#youll notice whos reallyclose to her/whos family and then check those accounts and then maybe even those followers
katie-downes-cook · 9 months
pleaseee continue this blog! i know it’s been 5 years (!) but i am just dying to know what’s on her priv acc hahhaha (or pls give me tips how to find those pics)
omg im sorry i really dont have any interest or motivation in starting up this blog again</3
when this blog was active katie and her friends/family who had private accounts were very adamant on keeping them personal. a couple of people and i have requested them and never got approved. i always guessed something like that is probably why katie made a public account. what she wants to make public she will, but mostly shes pretty private.or was. i havent checked any of her socials in years.
there really isnt any tricks or tips to getting someone to accept your request if theyre really private like that. sorry.
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