tehmhachi · 1 hour
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tehmhachi · 1 hour
If your boyfriend cooks with teflon pans and plastic spatulas, you single to me. What's he gonna do? Put chemicals in the water to make the frogs gay?
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tehmhachi · 1 hour
What do you do in situations where you’re in the wrong and repentance isn’t enough
I kill my self to make everyone feel guilty
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tehmhachi · 1 hour
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Austin, You have to stop. your mojo is too different . they are going to kill you
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tehmhachi · 2 hours
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tehmhachi · 2 hours
I'm once again here to tell you that eugenics is the study of how to arrange reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable. It is not women getting abortions because their child will be permanently disabled and or in chronic physical pain if they are born. It is not women deciding they cannot care for a down syndrome child who will need permanent care. It is not individual women making choices that effect their lives and bodies and families.
Women are not vessels for people to be birthed and cared for, women are people who deserve to DECIDE how to spend their short lives
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tehmhachi · 2 hours
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I have a short fuse when it comes to things like this. They’ll be too loud or something and I’d snap and tell them to stop…
Neurodivergent Girl
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tehmhachi · 2 hours
I don’t care how common it is, it is not NORMAL for every single man to have started watching porn as a teenager and continue to do so for the rest of his life. it is not normal for children to consume porn or have easy access to it. it is not normal for grown men to prefer a screen over real human interactions. it’s not normal to have erectile dysfunction at 25. it’s not normal to have women displayed to you like a product at the click of a button. none of that shit is normal.
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tehmhachi · 3 hours
“unlike Other Men, we [marginalized] men are actually structurally incapable of misogyny” is a disturbingly common belief that goes unchallenged on here
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tehmhachi · 3 hours
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tehmhachi · 3 hours
the amount of letters in your full name is now your forever age. what is it?
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tehmhachi · 3 hours
I think everyone who is anti-war should stop having children. If political leaders are just going to send the people that women birth and raise to go kill and terrorize other each other, we need to stop making new people. Like in South Korea where there are entire schools with no first graders, imagine if there was a dire lack of men in their teens and twenties to draft into war. Imagine. Countries would no longer be able to view their citizens as expendable, regenerative resources.
Same goes for anti-capitalists and environmentalists. Cut off the supply of laborers and consumers.
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tehmhachi · 3 hours
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tehmhachi · 8 hours
10, 13, and 17 for the Warrior Cats ask game!
(Also, unrelated, but what happened to the AMV scene in 2014?)
10. Describe your first Warriors OC
My first OC was a reincarnation of Scourge who's arc was reversed or something, where he starts as a clan cat but leaves the clans. I think I have art of him somewhere but I'd have to go looking.
13. Rank the clans
Bloodclan > Windclan/Shadowclan > Thunderclan/Riverclan. Skyclan exists outside of a possible ranking because it depends on the arc really.
17. What would your warrior name be and what clan would you belong to?
That's a toughie. Mmm, I'd probably be Turtleflower or Turtlemeadow and either belong to Riverclan or Shadowclan. The family drama would be so big it would encompass a subplot at least spanning 2 books and an SE. I imagine I would get slammed into the medicine den as well for having Brain Prambles. (Otherwise, I think the official Warriors name generator gave me the name Bramblefire, if that means anything)
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tehmhachi · 9 hours
like tbh why is tumblr cool w/ the fetishization of gay men & lesbians as long as the person fetishizing them is trans 
like ppl will make 50k note posts about how gay men are being fetishized by 14 yo straight girls on this hellsite but the second that girl uses he/him pronouns shes a fucking “achilliean mlm”
like i know why ppl dont care but the supreme cognitive dissonance it must take to be like “ugh so tired of straight girls on this website fetishizing mlm. this post is inclusive of trans men!” is unimaginable to me
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tehmhachi · 10 hours
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tehmhachi · 10 hours
#notallmen but somehow its always men who commit gang rape, often filming the torture, sometimes even murdering the victim; even if the victim is a fucking lizard they killed and ate after the act. most men dont do stuff like this but somehow its men when an orang utan gets prostituted or when videos of unspeakable animal abuse get exchanged in secret furry chats (look up kero the wolf on your own discretion). most men are horrified by these acts - allegedly - but cant explain why its almost exclusively men committing these truly unspeakable acts. #notallmen but the nth room case in south korea was organised and the videos consumed by men.
when men and women are equally capable of evil acts - which anti feminists dont tire to remind us of - then how come that for every heinous act a woman commits, men have done it more often and more violent? and that there are violent acts women tend to not commit at all, specifically gang rape, necrophilia and zoosadism? does this not tell you something about the inherently different predisposition that is being male, having a penis to rape with? not all men do, but all men could, and all men see other men doing it. think about that
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