tangled-specter · 4 years
“I am the current holder of the Most Flower Crowns Made And Worn At The Same Time record. If anyone tells you otherwise, they are both a liar and jealous of my achievement.”
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tangled-specter · 4 years
"Unbelievable. You've committed crimes against The Tangle and her people. I'm taking your kneecaps."
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tangled-specter · 4 years
"It's all fun and games until you wake up and claw your way out of your own grave. Then the fun is eternal."
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tangled-specter · 4 years
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”The further into The Tangle you venture, the more you fade away.” All of this was done my me. Feel free to reblog this, but do not use it for anything without my permission. Bede belongs to Nintendo, but this Bede is mine. If you steal him, he can and will eat your kneecaps.
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tangled-specter · 4 years
"Can I drink? Listen. The Tangle is eternal and I am a part of it. I am eternal. I can do whatever I want."
-Indignant Indeedee Sounds-
"I do almost anything I want."
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tangled-specter · 4 years
Today on vaguely useful headcanons. Berry Thief Bede’s taste in berries. Likes: Bitter and Sour berries like Durin, Pomeg, Nanab, Belue, Wepear, Aspear, Iapapa, and Persim.
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Dislikes: Sweet and Dry berries like Watmel, Pecha, Magost, Pamtre, Cornn, Chesto, and Razz.
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He also likes a few berries less for their flavor and more for aesthetic or their effects. These ones are Enigma, Colbur, and Kasib berries. Technically Persim berries fall into this category since he mostly eats them in some attempt to clear up that memory fog confusion he’s got going on right now.
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tangled-specter · 4 years
"Why would a ghost need a knife? You absolute novice. Type coverage, of course."
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tangled-specter · 4 years
“If anyone knows how to grow a garden in here and could offer up a pamphlet that’d be great. Elena insists I do something with my time aside from harass people that leave the paths. She may be on to something. Rumors of losing all your berries in the darkness seem to be circulating. I can’t have people stop coming in here and feeding me. I’d have actually forage again.”
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tangled-specter · 4 years
"It's only polite to bring an offering with you when you wander into someone's home, right? I guess I'll take my pick since you were so discourteous."
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tangled-specter · 4 years
personally i think if you stick your fingers into my enclosure i have the right to bite you, and i will, and i will do it hard 
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tangled-specter · 4 years
"A nice hot cup of tea can warm even the coldest of souls. Just make sure it's not alive first."
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tangled-specter · 4 years
"See I could have been a Mimikyu, but hiding myself from the world like that would have been criminal. If people died when they saw me, how would I get the adoration I deserve?"
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tangled-specter · 4 years
It’s Quiet Tonight
   This deep in The Tangle it is always quiet. The only sounds to reach Bede’s ears are the soft trill of the Morelull lighting his way and the distant trickling of an unseen stream. The occasional drip of water down the intricate weave of roots, branches, and leaves that makes up the now familiar canopy overhead. Even his feet no longer make noise as he wanders aimlessly through his new home. In this serenely calm silence, Bede’s mind becomes restless. Memories come and go. Some come easily. Meeting Rose. Raising his Hatterene. His endorsement. The Gym Challenge. Some do not come as easily, but those are best left to fade. It’s the ones that don’t come at all that consume his thoughts as he walks.    Bede stops to stare up at the single enormous tree adorning the clearing his cabin sits in. No matter how far he wanders, this is where he returns. This cabin. This same tree. The circle of softly glowing mushrooms casting eerie, ever changing shadows. Bede idly runs his hand up his tree, his fingers tracing every crack in the moss covered bark. This is his home. He knows every inch of it. The only question that gnaws at the back of his mind is why? Why here?    Lost in his struggle to find answers, the boy allows his body to move as it pleases, taking him from the tree, around the edge of his clearing and to the small cabin, nearly hidden beneath the overgrown vines and grass. It is here in the deeply shadowed walls of his cabin he feels the most comfortable, and at the same time, the most unsettled. The ancient wood creaks beneath him, despite his feet being held midair well above it. The familiar smell of dampness and rot puts him at ease, but the subtle undertones of iron as he nears the single red tinted corner just inside the door agitate that horror coiled deep in his belly. His eyes follow the smudged stains to a loose group of floorboards. For just a moment, he reaches out to lift one. No. He can’t. Not yet. It’s best that part remain there. Maybe one day he may be able to look again. Maybe that is where his memory hides, but not tonight. It’s far too quiet tonight.
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tangled-specter · 4 years
"Don't be afraid. We've been expecting you. Come. Sit in the dark where we can see you."
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tangled-specter · 4 years
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Phantump goes from sweet and innocent to HOLYFUCKWHATISTHATTHING really fucking fast. 
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tangled-specter · 4 years
"How did you get up there? You have no legs."
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tangled-specter · 4 years
"As the sun rises, so do I... To grab a leaf and block that insufferable Orb's light from my eyes."
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