jordan-cooper · 7 years
✉ , ?? , $ (Alaska)
Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT. 
[text]: Sometimes I wish I didn’t do what I did. That way we can maybe be something, at the very least have no limit on our fun. I can’t get you involved with me, not that large. 
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
[text]: I’m calinf 991 cb you’re asssss is sooooo much os fiew. Like samn firl 
[text]: rop gitty 
Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
[text]: Yes, I’m succeeding in my job, don’t you worry.
[text]: They all completely fall for it, they’d never expect anything. 
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darcylou · 7 years
$, # (Ariella)
Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
[text]: I told you already, Robbie....I tried two different tests and they were both positive.
[text]: Oh, don’t mind that. I had a mumps test? 
Send “#” for a RANDOM text.
[text]: Can you spar with me? It’s been a while since I’ve got proper practice. 
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auroramelody · 7 years
@, $, % (Romeo)
Send “@” for a SCARED text.
[text]: He’s coming for me. I’m sorry I never said goodbye. 
Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
[text]: I can’t help that I’m currently escaping my physco ex who has already tried killing me once this year that I can’t work for you mum. 
[text]: Ummm, that’s not true...Please delete that. 
Send “%” for a CURIOUS text.
[text]: Did you really like me? Were we happy? I just want to know how my last proper relationship was... 
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persephoneleblanc · 7 years
#, @, ツ (Alaska)
Send “#” for a RANDOM text.
[text]: I’ll tell you what I want, what i really really want.
[text]: I wannnnaa seee the pups pls tnx. 
Send “@” for a SCARED text
[text]: I’m in a bad place, Alaska....
[text]: I just don’t want to do this anymore. It hurts too much
Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text.
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sebastiangrosvenor · 7 years
☎, $ (Alaska)
Send “☎” for a RUSHED text. 
[text]: watch out, the pipes are after you
[text]: Sorry, I mean paps. They’re outside the bar. 
Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
[text]: Are you really offering me money to sleep with you? You must be desperate, though you should know now that I don’t need money. 
[text]: Sorry, not meant for you...Unwanted attraction, right? 
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stephanieblues · 7 years
☢ (noah)
☢  five times my muse almost sends a nude, and the one time they do. (of course you would)
Stephanie wasn’t one who naturally took photos of herself - in fact, the only selfies she took were ones of her and her dog, with her boyfriend or with friends. There were the occasional photos she’d take of just herself, but those are usually with a photographer to help brand her clothing line and well, her. She was the face of Evans Inc, and she couldn’t exactly be using low resolution iPhone quality photos for her promotional use. Though, here she was, in bed, dressed in her nighties, which weren’t naughty, but were still comfy and collected. She held up her phone, trying to get the perfect angle, but she really thought she looked childish and almost put off. Now the girl was thankful for Snapchat’s new addition - my eyes only - just because it held so many photos of her that she thought weren’t good enough. One day, she was doing a shoot for her new lingerie line that she was trying to start up, Stephanie a fan of dressing in her own clothing to make sure they were exactly what she was promoting - sexy, but comfortable. She was on a 5 minute breather before she was back to awkward poses and decided to take a mirror selfie, showcasing the full lingerie and her hair, a pout on her lips. She was about to send it to her my eyes only though she found herself accidentally sending it to her boyfriend. Her eyes widened and she immediately went to text him, only to get the notification that he took a screen-shot. “oh no,” she whispered, not wanting him to think of her differently.
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louiiis · 7 years
louis sent zayn at 11:08pm
hey, dyou remember the number for that dude we picked up from couple months back? i could use a hit.
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niaallerr · 7 years
✘♒☹▤♣ ☽↱ (zayn) --- ✘♬❃♡ ✦☁ (alaska) --- ✎ ✏ ▄❂ ↱ (Ariella)
✘ = hugging them .
Niall was excited, this was a big thing for him, the release of his album was finally here and he was going to to an album release party though he wasn’t sure who would show up and frankly, why they would show up. As he stood there, shaking peoples’ hands, and smiling as he saw his best friend there. He walked up to him, his eyes bright and happy as he walked over to him. “Hey there handsome,” he smiled as he walked over to him, his arms wide open for Zayn as he pulled him into a tight hug. “Fuck I’m so happy you’re here,” he smiled as he shut his eyes, holding him close.
♒ = lying to them .
Niall hated lying to Zayn, it was one of the things he despised doing. But he couldn’t tell him the truth, he couldn’t bear to look him in the eye and tell him that the rumours are fake. The fact that Zayn was his best friend, in fact, he was his brother, and he wasn’t able to be honest with him about this, well it hurt him just a little. He felt very guilty. When Zayn came up to him and asked him about Theo, about whether or not the rumours were true, Niall let out a laugh, shaking his head. “Zayn, he’s not my kid what are you talking about? Me? A child? You’re fucking hilarious,” he stated, which only made Zayn mad, “I’m sorry if you don’t believe me Zayn, but he’s really not my kid I mean how he? He was born like nine month after the marriage! That would means he cheated on Greg and I don’t think she would cheat on Greg, trust me, it’s all fake, and really only because he looks a little like me.”
☹ = insulting a loved one .
“You know, your mam’s sometimes a git,” he stated as he drank yet another Guinness, this might have been his sixth or seventh of the night, and Niall’s words were slurred and with no filter what so ever. Niall actually loved Zayn’s mum, but he also felt like his mum sometimes tried to do and say things that were just rude. “I mean I love your mam but she’s sometimes just so rude about things, always *olagonin’ about how you’re never home. Does she not understand that you’re busy? And she’s always lookin’ at me like I’m a *stook. Can you tell her to buzz off?” He asked as he looked over at him.
*olagonin’ = (complaining)
*stook = (idiot/fool)
▤ = falling asleep on them .
Niall had had a long day, it was full of recording and the fact that he records not only the voice but the lead guitars, well it was exhausting. He spent about 16 hours in the studio, from about 8 in the morning till about midnight trying to perfect the first take, and although he was super happy and excited to get to do this, the boy still was exhausted. He had been spending the past few nights at Zayn’s place due to some renovations at his place, he was fixing up the wood on his floor. He walked into Zayn’s place, and dropped his bag and guitar by the door, shutting it and walking over to the couch where Zayn was sitting watching something. “Are you alone?” He asked as he moved to lay on the couch, leaning his head against Zayn’s lap, “You’re comfy I’m not moving from here,” he mumbled as his eyes shut.
♣ = discovering them crying .
Since Niall had been spending most of his time with Zayn, he’d been noticing things about him. He still seemed upset, but Niall didn’t know why. When they were out he was always happy, a smile on his face at all times. But when they were alone, Zayn was always sad, and Niall wasn’t sure what he can do. As he sat on the couch and played his guitar to the song he’d been writing, Niall heard someone sniffing and walked to Zayn’s door, hearing him sniffle a few times. The boy sighed as he looked down, hoping he could find a way to help.
☽ = wandering alone at night .
Niall loved to spend time with Zayn, especially when it was just the two of them hanging out and doing literally nothing at the same time. All he wanted to do was spend time with his best friend, lately it felt like they don’t spend time with each other despite sleeping in the same house. He walked with the boy, drinking his coffee and he turned to look at his friend; “So you and Astrid?” He asked with a bite to his bottom lip, “That’s.. I thought you weren’t going to get into a real relationship, I mean .. you said it yourself you’re not trying down so what’s happening with you?”
↱ = being lost with them .
Niall and Zayn had been wandering around aimlessly - they had a few drinks, but not enough to go crazy and not know where they are. But they were in a new city, deciding they didn’t want to stay in the Hamptons for this. As they walked, Niall looked around. “I don’t think we’re in New York anymore,” he stated with a laugh, before turning to look at Zayn. “So guess what?” He asked, taking a breath as he looked away. “Hannah and I.. we uhm.. you know.. twice…” he stated, avoiding Zayn’s eyes as he spoke.
✎ = speaking in a different language .
Niall was walking around the city with his phone to his ear, shaking his head in frustration as he tried to make his way to the closest Starbucks, “Mama nach dtuigeann tú, ní féidir liom teacht abhaile,” he spoke in Irish. Despite what the fans thought, Niall could speak Irish, and he was definitely fluent in it as his mum didn’t let him forget the language. They were arguing about Niall coming home for a weekend, but it just wasn’t feasible. “Níl mam, níl sé ag tarlú. Gan go dtí na Nollag b'fhéidir,” he said as he took a deep breath, “I love you mum, but it won’t happen,” he whispered as he ended the call, clearly frustrated. He spotted Ariella looking at him, “Hey.”
✏ = teaching them a different language .
Niall laughed as he sat in front of Ariella, shaking his head a few times. “No no it’s really not that hard!” He stated as he tried to control his laughter. “Ready, repeat after me, où est la salle de bain,” he smiled, looking at her and waiting for her to reply back to him. “Come on, you can do it,” he stated, the girl starting to repeat after him only to laugh and shake her head. “I can’t do it Ni,” the boy shaking his head. “You can do it,” he smiled, before shaking his head and bursting into laughter, falling back onto the couch. “You’re fucking hilarious oh my just stop, you such at this.” He stated through his laughter, it only getting louder when she started to hit him with the pillow.
▄ = telling them a joke .
Niall glanced at the girl and raised an eyebrow at her. She was crying, and she never cried. Well Niall had never seen her cry and he frankly hated it. He wanted to hug her, but then again Ariella never actually liked physical contact. Taking a breath he looked at her, and brought a hand to her knee. “Hey, is your body from McDonalds because I’m loving it,” he tried, raising an eyebrow as he waited for her to laugh, giving her a goofy smile to try to get her to laugh.
❂ = wiping blood off their face .
Niall looked at the girl as she came out of the boxing ring, taking a deep breath and following her to the change room in the back that was actually a locker room and made his way towards the girl, bringing a water bottle with him and taking a breath. “I love coming to see you box, you’re really good at it,” he started, walking over to her hesitantly and sitting down in front of her, bringing a hand to her face with the towel to wipe her face from the hits. “Super strong too my friend,” he smiled.
↱ = being lost with them .
Niall glanced at the girl who didn’t want to listen to him, “Ariella I told you we need to go that way!” He said, pointing towards the other direction, “You’re going to get us lost and…” he started as he took his phone out to check his maps, “And there’s no service and contrary to popular belief, I’m actually not that strong and I’m deathly afraid of spiders,” he admitted as he walked close beside her through the forest. “Why go through the forest?” He asked himself.
✘ = hugging them .
Niall spent a few hours with Alaska, listening to her as she sang along to Seeing Blind, aka the song she was helping him with. He was singing with her, they were recording one final time. Dancing a little to the beat of the song, Niall started to sing along to the music. “I have seen, seen it all in my life. Watched it full on the stream. But never understood. I have heard her speaking a million words. How you talking to me first? Never thought too much.” He looked at the girl as the chorus started, nodding along as they both started to sing. He smiled brightly as they finished the song and pulled her to him. “This is going to be awesome!”
♬ = singing to them .
Niall spent a few hours with Alaska, listening to her as she sang along to Seeing Blind, aka the song she was helping him with. He was singing with her, they were recording one final time. Dancing a little to the beat of the song, Niall started to sing along to the music. “I have seen, seen it all in my life. Watched it full on the stream. But never understood. I have heard her speaking a million words. How you talking to me first? Never thought too much.” He looked at the girl as the chorus started, nodding along as they both started to sing. He smiled brightly as they finished the song and pulled her to him. “This is going to be awesome!”
♡ = complimenting them .
Niall looked at the girl with a smile, shaking his head when she started to not believe in herself. “Alaska, what are you going on about? You’re beautiful,” he started, holding her hands as he smiled at her. “Seriously, you’re drop dead gorgeous, and you’re funny, and your smile is absolutely breathtaking. Plus your hips, they’re their own thing,” he continued, before taking a breath. “You will find that person I promise, and your life will change for the better.”
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astridsss-blog1 · 7 years
$, ✘, ??
$: An accidental text.
ASTRID: I wonder if I actually liked him if things would be different? I mean sure he’s really hot and all but there is something about him that urks my nerve. Maybe it’s his voice or his clothes idk but there’s something there.
✘: A hateful text.  
ASTRID:  I don’t know why you have to be sooo annoying, like god! I know we are “dating” but can you leave me alone for like .2 seconds???!!
??: A drunk text.
ASTRID: the wordlddd si spinninggg 
ASTRID: I dnt lik u but u r hot asf
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davisgirl · 7 years
☁  five times my muse has thought about yours, and the one time they do something about it.
Madison thinks about Zayn all the time; when she’s changing and takes a glance at her non-existent baby bump. When she walks around her flat, trying to find something to distract her, remembering times when her and Zayn would just be cuddled up on the couch together, watching a movie, eating popcorn and occasionally stealing kisses. She would think about him when she would walk around the Hamptons, remembering how at times they would take a stroll together, especially when they had busy days filled with work and studio time that they made sure they made even five minutes of time for each other. She was always thinking about him, from when they would order pizza together, to when he would hold her at night. She couldn’t do this, he was her best friend, and even though he hurt her, she didn’t want to loose him completely. She just hoped he was worth the try of getting back to being friends - though, that was something they never were. She took out her phone, sending him a simple text: hey, hope you’re doing good. Was hoping to catch up over a cup of coffee soon. Text me when you’re free. xx
0 notes
jbethguerrero · 6 years
first dates ⠇ zayn
jenna was surprised when zayn had mentioned going steady, something she had never been asked to be someone’s girlfriend. she didn’t even know what it meant to be someone’s girlfriend. she still said yes, because well who would say no to zayn? she got ready, keeping in mind she left him on her couch, and quickly got dressed, ruffling her hair and letting it fall on her back. she walked back to zayn and grabbed her phone that was on the table, slipping it into her purse. “alright, i am ready to go, to wherever it is you’re thinking of taking me.”
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grudgedtm · 6 years
accepted !
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darcylou · 7 years
Robbie and Darcy
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - At the moment they’re pretty end game, though who knows with their complicated pasts. 
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - It took a while and although they aren’t exactly at that stage yet, it’s been a slow building relationship so it could be some time before they admit it. Maybe in the next few months?
How was their first kiss? - It was unexpected by both of them but good. They were both attracted to each other and were happy with the developments. 
Who proposed? - Robbie for sure 
Who is the best man/men? - Probably his bandmates!
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Darcy would probably have it be her sisters because she doesn’t really have many friends who are girls. 
Who did the most planning? - Darcy, though Robbie would’ve helped a lot. It would’ve been something they did together not just on one person. 
Who stressed the most? - Robbie would be more stressed to see, though Darcy would be inwardly. She just wouldn’t really show it tbh. 
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - His mum and probably most people who Darcy has ever met. She couldn’t exactly put a number. 
Who is on top? - Probably Robbie though they wouldn’t really be into all of that and it’ll be depending on their mood. 
Who is the one to instigate things? - They’d both do that really. It would just depend on their moods and also if it was for a reason for the other person.  
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - Again, it would all depends on the situation but usually it’ll be over ten minutes. 
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Yep, they’d both make sure tbh, though it wouldn’t be checked every time. 
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - Three or four.
How many children will they adopt? - Maybe one but they wouldn’t necessary look into doing it. 
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - They’d both make sure that they do it equally. 
Who is the stricter parent? - Darcy for sure. Most of the time she’d be more strict, though it’ll depend on what they did which was wrong. 
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Probably Darcy but that’s only because she would know what it would be like to be a ‘bad’ kid and wouldn’t want the same for her children. 
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? -Robbie though it’ll depend on who was working
Who is the more loved parent? - They’re both loved equally, though favoured in certain situations. 
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - Darcy would be the one to remember them, though would probably make sure that Robbie would always go. 
Who cried the most at graduation? - Probably Robbie but that’s because she’d be all emotional without anyone seeing. 
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Robbie for sure, even though Darcy got into more trouble. She’d be stricter with those sort of things, though Robbie would have a punishment for them, just not tell her. 
Who does the most cooking? - They’d take it in turns depending on their schedule but it wouldn’t be a lot. They both rely on takeaway more than anything else. 
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Neither are particularly picky, they both love food. 
Who does the grocery shopping? - Darcy would do the weekly shop but would make Robbie do the everyday one to get small things. 
How often do they bake desserts? - They’re not really ones for cooking or baking so it’ll be something they do like once a month and more for a laugh than anything else. 
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Meat for sure. They always seem to be drawn to that, though Darcy eats healthily for work. 
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - More like Robbie, though Darcy would do it certainly more as something unexpected. 
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Probably Robbie, though Darcy wouldn’t mind. Both are content just staying in all day. 
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Probably Robbie as he’d get more distracted, not that they do much cooking. 
Who cleans the room? - They’d both take it in turns to clean the room. They’d clean their own stuff then share out and delegate the rest of the chores. 
Who is really against chores? - Both are against them really but enjoy a clean house. If they didn’t, they’d get a cleaner in. 
Who cleans up after the pets? - Darcy cleans up after Milo but they’d probably share out the role if they got another pet. 
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Probably Robbie tbh because Darcy is too OCD to do that. 
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Neither would really stress out. They’re both quite chill people. 
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Probably Robbie but could be either of them. 
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Darcy, she spends ages in the shower/bath.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - They usually try to go out together to walk Milo
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? -They’re not really one for celebrating so it’ll probably just be a bit for christmas and birthdays. 
What are their goals for the relationship? -Just to be happy tbh, they don’t really set goals.  
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Both. They usually work till late so sleep in the early morning so both often sleep in. 
Who plays the most pranks? - They don’t particularly play pranks but it’ll be more likely to be Robbie and Darcy would pretend to be angry. 
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sebastiangrosvenor · 7 years
??, % (Noah)
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
[text]: ou kniw i rish sometimea that i wakdt’t a eoyal. 
[text]: tii much worfkx
Send “%” for a CURIOUS text.
[text]: Can I see your office sometime? I’m interested in seeing the process of papers. 
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niaallerr · 7 years
ø, ツ, &, ?? (zayn) ??, &, # (alaska)
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
.nialler: I don’t know if you know this but I fucking love you.nialler: but you.’the also an asshole cause you’re mean.nialler: also I had sex wit Han hahaha your boy still got it
Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text.
.nialler: It’s about 3 a.m. and I’m sitting here writing a damn song. I’m gonna record it and send it to you. But you have to be like .. very nice about it and a supportive friend because otherwise my 3 a.m. self is going to be in pain for the rest of the night.
Send “&” for a LOVING text.
.nialler: I know I don’t say this often but I actually value you so much as a friend. Like you’re someone I can turn to no matter what. And I genuinely love talking to you because you’ve got this outlook on life where you’re always positive. .nialler: plus you buy me Nandos.
Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text.
.nialler: Guess what? You’re never going to believe it..nialler: SLOW HANDS IS NUMBER ONE IN THE COUNTRY. NUMBER ONE. ME!!!!!.nialler: we have to celebrate this.
Send “⁇” for a
.nialler: I keep watching tje video of you dancing .. your hips are so 😍.nialler: can you teach me kow to do that? 
Send “#” for a RANDOM text.
.nialler: so.. I wrote another song.. but like .. it’s a funny song..nialler: anyway, do you think this pick up line would work?.nialler: Your name must be Coca Cola, because you’re so-da-licious
Send “&” for a LOVING text.
.nialler: hey girl, I just wanted to say THANK YOU for agreeing to sing Since We’re Alone with me. It’s going to be such an amazing track - your voice is breathtaking and I am so glad you agreed to sing with me. I love you so much! You’re like my best friend! (Don’t tell Zayn).
0 notes
jbethguerrero · 6 years
It was safe to say that Jenna was sure Zayn enjoyed her present; it having been her. She rolled to look at him, her hair falling to one side as she rested her head against her palm, smiling at him. “So, good birthday present?” She asked with a smirk, before sitting up slightly to grab her coat, which was on the floor and fetching a hair tie, quickly pulling her hair back into a ponytail. “Or did someone else give you a birthday present that’s much better?” ( @zxynokay )
Tumblr media
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