#zag's tag
starswallowingsea · 2 months
9, 10, and 14 mayhaps it ? for the enstars
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afsmdfpoaisd its okay i think its fine
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9. a ship that isn't your OTP but that you enjoy
There are so many! I'm such a sucker for rarepairs and I enjoy seeing other people's too but as for ships that aren't like. the ones i think about most, there's Chiaki/Kaoru and Chiaki/Kaoru/Kanata, Hiiro/Aira/Kohaku and all its subpairings, Poly Eden and their subpairings as well... There r many. Adonis/Koga and Adonis/Arashi are also up there. I can be convinced on just about anything amdsfpioads.
10. a blog (mutual or one you follow) that has made your fandom experience brighter
@transactinides one of my besites and ofc my gf @nozomiicchii and all of my wonderful enstars mutuals i cannot list here. those 2 are the biggest ofc
14. the ship that always makes you smile
Kaoru/Kanata, Rinne/Niki, Niki/HiMERU.... also Madara/Tatsumi/Shu for that rarepair action. Call that mint chocolate strawberries or whatever.
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mirrortouchedsea · 9 months
39. Share a snippet from a WIP
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
41. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
42. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
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39. “What’s going on?” Kaoru asked someone next to him. 
“I heard that they caught a mermaid. A real live one,” the woman said, eyes glued to the cart trying to catch a glimpse of what was inside. 
Kaoru felt his heart drop.
40. Oh honestly any scene would make me so happy, but since I'm trying to motivate myself to edit chapter 2 for my kaokana wip...maybe the scene where they first meet?
41. one-and-done. i dont really see a need to go and reread them most of the time.
42. When the Dam Breaks by andy453R and i mean. sure. it wasn't groundbreaking but it is a cute look at Niki's relationship with Crazy:B
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kindaorangey · 5 months
miraculous ladybug is a hotbed of whiplash between extremely hard-hitting show-don't-tell writing and expositing-the-point-directly-into-the-camera writing. like the show is constructed so the basic plot can be understood by 6 year olds but then you'll randomly have a scene during a timeskip that shows adrien's room in a depression-induced mess after he quits modelling and it will never be addressed as such but it will neatly convey the disruption to his mental state that a lack of routine causes him. and u just have to deal with both of those things side by side constantly😭
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mstrchu · 1 year
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kenchann · 1 month
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the honk shoo guy... again
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gncrezan · 15 days
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@chrysanthemumgames in the hades game style! been putting a loooot of hours into hades 2 so this was only a matter of time (and the full portraits under the cut!)
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numartian · 2 months
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quick angel hare doodle from feb i forgot abt
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boltevega · 6 months
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Oh Angel Gabby!
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digitalmyyth · 1 year
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Becky posted Lesley pictures on instagram everyone cheer
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jules-ln · 21 days
When people say "the Greek gods should be ethnically Greek in Hades" they mean white.
Like they literally mean that they want all the Greek Gods to be white in the game
No, they don't mean culturally, if they wanted to talk about culture they wouldn't have brought up the word "ethnicity" and equal that to race (ethnicity doesn't mean just race, it can also mean a shared tradition or shared language, so yes, POC can be ethnically Greek if they had lived all their lifes there)
And it's so silly because like, oh, then Chaos isn't "greek" either because they're Grey and there aren't any actual Grey Greeks?
Also they're Gods! They can be anything they want, like sure, Zeus can be a swan and that's fine, but if he was a man with dark skin, that's too much?
They aren't criticizing the cultural hegemony the US has, they're just being racist and then masking their racism with "progressive" language
And then people here go and be like "Oh, poor little white people!! They have a right to demand a game without POC because it's their culture!!!"
Like what?
I'm sorry but you do remember that Greek mythology has been used, and is still being used as far right propaganda?
Like do you remember that the protagonists of the games are white and green eyed (on one eye) and the only POC are on secondary roles!?
(There can be a valid criticism about cultural hegemony in Hades, but this, isn't that)
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rockafirevevo · 6 months
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im enamored with this guy and this guy in particular. rotating him in my head
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starswallowingsea · 7 months
For the emoji thingie 🎅🏼 Santa Claus bc crimmus
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you are my:
(🎅🏼) mutual
(  ) friend
(🎅🏼) close friend
you intimidate me:
(  ) yes
(🎅🏼) no
do i want to talk more:
(🎅🏼) yes
(  ) no
have i ever had a crush on you:
(  ) yes
(🎅🏼) no
best feature:
(  ) @
(  ) layout
(🎅🏼) posts
(🎅🏼) you’re very funny
(  ) you’re adorable
(  ) i freaked out when you followed me
(  ) i feel like i annoy you
(🎅🏼) i love seeing your posts on my dashboard
(  ) you’re so pretty
(🎅🏼)  i love you a lot
(  ) you’re so relatable
(🎅🏼) i’m grateful for you
(🎅🏼) i wish i could meet you one day
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mirrortouchedsea · 9 months
Book emoji I can't find in my phone rn
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okay so this is one i've thought about for a long long while but it's an angel/demon au courtesy of my beloved kiki for madashu, although the more i think about it the more i think about including tatsumi in there for deranged polycule moments. but anyway
i want to write it in the style of rayuela, ie having two ways to read it either by jumping through a bunch of chapters and by reading just half of them straight forward which means this would have to be posted like. all at once and therefore this project is like. not coming to fruition any time soon. ideally bc of plot reasons, the chapters would be named after different exhibits within the museum kind of like you're walking through it + then some other bonus stuff behind the scenes that's happening elsewhere
but the plot of this fic is that shu is a demon who is a/the curator for a museum that displays heavenly and infernal artifacts in the human world and madara is an angel who is tasked with trying to shut it down/find out what is going on/where they're getting these fucking things. it's part comedy of errors part examination of the institution of religion part corruption and redemption arc and ugh i want to write it so bad but yeah. its a fucking task and a half
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keydekyie · 10 months
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"Don't run. Never run. No matter how frightened you are."
"But, then... what can you do? How can one fight... that?"
"Stand your ground. Look them dead in the eye."
"That will stop them?"
"No. But they'll have to live with themselves, and perhaps the next one will be luckier."
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mstrchu · 1 year
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content for target audience of ??????
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magnusbae · 24 days
I—I found him—! Boy was I never this happy to find Father in this game.
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