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Is that seriously you?
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shifttok is so obsessed with rationalizing shifting. literally everything they say is trying to justify why they didnt shift.
"i didnt shift last night because i just said affirmations and went to sleep" BITCH. people do that ALL THE TIME and they DO shift
"i didnt shift because i put my dr on a pedestal" people put their dream colleges on a pedestal. THEY STILL GO TO THOSE COLLEGES make it make sense
"i didnt shift because blah blah blah" bro.. you didnt shift because you're imposing these rules upon yourself that didnt exist in the first place.
think about it. you're jogging on a clear path at a nice pace, you know that you're gonna get to your destination soon. SUDDENLY you start putting down hurdles you have to jump over and holes that you have to avoid. does that make sense to you?
you can shift. everybody can shift. i spent literally 4 years trying to figure out how to shift when i already knew. fucking take a breather and just do what feels right.
the first time i shifted i turned on a sub and went to sleep. no affirmations, no method.
"i dont like doing affirmations, i get distracted." then dont! no one said u needed to
"i have trouble focusing on my method and i keep wandering off" then do that! just let go
you will shift because thats just what happens. this isnt some superpower. instead of searching for the key, realize that you are the key.
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requested by kunaigirl
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How is this weather?
How you
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