#zink Coleman
trapezequeen · 4 months
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Endless Zendaya Gifs (Part 13/♾️)
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fashionkilladaya · 11 months
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Zendaya, Darnell & Zink in Rome
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its-ashley-95baybe · 7 years
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spidermaninlove · 3 years
Tom & Z’s Friends and Family Key
JB = Jacob Batalon
Alex = Alex Roberts, Tom’s friend and colleague (He worked on FFH and Harry’s recent short)
Darnell = Z’s assistant
Kazembe (Kaz) and Claire = Z’s parents
Dom and Nikki = Tom’s parents
Noon = Z’s dog
Tessa = Tom’s dog
Tom’s grandparents = Granny Tess (Dom’s mother), and Robert and Christina (Berry) Frost (Nikki’s parents),  Note:  Z spent the day with the Frosts along with Tom & Harry in Murano, Italy while they were filming FFH.
Z’s grandparents:  Daphne Stoermer, Kaz’s mom (Idk her name)
Brooke = JB’s current gf
Gracie = Haz’s gf
Audrey = Tuwaine’s former gf
Exes = Elle (Ellicia Lotherington), TJ/Trevor Jackson (AKA the rat), BL/JE (Jacob Elordi), N (Nadia Parkes), and O (Olivia Bolton)
Anthony Drewett = Tom’s costumer
Rachael Speke = Tom’s UK MUA
Christine Nelli = Tom’s LA MUA
Ursula Stephen = Z’s hairstylist
Sheika Daley = Z’s MUA
Law Roach = Z and Tom’s stylist
Jack English = Tom’s bodyguard
Pretty Ricky (Rick Lipton) = Tom’s dialect coach
Scott Bailey = Tom’s golfing coach
Ben Perkins = Tom’s acting coach
George Cottle, Greg Townley, Luke Scott:  Spider-man/Uncharted stunt crew
Nick Evans = Billy Elliott director
Scotty Newman = Z’s publicist, I believe
Tom’s trainers (past and present) = George Ashwell (current), Duffy Gaver (NWH), Yousif Mahdi, Louis Chandler (Tom was recently boxing with Louis at Dogpound in LA)
Tom’s siblings =  Harry, Sam and Paddy
Z’s siblings = Kizzy, EZ, and Samuel (David), Jason (brother-in-law, Kizzy’s husband), Latonja...
Kendrick (Kendrick Sampson) = Darnell and Z’s friend.
Zink =  Z’s niece
Cubb Coleman and Whitney Boswell... = Z’s cousins
Tony O’Dell = Z’s former acting coach
Sam Levinson = Euphoria producer
Kadeem Hardison = Z’s former costar and friend (Tana Roller is his partner)
Tom cousins = James Holland, Ella Frost, Sydney Frost...
JA Bayona = The Impossible director
Z’s friends =  Kamil McFadden, Dominque (Dom) Battiste, Deja Carter, Hunter Schafer, Carmen Key...
Tom’s friends =  Harrison Osterfield (Haz), Tuwaine Barrett, Alex Roberts, Fox Jackson, Ollie Gardner, David (Seadon-Young), Liam O’Shea, Ben Angliss...
This is a good start.  If you guys want to add anyone or correct anything, please inbox me for consideration.  
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nepal123world-us · 3 years
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mamacass69 · 5 years
Putting community back in community college. The Badass Bookworm with Sharon Coleman & Laura Zink, enroll on creative writing classes now
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trapezequeen · 4 months
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Endless Zendaya Gifs (Part 9/♾️)
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fashionkilladaya · 1 year
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Narben Creme wie anwenden?
Narbenbildung Knie Youtube Sie haben eine negative Bewertung auf Ihrer Facebook Fanpage bekommen und möchten diese entfernen? Gerne per PN. Narbensalbe Homöopathisch Yoda Verschiedenes Gemüse wie: Narben Gel Dm Cijena Ein gesunder Rücken ist die Basis für ein allgemeines Wohlbefinden. Trotzdem können die Narbencremes aus unserem Test auch für ältere und erhärtete Narben verwendet werden. Nach Operationen sollte das Präparat frühestens nach 14 Tagen angewendet werden. Eine Freundin von mir hatte nach einem Flugzeugabsturz 1 aus 50 Metern Höhe einige verbleibende Narben, auch im Gesicht. Oft ist es nicht hilfreich, nur die Testsieger zu vergleichen, da diese eventuell auch mehr kosten und einen höheren Anschaffungspreis haben.
Dort werden sie gefoltert, und die Familien in der Heimat werden erpresst, damit sie noch mehr Geld schicken. Irina hat ein gutes Leben: Gemeinsam mit ihren sanftmütigen Eltern lebt sie in einem Haus am See, es ist Frühling, auf dem Tisch stehen selbstgebackenes Brot und Milch von glücklichen Kühen und auf die Tischdecke hat Irinas Mama kleine Lämmchen gestickt. Hierbei soll sich die Hautoberfläche erneuern und das Erscheinungsbild der Narbe verbessern. I erforderlich Experte in diesem Berich zu lösen men Problem Aknenarben Lasern Münster Nachrichten Danach füttert man das Tier mit kleinen Portionen Schonkost. Das Team aus dem ersten Teil - bestehend aus Peter Quill aka Star-Lord (Chris Pratt), Gamora (Zoe Saldana), Drax (Dave Bautista), Waschbär Rocket (gesprochen von Bradley Cooper) und Baummensch Groot (Stimme: Vin Diesel) durchquert zur Musik des „Awesome Mixtape #2 auf neuen Abenteuern den Weltraum Verbrennung Bügeleisen Narben Netz Der sich häufig einstellende Juckreiz wird verursacht durch die Hautirritationen, die vom Sekret hervorgerufen werden Narbensalbe Gesicht Nach Op Qvc Es handelt sich um ein lebensbedrohliches Krankheitsbild, das ohne intensive medizinische Behandlung tödlich verlaufen kann Wie Kriege Ich Narben Im Gesicht Weg Gesetzen Das heißt, einige HNO-Ärzte und einige…Symptome von saurem Reflux, wie saurem Reflux in der Nacht zu heilen. Bei größeren Bauchnarben, die zu starke Wucherungen im Bauchraum zeitigen, bleibt manchmal nur eine weitere Operation. Neben einem gelungenen Make-Up, einer modernen Frisur und einem tollen Outfit zählen insbesondere die Fingernägel zum Aushängeschild einer Frau. Weiße Narben Durch Pickel Gesicht Weiße Narben Nach Akne Testen Narbensalbe Wala Ab Wann Jena Schäferkoppel 1. Narbensalbe Rossmann Aktuell Liebste Grüße, Dies ist sicherlich die kostengünstigste und zugleich risikoärmste Form zu Laibe zu rücken. Doch auch, wenn die künstliche Bräune für viele Frauen zur Beauty- und Wellnessroutine gehört, solltest Du dem Solarium nicht ohne Bedenken entgegen treten.
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Der Bau soll noch in diesem Jahr begonnen werden! Ich hab es dann weggelassen - leider ist meine Narbe, heute noch 4 Monaten auch nicht wirklich schön geworden. Auch ich hab das Gefühl, man kann anscheinend fast alles nehmen außer den dafür vorgesehenen "Narbensalben". Wir konnten gar nicht genug davon bekommen, all diese Menschen zu beobachten, diese Tausenden von Menschen, die uns so viel spannender erschienen als die provinziellen Stammtischmänner mit den roten Säufernasen aus dem oberfränkischen Dorf, in welchem wir studierten. Die Narbensalbe wird erst dann angewendet, wenn die Wunde vollkommen geschlossen ist. Narbensalbe und eben die Dinge, die schon genannt wurden. In manchen Fällen hilft auch eine Druckbehandlung mit Gelkissen oder elastischen Verbänden (Kompressionsbehandlung), damit die Narbe nicht mehr so wulstig wird. Abtei Zink Wundheilsalbe Gegen Pickel Creme Mit einer sogenannten Notwendigkeitsbescheinigung bestätigt dein Arzt, dass eine Ernährungstherapie erforderlich ist.
Sie fördern die Heilung der verletzten Haut. Eine Metaanalyse von Leventhal et al., welche die Therapieerfolge verschiedener Behandlungsmöglichkeiten von pathologischer Narbenbildung untersuchte, erfasste keinen signifikanten Behandlungsvorteil einer der verfügbaren Therapiemodalitäten 75 Die Ergebnisse zeigten auch, dass über die Wirksamkeit etablierter Therapieoptionen bei pathologischer Narbenbildung nur eine geringe Anzahl von Studien veröffentlicht ist, die einen hohen Evidenzgrad besitzen. Wala Narbensalbe Bei Aknenarben. Wala Narbensalbe Inhaltsstoffe 500mg Anliker MD, Reindl J, Vieths S, Wüthrich B.Allergy caused by ingestion of persimmon (Diospyros kaki): detection of specific IgE and cross-reactivity to profilin and carbohydrate determinants.
Neben sozialen Lernerfahrungen werden auch theoretisch fundierte Lerninhalte vermittelt. 2018 ins ausland gratis. Somit wird die Narbe sehr schön, weich und wächst auch nicht an. Weiters kannst du die Narbe mit einer Narbensalbe (Apotheke) eincremen bzw. In Kombination mit einer Narbensalbe, die Pflanzenwirkstoffe enthält, ist Silikon besonders praktisch.
Was sagt der (Haut-)Arzt? Im Zweifelsfall sollte immer der behandelnde Arzt befragt werden, um die geeignete Wirkstoffkombination für die Narbenpflege auszuwählen. Er wurde zitiert mit den Worten, es könne „desaströs für den Orden ausgehen, da man in Amerika sehr hohe Schadenersatzsummen erstreiten könne. Bio öl Bei Dehnungsstreifen 7 Tage Du kannst dir vielleicht nicht vorstellen, wie passend diese Geschichte gerade heute für mich ist. Ultraschall erfolgen. Narbensalbe Keloid De Marshmallows mit Wasser in eine Schüssel geben und in der Mikrowelle auf höchster Stufe schmelzen. Ob eine Kaiserschnitt- , Blinddarm- oder andere Narbe ein Störfeld darstellt, können Sie in meiner Praxis testen lassen. Daneben erklären wir Ihnen, was bei der Auswahl der Narbensalbe zu beachten ist, damit die Narbensalbe auch tatsächlich wirkt.
" 12. Narbensalbe Neuerscheinungen. Aber auch bei Verbrennungen oder Unfällen können sich Narben bilden. Laser Aknenarben Berlin Juli 2016 So trat die Polizei jüngst im Hauptquartier der Provinz Surat Thani vor die Presse, um sämtliche Todesfälle auf Ko Tao als harmlos zu deklarieren und ihre eigene Arbeit als untadelig darzustellen. Leo Kneip Creme Gegen Pickel Auf Kopfhaut 80er Am Ende steht eine theoretische Prüfung. Einmal will man wirklich total ehrlich sein und erzählt dir alles und was kommt So verstärkte Jasper zusammen mit Emmet mein Training Narbensalbe Mit Zwiebeln 50 Das Verhältnis von basen- zu säurebildenden Nahrungsmitteln sollte 80% zu 20% betragen Narbensalbe Mit Zwiebeln 50 «Die Stimme des Geschöpfs klang tonlos, war voller Zischlaute und verriet keinerlei Bewegung 5,0Z"/> "Ich fühlte mich wie zu Hause" Die Anwendung von Kelosoft-Narbensalbe in der Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit ist möglich, jedoch. Als beliebteste Produkte hat sich jedoch unsere Narbensalbe bewährt, da sie besonders schnell in die Hautschichten einzieht und Sie im Gegensatz zu Öl anfangs nicht in Ihren händischen Möglichkeiten eingeschränkt sind. Auf diese wird an drei aufeinander folgenden Tagen mit dem Spatel eine Stuhlprobe aufgebracht und der Test anschließend beim behandelnden Arzt zur Auswertung abgegeben.
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Weiterhin verblassen die Narben und sind dadurch nicht mehr so auffällig. Auch wenn ich offen zugebe,das es wohl die Wahrscheinlichkeit für letzteres erhöht Narben Wulstig Behandeln 70er Durch die Behandlung können folgende Ergebnisse erzielt werden: Narbensalbe Rossmann 94 Sie waren Werkzeuge, Marionetten, aber manchmal musste man eben auch Puppe sein und nicht nur Puppenspieler, wenn das Ziel für einen alleine zu groß war. Ein gutes Produkt für die Narbenbehandlung - gibt es das überhaupt? Diese entstehen, wenn im Wundheilungsprozess zu wenig Ersatzfasern für das zerstörte Gewebe gebildet werden. Keloid Narbensalbe Contractubex. Spezielle Narbensalben und -cremes sind auch bei älteren Narben wirksam und können bewirken, dass die Narbe optisch unauffälliger wird. Bitte informieren Sie Ihren Arzt oder Apotheker, wenn Sie andere Arzneimittel anwenden bzw. Die OP wäre miese verlaufen und hätten evtl Narben Creme Bei Verbrennungen Haben Nein, auch oft bei nach außen hin abgebrüht wirkenden männlichen Zeitgenossen springen die Tränendrüsen an, wenn ein Kinostreifen direkt unter die Haut geht Narbensalbe Contractubex Anwendung Youtube Danach habe ich die Kopfhörer aufgesetzt und langsam in kleinen kreisenden Bewegungen meinen Bauch abgesucht Narben Mit Hausmitteln Schminken Hunde Der amtliche und aktuelle Firmenbuchauszug wird durch die FirmenABC Marketing GmbH als Offizielle Verrechnungsstelle der Republik ÖSTERREICH angeboten und bestätigt die Identität einer Firma und ihre Funktionsträger. Dies äußert sich dadurch, dass die Haut an der Narbenpartie zunächst geglättet wird und sich entspannt. Lassen Sie uns zuerst, zu differenzieren: Revitol ist eine Firma, die Cremes und Salben für alle Arten von Hautproblemen schafft.
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monkeynumber9-blog · 6 years
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epoxyconfetti · 6 years
By Juliet Eilperin and Dino Grandoni He’s known by some as the cicada. Randal Bowman has toiled 32 years at the Interior Department. A proponent of limited federal regulation, he goes underground during Democratic administrations. But with the arrival of President Trump, the senior policy analyst has ascended like the insect that is famed for its periodic resurgence. He is helping Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke shrink national monument designations and scrutinizing whether agreements struck with politically active nonprofit groups mesh with Zinke’s priorities. “He bides his time underground during Democratic administrations, and when Republican administrations come in, he reemerges and very aggressively works to promote their agenda,” said Don Barry, who worked with the career staffer while serving as Interior’s assistant secretary for fish, wildlife and parks under President Bill Clinton. Bowman, now a special assistant to the National Park Service’s deputy director, is one of numerous civil servants throughout the government who are wielding new influence in the Trump administration after years of being out of sync with Barack Obama’s White House. While Trump has brought plenty of outsiders to the federal government, these insiders matter because, as Barry observed, “They understand the way the government works. They know where the power lies and which levers to use.” VIEW GRAPHIC How Trump is rolling back Obama’s legacy Though this bureaucratic rite takes place every time a new party occupies the White House, the convulsive turnover that took place in 2017 made the shift far more pronounced. In some cases, staff members who served during the Obama years are being given the chance to roll back policies they had previously helped craft. At the Department of Homeland Security, a trio of top officials were elevated from within the ranks: Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Lee Francis Cissna; Thomas D. Homan, deputy director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement; and Kevin K. McAleenan, commissioner at Customs and Border Protection. All take a law-and-order approach more reflective of Trump’s tough line on people in the country illegally. ADVERTISEMENT That “three career guys” are now in key immigration posts shows the administration is “setting our agencies back to factory settings, of just administering the law,” Cissna said in an interview. Cissna drew harsh attention last month when he removed the phrase “nation of immigrants” from his organization’s mission statement — a reaction he termed “befuddling,” since he aimed to capture what the agency does and who it serves. “I just started fresh,” he said. He added that he is like plenty of other civil servants who have found a welcome audience for their ideas in the wake of an election: “They get nowhere, then a new president comes in.” Brandon Coleman has also seen his trajectory change significantly. In 2014, after helping expose long wait times and problems with suicide prevention programs at a Veterans Affairs hospital in Phoenix, he was suspended for 15 months on what turned out to be unsubstantiated charges of assault after he went public with his allegations about veterans’ care. In June, he attended the Oval Office ceremony at which Trump created the VA Office of Accountability and Whistleblower Protection, and he now works there as a whistleblower program specialist. And Steven H. Cook, when he was a federal prosecutor in Tennessee, used to appear on conservative TV shows arguing against the Obama administration’s effort to curb long prison sentences for nonviolent drug offenders. Now, as director of the Office of Law Enforcement Liaison, he is helping Attorney General Jeff Sessions reverse many of the criminal justice policy changes his predecessors put in place. Longtime Interior Department analyst Indur Goklany quickly rose during the Trump administration’s first year to work in the deputy secretary’s office. (2008 photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images) Cook “has dedicated his whole career to keeping people safe,” Justice Department spokesman Ian D. Prior said in an email. “It is no surprise that someone so committed to safer streets and communities would thrive in the Trump Administration, which has prioritized reducing crime in America.” The potential for policy and role reversals on certain issues has been especially pronounced. As the career official heading the Environmental Protection Agency’s National Center for Environmental Economics, Al McGartland argued unsuccessfully under the previous administration that officials had overestimated the financial benefits of extending federal jurisdiction to about 60 percent of U.S. water bodies. Last year, he helped crunch the numbers justifying withdrawal of that 2015 rule, jettisoning studies he said were not rigorous enough. But few backbenchers have experienced as rapid and dramatic a role reversal as Indur Goklany, who during his more than three decades working at Interior’s Office of Policy Analysis also wrote papers for several conservative think tanks and participated in their events and films. Weeks after Trump’s inauguration, Goklany found himself within the department’s inner circle of leadership and was subsequently transferred to work in the deputy secretary’s office. Emails released under a Freedom of Information Act request and separately obtained by The Washington Post, coupled with interviews with current and former federal officials and academics, chart the ascent of a longtime Interior analyst who established his conservative bona fides outside the department even as he feuded with colleagues within it. Climate change was a core conflict, with Goklany questioning the severity of its impacts, the extent to which humans have contributed to it and the predictions of its future course. An electrical engineer by training, he initially suggested rewriting Interior’s main climate Web page a week after Trump took office. Three days later, he proposed wiping out the previous administration’s priorities altogether. “I actually think removing the Priorities page is better and more efficient than just modifying certain pages because climate change is not the only questionable priority on the current Priorities page,” Goklany wrote to Doug Domenech, who now serves as Interior’s assistant secretary of insular areas. The page went offline for a few days last March and underwent multiple changes during the year, according to the Environmental Data and Governance Initiative. It now lists Zinke’s 10 top priorities before providing links to a range of topics such as American energy, regulatory policy, tribal nations and climate change. Myron Ebell, a senior fellow at the conservative Competitive Enterprise Institute, has worked with Goklany for years in what Ebell described as his “moonlighting job as a one-man think tank.” Ebell sees his longtime ally as empowered in a way he hasn’t been since the Reagan administration. “Obviously, they kept him in a box during the Obama administration, and now they’ve let him loose,” said Ebell, who headed Trump’s transition team at the EPA and lobbied the president to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate agreement. “He’s a national treasure, in my view. He’s a very meticulous analyst of policies, and he knows how to get behind the claims and look at the data.” Yet Joel Clement, who headed the Office of Policy Analysis from 2011 until mid-2017 and supervised Goklany, said he fails to understand why Interior’s new leadership would rely on him to help guide climate policy. “For an electrical engineer to suggest that climate change is good for society and is just dandy — there are lots of nonexperts with opinions,” Clement said in an email. “The bizarre thing is that sitting political appointees in the Department of the Interior would seek out his advice.” Department spokeswoman Heather Swift said she had been informed by Interior’s human resources office that she could not comment on Goklany’s role. Similarly, a National Park Service official said Bowman would not be available for an interview. Clement filed the FOIA request that produced the raft of emails related to Goklany’s activities last year. “He refused to discuss these activities with his supervisors while I was there at DOI, and his work products, a mystery to all of us in the career ranks, were likely to represent threats to scientific integrity,” Clement said. The documents chronicle how Goklany reached out to new appointees in key positions and shared work he had done — sometimes as “an independent scientist” — that meshed with the White House’s push for expanded fossil fuel production. Last spring, he got permission from Interior ethics lawyers to speak at the Heartland Institute’s International Conference on Climate Change. During his talk, he drew connections between rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and indicators of well-being, such as life expectancy and per capita gross domestic product. “Instead of living in the worst of times, we’re actually living in the best of times,” he said, “and carbon dioxide and fossil fuels are a good part of that.” The documents show that Goklany has repeatedly scrutinized the department’s climate research. Last April, Domenech sent him an Obama-era National Park Service brochure on the effects of global warming throughout the parks. Goklany marked up the document with his thoughts, describing a page titled “Responding to Climate Change” as “propaganda for a favored option.” The same month, the “Climate Change” Web page under Interior’s “Priorities,” flagged months earlier by Goklany when it provided a robust summary of the department’s climate activities, was trimmed to two paragraphs. By May, Goklany was reviewing a draft of at least one U.S. Geological Survey paper on climate change and preparing “a summary overview of climate change activities gleaned from examining” past manuals, Web pages and secretarial orders. “I believe the idea is to put current climatic change in their long term context, i.e. going back millions of years,” he told a colleague in an email independently obtained by The Post. Late last year, Deputy Secretary David Bernhardt signed a secretarial order wiping out four directives and policy manuals instructing Interior employees on how to address climate issues and other environmental impacts on public lands, including at least one Goklany had singled out in May. subscribe The story must be told. Your subscription supports journalism that matters. Try 1 month for $1 The order said the documents were “inconsistent” with the administration’s energy goals. Correction: An earlier version of this story misidentified Kevin K. McAleenan’s title at Customs and Border Protection. Matt Zapotosky contributed to this report.
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spidermaninlove · 5 years
I'm the anon who told you that EZ and zink have the same name. IDK if he changed his name. Just because he still has Coleman as his last name, I'm going to say he didn't.
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affairsintop · 6 years
Jersey to Trump: If you're banning oil drilling off Florida coast, ban it here too
New Post has been published on http://www.anblogger.com/jersey-to-trump-if-youre-banning-oil-drilling-off-florida-coast-ban-it-here-too/
Jersey to Trump: If you're banning oil drilling off Florida coast, ban it here too
WASHINGTON — If Florida’s coasts are off-limits to oil drilling, so should the Jersey Shore, according to the entire 14-member Garden State congressional delegation.
New Jersey’s two senators and 12 House members invited Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to visit their state and “learn firsthand about how offshore drilling would harm our communities and our economy” in a letter released Thursday.
“We would be happy to facilitate such a visit and connect you with the individuals who have the most to lose in the event of an oil spill,” they wrote.
N.J. officials seek to block Trump plan
U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., drafted the letter after Zinke excluded Florida from President Donald Trump’s proposed five-year plan to open as much as 90 percent of the outer continental shelf to oil drilling, including the waters off of New Jersey.
“If Florida’s coastal economy is reason to ultimately withdraw them from drilling,” Menendez said, “we have the same claim.”
Interior Department officials did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Zinke acted after meeting with outgoing Republican Florida Gov. Rick Scott, who is considering challenging Democratic U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, a long-time opponent of offshore drilling. Nelson called Zinke’s decision “a political stunt.”
Gov. Chris Christie, an early supporter of Trump’s presidential campaign, said New Jersey deserved the same consideration as Florida.
“If exceptions are being made for other states, the governor will certainly pursue the same type of exception for New Jersey,” Christie spokesman Brian Murray said. “He also will consult with the attorney general on additional steps to continue his policy of protecting New Jersey’s coastline.”
At risk from an oil spill could be a New Jersey tourism industry generating $44 billion annually and supporting 500,000 jobs, and a commercial fishing industry adding $7.9 billion a year to the state’s economy and creating more than 50,000 jobs.
If the federal government holds a public hearing in New Jersey on the plan, Rep. Frank LoBiondo, R-2nd Dist., requested it take place on the Jersey Shore.
“As the Trump administration considers a new plan to drill for oil and gas off the coast of New Jersey, it is imperative you hear from residents, businesses and local officials in communities along South Jersey’s coast,” said LoBiondo, whose district includes Atlantic City, wrote in a separate letter to the Interior Department’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.
And Rep. Tom MacArthur, R-3rd Dist., whose district also includes miles of New Jersey coastline, made a separate plea to Zinke to keep oil drilling away from the state’s shore.
“I have been, and remain opposed to oil drilling off the New Jersey coast because of the potential threat to the environment and the Jersey Shore’s tourism and fishing industries,” MacArthur said.
The third New Jersey Republican whose district includes the shore, Rep. Chris Smith, R-4th Dist., also has called Zinke in search of the same waiver he gave Florida. 
“All states and localities opposed to this drilling proposal should be heard and those with compelling reasons, like New Jersey, should receive waivers, if we’re really about respecting local concerns in our national energy policy,” Smith said.
Besides Menendez, LoBiondo, MacArthur and Smith, those signing the letter were U.S. Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J.; and Reps. Donald Norcross, D-1st Dist.; Josh Gottheimer, D-5th Dist.; Frank Pallone Jr., D-6th Dist.; Leonard Lance. R-7th Dist.; Albio Sires, D-8th Dist.; Bill Pascrell Jr., D-9th Dist.; Donald Payne Jr., D-10th Dist.; Rodney Frelinghuysen, R-11th Dist.; and Bonnie Watson Coleman, D-12th Dist.
“Whenever we can speak with one voice on behalf of New Jersey,we are stronger at the end of the day,” Menendez said. “When something like offshore drilling is the case, the unanimity of voices of the delegation is a powerful tool.”
Jonathan D. Salant may be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @JDSalant or on Facebook. Find NJ.com Politics on Facebook.
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