#your blog is a goldmine i love the hcs you created
achizuto · 2 years
@scurriilous asked: “i suck at apologies, so unfuck you, or whatever.” [ couldn’t help myself. also HI ]
                    A dirty grin is plastered on the terrorist’s face, though it disappears underneath the collar of his cloak. “I’ve been called worse by better.”
                    Black nailpolish hides the dirt under the Deidara’s nails, accumulated from digging up soil with his proper hands. The crimson clouds are stained from the dust that the earth jutsu dispersed as he launched repeated impact of chakra to loosen an raise the ground- careful not to crush what he was looking for. Eventually, he did find the severed head. “But it’s cute to watch you try. Now, where’s your body?“
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