taiikogane · 6 years
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Yagen listened to Taikogane’s words and looked into the other tantou’s eyes, sensing sincerity in the nice one’s words. Fudou wasn’t wrong when he told the Toushirou before that the Sadamune was nice and friendly… its just that Sada-chan can be too invasive and thick at times for the grouchy blade’s liking, thus causing Yukimitsu to make an arrangement with the medical sword to go entertain Taiko’s shenanigans sometimes, since Yagen has the maturity and patience to deal with overly energetic boys. Yagen isn’t going to say this to Taikogane though. Fudou doesn’t want him to.
“Hm, well then… are you in full agreement with Fudou about this?” 
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    ❛ Mm, I’m not really sure ! ❜ Taikogane leaned over his fellow swords desk, covering the stack of papers scattered about. ❛ This looks boring and lonely to me, but..you like it, right ? ❜ He cupped his chin in his hand as he looked up at Yagen,  ❛ Do you agree with Fudou-kun? ❜ 
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taiikogane · 6 years
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Fudou said nothing as he lets Taikogane drag him into the cave, having a very grumpy look on his face that made his drunken blush look mild. While the tantous ought to have good night vision due to being sent out for night battles, the darkness of this cave was really pitch black, so much so that the light from the cave entrance faded quickly as the two swords walk down deeper into the cave. 
“What a good question. Shouldn’t you have asked that to yourself before deciding to go exploring in here?” Yukimitsu bluntly stated with a very sarcastic tone of voice, clearly being very annoyed over how unprepared the Sadamune seemed to be for this exploration.
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    ❛ Eh- come on. Don’t be like that... ❜ Taikogane squeezed his friend's hand gently for reassurance as they walked a little further into the cave. Was this a bad idea? He wanted to bond with Fudou, but this activity seemed to be doing more harm than good.. ❛ Wanna camp here for the night ? ❜ He led Fudou over to the wall before pointing to a clean patch on the ground, ❛ There’s no water here, so its perfect ! ❜ 
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taiikogane · 6 years
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     ❛  Eh ? What do you mean ? Fudou-kun told me that you wanted me to come by ! ❜ He stepped closer to Yagen, ❛ He said you were feeling left out, so I needed to come hang out with you. ❜ A small smile crept across the edges of Taikogane’s lips as he leaned over Yagen’s makeshift desk, unaware of the fact he was being tossed around.  
@taiikogane wants an appointment
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“So what have you got this time round, Sada-kun?” Yagen asked in a very dry tone of voice, his eyes gazing at Taikogane with a rather stoic look typical of the tantou. “You must have had something really big in mind that it made Fudou send you to me.” 
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taiikogane · 6 years
Fudou might not be sober, but he wasn’t completely drunk either. He was in a state of in-between, where he is drunk enough to dampen his mood and energy levels, he was sober enough to think rationally and critically. With this, he is rational enough to acknowledge that hand-holding in a dark cave was essential, but he is critical on why Taikogane didn’t bring any kind of light source if he was intending on cave exploring to begin with. 
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Whatever… the Sadamune was to dead set on this trip, so its not like Yukimitsu could ask if they can even go back to the citadel to just get a lamp at least. Sighing heavily as he downed the rest of the amazake that he had been drinking, the sword of Oda tossed the empty jar aside before grumpily placing his now free hand into the sword of Date’s extended hand very heavily that it was practically a slap. “Of course, of course….”
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     ❛ Well, what are we waiting for ? Lets go ! ❜ Taikogane grasped his drunken friend’s hand tightly as they stepped into the damp cave. He underestimated how dark it would be. In retrospect he shoulda brought a light. They could go back and get one, but the likelihood of Fudou staying behind at the camp was high if they did that. They’d just have to be careful..
    ❛ You think there's bears ? ❜  He brushed his free hand up against the wall, using its surface to guide their way deeper into the cave. He’d get scolded by their saniwa and the elder blades if Fudou got hurt on another one of his escapades, so he had to be careful. 
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taiikogane · 6 years
(says hello to my friend)
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            ❛ Hey, there ! ❜ Taikogane waved his hand back and forth excitedly, almost smacking his nearby blades. 
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taiikogane · 6 years
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Fudou looked at Taikogane’s pout, recognising a look of disappointment from it… maybe he’ll try to humour the other tantou for a bit. Since he’s been given the opportunity to decide on what to do in the cave, he’d try to think of something that would allow him to relax while the other goes around. “… just a walk around I guess. No climbing preferable.” 
         The edges of Taikogane’s lips immediately curled upwards to form a small smile upon hearing Fudou’s approval. Perhaps this trip wouldn’t be a waste after all! He really wanted to spend some time with Fudou, but it was near impossible to catch him alone or sober. This escapade was his only chance.
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         ❛ Okay, no climbing ! Let's stick together. It’s safer that way anyways, right ? ❜ The tantou extended his hand in hopes he could lead Fudou through the darkness. Holding hands was a bit embarrassing, but..his ally was likely to fall without him. He was far from sober after all.. 
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taiikogane · 6 years
zelotae replied to your post
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Oh my gosh, you caught me creepin’
Hello! I love your blog! It looks really nice! ❤
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taiikogane · 6 years
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taiikogane · 6 years
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“Go get Hyuuga for this kind of stuff next time. I bet that boy scout would enjoy this kind of thing more….” Fudou grumbled as he stared at Taikogane with a very annoyed look in silence as he took a large sip of amazake, mostly with the idea of sleeping on the other’s lap as a pillow. “… I’d like to find the deepest hole in this cave and jump into it right now….”
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  He puffed out his cheeks ever so slightly as he pouted. He really wanted to explore the cave, but perhaps that was asking too much of Fudou? Getting him to come here was a miracle on its own. ❛ Fine, fine. I’ll meet you halfway. How about you pick what we do in the cave, so long as it's together, fun and sober..ish ! ❜
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taiikogane · 6 years
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“I wasn’t scared. I was annoyed.” Fudou bluntly stated, wanting to let Taikogane know that the only definite emotion that the chipper blade has ever made the drunk one feel was annoyance. Not that it ever seemed to stop the Sadamune from dragging Yukimitsu into his shenanigans. “Cave?! Camp out in it!? Have you even made proper preparations or got equipment for such a thing?? Like torches, tents, and thirty amazake jars for me to drink myself to sleep with and hope that I wake up back in the citadel???” 
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      ❛  Nope ! I didn’t bring anything but you ! ❜ He stepped to the side as they approached the cave, allowing his grumbling friend to get a glance. ❛ See, doesn’t it look cool ? Besides, we don’t need any of that ! If you get tired you can use my lap as a pillow ! We’re here to explore, not drink or sleep! ❜
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taiikogane · 6 years
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“Hide-and-seek in an abandoned warehouse which was really just you tackling me down every ten minutes? Oh sure, that was totally fun.” Fudou remarked very sarcastically before being dragged away by Taikogane, and reacted very strongly when he saw that they were heading towards the woods, though he made no attempt to resist other then yelling. “Wait, what the heck are you thinking of…..?!!?!?!” 
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  Taikogane’s lips curled upwards into a large grin as a laugh echoed out from within him, ❛ That was so much fun ! You were so scared! ❜ He gave his friend’s arm a gentle tug, urging him further into the wooded darkness. ❛ I found a cool cave earlier ! We should camp out in it tonight ! Who knows ? Maybe it will be haunted !? ❜
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taiikogane · 6 years
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   “I see…” Tilting his head to the side, Ai takes note of the other’s statement with a brief nod of the head given. It is only once the other extends a hand that Ai responds with extending his own hand for a proper handshake. “I am Mikaze Ai. It is a pleasure to meet you Taikogane.”
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   Taikogane stared up a the stranger, his golden orbs studying him curiously. Was he human? It wasn’t often he got to interact with anyone besides his fellow baldes. It..was nice. The edges of his lips curled upwards into a small smile as the other grapsed his hand, ❛ Nice to meet you too, Mikaze-kun ! Are you from around here ? I got seperated from my master and the others..mind if I follow you for a bit ? ❜
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taiikogane · 6 years
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“So its either you dyin’ of boredom, or me dyin’ of being bothered by you.” Fudou grumbled before getting up grouchily and staring into Taikogane’s face with a frown. “This ‘something’ better be something not stupid this time round, ya hear?” 
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    ❛ Eh ? You had fun last time and you know it ! ❜ Taikogane happily jumped up onto his feet to stand beside his grumbling ally, ❛ You’ll love it ! I promise ! Lets go before the others catch us-❜ He reached out to interlock his arm around Fuduo’s before tugging him towards the woods. 
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taiikogane · 6 years
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   “You have odd clothes.” Ai gave a tilt of the head. “No. Does it look like I am cosplaying?”
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   ❛ Mhm ! Your clothes are odd to me too ! They look comfortable though ! ❜ He extended his hand, ❛ I’m Taikogane ! Who’re you ?❜
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taiikogane · 6 years
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I’m super happy that we can all be together again!
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taiikogane · 6 years
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    ❛ Cosplay ? What’s that ? ❜ He pranced over to the stranger without a care in the world, ❛ These are just my clothes !  Are you..cosplaying ? ❜
   – && @taiikogane
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   “What a peculiar outfit. Are you perhaps a cosplayer?”
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taiikogane · 6 years
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     ❛ Fudou-kun, lets go do something- ! ❜ He extended his foot before plopping it down across his friends legs, ❛ I’m dyin’ of boredom over here. ❜
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