teaganironwing-blog · 9 years
Teagan frowned at the girl in front of her. She-- Faye seemed.. different. “You really need to stop apologizing. It’s.. fine.” She muttered, still not letting her sights off from her. She nodded as she helped her to get up and bends down once again to grab her books. “I merely need some time on my own and decided to go to the town. What about you? Are-- how are you doing?”
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Faye grimaced as the girl yelled at her, quickly looking up with wide eyes at her and shook her head. “Sorry, sorry.” she said immediately. “I didn’t mean to, I didn’t see –” she kept going but stopped at the sight of the girl’s hand, slowly taking it. “Okay.” She swallowed and pulled herself up, brushing off her jeans and looking back at Teagan. “What are you um, up to out here?”
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teaganironwing-blog · 9 years
“Yeah, me too.” She muttered, her eyes fixed on the magazine. She used to be excited when it comes with the balls. But something seems off lately that she barely gets into these kind of things. “Still debating on it. I don’t have anyone that will accompany me.”
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“I’m not really sure yet..”
Faith glanced up towards the raptures as she thought about it. She could always stay in her room or go to the library or something like that, but she could also head home for the weekend in hopes of helping her parents and catching up.
“.. Will you be attending..?”
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teaganironwing-blog · 9 years
Thank Circe, she had tied her hair. The town was rather windy. Actually, it’s quite nice if the wind wasn’t trying to ruin her hair. Teagan was about to go to one corner when she realized that she had bumped into something-- or someone? “Damn,” the redhead yelled, her books scattered to the ground. Her eyes found the girl, laying down the floor. “Make sure you will be more careful next time. Come, let me help you this once.” Teagan bends down, offered her hand to the younger one.
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Faye rubbed at one of her arms as she walked out of the castle, taking a deep breath of fresh air and trying to stay relaxed. She was finally able to walk into town, and the therapist she’d been talking to suggested she go into town with a friend, but she couldn’t think of anyone so she’d just headed out alone. She glanced back towards the castle as she reached the gates, and accidentally ran right into someone. She let out a small gasp and looked up at who it was and shook her head, “Oh, um sorry. I didn’t see you - sorry.” she said quickly, now used to spouting apologies after everything she did.
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teaganironwing-blog · 9 years
Teagan flipped through the Witch Weekly on her hands as she heard someone mutter from behind. “Tell me that you’re not intending to stay here.”
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Going to the ball sounded like a great deal of fun, but.. what in the world would she wear? How would she do her hair? Makeup? .. And who would she even go with? She certainly wouldn’t be able to ask anyone.
“.. Maybe I’ll just stay home that day.”
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teaganironwing-blog · 9 years
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teaganironwing-blog · 9 years
Teagan let her back rest on the wall as she slides down, sit on the floor. It just crossed her mind that he kept doing the same thing all over again whenever she’s near. He’s rambling. Her lips curved into a smile. One thing that makes her wonder. Why she can’t bring herself to be blunt or rude in front of him? It’s kind of unusual for her to feel flattered by this type of act, but Oliver is always an exception. Her face grew sullen by the mention of their late Headmaster. Although she had never known him personally, Fitz had helped her a lot. He’s the one that offered her a scholarship, knowing that she’s on her own since she left her home-- her family behind. “Are you? Although, I doubt that you’ll hex random people who passing by,” she offered him a shrug and a slight smile. Judging by the look on his eyes, he must be having an eventful night of his own. No doubt this Brotherhood thing managed to keep everyone on edge, including him. “I.. I’ve been doing really well for the past few days. Although, Finn Porter kept fed me up with Chocolate Frogs. He keeps mentioning things about it could help with the Dementor attack,” her voice grew silent, flashes of images appears on her head. That thought was clearly too terrifying to bear.  Her eyes remain shut for a few seconds as she took a rather deep breath. “Do you mind if I ask about what happen to you that night?” she muttered, her eyes caught him take a seat next to her. It had taken her by surprise that she wasn’t even mind about the idea of him being this close. “I was.. I just.. I meant to read this book,” she smiled, waved the book in her hand, “But the weather seems nice, don’t you think?”
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Sunday Afternoon || Oliver & Teagan
Glad that Teagan seemed to be able to relax and be less tense now that she saw that it was only him who had intruded upon her, he exhaled, relaxing himself. Oliver swallowed lightly. He wasn’t always the most talkative of guys, but around Teagan he always became a little more nervous, fidgety. Sometimes it showed by his awkward movements, other times it appeared by his word vomit; often spilling from his mouth, not always making sense, filled with rambles. Such was the case today. “No, no. No worries. It’s fine, really. I think everyone is on edge right now with the weird attack on the school, and the Brotherhood, not to mention Fitz… It’s fine- I’m fine.” He reassured her gently, but rambling. “I probably would have done the same honestly.” His mind wandered back to the erklings and mental shudder ran across his brain. After his and Roman’s brush with them, he would be absolutely fine never seeing one of those terrifying and ugly creatures again. He blinked as if to shut the thought from his mind, turning his attention to the girl before him, a shy smile forming back on his lips. He took in a long draw of air before speaking. “I could be worse.” His head bobbed, nodding. “What about you? How are you holding up?” Looking around, his green eyes swept the place,  his brows furrowed, as he moved to sit down. “What brings you out here?”
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teaganironwing-blog · 9 years
These Aurors.. I thought they were here to help. Just make sure to stay away from them. Why? Because it happens more than once, darling. That’s not merely a coincidence, don’t you think?
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These aurors are getting in all our stuff and in the way and making things just harder to function. I don’t see any point in any of this. Why would the brotherhood attack the same place?
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teaganironwing-blog · 9 years
Well, I think we will never know about what will happen next. But for your own good, I suggest to stay away from her if you consider yourself a trouble. I heard she got a great resume in that field. Yeah, I have to agree with you. Things were a lot better when he’s here.
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I don’t think she can hex us, can she? That sounds like it would be unethical. Fitz was awesome… I really miss him to. It was so much better when he was around…
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teaganironwing-blog · 9 years
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new outtakes | Deborah Ann Woll poses for a portrait at San Diego Comic Con for TV Guide Magazine (July 24, 2014)
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teaganironwing-blog · 9 years
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Deborah Ann Woll - Comic Con Portraits 2014, TV Guide Magazine
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teaganironwing-blog · 9 years
Teagan had known that she’s not herself since her first encounter with those Dementors. They had changed her. She had never been jumpy since she was a little. She has barely seen going anywhere without any of her friends around. Yet now she’s here with her wand raised, almost hex someone and she’s on her own. Honestly, she’s still trying to figure things out. She must have found the answer of her problem; of what had happened to her after that very night. “Oliver.” She nodded, her hands were shaking and turning blue since she had clutched her wand tightly. As her eyes met a pair of familiar green eyes belongs to the Roosa student and strangely, her heart flutters with.. happiness and relieve. How come she found herself a safe haven in this man? The man that she never had a chance to know, nor to talk to. The redhead blinked slightly, looking at somewhere else but him.
“Uh.. Oliver-- I think it’s me. It’s my fault,” she assured him, licking her lips as she continue, “Maybe it’s just me. I have no idea that someone’s around and I owe you an apology,” she shrugged, offered him a slight smile. “I.. I’m fine. How about you?”
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Sunday Afternoon || Oliver & Teagan
With all the excitement and bustle of the Brotherhood attacking the school. the weekend had been quite hectic. With the added additional stress of studying for finals, it’d all equaled up for hardly any sleep for the Roosa college student. But on top of it all, Coach Rhodes had been suspended for a couple of weeks, leaving Oliver in charge of running the quidditch practices. He had always been good at juggling multiple jobs at once, but he would admit that once things had calmed down he’d be glad.
After quite the intense study session in his dorm, Oliver was in need of a break, a breather. He pushed back from his desk, stretching his legs out, and then each arm one at a time. A yawn forced his mouth open, unable to fully fend off the sleepiness. Deciding to take a walk, he stood from his desk and shuffled out into the hallways. It was a quiet afternoon, not many other students or professors were out and about, undoubtedly keeping to themselves to recoup and grieve after the awful weekend they had all experience. 
Oliver found himself more or less aimlessly wandering the halls. He wasn’t particularly going anywhere specific, his feet just kept moving while his mind jumped from topic to topic. It wasn’t long, however, before he nearly crashed into a fellow student. It was clear Teagan was not expecting him and was still on edge from the recent events. He let out a small gasp before stepping back and righting his balance. “Teagan!” He cleared his throat before continuing, smoothing out his pants. “No, no. Don’t be sorry. I, uh, kind of snuck up on you there, didn’t I? Sorry.” He couldn’t help but return the apology back to her. “Are you okay?” He smiled softly at her, hoping he hadn’t startled her too much.
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teaganironwing-blog · 9 years
Ah. That head of yours seems ticked with plans. Do share it with me, darling. I’ll see what I can do.
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Yeah she doesn’t sound like she’s very much fun to really deal with. Maybe if we revolt we can scare her off.
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teaganironwing-blog · 9 years
“I doubt the class will fill with students since.. almost half of us here got injured by any bad thing that could happen,” Teagan sighed, offered her a shrug. “Thank goodness. I bet they won’t need anyone got ki-- injured. If only I can tell you that you’re luckier than I am,” she shook her head, looking at the girl beside her, “Danica and I, we’re almost trapped in this classroom when the building started to ramble and an army of Dementors were ahead us. You could conclude that yourself from there.”
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“Right, that’s what I’m thinking. They can’t expect us to learn or remember things after this, right?” she said, hoping the slight joke in her voice would take some of the edge off for both of them. Faye nodded, “Yeah, the bathroom in the east wing flooded and was full of them. I just had the luck of being in there.” she said dimly. “But I’m fine.”
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teaganironwing-blog · 9 years
... and get yourself, either suspended or hex? I’d rather keep my mouth shut to keep me out of trouble. Can I say that I miss Miles than ever?
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Yeah I’m not planning on letting her hear all that at least from my mouth. She might hear a thing or two from the student paper though. 
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teaganironwing-blog · 9 years
I heard that she’s great with DADA. You better keep your mouth shut when it comes to her. 
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Oh my god, that lady is so scary sounding. I’m afraid to say anything else about her.
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teaganironwing-blog · 9 years
Better do sounds exaggerated and the new Headmistress looks a bit handful.
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Sounds like we’re going to have a lot of rules to follow now. This place just keeps getting better and better doesn’t it?
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teaganironwing-blog · 9 years
They? The Brotherhood thingy? Honestly, I doubt they exist until tonight. Well, aren’t you the talkative one? Then, tell me. How can I stop these voices inside my head? I know there is someone here who need your help more than I am. I’ll be fine and you really don’t have to worry about me. But, thanks for the chocolate. I really appreciate it.
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They must have let them in…what kind of people let Dementors in to feed on kids’ souls? Even one bite of chocolate will help Dementor effects, it’s a natural cure. It’ll make you feel warm and clear your head. Just take the chocolate frog, Teagan, so I don’t have to worry about you. You’ll feel better. 
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