taintfare · 5 years
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taintfare · 5 years
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Let’s see if there is a morning.
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taintfare · 6 years
Checked out DeviantArt....
All I had on my page  was a single journal entry...from 13 years ago. 
I have no idea where to even begin...
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taintfare · 6 years
Forgot to add...
I *do* have a furaffinity account.  Be forwarned, it’s not the place I intend to continue the blog on, it has a lot of unrelated and very NSFW in it, etc. etc.  I will post wherever site this blog will continue on as soon as I can.
FA: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/anaktis/ 
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taintfare · 6 years
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Maybe it is time to put this blog elsewhere.... I have been posting to Tumblr for around 7 years, when I had started my first blog, Ask Nightmother Moon ( http://ask-nightmother-moon.tumblr.com/ ).  I have liked the relative ease of posting material, of how the ask and submit thing worked, and the friendly community. Now it seems Tumblr has decided it wants to sanitize everything to cover their butts.  While this blog is relatively “clean”, I do not like the direction this Tumblr is going, especially as fellow artists and content creators get the shaft.
The problem is, I don’t exactly know where to take this blog to.  While I have an FA account, I know not everyone else does.  Does anyone have suggestions on where I could go from here?
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taintfare · 6 years
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It was crowded. And that was good. Seeing so many people, from so many walks of life, coming together to choose. What struck me was how polite and relaxed people were as they waited through a very long line. And though we all had our differing views on who we wanted to win, for a brief moment, we were all there for one singular purpose - to vote and make our voices heard.
This is going to be the last Mod post for a while.  RL had thrown me a curve ball stress, a car wreck and other things, and for a while I was just sort of...existing. It’s high time I get back into what I made this blog for.  Thank you for your patience.
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taintfare · 6 years
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Happy Halloween everyone!
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taintfare · 6 years
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I was very fortunate to be able to commission the extremely talented Charlie B T  to draw Taint Fare and Blossom as well as Vetur and Snjor the radstag courier.  I cannot even begin to describe how happy I am.  The artist has a wonderfully whimsical style that is dynamic and visually lighthearted, yet can convey a full range of emotions and moods. Taint Fare looks amazing, and the happy expression on Blossom’s face makes me smile every time I see it.
For the drawing of Vetur and Snjor, the only concrete thing in my description for them was that they are a courier and delivered messages and parcels to and from settlements. I really didn’t have an idea of what they would wear, and left it open to artist interpretation. He created an outfit that I hadn’t expected, patchwork, and sort of raider-ish, yet it really works so well, considering so much of their time is spent out in the open wasteland, it blends in to the wasteland community better than a uniform, and allows for plenty of mobility.  I am really, really happy with the look he has given them.
If you have not already heard about this amazing artist go look at his site:
http://charlie-b-t.tumblr.com/ (nsfw)
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taintfare · 6 years
It is so beautiful, seeing Taint Fare and Blossom in this wonderful style! I just woke up, and already my day is starting wonderfully! Thank you so very much! :)
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Another horsey style commissions for @taintfare. I adore so much that his daughter tries to mimic him with her little helmet. It’s absolutely adorable!
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taintfare · 6 years
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“So, are you excited about Fallout 76?”
“Yeah, kinda.”
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taintfare · 6 years
This is amazing! Seriously, the sheer amount of skill and detail in her work is awesome! This is just so cool, I’m giddy!
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Well, he’s finally finished! Taint Fare the charming mutant has finally trotted in from out of the wastelands of Equestria and into our world! Commissioned by the incredibly patient @taintfare, this stallion is 100% pose-able from tentacle tip to stubby tail. His shoulder tentacles have a veiny appearance thanks to wire placement, and are capable of holding a substantial amount of weight without buckling in the slightest. Hell, even his face tentacles are capable of holding a pair of my fabric shears without bending a centimeter! His tail has clay beads inside of it to simulate the feel of vertebrae, but is still fully able to bend from side to side without straining thanks to a system of wires rigged inside. I can’t thank Taint Fare enough for giving me the opportunity to work on this incredible character, who I love just as dearly as any character of my own creation. I learned more from patterning and sewing this piece than I have from any plush I’ve produced, and I’m excited to call Taint Fare my friend as well as my patron.
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taintfare · 6 years
*happy, happy chitters!*
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*helpful chittering*
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taintfare · 6 years
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Fun Fact:  As he belongs to none of the factions in the Equestrian Wasteland, Taint Fare is a sovereign citizen who doesn’t recognize any of the regional governments. He also doesn’t recognize any court that uses flags with gold fringe, courts in general, or flags in general.
So far, he has not yet been detained.
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taintfare · 6 years
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Mutant rad-doe courier Vetur and Snjor, drawn by Shadowwolf on FA! Have a deer, or deer-like hoofer that you want to see in this adorable style? Take a look over here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/26716608/
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taintfare · 6 years
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“Let me take you away, far from flat walls and the smell of mildew.
Far from fake, sweet words and the expectations of others.
Where I go, safety is not guaranteed.
There is danger, fear and sorrow.
But the hope and joy is real.
Let me take you away, from caged, weary boredom.
Let me take you away, to a life truly lived.”
It seems there’s a little dimension-hopping going on, with Taint Fare carrying away Princess Guts, a curious and tragic royal mare from a grim and slowly dying world. 
Princess Guts is the creation of the talented @macabre-little-pony , and her backstory can be found here: https://macabre-little-pony.tumblr.com/post/170864772411/re-princess-guts-the-jawless 
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taintfare · 6 years
Mod’s Note:
Is there anyone at all who can splice video footage of Elon Musk’s Tesla in space with Rigg’s “Radar Rider”? Because *damn* that’s been going through my head since this afternoon. Congratulations, SpaceX on the successful launch of the Falcon 9 Heavy! 
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taintfare · 6 years
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Since I sadly have no holiday-related content this year, I’m just going to post  one of my side-projects, weird wildlife dakimakuras. Here’s hoping for a more active 2018!
Fizzy the Nuka-zelle! Having been trapped in the Nuka-World bottling plant for who knows how long, this Quantum-infused gazelle is here! Though she may be a raider, she has a sweet side to steal your heart- and a sweet tooth to steal your Nuka Cola! Don’t worry about that blue glow! She’s worth any amount of rads you get from a night of snuggly cuteness!
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