yeah i could get proper sleep and eat a healthy diet but that would get rid of my sickly appearance which is required for an english major to graduate.
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Ok. I need to get this out. I'll preface this by saying I'm very excited for the new season to be released, and I can't wait to see more of our ineffable couple.
The thing is, I've seen a lot of posts where people are hoping that this season will 'confirm' Aziraphale and Crowley's relationship, or they're hoping to get a kiss to make it 'official'.
Listen. Listen. Aziraphale and Crowley are already in a relationship. More importantly, they're in a queer relationship. Their relationship is already outside the norms of Heaven and Hell, Aziraphale visibly dresses as a gay man and has been among the gay social circles in history, Crowley changes his gender presentation and is comfortable with it, and they're both queer and hence their relationship has always been queer.
Maybe they'll kiss, maybe they'll have a verbal declaration of their love, but if they don't, it doesn't make their relationship 'queerbaiting' or not queer enough. Just because they don't fit into your ideas of a queer relationship or explicitly state they're a gay couple doesn't mean that they're not queer.
Many aspec and even other queer people feel represented by Aziraphale and Crowley, and you do not get to take that away from us. Western media hasn't always been kind to gay relationships, but Good Omens is not one of them. If you do not like the representation, then feel free to watch other shows that have explicit romantic/sexual relationships. Don't drag this show into the apparent '''queerbaiting'''.
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Ok hear me out. I don't want Spirk to become "canon".
I don't want it made "uncanon".
I want, what I believe Roddenberry wanted. I want Star Trek to encapsulate t'hy'la.
I want to look at their relationship, and as someone whose never had a sexual or even deeply romantic relationship (despite having dated) to see Spock and Kirk and go "I understand that. I feel that towards my t'hy'la. It is fully platonic w/w friendship but I understand that bond. I feel that bond. Seeing it represented on screen makes me feel so seen."
And if others see something different there... Well that's why we have t'thy'la.
Because different people see things in different ways.
Different groups feel represented by the same relationship.
Putting an official or canon label on it would cheapen it.
Every definition of t'hy'la has merit. Every definition of t'hy'la resonates with someone.
If they made anything canon other than t'hy'la it would add less representation not more.
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"why do y'all even need pride? nobody cares about aros/aces, I don't care that you don't experience romantic/sexual attraction."
I don't need your validation or anyone else's, that's not why I do what I do.
I talk about my experiences being aro & ace because maybe someone out there will feel seen for the first time, maybe I put into words what they have been trying their whole life to figure out and didn't even know other people like them exist.
I wear my pride rings in hopes that another aspec will notice and feel less alone and realize that there are more of us out there, that being aspec is something to take pride in, that they were never broken.
we do need more visibility and it would be great if everyone knew about asexuality and aromantisism, but when I do these things I hope that someone will see themself in me and have the confidence to be their authentic self unapologetically.
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"Asexuality is a sexuality and as a whole is not inherently rooted in mental health problems or hormone problems and thus should not be pathologized."
"Some people who use the label asexual are asexual due to trauma, mental health conditions, or medications/hormonal problems and they should always be welcome within the asexual community."
Are two concepts that can and should coexist.
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As much as I love that JK Rowling is being shredded for her transphobia, I'm begging y'all as a trans man to acknowledge that the fucking Hogwarts Legacy game is fucking antisemitism personified.
Jewish people are very often erased from this shit already, ACKNOWLEDGE that the entire game's premise is about it. Jesus fuck.
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for the girlies that don't know wtf is goin on
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Normalize being madly in love (platonically) with your best friends (like me)
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people act like it’s a flaw that qprs are difficult to define and confusing to allos as if that’s not half the fun! y’know those memes that are like “are you a boy or a girl?” followed by “no” / “yes”??? qprs are that energy but for relationships and for some reason we’ve still got folks trying to pretend that’s not nifty as fuck
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fuck it *queerplatonics your ship*
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Folks, friends, y’all…. esk*mo is a slur. I understand a lot of people don’t know that, I don’t want to be a dick about it, but I’ve been seeing it in fics. Wanna write “esk*mo kisses”? Just say “nuzzled noses” or something.
I’m not here to call anybody out, it’s been in multiple fics, I’m not vague posting. This is just a psa. 👍🏻
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My fatal flaw is I won't hesitate to reblog Spock. I fucking love Spock. I love Star Trek. I would rather die than let 'cringe' interests hold me back. I will always reblog. Leonard Nimoy my beloved.
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hate how “platonic” is a term that people laugh at
like it’s typically used in a setting to contrast romance vs what’s “lesser” or “just” something else
like if i say i love someone very much platonically, most would take it as a denial of romantic attraction as opposed to. yknow. me just expressing the way i love somebody that has Zero association with romance.
idk man, i don’t need people to laugh at me when i say i love how i connect with someone platonically because apparently we only say that when we’re secretly romantically attracted to them and just totally denying it.
i want to say “aww this is so platonic, i love it!” the same way people say “aww this is so romantic, i love it!” but y’all know i’ll be laughed at lmao
can they just. actually recognize platonic love and platonic attraction please. it’s not a step down or a step up from anything and it is certainly not solely an absence of romantic (or sexual) feelings.
platonic is beautiful. platonic is lovely. and i will celebrate it however i please.
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I’m honestly fucking appalled that the greater LGBT community is dead silent on the fact that the Indian Child Welfare Act is going under review which means that white people are finalizing their steps at complete genocide against us (Native peoples). They will sterilize all Natives and steal our babies to be raised by you demons (white people). I’m sure the gays are silent though because how many white gays adopt children not of their own race. Fucking baby stealers.
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baymax says
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Friendly reminder that this blog is pro-choice and if you don’t think everyone should have full control of their own body, then kindly unfollow me right now and go to hell
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