let's just let him a bit further on.” Suggests Leonardo “He will leave by himself when he will wake up.”
“I'm on it.” Says Raphael.
Raphael didn't touch him yet than suddenly the lookout opens his eyes ! The four brothers jumps backwards, before Raphael tries to take care of the situation :
“Don't worry, I won't hurt you if you don't move.”
In response, the lookout hits his chin with a big trick and tries to escape, but Michelangelo blocks his foot with his nunchakus and makes him fell. The lookout is growling as he tries to free himself.
Pissed, Raphael takes his right arm and raises him :
“That's enough ! Calm yourself or I'll knock you out !”
They hear a strange noise. The next second, the lookout is on the ground, his arm in Raphael's hand !
“You teared his arm off !!” Yells Leonardo, terrified.
“I teared his arm off !!” Panics Raphael.
“Why did you tear his arm off ?!” Asks deseperalty Michelangelo.
“I didn't do it on purpose ! I swear I didn't do it on purpose !”
While his brothers are panicking, Donatello turns around and sees the lookout stands up again !
“Give me back my arm, you morons !”
He rushes headlong towards Raphael ! Still traumatized by the losing arm, the red turtle could do nothing but screams like a little girl.
Leonardo opens a portail and makes the lookout come trought the Donatello's side :
“Are you serious, Leo ?!”
Leonardo makes a silly smile.
While Donatello is dealing with the lookout, Raphael finally notices that he doesn't seem bothered by his injury. Beside, there was no blood.
He removes the sleeve : a prosthetic !
Finally Michelangelo traps again his opponent with his chains :
“Lie down !”
The lookout still tosses and turns.
“This guy is completely wild !” Says Leonardo who doesn't find it funny anymore “What can we do with him ? Knocking him out again ?”
“First, let's see the one we have to deal with.”
Raphael takes his hood off. Long red hairs are falling on the shoulders, two green eyes are opening, delicate features… and female face !
“A girl ?!” Say the brothers with surprise.
“A pretty girl !” Michelangelo points out immediatly.
He want to be a gentleman and to remove her hairs from her face but she tries to bite him !
“She's pretty but not very nice !” Michelangelo conclues, keeping his fingers together.
“So, same question : what do you do with her now ?” Asks Leonardo again.
“I really don't know.” Answers Raphael, scratching his head “Donnie, an idea ?”
Donatello was inspecting the prosthetic with an annoying look and his telescopic glasses on his nose :
“All I have to say is that the guy who built this thing is a true good-of-nothing. The structure is a mess and the balance is completly…”
“Give my arm back, you halfwit !” Howls the girl with rage.
“Who exactly is the halfwit, lame person ?!”
“You are the lame person ! Brain lame ! You don't know anything about science !”
“Ah ! I don't know anything about science ? I will make you eat your words !”
Donatello was ready to finish her off with his tech-ô, fortunitly his brothers stopped him immediatly.
Tied up and emprisonned in a cage, her anger didn't calm down, as Donatello's grudge. He isolated himself in his lab the minute he came back home.
Raphael, Leonardo and Michalengelo stay with Splinter and the girl in the living room.
“If I judge by her clothes, she must be a member of a suspecting group.” Assume Splinter.
Raphael leanes on the cage :
“Tell us where are you from and we'll let you go in one piece.”
“I have nothing to say to a tadpole face.”
Raphael straightens up, covering the cage with his big shadow. The girl glups when she sees his canine emerges with his growls.
He leaves, followed by Michelangelo. When they are far enough, Michelangelo gives a big hug to his brother : the poor boy never wishes to hurt a helpless girl !
Leonardo takes the lead :
“Listen, I really don't want my brother to hurt you. Don't you think it would be the best for you to tell us everything ?”
“Well, I think it's the best for your brother to let me go.”
“This girl really packs a punch !” Smiles Splinter “Let's go, we'll come back later.”
They're leaving. Leonardo isn't convinced by his father's move :
“Are you sure it's the best decision ? She will not change her mind just being alone.”
“Maybe, but we don't have any other solution for now. She doesn't want to speak and I don't want to torture her. We have to be patient and let time making his work.”
Souper times. Michelangelo pays a visit to the girl with a slice of pizza in a plate and a big smile :
“Here you go, you have to eat too !”
The girl seems disgusted and suspecting something :
“I don't want to die empoisonned, thank you.”
“Don't give me ideas !” They heard at the kitchen.
It was Donatello. The girl answers immediately :
“I agree with you, let's not take the risk to make you intelligent !”
A roar of fury rings out the kitchen, with lower voices of Leonardo et Raphael who try to calm down their brother.
“Don't tell me you will waste this delicious pizza without taking a piece ?” Tries again Michelangelo.
The girl's eyes are looking at Michelangelo's angel face and the mouthwatering pizza many times before her stomach rumbles and forces her to give in.
She's dragging herself to Michelangelo and opening her mouth. Michelangelo, fond of this cute face of her, is giving her pizza with pleasure. The mouth is closing on the sweet warm cheese and the next second, her face is lighting up, showing all the love she feels for this delicious flavor.
“It looks like you never eat pizza !” Smiles Michelangelo.
The girl was dropped her guard. Because of a pizza ! She returns to a rude face.
“What's your name ?” Asks the orange turtle, after giving her a new piece of food.
The girl's eyes shows her hesitation to answer, her cheeks full of pizza. She's so funny with her strong face and childish attitude.
“Tocq.” She finally answers.
“Tocq ? Funny name ! I'm Michelangelo. You can call me Mikey.”
Three heads go out the kitchen to watch them.
“Seems Michelangelo is going great with her.” Notices Raphael.
“Yeah, it's kind of cute.” Admits Leonardo, not sure to use the appropriate word.
“Cute ? Ha ! A slug would be cuter than this girl !” Says harshly Donatello.
Hopefully none Tocq or Michelangelo heard this rude words.
Moving closer to a next slice of pizza, Tocq looses her balance and falls ! Michelangelo caught her just in time :
“It would be easier without the ties, isn't it ?” He smiles.
His smiles faded with the feeling of the stumpf on his hand.
“What happened to your arm ?”
“A stupid accident. A towing cable came off and cut off my arm. It was so fast that I didn't even have the time to understand what happened to me. My uncle built my prosthetic. He's the only one to worried about me when I lost my arm. He's not a professionnal but he did his best when nobody paied attention to me.”
“No wonder you are so attached to it.” Says Michelangelo.
Tocq nods.
Splinter, Raphael et Leonardo are very touched by her story. In the other way, Donatello doesn't seem affected.
“Dang ! I dropped the pizza when I caught you.” Apologizes Michelangelo “Just wait a minute, I'll come back with another one.”
Something fly near his head : it was Sheldon ! The little robot came with a new plate :
“Express delivery !”
“Thanks, Sheldon ! You're the boss !”
Michelangelo would submit a mouthful to Tocq but she isn't paying attention to him anymore : she only has eyes for Sheldon. She is fascined, eyes full of stars :
“Wow ! So cool ! Is it a robot ? A real robot ?”
“Yes, his name is Sheldon. Donatello made him.”
“Hello !” Says the little robot.
“Awesome ! I love it ! He's so great !”
Her smile was big and brilliant, she complimentes him again and again. Sheldon happily flying around.
“She seems fond of Sheldon.” Notices Leonardo, still at the kitchen.
“Are you kidding me ?” Objects Raphael “It's not being fond, it's litteraly adoration !”
“Sheldon seems very happy to have a new friend.” Smiles tenderly Splinter.
Suddenly Donatello hits his fists on the table, putting an end on this nice atmosphere. He leaves the kitchen, ignoring the surprised's gazes of his brothers and father.
When he's passing near Michelangelo, his angry glare meets Tocq's. The girl avoides his eyes by pride. He goes straight to his lab and disapears.
“Oh, I don't like that. He looked furious.”
End of the chapter 1
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thatseverythingilove · 9 months
The story takes place after Krang's defeat. All character are adults.
Warning : harsh talk ; light mention of alcoholism ; Probably english errors (sorry for that !) And yes, Disney references... Will you notice it ? :-)
Leonardo was on duty this night.
He losed a bet and was on charge to get tonight's diner : pizzas for everyone. Of course delivery was out of question, too much easy ! Michelangelo taked orders and Leonardo has to pick pizzas up at the end of the town !
Leonardo is muttering his frustration, asking himself if he should eat pizza on the way back.
Suddenly he hears voices under his feet.
A girl is running, followed by three angry big guys, promising to make her pay for her actions when they'll get her.
Leonardo follows them.
The girl is quickly blocked in a dead end. Her pursuers are coming to her, warming their fists up, a sadic smile on their face :
“You will regret to make us run, you little pest.”
“When I see you, fatties, I could say she does you a favor.” They hear above their heads.
Leonardo appears like a superheros between the three guys and the girl.
“Who are you ? Her bodyguard ?” Laugh one of the guys.
The others are guffawing. Leonardo is about to retort when a wine bottle aims for the guy's head !
“Don't insult me. I can protect myself very well.”
The girl gets out of the darkness, comes under the street lamp's light.
Leonardo's eyes are suddenly shining : what a beautiful creature !
Her face is strong and elegant, deep black eyes like a night sky, a fleshy mouth and a sweet caramel skin. Her long hairs mixe coal and ochre. Her long legs, her round hips and her hourglass figure make her look like a panther.
“Oh boy…” Breathes out the turtle, his heart making a concert.
But the bottle's victim isn't as charmed as him. The three guys are ready to fight, Leonardo too. He wants to shine in front of the beautiful girl !
She doesn't give him the time to do something and already starts the fight ! Leonardo looks at her, filled with admiration : she is supple and lively as she was dodging their attacks.
One rude hit knocks her to the trash bags. Leonardo comes to her :
“So… I'm sorry to disturb you, miss, but are you a damsel in distress ?”
“I'm a damsel !…” Starts the girl.
She hits a first guy on the stomach with her feet.
“I'm in distress !…”
She takes the metallic cover of the trashbox next to her and sends it to the two others guys, killing two birds with one stone. She stands up, smiling as she puts her hairs behind her ear :
“And I can handle this.”
Leonardo feels something go down the wrong way. This style, this figure, this smile ! He never meets someone like her.
A giant piece of rage stands up again behind the girl ! Leonardo jumps and hits his opponent to the head. The giant collapses in a lound sound.
The blue turtle strikes a flattering pose :
“I know, you can handle it, I was just protecting myself.”
He heards a cute chuckle from the girl. So now that the three bullies are defeated and the fight ended, the girl comes up to Leonardo to look at him more intensely :
“How should I call my pretty charming knight ?”
Leonardo is surprised by this suddenly move. He glups before answers with a shaking voice :
“L-Leonardo. My name is Leonardo.”
She's holding out her hand to him :
“Nice to meet you. I'm Robin.”
Leonardo hesitates to take this hand. His could be a little… strange for a human.
Taking advantage to the shadows, he decides to give his hand.
Then the girl pulls him closer and puts a kiss on his nose !
Leonardo becomes sticker than a piece of wood.
She's giving him a wink and jumping to the ladder above her, swaying and flewing over the pile of brutes.
Now the gracious figure is gone, letting Leonardo as red as a traffic lights, the blue turtle is touching his nose and making an silly smile. Beatting up a bunch of delinquants, helping a pretty girl, receiving a kiss as reward : what a sweet night…
He soon remembers his duty :
“All right, I have to get the pizzas now.”
He is about to go when he feels that something's missing.
In his bag.
The wallet is missing.
The wallet full of money for pizzas.
Leonardo is convinced that he took it with him before leaving the sewers. Maybe it falls on the floor during the fight ? The turtle is looking for it with a little light of hope.
Panic at its hightest level :
“Holy crap ! Daddy is going to kill me !”
He heards some sniggerings behind him. The three guys are awake. Leonardo is angry, he takes his swore :
“All right, clowns ! Give my wallet back and everybody can go home safetly.”
“You really don't understand what happened, right, idiot ?” Asks a first one.
“The girl has got your money.” Keeps up a second one.
“Stop the craps !” Yells Leonardo “Like an innocent, beautiful woman like her could be a thief !”
“Why do you think we were running after her ? She takes our money too ! We just wanted to take it back.”
“She made fun of you, boy. She took advantage of your naivety to trap you.”
Leonardo recalls the embrace. The kiss. This hand that he felt against his back without paying attention. Yes, she could have stolen the wallet at this moment.
His brain is explosing : he was taken in like a complete beginner !
Now he expects the worst : how will he explain this whole situation to his family ? Sure that all of them will make fun of him during a minimum of one week.
And that's what happen.
Besides laughing at him for his naivety, souper was already served : a home delivery has been programmed since the beginning !
Leonardo is surprised that everyone believes his story, especially the fact that he fell into a pretty girl's trap.
“That's just like Leo !” Smiles Raphael before eating a slice of pizza.
“You don't seem to realise, guys !” Says Leonardo as he is taking place on table “She was so cool, a real beauty ! And her eyes, she's got some eyes ! Like she hypnotised me !”
“Yes, of course.” Says Donatello with a micheavelous smile “Did you ask her if she's related to Hypno, by coincidence ?”
“Hey, Leo !” Calls Michelangelo, sit next to his brother, fluttering his eyelashes like crazy “Will you give me your pizza's share, pleaaaaase~ ?”
Leonardo is no amused, contrary to the rest of the family. Splinter licks his fingers and asks him :
“More seriously, Blue : did this girl see your face ?”
“What ? Non, I don't think so. Anyway she didn't react.”
“I can confirm.” Says Donatello “Seeing Leo's face would make her running away, not kissing him.”
“Hey ! I'm a living piece of art ! Everybody would love to kiss me !” Says the offended.
“Personaly, there is a lot of things called art that don't make me feel like kissing them.” Confesses Raphael.
“You can all laugh, but she called me “her pretty charming knight” all the same ! I'm sure she fell of me !”
The others don't stop to laugh. Raphael insists :
“Otherwise, Leo, did your girlfriend have a name ?”
“Yes, her name is Robin.”
Leonardo suspects a stupid reaction from his brothers. They don't waste time, suddenly very inspired :
“Robin ?” Starts Michelangelo “Like “Batman and Robin” ?”
“Like “Robin Hood” ?” Outdoes Donatello.
“Robin like Robin !” Yells Leonardo “Stop making fun of her name, you morons !”
Suddenly Splinter jumps off his chair :
“Blue ! You have to find my wallet !”
Leonardo doesn't understand why his father is overcome by panic, making him angrier :
“You MUST find it ! The wallet… Inside… It's a matter of like and death !”
In one of the less salubrious parts of New York, Robin the thief comes back home. She opens a ruin's door to go in a world where the only kind of living is a television. In front of the aggressive light, an old man is flopping into an armchair, beer in hand.
“Where have you been ?” He asks.
“Outside.” Answers Robin.
“Don't think I'm stupid, I know you were outside.”
“So why do you ask ?”
The man throws his beer against the wall and gets up. He's walking to her, his steps are loud and terrible. Robin looks down and doesn't move. She smells his bad breath when he speaks :
“I'm not in the mood. Where is my money ?”
Robin goes through her pockets and gives him a little wad of dollars.
“That's all you get ?” Asks the man.
“Two hundred and fivety dollars. It's more than you need to refill your provision of beer.”
He takes the money, slapping her hand.
“Get out of here.” He mumbles, counting the notes again.
While she's climbing up the stairs, the man asks if she had an unpleasant encounter near the house.
Robin smiles secretly. When he said “unpleasant encounter”, he's talking about policeman, a creditor or a busybody. Hidded in this old hole, he doesn't have to fear something like that.
“No, dad. I just met a very charming mutant turtle.”
“Fucking shut up if you're only talking about shit !”
The walls shaked because of this yell. Not Robin. She knows how to handle this.
In her room, she takes a wallet off her jacket. Splinter's wallet.
After her escape, she hidded to a coffee shop and counted her treasure. The three big guys had a lot of bill, as she likes it.
When she opened Splinter's wallet, she found some sales receipts and fidelity cards but no money.
Under this mass of useless papers, she saw a picture. Family picture with everyone, Splinter, Raphaël, Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo and April, with big smiles.
Firstly, when she saw the four turtles and the rat, she throught it was a joke, a lame montage or some nerds with wierd costumes.
But she does remind some details of her meeting with Leonardo : his strange hand in the shadows, his face's color, his rough skin when she touched him.
Gold mine ? Yes, maybe this picture, presented to the good person, could make her rich.
But Robin didn't really want to do this. Not now.
She wanted to enjoy their smiles a little more. They're inspiring her a sample of happiness she can't find nowhere.
Contrary to the others, this one wallet wasn't throwing in trashbox. Robin kept it, asking herself how she could return it to her pretty charming knight.
After all, he did save her in this halley.
End of the chapter
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