terriblefool-a · 4 years
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terriblefool-a · 4 years
     ‘ oh, you are a peach. ’ from anyone else, the sentiment might come laced as thinly as arsenic on ice. a bitter undercurrent that comes too late, a cutting line that hides behind the back of a delicate hand. tracy, all too aware, is quick to offer up an extra swathe of hurried sincerity. ‘ truly. ’ she leans away from proper etiquette and twists the stem of an empty champagne glass between anxious fingers. empty conversation is all well and easy -- it’s when they begin to border on sincere (lengthy!) that she begins to lose her footing. 
     ‘ i do wish we’d crossed paths sooner. ’ 
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terriblefool-a · 4 years
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Grace Kelly as Lisa Carol Fremont in Rear Window (1954)
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terriblefool-a · 4 years
     ‘ gosh, what a clever set-up you have there. ’ 
     oblivious to the truth in his appearance, the look on tracy’s face is pure, (and only slightly) scandalized curiosity. truly, she only wonders if he’s a movie star. for there’s no other explanation for a pallor quite that dismal, much less the mess that’s been made of his stomach, is there? must be. and then -- she remembers the question she’s allowed to go on unanswered. she fans a hand, a physical counterpart for the apology she offers. 
     ‘ so very sorry -- you were saying something? ’ 
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terriblefool-a · 4 years
     leave it to tracy to flounder in the face of someone naturally inclined to dislike her. ( maybe it’s because he’s a child. she’s always had good fortune with them. then -- most children don’t have the thousand yard stare of a soldier from war. ) she supposes she’s lucky to have had marion and bennie give it the old college try to soften the misconceptions. she folds her hands in front of her waist as if she’s not sure where else to set them.
     delicately, ‘ marion told me you have a fondness for the arts. ’ 
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terriblefool-a · 4 years
singin’ in the rain (1952) sentence starters.
it’s no wonder they’re a household name.
we’re just good friends!
we were kids together. we grew up together. we worked together!
dignity. always dignity.
[irritably plays a ragtime piano melody]
[i’m] fit as a fiddle and ready for love!
oh, that’s swell. just swell.
that’s a moot point.
well, that’s funny. i’m busy.
hot-diggity, kids!
can’t a girl get a word in edgewise?
no one’s got that much money.
why don’t you go out now and recite the gettysburg address?
you shouldn’t believe all that banana oil.
there is nothing between us.
there has never been anything between us– just air.
haven’t you heard? she’s irresistible. she told me herself.
i got no glory. i got no fame. i got no big mansions. i got no money. but i got – well, what have i got?
do something, call me a cab!
okay, you’re a cab.
don’t worry, i’m not a criminal!
you’re a famous gangster!
well, thanks for saving my life.
i’d very much like to know whose hospitality i’m enjoying.
we movie stars get the glory, i guess we have to take the little heartaches that go with it.
they just make a lot of dumb show.
you’ll have to wear a beard for that one.
you’re nothing but a shadow on film.
farewell, ethel barrymore!
how did you come, by way of australia?
you gotta show a movie at a party; it’s a hollywood law!
they’ll lose their shirts.
well, if it isn’t ethel barrymore.
all i do is dream of you.
you’re every thought, you’re everything, you’re every song i ever sing.
___, you never looked lovelier!
well, it’s a living.
she’s the first dame who hasn’t fallen for your lines since you were four.
come on now, snap out of it.
the show must go on!
i’m sure we should be as happy as – but are we? no. definitely no. positively no. decidedly no.
make ‘em laugh!
they’ll be standin’ in lines for those old, honky-tonk monkeyshines.
you could study shakespeare and be quite elite.
you could charm the critics and have nothing to eat.
slip on a banana peel, the world’s at your feet!
don’t you know the world wants to laugh?
go out and tell ‘em a joke, but give it plenty of hoke.
[cackles brightly, lengthily, and breathlessly]
why, you rattlesnake, you.
i never heard of anything so low.
i don’t like her half as much as i hate you, you reptile.
i’d rather kiss a tarantula.
i don’t – hey, ___, bring me a tarantula.
at last i can stop suffering and write that symphony!
what can i do but give my heart to you?
gee, i’m glad you turned up. we’ve been looking inside every cake in town!
i’m such a ham.
you sure look lovely in the moonlight.
i’ve laid awake the whole night through.
you were meant for me, and i was meant for you.
nature patterned you, and when she was done, you were all the sweet things rolled up in one.
you’re like a plaintive melody that never lets me free.
the angels must have sent you, and they meant you just for me.
sinful caeser sipped his snifter, seized his knees and sneezed.
moses supposes his toeses are roses, but moses supposes erroneously.
but moses, he knowses, his toeses aren’t roses, as moses supposes his toeses to be.
a rose is a rose, a nose is a nose, a toese is a toese.
gee, this is dumb.
well, i can’t make love to a bush!
i love you, i love you, i love you.
this is a scream.
i’m no actor, i never was. just a lot of dumb show.
well, at least you’re taking it laying down.
or worse still, [you could] go back into vaudeville!
of course. it’s a cinch!
hot dog!
fellas, i feel this is my lucky day.
it’s 1:30 already. it’s morning!
we’ve talked the whole night through.
good mornin’!
it’s great to stay up late.
when the band began to play, the stars were shining bright.
now the milkman’s on his way, it’s too late to say goodnight.
so, good mornin’!
sunbeams will soon shine through.
we’ve gabbed the whole night through!
nothin’ could be grander than to be in louisiana.
might be just as zippy if we was in mississippi!
the pain is gone, the show goes on, and i don’t wanna say goodnight.
she can’t act, she can’t sing, and she can’t dance. a triple threat.
wait a minute. i am just about to be brilliant!
watch my mouth.
enchanting. what are you doing tomorrow?
where i stand, the sun is shining all over the place.
i’m singin’ in the rain; just singin’ in the rain.
what a glorious feeling, i’m happy again.
i’m laughin’ at clouds, so dark above.
the sun’s in my heart, and i’m ready for love.
let the stormy clouds chase everyone from this place.
come on with the rain, i’ve a smile on my face.
i’ll walk down the lane with a happy refrain.
remind me to give you a raise!
hey, ___. give me a raise.
would you dare to say: let’s do the same as they?
i would. would you?
first, we set the stage with a song.
don’t bring a frown to old broadway.
your troubles there, they’re out of style.
gotta dance!
broadway rhythm’s got me.
when i hear that happy beat, i feel like dancin’ down the street.
our love will last until the stars turn cold.
try and understand this: i’m going to marry her.
i once gave you a cigar. can i have it back?
tonight, i’m gonna do my own talking.
you’ve gotta do it, ___. this thing is too big.
you are my lucky star.
i was starstruck!
you are my lucky charms.
i’m lucky in your arms.
you’ve opened heaven’s portal here on earth for this poor mortal. 
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terriblefool-a · 4 years
me: tracy is nauseatingly nice— me, remembering that she offered to have jeremy ““taken care of”” after he and marion divorced: wait.
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terriblefool-a · 4 years
     ‘ oh, no -- i must confess, ’ tracy begins, looking dreadfully guilty. she smooths down the front of her slacks, brushing away nonexistent wrinkles in the pristine fabric, before clasping her hands together in front of her chest. ‘ i’m not actually here for myself. see, i’m trying to find something for my younger sister. ’ ( and what an adventure that is -- to find something exciting enough for dinah, but appropriate and subdued enough for their mother to approve. ) 
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terriblefool-a · 4 years
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terriblefool-a · 4 years
     ‘ golly moses, they really did a number on you, didn’t they? ’ tracy drifts in close, raising her hand and allowing the back of it hover a hair’s breadth from his cheek. ‘ you know, i’m going to have to speak with your partner, marion, sweetheart. ’ the red bow of her mouth droops as she continues her scrutiny. ‘ i thought you were pulling my leg. ’ 
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terriblefool-a · 4 years
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I suppose the best mainstay a man can have as he gets along in years is a daughter. The right kind of daughter, one who’s full of warmth and affection - a kind of foolish, unquestioning, uncritical affection.
Grace Kelly as Tracy Samantha Lord in High Society (1956)
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terriblefool-a · 4 years
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High Society (1956) dir. Charles Walters
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