terrakine-a2 · 2 years
// ooc: please ignore all posts under this one, thank you!
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terrakine-a2 · 2 years
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she holds up a paper bag with limping flowers inside from a client that her boss insisted she acquire. something about putting it in their humble little compost in the back. thinking the other had been staring, tara sheepishly pointed at the flowers inside and sighed,  “my boss said this is what happens when you play rock music near plants. i don’t have the scientific data for that one so, uh, i can’t confirm it.”  --  (  @wrmchne​  )
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terrakine-a2 · 2 years
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“okay, so this might seem like a mistake. or not. but you know, this is why i ask but ..”  tara holds up an extravagant bouquet to the other filled with daisies, lavender, and baby’s breath and peeked from behind it with a sheepish smile.  “did you order this or something like this? i can’t read the receipt and your name sounds close enough?”  --  (  @likeshadcw​  )
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terrakine-a2 · 2 years
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“ if it were not for the laws of this city , i would have thrown a dozen bouquets at rude patrons already .  i don’t know how my boss does it . how much patience can one old woman have in her bones ? “   -- (  @hcneybadger​  )
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terrakine-a2 · 2 years
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tara held up a tiny flyer and called out to the other, attempting to gently wrangle a customer today since it had been going rather slow and her boss would rather at least service one person before they closed up for the day.  “ yeah, hi. would you be interested in a ..um .. “  she looked back at the flyer that mrs. michaels had made and read off of it.  “ fifty-fifty-totally-not-shady-roses-and-daisies bouquet sale? it ends today, if that sweetens the deal? “    -- (  @orphns​  )
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terrakine-a2 · 2 years
She was talking to him - that felt nice. Felt like they could just ease back into their
 Friendship? Whatever it was that they had before. Labels didn’t really matter, Gar was only focusing on the swelling feeling in his chest as she brought up the flower shop. That seemed like a nice little spot for her, “Hopefully it’s less stressful than
 Yknow, anything else we’ve been through,” He gestured loosely, referring to both the current situation in New York and any of their superhero work in the past. Was it appropriate to bring up any of that right now? He should probably wait until she does, “I pick up shifts at a deli, but I’m thinking about leaving. I can’t work around all the meat,” A shudder runs through his shoulders at the thought, “Things aren’t all bad though, working with Sword is pretty tight and the city keeps me bustling.”
And you’re back, he doesn’t add. He was still feeling that dark depressive state in the corner of his mind at times, but things didn’t feel so hopeless when he was with teammates. Well
 Former teammates. Maybe something else, “You look really happy.”
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she hums, “relatively. i spend a lot of my time there alone, tending to the plants. the customers are the most exhausting part. even if i’m not trying to chase them down.” truly, today was the most eventful day she’s had in forever; even if she didn’t count the latest encounter with gar. not that she’d minded. tara had longed for that peace for the longest time. but even peaceful days can get boring. now, even if she’s combating nerves, at least this was something she can remember quite fondly. tara nods, remembering gar’s diet choices and a visual of how he must have been cringing at every task though at the mention of sword, she blinks. “sword .. that’s the, um ..like an agency, right?” for heroes, she surmises. so, for people that aren’t her. 
she glances at him, words caught in her throat again. a simple statement, and yet tara’s mind runs through every single possible response. each of them, she’s predicting different possible results. in those four words, it summarizes their entire ordeal. the clear cutting line between the life before and after. her misery and anger in the past was no secret, after all. “i am. i’m ..satisfied.” the door to the flower shop was in view, though not at close reach as she would’ve liked as she releases a question that she never thought she could ask. but somehow, it felt less awkward. “are you?”
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terrakine-a2 · 2 years
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“ a whole lot of confidence can do that to you. “  she’d know, she’s seen it time and time again. a lot of villains are like that, in tara’s eyes.  “ hey, that’s good that you can’t relate. it means you won’t be as susceptible as to messing it up. “  she encouraged.
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          @reshieldedstart​​    //    “  DO  YOU  EVER  JUST  wonder  how  people  can  confidently  say  things  with  their  whole  chest  and  be  wrong  ?  it  could  not  be  me  .  ”
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terrakine-a2 · 2 years
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tara looks up and puts both hands up, though one of them works to remove the earbud from her right ear.  “ not intentional. i just wanted to be away from the main road. “  and pretty much enjoy a walk home all by herself; though the plan didn’t pan out as well as she thought since she didn’t consider other people also using these same blocks for all kinds of reasons. 
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where: random block in new york
america chavez is a lot of things. headstrong. a survivor. kind of a bitch but if you call her that she’ll snap your wrist. caring, above all. what she isn’t, is stupid.
“don’t think i don’t know when i’m being followed.” she says loudly, not turning around.
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terrakine-a2 · 2 years
 “ starbucks. one of ‘em. great staff, if you ask me. “  though some would turn their nose up at a starbucks . corporate and blah - blah - blah , tara wasn’t interested . dark backstory aside , she was just a young woman who liked her refreshers .  “ unless .. you’re looking for something that’s not starbucks ? “
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@reshieldedstart​​​        /         ❝ any   chance   you   know   where   to   get   a   good   coffee   around   here   ?       ❞      barbara   questions   ,      if   she’s   going   to   be   continuing   with   her   .   .   .   extracurricular   activities   ,      she’ll   need   to   know   where   to   boost   herself   up   .      ❝     i’m   still   getting   used   to   all   the   .   .   .   newness   .      figured   coffee   would   be   a   good   place   to   start   .      ❞
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terrakine-a2 · 2 years
❝ that’s not the most reassuring thing to hear about but i’m glad you’re okay in this situation. ❞ she nods. what can she say ? she’s got a soft spot for kids in general. no matter who or what they are. so when someone says they’ve experienced worse, that SIDE of her wants to jump out. but the other is a stranger to emma and vice versa. she cannot do much more than smiles for now. ❝ oh 
 well is it something you want to talk about ? ❞
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tara blinks & hopes that her waving it off & laughing about it would mask the slight irritation at the fact that she still failed at delivering an item to a customer. even if it wasn’t so much of a big deal overall.  “ well, just .. “ she looks at the ruined merchandise -- though some flowers made it relatively unharmed -- and shrugs.  “ just one of those days, i guess? people forget things at stores & you try to do something to help, but .. “  tara shook her head and heaved a sigh.  “ honestly, that one’s not on us. it’s on the guy that forgot a the bouquet, so .. “
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terrakine-a2 · 2 years
Gar’s smile probably could’ve faded the second he saw the hesitation on the brunette’s face. Of course it was too soon. Even years apart, it still felt too soon, too delicate to just hop back into normalcy like nothing had ever happened. But was it wrong for Gar to want that? Hearing Tara’s slow refusal, Gar tried not to let any of his own hesitation show in return. Things needed time, and he’d just have to take that small step she was giving him  - allowing them both to take that step.
“Don’t mind at all,” His smile softened at that, taking the weight of the bag out of chivalry, “I hope you’ve been enjoying New York. The concrete jungle. Where dreams are made of,” He made a loose, showy gesture with his hands, trying to crack a laugh from the girl. It definitely didn’t feels like a dream most of the time, instead kind of felt like a weird purgatory of never feeling safe or known in your own city, “You’re
 working at a flower place?” That was kind a cute to imagine, and not all that unexpected. No more unexpected than Gar picking up shifts at a restaurant. Perhaps it just piqued his curiosity because, after so long apart, anything about Tara seemed fascinating. He’d missed so much.
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there was a part of tara that wants to keep some distance ; like the heavy feeling would disappear if her and garfield just maintained a specific amount of distance. like magnetic fields .. physics, gravity, & whatever other rules the universe had for solid & animated forces of the world around them. man against nature; the concept of primal instincts and civility. more of a foil, working with each other instead of cancelling each other out. and just like the many, many times they’d thought about backing out & running, the civility & humanity reminds tara that doing just that didn’t do much for actual healing.
the loss of weight was evident as she stretched her arms out for a quick second & she nods , a smile finding its way to her face. it didn’t really matter if a thousand or more divided them. gar’s humor tickled at her and tara shook her head slightly.  “considering what just happened, i’m inclined to agree.” and as she fell into step, there was ease. like everything that happened between them didn’t exist. because if tara embraced ignorance, it would be easy. how they could joke & banter. like friends. like people that were connected in many ways. a tinge of regret, familiar and irritating, found its way to tara and she cleared her throat. “yeah. it’s .. it’s cool. the woman who owns it is really nice.” nice enough to take tara in, that’s for sure. she glanced at him, “um .. you? how about you?”
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terrakine-a2 · 2 years
how tara had found herself in a high class bar , one that even she’d find trouble finding employment in , was a surprise to the woman . and yet , her lovely landlady  (  and defacto grandmother - slash - mentor - slash - personal hero  )  had people who knew people who wouldn’t mind treating a stranger like her to somewhere classy . 
though , classy was far from what the altercation was , and tara felt herself grip her mug just a tad tighter as they caught glimpse of the one that had calmed it all down ; the needle that had popped the balloon , though with a non - eventful puff rather than a loud bang .  “ wow . men , am i right ? “ she’d responded , though she inwardly cringed and took a sip of her drink .  “ forget i said that . it sounded clunky . “ 
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Amora wasn’t one to involve herself in human affairs. She found them to be annoying to put it nicely. However, she had certainly adjusted to being here. She knew what was class and what was trash so to speak.
Stepping into the higher class bar, she was going to at least enjoy herself. “A Manhattan please.” She said as she stood at the bar. As she watched her drink be made, she glanced over at an altercation that seemed to be happening between one of the waitresses and a customer. She watched for a moment before looking away, instead choosing to focus on her drink being made. They were humans. Glancing again, Amora’s head tilted before she slowly approached, her physical allure alone stunning the man. 
Before he could even utter a word, Amora’s eyes locked with his as she pushed the glass left behind by a previous person. “You don’t want a margarita. You want a flat, half-empty beer.” She told him, looking him in the eyes as he happily obliged with the command as she handed him the leftover drink as he got up to leave. Though some people raised a brow at why he would listen to her so easily, Amora stayed quiet, leaning on the bar confidently. “How quickly bravado fades.” Amora scoffed, sipping her drink.
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terrakine-a2 · 2 years
❝ thank you. me more often than usual it seems. ❞ and how she’s not above apologising, emma is not above saying thank you at moments of people genuinely being nice to her. and emma was in the wrong. she was the one who should have been careful where she was looking. ❝ i’m fine. thank you for asking ? are you okay ? any damages ? ❞
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“ ‘m fine , i’ve experienced worse , honestly . “ and really , she’ll cringe at any other resulting vibrations on the ground but the situation was starting take a turn for the better ; no reason for any sort of anxiety . the woman seemed to be a lot nicer than expected from a bump - in . really , tara couldn’t have asked for a better outcome . “ all this really isn’t , but .. the person that had initially bought this already left . i suppose it’s not on me if it didn’t survive this whole ordeal of me trying to chase them down . “
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terrakine-a2 · 2 years
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terrakine-a2 · 2 years
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       they  shake  their  head  and  point  to  a  stall  ,   an  array  of  green  bottles  filled  with  soju  as  they  gaze  longingly  at  it  .   “  bought  it  from  there  ,   but  they  only  allowed  one  person  per  bottle  . ”
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“ interesting .. “ and a strange stray thought entered her mind , less about imbibing but nonetheless related .  “ i bet if you wear a wig then come back , they won’t notice . “ 
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terrakine-a2 · 2 years
rogue nodded and smiled. “great! I’m rogue by the way.” she said as she got down to the tire. pretending it was an effort when she knew she just had to make a small push and it will get out in a second, but with people around her she needs to keep her powers low.
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“ tara . it’s cool to meet you , although not the best of situations . “ she attempted to joke before stepping aside to let the other do what they needed to .  “ hopefully this doesn’t happen so often ? has the car always needed some fixing ? “
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terrakine-a2 · 2 years
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“sure. ample opportunities out there in the galaxy, you would not believe it. and not to toot my own horn, but i am pretty darn good.” 
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“ i’ve .. never been . “ was one way to put it , but tara had been curious about this world and now to know that there was more planets than this one .. she’d ask as much as she could stand . “ oh , i’m sure . i don’t .. i don’t sing . but what would you say is the best planet for a singing career ? “
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