thatoneniffler-blog · 5 years
Be honest do you like messing with Newt and Bunty? Like do you get in to things on purpose just to mess around with them.
Oh yes, most definetly.
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thatoneniffler-blog · 5 years
Would you rather have shiny things or Newt taking care of you? I’d prefer Newt. You?
As lovely as my shinies are.. There's plenty of those and only one Newt. So i'd have to go with him.
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thatoneniffler-blog · 5 years
Why did you steal the blood pact from the evil man? Surely there were shinier things to be stolen from the other humans. (YOU ALMOST DIED.)
I suppose that's true, but unlike any other shiny in the room I had never seen anything like the blood pact vial before.. It had this powerful aura around it and seemed very precious to Grildelwald. Newt trusted me to get him something interesting, and I delivered. Yes.. I got hurt, but it was all worth it. The vial seemed very important after all. Even Dumbledore himself was shocked to see I retrieved it!
I may be a Niffler, but I know that that man.. Grindelwald.. Is trouble. He tried to hurt Newt and Theseus, manipulated Queenie, killed Leta and terrorised the muggles!
I had to help.
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thatoneniffler-blog · 5 years
Send me some asks!
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thatoneniffler-blog · 5 years
Things that stress me out.
The Nifflers, as lovely as they are they get in to far too much trouble…..and Newt on occasion.
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thatoneniffler-blog · 5 years
If you could tell Queenie ANYTHING right now, what would it be?
That I love her and I’m fighting for us too, just in a different way.
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thatoneniffler-blog · 5 years
Hi. I'm Winnie (FB OC used for FB contacts) and I have a question. How do you feel about Bunty?
Ah yes, Bunty.. A very lovely woman, that one. She’s like an aunt to us!
Bunty has worked with Newt for a long time, and she knows all of the creatures very well. She knows what we like and don’t like, and takes care of us when Newt is too busy with other things.. Though the Kelpie never did like her very much.. I dunno why.
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thatoneniffler-blog · 5 years
Hi. I'm Winnie (FB OC used for FB contacts) and I have a question. How do you feel about Bunty?
Ah yes, Bunty.. A very lovely woman, that one. She's like an aunt to us!
Bunty has worked with Newt for a long time, and she knows all of the creatures very well. She knows what we like and don't like, and takes care of us when Newt is too busy with other things.. Though the Kelpie never did like her very much.. I dunno why.
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thatoneniffler-blog · 5 years
I’ve been following since the first movie, and I’m interested in how Queenies plot twist changed things. Have you gotten more asks? Do people ask different questions? Are they nicer/harsher? I know it was a huge change for you, and you kind of had to re evaluate how this ask blog would go (you’ve done a great job btw), but have you seen a change? Do you think this ‘drama’ made playing her more interesting? Love the blog!
Hi, thank you for the question! I rarely get long questions like these OOC.
I wouldn’t say I get a lot more questions because of the movie, though obviously the blog keeps growing so I do naturally get more than I did when I had less followers. It’s nothing drastic, though.
People are definitely harsher. There’s a lot of ideas about Queenie floating around that I fully disagree with or simply can’t imagine to be true (i.e. that she’d be happier without Jacob) and those out themselves in questions implying she’s selfish, heartless or anything of the sort.
My old inbox was a lot of “what’s your favourite colour” and “does Tina snore”, now it’s “did you leave Jacob to get rid of him” and “you must be happy without everyone nagging you”, so there’s definitely a change in tone. Most things I don’t mind but I also delete a lot of things, questions I find irrational or simply harsh.
It’s understandable. I realise people have questions, and apparently they think of my portrayal of Queenie as accurate enough to let me decide over the answers. However, there’s a lot of hostility towards her and her choices in TCOG, and when that outs itself through my inbox… yeah. Sometimes it’s hard to adjust.
Writing her has definitely become more interesting. Before TCOG everybody had the same generally positive opinion on her. The fact that TCOG changed that makes for more challenging questions (they’re not always a bad thing) and it forces me to think a lot harder about my answers. Especially with Queenie getting more development, we got to see another side of her. She became a much more multidimensional character after TCOG and now we know how she reacts when she’s angry, sad, shocked or scared, I get to put all of that in my writing and be able to write her as a complex character, a person with different emotions and complicated ways of thinking.
Thank you for your question and for your support. It really makes me happy to hear you’ve been with the blog for such a long time.
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thatoneniffler-blog · 5 years
How was your Christmas.
As I mentioned before, it was very chaotic due to it being the kids' first Christmas, but it was very good nonetheless! Everyone managed to enjoy themselves, if not just a little. We all needed it after.. Well.. You know.
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thatoneniffler-blog · 5 years
I introduced my friend to your blog, so when her boyfriend git her a (toy) Niffler for Christmas, she named it after one of the babies (Jemima)
(( That is so sweet?? Oh my gods??? This ask put a smile on my face today, thank you so much for sharing this with me! Tell your friend I love it!
-Admin Nano ))
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thatoneniffler-blog · 5 years
Now that you have acquired more mufflers, do Newt give you an actual name? Cause calling you ‘niffler’ would be a tad confusing, no? Also, which Hogwarts house do you think you would be in?
I have always had a name, actually! It's just rarely used is all. As I've said before, it's Bennie, but there's no need to call me that.
As for Hogwarts house.. I think I would fit in either as a Slytherin or Hufflepuf.. I have lot's of ambitions, but I am also very loyal to Newt. It's hard to say, really!
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thatoneniffler-blog · 5 years
We all know you like shiny things... but which type of gold do you like the most? Yellow gold, white gold, rose gold...
How cruel, making me choose between different kinds of gold. But if you must know, I love myself some good ol' classic yellow gold the most. Can't go wrong with that, ever!
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thatoneniffler-blog · 5 years
(((Just wanted to take a moment and tell you that your ask blog might be the most creative and incridible ask blog i've come across EVER, thank you for all the time you dedicate to come with such accurate answers, also, random question, but what's your hogwarts house?)))
(((Thank you so so much that means a lot to me. I put a lot of effort into this blog (and my other one @mrpercivalgraves but that’s gone quiet since he’s not really in the series any more). To think that even one person is enjoying it as much as I am is incredible and I thank you for sticking around :) Also by preference I’m a Ravenclaw with strong Slytherin leanings. The quizzes give me 25% each house so *shrugs*))) 
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thatoneniffler-blog · 5 years
Oh dear lord? are you- are you- A talking niffler????
Well.. Not really. Not outside of this place, anyway. I honestly don't know how it works or why humans are able to understand me in here, but they just.. Do? It's all very odd, but I, for one, am not complaining one bit! Makes communicating a wholelot easier if you ask me.
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thatoneniffler-blog · 5 years
Have a great 2019 everybody. Let’s work together and make this year a year of growth, love, and acceptance.
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thatoneniffler-blog · 5 years
Tumblr media
Niffler running away
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