taylorsstand · 7 years
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STEVEN: You just gave this ship a name. What was it?
VICKI: The TARDIS. T. A. R. D. I. S. It stands for time and relative dimensions in space
STEVEN: I. D. B. I. It means I don’t believe it
This episode is wonderful
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taylorsstand · 8 years
   Steven let himself be led down the path to where he’d parked the car, unable to resist glancing around to see if Ian was still around. Of course he wasn’t; he’d already been embarassed enough for one evening.
   Halfway through the drive to the restuarant, Steven considered offering some advice to Barbara about Ian. He glanced over at her, opening his mouth to speak, but changed his mind at the last minute. It would probably be unwise to mention the ‘Ian incident’, so searched for a safer one.
   “Do all your friends get such starn looks from your mother, or is it because I’m your ‘date’.” He didn’t comment that he dreaded to think what sort of looks Ian would have received, turning up unannouced and without any definite plan. At least he’d been spared that.
all the wrong roads || closed rp
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taylorsstand · 8 years
   Quite honestly, there weren’t words to summarise or explain the irresponsibility and impulsivity that the Doctor displayed sometimes, and Steven wasn’t going to even try. Kidnapping people, specifically young girls, had developed into a worrying habit of the older man’s, and Steven was more concerned about how to broach that without without flicking the switch for one of the Doctor’s self-righteous monologues.
   The thought that they might need a replacement for Vicki was one that filled Steven with dread when he remembered what had happened to their other ‘replacement Vicki’s’, Katrina and Sara. He wasn’t prepared to go putting anyone else into those kind of situations, and yet, Victoria was here now, quite possibly with no going back. She seemed sweet, and Steven couldn’t help but prefer her to her friend, Jamie, who seemed to think everything was a competition, but he’d rather she was out of danger.
   In the absence of a better alternative, he’d made a promise to himself that he’d protect her.
  It was a day for ‘essential TARDIS maintenance’, which equated to a day for Steven, and Victoria, to laze about and do whatever took their fancy. He glanced up at her question, and briefly over at the Doctor who was reading an engineering journal (with his eyes closed), before answering.
   “Not really, I’m afraid - by my time Earth has started inviting themselves into interplanetary wars and the like, but that’s a while after your time. 19th Century’s your time isn’t it? You’ve got a few more Earth wars before you start branching out yet, sorry.”
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People can sometimes change a lot over time, Victoria found. Be it because of an experience or an expanse of knowledge, or even just time itself! But with the Doctor it was a different sort of change. It wasn’t just him adjusting an opinion or perhaps getting a new haircut, it was every single little thing changing. His eyes and hair and face and personality–everything! Just a completely different man!
Her Doctor, wasn’t even the “original” face of the man. There was one before him, a rather strict looking elderly man. Her Doctor expressed how it wasn’t a good idea for him and his first, well, look to meet. Of course, he only said this after both TARDIS’ had broken down on the same time and planet. 
For as much as he looking gruff and stern, he really was kind man under it all! At least, he was to her. Jamie, it seems, got more of a cold shoulder treatment. He seemed so very fond of her and so did the young man who traveled with him: Steven.
Jamie and were almost immediately at odds. Comparing who was the better companion. Or at least Jamie was, Steven seemed to find the whole ordeal rather amusing more than anything else. The highlander despaired at the thought of being the shorter man and demanded their younger-looking Doctor tell him who was better.
But, before he could answer. The older looking Doctor had swept her into his TARDIS, talking rather quickly about ‘needing a replacement Vicki’ and that ‘he’d have her back by noon tomorrow.’ And they were off.
It seems Victoria had been kidnapped, yet again, by an alien. Well. At least this one seemed kind.
“Steven?” she asked one rather lazy day, all three  of them sitting around doing nothing important. “The Doctor said you were from the future? What’s it like? Is it peaceful?”
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taylorsstand · 8 years
[ Idk I feel this is more in line with how I see and play Steven ]
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Reading the Gunfighters Target novel and wow Steven has a real attitude problem in this version. Think we prefer our dorky, falls over his own feet ‘Dead Eye Steve’ from the serial. 
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taylorsstand · 8 years
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Team Doctor, Vicki and Steven
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taylorsstand · 8 years
Love the fact that Peter Purves auditioned for a Menoptra but they told him he wasn’t right for it and they’d bear him in mind when they needed a human! 
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taylorsstand · 8 years
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Pretty people. 
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taylorsstand · 8 years
   Was it appropriate to reassure Mrs Wright that his intentions towards Barbara were nothing to be frowned at, or was it best just to stay silent? Barbara responded to her mother, and Steven deemed it best to stay silent - knowing him he’d make the situation even worse. Not that it was bad, of course.
   What was bad, was Ian at the front door.
   Ian opened his mouth to speak, but his eyes widened as he caught sight of Steven behind her, and his expression of determined resolve fell from his face as if it had been tied to a rock.
   “I, um, well, I came to see if you had a date.” He paused, obviously trying to find a way to save face in the situation he’d put himself in, “If you hadn’t, we could have gone for a drink. See you on Monday.” The last few words were mumbled and rushed as, with nothing more than a part smile, Ian turned and hurried down the garden path, out the gate and onto the pavement. Not giving either of them a chance to respond, he was immediately in his car and away.
   Awkwardly, Steven cleared his throat. “Well I’d been hoping he’d finally do something, but he left it a little bit late...”
all the wrong roads || closed rp
  Barbara smiled at the compliment and gently cradled the violets in her arms. “Thank you, and you look very handsome. Every girl’s going to wish they were me,” she teased. Steven certainly did look wonderful, he even shaved off the light beard he had been growing over the holidays. (Though she had to admit, he looked really nice with it.) “And thank you for the flowers. I’m glad you remembered. They look absolutely beautiful.”
  “I expect you home at a reasonable hour!” called Mrs Wright from the kitchen, cause Barbara to sigh and shake her head. 
  “Mother, really, I’m not a teenager anyone. We’ll be back later!” she called back, and rolled her eyes. “Shall we?” She gestured towards the door, when someone rang the bell. “Oh? Mother, is anyone coming over?”
  “It’s your house, how should I know?”
  Another eye-roll, and Barbara opened the front door to find–
  “Oh, Ian! Hello! I wasn’t expecting you.”
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taylorsstand · 8 years
   Steven did his best not to scowl at Frobisher as the bird noticed he had dropped the towel. At least Frobisher seemed to think all humans looked ridiculous naked, but it still wasn’t exactly great for boosting a man’s confidence.
   The woman nodded her head, then shook it, confused. “I’m not sure - it was a long time ago, I think I must have forgotten... Do you remember how you got here?”
   Steven opened his mouth to reply, but stopped with a frown as he realised he wasn’t sure anymore; things had started to get fuzzy. “No, I don’t think I do anymore - perhaps this place makes you forget things...” If it did, he sincerely hoped it only worked on humans, and that Frobisher would be able to get them out.
"I'm naked 'cuz I'm a penguin..." -AllHailTheBigTalkingBird explaining why he's naked
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“True… But that doesn’t explain why everyone else is naked.”
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taylorsstand · 8 years
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taylorsstand · 8 years
   Steven nodded. "The Doctor is our-" their what? "-navigator; a man of great knowledge. I'm not surprised he's interested in the king, or the king in him." Vicki would be too, no doubt. The two of them were always getting into trouble whenever an opportunity presented itself, leaving Steven to do all the hard work.
   "I'm from... very far away, I'm not even sure about the others, but I suppose I'd come from north of here, in a way." He grimaced, realising how cryptic his answer was - he was starting to get as bad as the Doctor. The question was, what should he say about their transportation - what had the Doctor already said? "We came in that blue box, it's our transportation. It's, um, difficult to explain really - you'd call it magic I suppose..."
a worse way to wake up
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taylorsstand · 8 years
   Steven could almost have sworn that, when Mrs Wright’s eyes bored into him, she was reading everything he had done in the past week. Some of those things were definitely not for sharing with elderly ladies, or with anyone else at all. Thankfully, Barbara saved him from having to reply by rushing down the stairs and glaring at her mother until she left.
   Still caught off guard by Mrs Wright, and even more caught off guard by Barbara’s appearance, Steven wordlessly offered Barbara the bunch of violets. She was beautiful, in her red dress with matching lipstick, and her carefully curled hair; she’d clearly put a lot of effort in, and Steven almost felt bad for taking her out when he knew there was another man who’d much rather be here, and that Barbara would much rather he were here. Too bad he hadn’t got up the courage to ask.
   He found his voice, but completely ignored Barbara’s statement in favour of complementing her. “You look beautiful, Barbara. I’m going to be the envy of every man in the restaurant tonight.” Steven hadn’t been sure where to take Barbara tonight, but had decided to take Kit’s advice and take her to a small Italian restaurant ten minutes walk away. Apparently Kit knew the owners from his time in Italy. 
all the wrong roads || closed rp
 Date or not, Barbara was determined to have a lovely night out. Even so, she decided to dress up. Well, not too crazy fancy; but she had curled her hair, much different that her usual bouffant, and her red dress. Which he mother commented on, of course. She had not worn it since the last time she had a date. She was just finishing up putting on her lipstick when the doorbell rang. 
  Unfortunately for Steven, she didn’t get down the stairs fast enough, and Mrs Joan Wright was the one who opened the door. As they both wait for Barbara to come down the stairs, Joan gave him a proper once over. “So you’re the Steven fellow my Barbara’s been talking about.” The elderly woman eyed the love bite poking out from the top of his collar, and raised an eyebrow. “I trust you’re going to treat her well.”
  Barbara then dashed down the stairs, purse in hand. “Steven, I see you’ve met my mother.” She gives Joan  a glare and thankfully her mum could take a hint, and headed towards the kitchen.
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taylorsstand · 8 years
   Steven pulled a face as he considered what Frobisher had just said, then nodded in agreement.  He supposed it made sense in an odd sort of way; it would be very easy to blend in with abilities like Frobisher’s if no-one knew that he had those abilities in the first place.  “I suppose that’s true - living in plain sight makes hiding a lot easier, especially with your abilities.”
   “Truth be told, I’m not sure most people have a lot of luck before they meet the Doctor - that’s probably why we end up with them in the first place. He seems to ride everything through on guess-work and bluffing, and we pick up on that.” He shrugged. “Not sure if that’s a good or bad thing, to be honest.”
“Yah. Well it sure is easier to bluff yer way outta somethin’ if ya ain’t gonna be there ain’t gonna be a chance fer the guy yer talkin’ to to ask ya about it later.” Frobisher agreed.  He rolled his eyes and gestured dramatically. “I mean sure, I could always take another form if there was somebody I wanted to avoid, but that’s somethin’ ya gotta watch for. Everybody says I’d better take a more normal form, somethin’ timelord-shaped, if I wanna get any work done as a private eye, but I’m gonna tell ya a little secret: The benefit to spendin’ most of yer time as a penguin is that people will always be lookin’ for a penguin. Ya need a quick getaway? Be anythin’ else, they won’t be lookin’ for it.”
Frobisher fidgeted slightly, poking at the chair he was sitting on.
“Maybe there’s some truth in the luck theory, but I didn’t exactly have a lotta that before I met the Doc. I’ve heard a people who found a way to work probablity like it were any other set a numbers, an’ I wouldn’t be suprised if the Doc was doin’ that himself. If it only works a thousand times outta one, all ya need to do is be number one thousand, doncha?”
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taylorsstand · 8 years
   Steven was relieved to see that his guide and the stranger - Sir Gwaine - were friends; it always helped to be on the right side of the locals, especially those in the military or other positions of power. The idea that he was meeting a knight - something that did still exist in stories by his time - was odd, and Steven couldn't help but wait for the impending request that he join them in training or something similar. No matter where Steven went, he always ending up drafted into an army, or a fight, or something similar, so why would here be any different.
   The most pressing question now, of course, was how does one greet a knight?
   'If in doubt, fall back on the familiar', Steven thought, so he nodded at the knight and offered his hand to shake. If they didn't do that here he could easily explain the custom. "Pleasure to meet you Sir Gwaine." What sort of language did they use here? "It's an honour to meet you - you're the first knight of Camelot I've met."
“Oh, don’t mind me. Just enjoying the view.” - taylorsstand
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“The view?” Tanith blinked, casting a glance around before settling upon the wall-length window, offering a generously vast view of the city below. Immediately, her face morphed into an enlightened smile. “As well you should! Isn’t it breath-taking?”
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taylorsstand · 8 years
   Steven followed uncertainly behind. He didn't want to drop the towel, but the very fact that he had a towel and was using it to cover himself made him conspicuous. Reluctantly, he dropped it and resisted the urge to cover himself with his hands instead; he had nothing to be ashamed of, but that didn't mean he wanted everyone to see.
   The woman was very slim, skinny even, and her gaze flitted over the both of them before she spoke. There was nothing to suggest she was fazed by the idea of a talking animal (but then, for all they knew, animals may talk here).
   "My first time? No, no, I've been here a long time," she answered, dreamily. She ran her hands through her brown hair, clearly something of a habit, a slight frown on her face as she tried to remember. "I don't remember when since."
"I'm naked 'cuz I'm a penguin..." -AllHailTheBigTalkingBird explaining why he's naked
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“True… But that doesn’t explain why everyone else is naked.”
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taylorsstand · 8 years
   Steven nodded sagely, taking in everything she said. It was odd to find himself in a world of jousts and battles and magic – it was further back than even the Battle of Hastings, which had been in his first trip. What would be expected of him here? He didn’t doubt he’d receive a visit from the group of knights who corralled him into fighting in the first place, and knowing the Doctor, he’d have ingratiated himself with the highest authority available. Which was who? The King?
  “So you treat the knights and other soldiers after battles – I’m sure they’re all very grateful; I know I am.” He smiled. “I don’t suppose you’ve heard anything of my friends and where they might be?”
a worse way to wake up
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taylorsstand · 8 years
On a scale of 1 to complete diff how much of an arse do you think the Doctor is?
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“A pain in the arse, at the best of times.” At least that was easy to answer.
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