taliofnantes · 4 years
Aoife smiled warmly at the submissive and her kind offer.  “Don’t you waste your time on it today beautiful.  It would be a waste as I can’t imagine I would want to swim for long when there are so many people to meet and greet.  Don’t you realize this is the social event to start the season?” she teased in a posh accent at the end.  “It is a bright side but not one you have to worry about.  You have gorgeous skin and it looks as if you are very careful to use sun screen.”  Aoife couldn’t stop herself admiring the woman’s flawless complexion.
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Tali giggled softly at the accent. “Oh, I plan to spend lots of time in the cold pool. I love the water, no matter the temperature. And I bought myself a very cute yellow bikini especially for this, so I’m just goin to freeze. But I’ll talk to people too. Maybe I’ll convince someone to jump in with me. Every season is a season for fun, Miss,  and I like making sure people are enjoying themselves, having fun.”  She bit back a smile. and dipped her head, feeling a bit flushed. “Well, I just .. Thank you. I uh, use the spray on kind.” She sighed at herself and cleared her throat. “You have very beautiful skin yourself, Miss... You can use my sunscreen if you’d like.”
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taliofnantes · 4 years
Rory still doubted it would be an easy job for Tali. She knew it wouldn’t matter that she was smart or funny. It wouldn’t matter how many places she’d been. A Domme would learn of her limitations due to her health and not bother wasting their time. But she opted to say no more about such a thing, instead merely shrugging and letting out a sigh. “You’re better than me when it comes to talking in general; so don’t sell yourself short.” She grimaced at the use of so many words with /s/, knowing she probably sounded horrible. Then again, she always thought she sounded horrible when she spoke. It didn’t matter how many people told her otherwise. “If you were a Domme, I’d totally be into you. Beautiful. Charismatic. Kind-hearted… You’re a real catch, Tal.” 
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Tali worked on her lack of confidence regularly, though she did her best to hide it with her cheery demeanor. The truth is she’d spent her entire life not being good enough, and whenever she was faced with the thing she wanted most in the world, love, or rather the prospect of that, that fact rang loudly in her mind. So, she fumbled and was more clumsy than usual and her words jumbled more than usual. That was okay though, because Tali believed in fairytales and the woman who was meant to love her would see past that. She’d know Tali’s heart made up for every bit of her flaws. “Here’s the deal, my magnificent wonderful cool friend, I will not sale myself short and you’ll know that you’re so fantastic that ladies, the right ladies, are going to just swoon.” She extended her hand. “We have to shake on it to make it official, and then that’s that, we’re each other’s wing women.” Tali held her hand out smiling brightly.
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taliofnantes · 4 years
Tali’s appearance at her door was just what the doctor ordered. She beamed at the girl as she stepped into the office with her tray of what appeared to be quite questionable cookies. “I am always excited to see you even without treats,” she said, standing to step from behind her desk. “Please sit down.” Kat gestured to the sitting area in her office before taking the tray from the girl and sitting it on the small table between the chairs. “Now, let me see this burn, hmm?”
Tali moved in closer, smiling softly at the other woman. “That’s nice to hear, because seeing you is generally the highlight of my day.” A small shrugged followed. It was just a simple truth, one she tried not to think too much about. “If you don’t like them it’s alright, I’m a work in progress... but I’ll get it right, because I don’t give up.” She nodded confirmation to her own words before doing what was asked and moving to sit in her favorite comfy chair. Tali looked down at her hand a little embarrassed. The heal of her hand a bit red and still stung but only slightly. Her hand stretched out, palm up. “It really isn’t so bad Your Grace. Don’t worry about me. I came here to make sure you’re ok, you have a lot going on.” She worried Miss Kat didn’t take enough time for herself, time to relax and have fun.
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taliofnantes · 4 years
“It’s much more fun baking together,” Wendy agreed. She laughed at the congratulations. “Oh thanks. I really do wear that with a badge of pride. I don’t think my parents would have let me move out of their house if I didn’t learn how to cook and bake.” 
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“I’ve never baked with anyone. I’ve watched people and then they watched me with fear and anxiety all over their faces. It’ll definitely be fun to bake with someone who’s there just to have fun themselves.” Tali couldn’t help but laugh at Wendy’s words. “ As you should. It’s a good badge. My parents weren’t much for coking and when they realized I didn’t have much of a knack for it they tried directing me toward something else. It’s a cycle they’ve had for me my whole life. Put something in front of me, hope Im finally excellent and when inevitably predictably I’m not, they move something new in front of me and hope all over again.”
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taliofnantes · 4 years
It wasn’t so much that Rory was closing herself off from possibilities. It was more along the line that she didn’t want to get hurt. She was always scared a Domme would start treating her differently once they learned more about her health. she was always scared they wouldn’t accept her… Even though she believed there were more good people in the world than bad, she couldn’t help the cynical thoughts from time to time. “You say that now; but this might prove a more complicated task than you thought.” She shrugged, knowing that could very well be the case. “But the effort will be appreciated, Tal… You’ll make a fantastic wingwoman; and I’ll be certain to return the favor, find you someone too.” If Tali was going to try and help her find a Domme, then she was going to do the same and try to help Tali find a Domme. They both deserved to be happy.
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“Whaaaaa? no way Jose! You’re so beautiful, and super cool, and you’ve been to so many places, and have seen so many amazing things, and you’re smart and funny, and all around fan freaking tastic. This is going to be the easiest job I’ve ever had!” It was very clear to Tali that Dommes would flock to Rory, and it was silly to think otherwise. She had a story to tell, she'd lived such an interesting life. Plus, she was hot, and everyone would notice that. Easiest gig ever. “A wing woman for me?” She had her someone... but she had to remind her self that it was just a fantasy, it was a thing she wanted not reality. “Well okay! But that is definitely going to be a really hard job for /you/. I’m not really good at you know... talking in situations like that.” She was aware when it came to women she was a complete awkward mess.
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taliofnantes · 4 years
“So you are basically Tigger is what you are saying,” Camille teased.  “You bounce no matter what happens.  That’s a very good skill to have.”  Laughing loudly at the younger submissive’s excitement Camille grinned, “Then I know exactly where we are going to go.  They do the best cupcakes with mountains of icing on top and they are amazing.”
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“Oh... whoah... you’re right... I AM Tigger.” A boisterous laugh escaped her thin frame, shaking her slightly. 
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“This is an awesome revelation. Now I really need to find my Pooh and Rabbit and Roo and Eeyore and a wise Owl. When I assign the people in my life these titles, I’m going to blame the entire thing on you, so just a forewarning.” Tali smiled brightly. “I have lots of hidden skills, I just don’t let many people know about them.” She was only half joking there were a few hidden talents that she kept to herself, the fear of judgement and being a complete disappointment was paralyzing sometimes. “I love cupcakes! When are we going? Tomorrow?”
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taliofnantes · 4 years
“…Chicken? I..yeah, I think maybe you did something a bit wrong.” She replied with a laugh, a teasing grin on her face before she wrinkled her nose, shaking her head even as she laughed still, “Oh god, that sounds awful. At least you managed to save yourself with a better batch?” Julie nodded when told she’d get a couple, excited to have some before she turned, “Yeah, of course, hold on..” she twisted to get into her bag, looking for her little first aid kit baggy before coming out with it and she took a couple burn packets out. “Two are aloe, one is more of an ointment. When using that second one don’t rub it in and just put a bandage over it. It’ll help with the scarring.”
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“Oh yeah definitely botched that one... but this batch is better, Promise!.” Tali nodded in confirmation of her words, earnest grin on her face. They were certainly better than their predecessors. Tali watched curiously as Julia moved things around in her bag. Suddenly Mary Poppins’ bottomless bag popped into her head and she giggled. “Wow that’s very sweet of you! Thank you. I really appreciate this. No rubbing just a dab.” At that she simultaneously did “the dab” move. “Got it” And another giggle followed.
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taliofnantes · 4 years
Kat couldn’t help but laugh at the comment. “Then I will see you soon, darling. I have no appointments the rest of the day. If you see Cristian, you can tell him I sent for you.”
“So what you’re saying is I get to have you for the whole rest of the day?” Tali cleared her throat and shook her head, though no one could see her. “I mean not have you, but I mean I get a pretty big chunk of your very special time? I’m pretty stoked about this.” She smiled rightly. “I’ll be right there!”
Tali plated some cookies, putting those along with two glasses of her favorite chocolate almond milk on a tray and headed up to Miss Kat. She tried not to rush, considering her hand still stung, so her hold on the tray wasn’t the most sturdy, but she was in a hurry to see the Duchess. Of course Cristian was there, but Tali hit him with her most adorable smile, and let him know Her Grace was expecting her. After finally making it to the door, Tali sat the tray on a nearby table before knocking. “Your Grace? It’s me... Tali.” She picked up the tray and poked her head inside the room. “Miss Kat?” Her voice a bit softer than before. There she was Katarin LeMeur,... and Tali melted at the sight. “Get excited because you’re in for a possibly just mediocre treat. But, it does come with me, so that has to make it at least a slightly above average treat.” She entered giggling as she closed the door behind her.
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taliofnantes · 4 years
“You want to be my wingwoman?” Rory raised an eyebrow as she read her friend’s lips, that being the main thing she caught of the other’s words. She knew there had been more before that; but she’d not caught enough to piece together anything that made sense. “Well, um, I don’t see why not… Just know I’m rather picky, actually.” She really wasn’t picky as long as the Domme was intelligent and moderately gorgeous.. It’s just she had bad luck finding Dommes that would stick around after learning of her health conditions or the fact she’d need things to be a bit more on the vanilla side. “I prefer someone who can keep up with me intellectually and doesn’t treat me differently once they learn I’ve a defective heart.”
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“I do. Mmhm. I do want to be your wing woman, yes” Tali nodded enthusiastically. She’d have to do some research on the actual steps involved in wing woman-ing but she was sure she’d be awesome, because she was usually good at talking to people, while simultaneously friend-zoning herself, thereby making way for love connections for others. “Picky is good. Standards are important. As long as you don’t close yourself off to possibilities.” Tali took an unusual silent moment. “She’s gotta be intelligent, and easy on the eyes and not a butthead... got it. I’ve got you. Easy peasy lemon squeezey”  
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taliofnantes · 4 years
Remi smiled at the woman but was kinda bummed when she said she didn’t live there. She was trying to meet all the Maine house. “Oh, okay…well that’s okay, it’s still nice to meet you.” She nodded her head, “Yeah I just got here and I am still trying to find my way around and meet new people.” She chuckled at the name, “Tali the tall huh? I think I’ll be able to remember that.” She laughed and shook her hand, “I’m Remi the Ravishing.” She smiled hoping that her little joke would be funny. “So were you born and raised here in Vannes?”
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“Glad to hear it! Just know though even if it wasn’t nice to meet me I would have won you over eventually, because it’s just what I do.” A soft and sincere smile danced across Tali’s lips. She did have a knack for winning people over, even the silly ones who thought she was a little annoying. “That’s so exciting! A new place. I volunteer as tribute as one of your tour guides, if you ever feel the desire. I know lots of neat spots, and I tell pretty spectacularly bad jokes. Basically, I’m a fun time.” Tali giggled and stood up straight. “Well yeah, I’m 5′10 bare foot and sometimes I like really tall heels because they make my legs look nice, so some nights Im well over 6ft. That’s pretty tall.” Glancing down at her feet, faint blush on her cheeks, Tali chuckled. “Yes well yours is a very accurate name too Remi the Ravishing.” She stood up tall once more and tilted her head to the side. “My whole entire 23 years with the exception of one week my parents took me on a disastrous vacation when I was 7. Vannes is my favorite place in the world though, and I’m sure it always will be no matter where else I go... What brought you here? Oh m gosh is it love? Is there a dramatic love story?”
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taliofnantes · 4 years
Nate tried to follow where she pointed but all he saw was some folks laying out on loungers. “Oh hey, if you can lead the way that’d be great. But you want a towel first? Probably shouldn’t drip all over on everyone, yeah?” He looked around and spied a towel supplied by the club. He retrieved and handed to the girl. “There you go.”
Tali took a couple of steps back and shook some water off of her body, in wet puppy fashion. She giggled as she reached for the towel. “Thanks! I tried to find one earlier, because someone took the one I came with.” As Tali spoke she began patting her damp skin with the towel then wrapped it around her waist. “Alright, follow me. My name is Tali, and I will be your tour guide.” She giggled and began to walk in the direction of the bar. “Having a good time?”
Parched || Tali & Nate
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taliofnantes · 4 years
Ami couldn’t help but chuckle at Tali and her antics.  “Fourth?  That’s really good!  Hey, nothing rarely goes perfect the first time, you know?  So kudos to you for your determination, Tali!”  Shoving their phone back into their pocket, they leaned against the table at the coffeeshop they sat at and continued to sip at their tea.  “What?  You burned your hand?  Tali!  Gimme.  Lemme see.”
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Yeah. Exactly. You just have to keep trying until you get it right. I’m never one for giving up. Thanks San, you’re the sweetest.” Tali beamed biting back a smile as she bounced on her toes. A small pout formed as she looked down at her hand before cautiously outstretching it. “It’s alright. Just stings, you know?”
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taliofnantes · 4 years
“Thank youuu,” Wendy said, drawing out the you. “If you ever want to practice, I can help. I’m actually pretty good in the kitchen. At least, I don’t usual burn or slice myself. And my food hasn’t killed anyone. So that’s got to mean I’m decent.” There was no way her mother was going to let her move out of the house without knowing how to cook, so she did just fine. 
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“Something like a baking tutor? I’d be okay with that. In fact I think it would be pretty fun, and I can’t get any worse. Let’s do it!” Tali was suddenly very excited. She was making a mental list of all the bake goods they could try to make. “Oh also congrats on the whole not killing anyone with your food thing.”
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taliofnantes · 4 years
“Just your smile is sufficient, Tali.” The girl was unfailingly cheerful and it was always welcome spot of sunshine in her long days. “Bring them to the sitting room, if you will. You can keep me company while I give you honest yet gentle, critique.”
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Tali was certainly glad Miss Kat couldn’t see the big goofy smile that was on her face in that moment. “Well Tali smiles coming atcha. All the smiles you want, Your Grace. I’ll be happy to keep you company. You can tell me about your day, because if I need to beat anyone up for being mean to you, I have to have all the details. 
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Plus I just like hearing about your days.”
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taliofnantes · 4 years
Camille’s eyes widened and she forced on a bright smile,  “Erm, yep….totally.  Just make sure to add some baileys to that milk and it should work.”   Still slightly wondering how she ended up agreeing to be a taste tester she looked down at Tali’s hand too, “Good, nothing worse than a blister on your heel and one on your hand is even worse I imagine.”  She was about to walk away when she turned back with a grin, “Tell you what, next time you get the urge for something sweet give me a call and I’ll take you out for cake.  I know some really great places.”
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Tali scrunched her nose, Bailey’s in cold milk sounded odd, she thought it would go much better with hot chocolate but who was she to judge.  “It’s a deal, spiked milk and cookies.” The next time they’d be expertly done and Camille would love them. “I’m pretty resilient. I’m a little clumsy, and by little I mean extremely, so I’m always hurting myself but bouncing right back. It’s my superpower, Bounce back. I’ll be okay.” Tali corked an eyebrow. “Free cake you say?  Hmm... I could be interested in this offer... I do enjoy cake with extra icing.”
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taliofnantes · 4 years
Aoife listened with a faint smile of amusement on her lips as the younger woman explained how it all worked to her.  “Now that does sound like a wonderful idea and after all the Scandinavians have been using that approach for years so there must be something in it.  Sadly I don’t see a sauna and I am not sure the indoor jacuzzi would quite count.”  She tipped her head and whispered back, “I don’t know about muscles but the cold water would certainly close any open  pores.”
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Tali tapped her chin, considering her options. It was a pretty fancy country club, so she was sure there had to be a sauna somewhere... but if it was too far from the pool Miss Aoife wouldn’t be warm all over by the time she got to the freezing pool. “If there is a sauna here it’s probably too far to be effective. Maybe I can find a pool heat pump. I’ll ask around for you.” She smiled softly. This was a problem that she could possibly solve, so she would. Her smile grew slightly wider at the whispered words. “I love a bright side, Miss.” 
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taliofnantes · 4 years
“I…” Bridgette pauses, genuinely stunned for a mere second. “….I’m not sure I want to know, but how does one make cookies smell… Funky?”
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“I think you do want to know my kitchen disaster secrets. I think I may have put seasoned salt in it accidentally... but it’ll all be in my very comical book ‘Tali’s Adventures and Disasters Vol 1′” Tali giggles softly. “I got a little cuffudled I think, after i’d messed up the first time.”
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