#zykamiliah svsss
zykamiliah · 2 years
i don't care what any of you say bingqiu's first time at the bamboo house post bingge invasion was really good for both of them. sqq even came twice. he was "dazed" by the end of it. yes there's some stamina issues and body incompatibility, and they both cried bc it was painful at first, but lbh used lube and they were so very careful with each other and honestly?? they enjoyed. themselves. it was meaningful. they were almost eavesdropped by the disciples sqq had sent to do laps around the peak in a great karmic turn
and! don't trust sqq he lies to himself 99% of the time
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incognito-lionbeast · 6 months
you don't believe in straight hair binghe supremacy???? *Gasp*
Alas, it is my one fatal flaw 😔
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mxtxfanatic · 1 year
#ah where was this post when i made mine yesterday!
what post? 👀
This one (which I see someone else mentioned on your post too 😭)
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verycharismaticdragon · 8 months
Okay I'm not platforming ridiculous SJ stans' delusions on my blog, but the spirit of Peerless Cucumber possessed me, so I'm piling up my responses here:
Shen Jiu's red string was definitely with Yue Qingyuan, which is made clear in the last lines of their extra:
Threads of blood unfurled, extending outward. Right before they should have converged into one, they passed each other by.
...though I guess maybe it's not very obvious from this translation. So as a normal and sane person I'm pulling out og Chinese:
血线蔓延,就在即将汇聚成一结时,错了开来。 断了。
and offering my own TL, which is more clunky to preserve the sentence structure:
Threads of blood spread out; then, within an inch of converging together to become one knot, staggered apart. They stopped.
The symbolism in this line goes like this:
First of all, flowing blood is described as 线, threads, which is exactly the same 线 as in 红线, red string.
结, knot, is interesting because as a verb, it can mean "to form a relationship", and as a noun, it can mean both physical knot (like the two threads can form tied together) and emotional knot.
I translated 开 as "apart", but it can also mean "to unfasten", "to come loose".
And lastly, 断. It can mean "to stop", but it can also mean "to break off", "to snap", "to be severed". Important to note that in Madam Meiyin's quote @zykamiliah brought up in their response to the og post, "This thread has been cut…", the same word, 断, is used: "这红线断得……"
So their "threads" could tie together into the "knot", but it "came loose", "snapped" in the end. This is the situation in PIDW, after Yue Qingyuan's death; in SVSSS, the thread is snapped, of course, with Shen Jiu's death instead. But the use of the same word clearly indicates it was meant to be the same thread.
Also I've looked through the comments and saw another just plain incorrect take, which I already ran into a while ago but didn't argue against, figuring someone else would. I guess nobody did - so let's put it to rest now, at least.
The idea is that since Airplane said that the plot of SVSSS was "distorted [..] right back to the outline [he] discarded" and that after the ending "everything that [he] wanted to write has already played out before [him]" (both quotes from ch.21 of eng.edition), that means that OG PIDW was meant to have bingjiu endgame.
But this is, in fact, plainly disproved in Airplane extras (ch.26 part 4 in eng.edition, emphasis mine):
【 Basic completion of Proud Immortal Demon Way’s original outline achieved (slight deviation in romance plotline); objective complete. Retrieving function to return to original world; download complete. Activate Return Home sequence? 】 Basic completion of the original outline? That he agreed with. All the holes that needed to be filled had been filled. But this “slight deviation of romance plot” wasn’t quite right. Bing-ge was now fully gay; how could you say that was a “slight deviation”? Ah, fine, fine, in fact, in his original outline, Bing-ge hadn’t even had a romance plotline; he had been doomed to fade away, alone and unaging forever. If you insisted on adding a romance plotline, all right, that was whatever, so putting aside all the System’s rambling…this meant he could return to his original world?!
So: Bing-ge originally wasn't meant to have an endgame ship at all. The return to the og outline, then, refers to plot events such as return of Tianlang-jun, revealing the truth about Su Xiyan's fate, and the merging of realms being avoided ("As Shang Qinghua had planned in his outline, Mai Gu Ridge exploded into a mass of flying sand and countless pieces of rubble, with roiling smoke and clouds of billowing dust." - also ch.26 part 4). BingQiu relationship were a deviation, but one Airplane didn't care about much, especially given everything that went right (according to his creative vision) as a result.
Also, while I find the mere notion that Binghe could have a red thread with Shen Jiu ridiculous and undeserving of an argument, I did type out a response to vent, so here it is, under cut.
PIDW Luo Binghe did not have a red thread with Shen Jiu, because if he did, Madam Meiyin would've divined that for him - same as she told him about his wives and their preferences with full accuracy in PIDW, and same as she gave SY!SQQ an accurate description of Binghe despite himself not being aware of his feelings in SVSSS.
And when it comes to SVSSS!Luo Binghe, Shen Jiu in this 'verse didn't do anything to change his fate with Binghe. They were heading down the same course. Shen Yuan was the one who changed the narrative, the genre, and Luo Binghe's life; so of course it's him with whom that red thread formed.
And, yes, to return to QiJiu's thread metaphor, it actually describes the red thread not as something permanent, but as something that can be tied together or snap - depending on circumstances. If Luo Binghe had a red thread with Shen Jiu and not Shen Yuan, wouldn't it have frayed and broke off once Shen Jiu was dead, same as the other red string Madam Meiyin saw?
Also, I want to point out that when Madam Meiyin describes "Shen Qingqiu's" fated person, there are descriptors such as "You have both saved each other’s lives" and "Perhaps they may endure short periods of separation, but they quickly reunite". Not only had Shen Jiu never saved Luo Binghe's life - and in fact several times deliberately put his life in danger - but he was also dead for well over a hundred years by the end of PIDW. On the other hand, Shen Yuan has taken multiple blows for Binghe, and their longest separation was five years - after which SY immediately gravitated right back into Luo Binghe's orbit. So which Shen do those lines describe then hmmm i wonder..... /sarcasm
Also, as a last nail, how does Bing-ge's situation fit into the idea that it was SJ? Are you telling me he gleefully tortured his soulmate to death, then ~200 years later met a random guy who just happened to occupy his soulmate's body, and it was the random guy that gave him a bi(?) awakening, made him beg the man to choose him/come with him, and made him cry? Does this make a shred of sense to you, be honest.
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mccromy · 8 months
Tag Someone You Want To Know Better!
I was tagged by @zykamiliah, ty!!
Favorite Color: I dont have a favorite color but I do favor greens and reds and blues and oranges with low saturation. Bright yellows!! love purple and copper combined
Last Song: When you were young - The killers
Last Movie: oo boy I dont remember. Barbie, I think?? I dont have time to watch many movies
Currently Watching: The One Piece Live action. I'm watching it with my sister and I'm waiting for her to catch up to the loguetown arc to continue watching :)
Currently Reading: uggh De las obligaciones by René Ramos Pazo. and also TGCF!! I've got like 200 pages left but the adhd wont let me finish!!!!
Currently Listening: there's a choir of crickets in this room I've locked myself in.
Currently Working On: aaa some wips some wips. this is my secret,
Current Obsession: been bouncing from One Piece to SVSSS to TGCF and back to One Piece again, and so on. but rn rn I'm reaaally into qiurong, didn't know I could be so into this particular ship dynamic.
Tagging: @the-rebellious-one @laz-laz-ace-pilot @bugbeee no pressure at all!! have a nice night!!!
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alyikav · 9 months
tag game!
I was tagged by @zykamiliah (ty!! i missed doing these!!)
3 ships: my lastest obessiones, in order from most to least recent: bingqiu (svsss), golden pair (tenipuri), and souyo (p4)
first ever ship: omg ok so, the first ship i read fics for and began my journey into fandoms, tendershipping (ygo) and bakura/oc IN QUIZILLA, but before that hmm, probably seiya/saori from saint seiya
last song: Back for More - TXT & Anitta
last movie: LMAO OK THIS ONE IS FUNNY, called La Gran Seducción. its very mexican and it shows how small villages are disappearing bc of lack of money and this one village in particular refuses to. its funny but it also gives me anxiety bc it involves a lot of cringey lying
currently reading: at home: Beyond The Story, at work: YorHa Boys Novel, before sleep: bingqiu fics lol
currently consuming: water bc i forgot to drink water today, oops...
currently craving: sleep, scrap paper for journaling.
tagging mutuals, if you wanna give it a go! @rom-e-o, @vikingpoteto, @reversemagician, @fujitsubos, @rivulelle
(hearts emojis)
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mitchievousness · 2 years
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this event was forcefully shut down by shen jiu.
(svsss ouran high school host club au with @zykamiliah )
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stardust-falling · 9 months
Tag game!
I was tagged by @zykamiliah (thank you!)
3 ships: Too many ships to count, so I'll just do some of my favorites from three different current fandom of mine, non-explicitly-canon ships only-- QiJiu (Yue Qingyuan/Shen Jiu, SVSSS), XueYu (Xue Yang/Mo Xuanyu, MDZS), Tantai Jin/Xiao Lin (TTEOTM) which is a new one so I don't know if there is an official ship name.
first ever ship: I honestly cannot remember and wouldn't be able to remember if I tried. Maybe Maedhros/Fingon from Tolkien's legendarium, or Zuko/Jin A:TLA (they were cute ok).
last song: 想你想成为的大人吗 - 尤长靖
last movie: I think it was the live action Little Mermaid movie? Before that was 无量, which you can watch here with ENG subs.
currently reading: 太岁/Tai Sui by Priest mainly, though a few other things as well.
currently watching: 长月烬明/Till the End of the Moon
currently consuming: Jade citrus mint tea
currently craving: Soup and/or tanghulu
tagging, if you want to do it/haven't been tagged yet: @pockypuck @joys-of-everyday @pidw79 @komaneko-kun @rainy-days-and-cabbage
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violetdisasterzone · 8 months
Tag Someone You Want To Know Better!
thank you for the tag @zykamiliah! 💕💕
Favorite Color: medium shades of green, pink, violet, black, and red
Last Song: كلام عينيه (Kalam Eineh) by Sherine
Last Movie: Miss Congeniality (2000), which I watched probably... a month ago lol. I've rarely had the time or commitment to watch movies lately
Currently Watching: Technically I'm in the middle of The Longest Promise, but I'm already slow at watching dramas so now that I'm busy it's even worse. My Chinese isn't advanced enough to be able to watch without looking at the subtitles, unfortunately, so it also requires more attention. I like watching youtube for background noise while I work, commentary and film analyses are always easy choices but my favorite shows that I watch consistently are Ghost Files and UNHhhh
Currently Reading: I'm in the middle of so many *sob* I finished the first book in Katy Rose Pool's Age of Darkness trilogy a couple weeks ago, so I'm reading the second one right now. I paused in the early-middle of Yuwu a while ago, and I hope to get my hands on the 3rd volume of 2ha sometime soon. I've been meaning to reread svsss from the beginning soon too, and it's also time for my annual read of Sheridan Le Fanu's 1872 novel Carmilla. My TBR is ridiculous at this point
Currently Listening: Tout ou rien by Marie-Flore! shoutout to GODS by LoL and NewJeans too, I've been listening to that a lot recently
Currently Working On: Lately I'm almost always busy doing something class or work related, but I enjoy what I study so it's not too bad. I've also been making some vague attempts at learning how to cook better
Current Obsession: I'd say svsss but it's been years, at this point I feel like it's more of a lifestyle than an obsession haha
Tagging: @luwubinghe and @oh-wow-im-still-here, if you'd like to! :3
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iuri-kun · 1 year
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Thank you, @zykamiliah, for tagging me, I appreciate it ❤️
1. Three ships: narusasu, wangxian, eruri
2. First ever ship: problematic ship time! When I was 12 I loved Shaman King and lowkey shipped the Asakura twins
3. Last Song: currently listening to a wangxian podfic I Don't Want to Debut by @drpanda99 and enjoying it immensely!
4. Last Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
5. Currently Reading: a fantastic narusasu fic sunflowers for the skeptical by @kinomiakai. It makes me feel so much that my heart is aching.
Also, I'm on the last volume of svsss.
6. Currently Watching: re-watching Heaven Official's Blessing in English dub, because I heard that it's very good, and so far it is.
...also Naruto: Shippuden.
7. Currently Consuming: dried apple slices that my mom made from her orchard
8: Currently Craving: a job 🥲
Tagging: ...I have, like, only 2 mutuals still active on tumblr, one of which is the one who tagged me and the other one is my closest friend who would probably hate being tagged, so I guess I tag no one. Unless you want to do this, in which case I tag you!
Happy New Year, everybody ❤️
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kirie-mitsuru · 2 years
It has been days but I still can't stop thinking about @/zykamiliah's (idk if I'm doing this right. Am I allowed to @ people I don't follow or talk to ever before? I barely use tumblr until twitter problems piling recently) reply on the breakdown why Binghe's protagonist halo is nonexistent and the one inevitable omnipotent being in Scum Villain is actually the system, which prompt me to see her other opinions on SVSSS and stumble upon her opinion tht the system is the representation of the fandom's wishes... because it has uppend all my preconceptions about the system's modus operadi and her interpretation makes much more sense after I dwell on it a bit too much.
(Below are my before vs after -super duper long- interpretation and explanation on Shen Yuan's system modus operadi from my understanding. Keep in mind that I am not that against the System as a whole coz I feel that it saved Shen Yuan from his death in a sense. Just not out of free goodwill, but more of an exchange which is fair to me coz life is priceless and Shen Yuan is living beyond his supposed time. If Shen Yuan is that against being saved then he can just stop doing what he is doing in my opinion.)
(I may or may not read dozens too many unlimited flow novels which has a much higher cost for just a few days extra of living while Shen Yuan is effectively getting immortality in exchange...)
I used to interpret the three options -I think in general it usually offers three options- that the system offer SQQ as Best Answer (LBH's preference), worst answer (story characterization preference), and neautral answer (SQQ or the system's preference) due to the too many otome game I played in my youth.
This has caused me so much pain because the only reason SQQ avoid the best answer LBH wanted was his pride and assumptions (which, I later realize, is possibly a cover for how guilty SQQ felt abt his decision that he never believe he deserve any forgiveness or even the right to feel sorry coz he did it anyway).
The one example I remember too clearly for my own good is the one in water prison where Binghe ask if SQQ regrets pushing him to the Abyss. Option A was "yes, I regret it so much!", B was "no, u deserve it", and C was *silent*. Or something along that line.
I had also interpret the three known fixed events (the skinner, the Demon Invasion, and the Endless Abyss... or there may be more but I forgot? I swear the others are just side mission or hidden quest) and the initial OOC restriction as necessary:
OOC restriction is to keep his status and body without too much questions asked due to drastic change of temperament. In idealistic world, SY would be able to live a nomadic life where he sightsee the monsters he is very interested in... but I doubt this is achievable with Yue Qingyuan as sect leader slash overprotective older bro figure (or smtg more sus, but YQY has always make me uncomfortable for some reason, or maybe coz I fear his reaction had he ever realize that SQQ is no longer Shen Jiu) of Shen Jiu. So, he has to stay as SQQ, a peak lord involved w LBH who had history of abusing LBH. Which sucks, but on one hand the system gave SY a second chance at living (bonus of getting a healthy, beautiful, immortal body with powerful status and money to live comfortably) and we know SY very much wants to live. Note that even with this restriction, we know that the other Peak Lords had checked SQQ for possession several times, imagine what they'll do without the restriction?
The Endless Abyss is a rather inevitable and moderately safe, time and location wise, for LBH to unlock his heavenly demon blood. Again, ideally it'll be best if LBH doesn't attend this at all, but people will raise questions since it is well known how favored and powerful LBH is in Qing Jing. On the other hand, I doubt there will be anything that can entice LBH from leaving SQQ by his own initiative, especially far enough to venture to the demon realm, and SQQ is too soft to order LBH to go away for too long. During the competition, there are abundant demons that can cover up the leak of LBH's demonic power when his seal broke, limited and very busy powerful cultivator that is able to subdue and seal LBH -I'm especially glad LBH does not have to immediately deal with Old Palace Master when he is still unused to his shining new boost up-, and a convenient escape route no one will follow him into.
Skinner Event is to get SY used to how life is in this new universe, body, and job. Or at least know the bare minimum expected from him as a peak lord. I was actually surprised the system was decent enough to offer easy mode for this.
The demon Invasion reason was mentioned by SQQ himself. It was a hint for LBH himself on what kind of demon he is. Had he gotten poisoned -or not poisoned lol-, Meng Mo would have known immediately what kind of demon LBH is and told him after getting LBH as his student.
So, I thought these events are necessary, and, so, inevitable.
The scenario pusher dubious help are also the only option I thought the system have and can apply since, you know, it is a system of a super harem porn novel? It's database should only have access to events happening in the novel and that is the only events it has the authority to approve and commence in this particular universe. As in, it can only change who are involved in the scene and when the scene happens, but not what kind of scene it is -which is suggestive and R-18 stuff-. I thought it make sense that even the system will be restricted on what it can do to affect this universe as a whole.
(I am actually baffled by how SQQ never expect tht final deluxe scenario pusher end result... has he not reflect what these scenario pusher been doing to him in front of LBH? The first time he fell for it, I get it. The second time... ehh it hasn't click to him yet maybe. The third time? And so on? After knowing that LBH loves him??? Did he not see the pattern here? I thought he is smart...)
... well, the interpretation of the system's options possibly being the wish of different genre fans of "readers" of SVSSS was... wow. It makes a lot of sense. This explains why that stupid fake jade pendant takes until the very last second SQQ can last before it finishes downloading-! Can u imagine, off screen, there is a poll going for "When should SQQ give LBH the pendant? A. Immediately, B. Suffer first to see the extend of SQQ tolerance and love for LBH, C. NEVER"? Or like those strip challenge thing recently and be like "finish loading when this gets xxxx amount of likes and xxxx retweet"?
Perhaps this is why the missions, and the scenario pusher theme is so different? The original PIDW fans gets main missions, the side &/or hidden quest, while the fujoshi choose the scenario pusher? It would explain why the fixed mission are deliberately painful, coz it is attempting to stick to the original plot, while wanting a more in-depth knowledge on the characters, background, exploration, and secrets. The fujoshis... well, we know what the fujoshi wants 😉
Also, I thought I get why SQQ is so convinced that the protagonist halo is a thing. I actually believed it too because of that scene during the ending of the skinner mission where a perfectly new, perfectly fine pillar? Ceiling? Thing just broke down when LBH is about to be hurt when he is supposed to be unharmed during the actual plot narative. (Although I used to only believe the plot armor works only during scripted scene and it can only protect LBH to ensure the protag can move on to the next scene. If there is a time skip? Ha. Ha. We will never know how much unmentioned pain and trauma LBH goes through off script time -AKA the Endless Abyss and 5-yrs w SQQ's corpse-. It can only guarantee he will be alive and as good as new when the next scene arrive.)
But this makes me realize... why on earth would I think it's something so insubstantial? Because the system said so? Wouldn't it make more sense if it had happened because of the system? Because it is within its parameter to make such absurd possibility happen as long as it can provide valid reason for its interference -which is also due to SY's suggestion in a sense coz SY asked if it can be done so the system may input it as a command and turns out it can make it happen?- So... this explains why the protagonist halo never existed. Because it has always been the system.
If the halo had always been the system's work, this is why LBH is hated coz the system cannot affect people's emotions, thoughts, and freewill.
This is also why the whole cultivation world's hatred, or at least dislike, of LBH makes a lot of sense. I had wondered why did the protag halo seem to move to SQQ instead with the progression of the novel. I mean, consider this: roped into plot via exploration, liked by everyone that interact with him, and multiple death flag avoided (we know the protag never dies unless it's tragedy). Had LBH halo -specifically PIDW LBG's type of halo- been true, then he would have get SQQ at most after he return from the Abyss coz he is now OP and he always gets what he wants -I think if was mentioned that LBG r-word some of his wife by force as well? But no one cancelled him for it, even if only coz he is too strong to fight- if we use PIDW!LBG as a reference. Instead, we have LBH losing SQQ again and again, have his entire intention misunderstood to the extreme by the love of his life, and his reputation in shambles to the point people blatantly sang songs of LBH's 'misconduct' without fearing any retribution from LBH despite being the demon lord.
Besides, I believe the only goal the system impose on SY is to make the original plot better with less or no plot hole, not completely rewrite the novel. (This is also why SY can negotiate his restriction w the system sometimes. As long as it doesn't change the existence of fixed events, it's negotiable?). This is why fixed events are unavoidable too. Like, it has to happen. The how is up to SQQ, which is also a reader by the way, but it has to happen.
But then I wonder what is the point of the system doing this? It receive updates I believe, but is that really worth it to call for help from PIDW No.1 hater who wished every single plot in the novel change minus the main character? Then again, Shen Yuan might be chosen just coz he is too obsessed with PIDW to the point he nearly memorize the entire novel.
I'd like to think that it is also conducting a kind of human moral compass test w Shen Yuan as its main test subject this time coz it never really restrict Shen Yuan's words and actions after the OOC ban was lifted, just "either this happen or you die" but how 'it' happen is up to SY's interpretation and action. The system gives suggestions, but it doesn't force SQQ to actually do anything. E.g. it didn't force SQQ to stab LBH's chest and make him believe SQQ hate him for being a heavenly demon in particular. (I am very aghast when SQQ did this to the point I much prefer how Shen Jiu push LBH to the abyss. At least it's nothing personal (much) with Shen Jiu, just a general demon discrimination instead of "oh it's just u, everyone else gets second chances but not u sorry") The system also never stops SY from holding to LBH's thigh in those 3 yrs of peace despite how the PIDW narrative implies how LBH's abuse continues until he went to the abyss, or at least neglect. Or make SQQ ignore LBH after their reunion 🙃
I'll never know which interpretation is correct and canon, both might be wrong even! But it's an interesting topic to fixate and scrutinize on coz -as always for this fandom in particular for some odd reason- I always have the opposing belief from what most believes in. Like "LBH suck and SQQ deserves better" while for me "Luo Binghe is an angel and did absolutely nothing wrong besides trying too hard to be a good person to someone who expects him to be a demon while battling the influence of OP evil sword", and "everything is the system's fault" while I'm here "does no one see the little things the system is trying to hint at oblivious SQQ??". Not saying the system is 100% innocent -whatever its reason and motivation is, forced nudity and other things is wrong yes-, unlike my very precious Luo Bingmei who is 1000% blameless in my eyes and the number one victim of all the events in SVSSS, but it is also not 100% the reason everything goes wrong.
Last morbid thought as I wrote this... what if the system's power source is LBH's protagonist halo. It may also be why it can grant it's user (SQQ) the ability to affect the main plot because it is sucking LBH's halo's power to influence the universe at large... this gives me the vibe of beefleaf stealing fate plot that I not want to dwell on or I'll cry. Gah!
Then again, this is just me over thinking something that I will never really know for sure. It's a good food for thoughts tho (and for whatever fic I may or may not write in the future)
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zykamiliah · 11 months
Ah I get it now you're Bingge's apologist
out of arguments are we?
listen. bingge literally raped lots of women, schemed his way into power and taking revenge, killed however got on his way, tortured a man in one of the most horrific ways possible, merged all the realms uncaring of how that would affect the common people, burn down every cultivation sect despite them having nothing to do with his personal suffering and at worst being passive on the face of it. he tricked yqy and killed him in another horrific way because a)the man was more powerful than him 2) to fuck up SJ even more. he tore off SY!SQQ's limbs (2 iirc), more or less almost dubcon-ed him. he's a tyrant. he treats his wives as if they are possessions.
do i think he's morally defunct? definitely. do i find him intriguing as a character? absolutely. is he a product of the cycle of abuse? There's no discussion about that.
and guess what? the same thing applies to Shen Jiu
i'm no one's apologist honey, i like my fav characters fucked up and unhinged and pitiful and shitty and morally compromised ♥
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zykamiliah · 1 year
i don't want to hijack the other blogger's post because they seemed very enthusiastic about it, but I don't think that the system is part of shang qinghua/airplane nor that it was created from his outline or his computer. It is implied at the beginning that the system may have worked in other worlds (harry potter).
what the system did was force shen qinqiu and shang qinghua to follow the main plot while also discovering the hidden plot points and backstories that airplane had to scrape out of the published version(tianlang-jun, zhuzhi-lang, the truth of what the old palace master did, qijiu's backstory and shen jiu's character complexity etc). In the original outline there was no romance plot at all and luo binghe was meant to end up alone. If the system really was following the original outline, that would have been the end. But instead through the course of the story what the system did was change it's expectations by shifting its target audience. If sqq had kept to the script and acted the way original sqq did, the system would have been satisfied anyway, as long as the hidden elements of the outline had been revealed. But once sqq unlocked the OOC function it let him do whatever he wanted, as long as the endless abyss plot-line was followed. an event sqq could have handled differently, as he realizes at the end of the novel! which means that the system may have knowledge of the original outline or not, but it doesn't matter as long as the story sqq and sqh write with the changes they make (or the hidden parts they uncover) is satisfying to the target audience of the rewritten PIDW. the reviews the system gives sqq at the end of the main story, the options he gives him in the water prison scene, are indicative of the audience's expectations (danmei readers). even the punishment protocol serves as a explanation (from the pov of a reader of the new PIDW) of why sqq changed his behavior around lbh so much, and it works as set up for the bingge vs bingmei extra, which of course it part of the revised book as this is a danmei. In the same spirit, the nature of questions in the interview extra are typical stuff danmei fans would be curious about.
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zykamiliah · 1 year
the red flag is bingge. bingmei is a... pink flag, if you will. With goth dark motifs on it because he's very emo
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zykamiliah · 2 years
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I've been thinking about this quote
What would it feel like to get sqq's undivided attention for 3 whole years (smiles, head pats, hugs, individual lessons, the shared domesticity, we get a glimpse of in the inn scene before going to Zhao Hua Monastery
then be deprived of it almost completely,
and having to watch sqq give attention to others and only look at you negatively, or not at all
Isn't similar to what airplane went through when his parents neglected him in favor of their new families and new children; going from being the only child to the most neglected one.
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zykamiliah · 2 years
Ok, I know what you mean by SYfication of SJ, but may I ask what SJfication of SY is like?
(disclaimer that this is all my opinion and people can think and headcanon and be creative in whatever way they want)
Recently I've read stuff that give some of Shen Jiu personality traits to Shen Yuan, plus that whole "Sj and Sy are the same person" that I personally don't like, as if SJ was SY's past life, for example.
They really really really are nothing alike. Like, Mu Qingfan exchanged two words with SY!Shen Qingqiu after the OOC function was unlocked and had to blink twice. Ming Fan noticed right away in their very first interaction that his Shifu wasn't being himself. To understand who Shen Jiu is as a person is necessary to read the qijiu extras, and there's no canonical evidence that SY and SJ are similar in any way– maybe being extremely loyal to one person, but I see that more as a projection of Airplane's own personality, because SY is very kind and empathetic and can be loyal to more than one thing or person.
"but what if SY grew up in the same context as SJ" –they would still be different. In fact, it's possible to make parallels with Yue Qingyuan and SY/SQQ in terms of personality. A SY that grew up in the streets and experienced the same hardships as SJ and YQY would simply be more street smart and cautious and a hell of a lot more bitchy.
"Shen Jiu was someone that took pleasure in other people's suffering" (1st qijiu extra) vs. Shen Yuan who is able to feel a bit of sympathy EVEN for the skinner demon. How are they similar? Not even the way they are proud is anything alike.
The SJfication of SY also rears its head when people think SY is completely dumb for whatever reason. No, he's just very oblivious to the gay, lacks self-awareness in regards to his own feelings, sheltered and (a bit) lazy. And since SJ is obviously the Smart One™... (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ You CAN be book smart, an intelectual, and still be dumb about feelings. That's something you can grow out of, and in fact SQQ gets (a bit) better at that after the end of the novel.
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