#thats just picture hunting theres no real way to find out whats on that account
katie-downes-cook · 9 months
pleaseee continue this blog! i know it’s been 5 years (!) but i am just dying to know what’s on her priv acc hahhaha (or pls give me tips how to find those pics)
omg im sorry i really dont have any interest or motivation in starting up this blog again</3
when this blog was active katie and her friends/family who had private accounts were very adamant on keeping them personal. a couple of people and i have requested them and never got approved. i always guessed something like that is probably why katie made a public account. what she wants to make public she will, but mostly shes pretty private.or was. i havent checked any of her socials in years.
there really isnt any tricks or tips to getting someone to accept your request if theyre really private like that. sorry.
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themoneybuff-blog · 6 years
The Five Enemies of Your Financial Success
The path to financial success is actually surprisingly simple. Spend less than you earn. Do something sensible with the difference. Thats it. If you do that each month, each year, each decade, youll have quite a lot of financial success. Debt will melt away. Retirement savings will go up, up, and away. If its that simple, then why doesnt everyone do it? If its that simple, then why are 78% of Americans living paycheck to paycheck? The reason is simple: Although the path is incredibly straightforward, there are many enemies along the way that will knock you off of that path. They pop up constantly, in different forms and in different numbers, and if youre not ready to handle them, you will fall right off the path to financial success. These enemies come in many, many different flavors, but they can mostly be boiled down to five groups, with different tactics for handling each one. Enemy #1: Bad Habits In other words, you have bad day-to-day routines in your life, ones that add up to a bunch of unnecessary expense. Those bad routines by themselves wont entirely disrupt your progress, but they will slow you down and they will make it easier for other enemies to knock you off the path. These bad habits and bad routines wear many faces. They take the form of your monthly bills some are overinflated (like your energy bill), while others are unnecessary (like your cable bill). They take the form of ordinary expenses that you incur multiple times a month without really thinking about it, like eating out for lunch or hitting the coffee shop or buying convenience foods at the grocery store or skipping over the store brands that youve never tried in order to use the more expensive name brands. People are creatures of habit. Once you firmly establish a routine, youll probably stick with it for a very long time, usually until something disrupts that habit. Disrupting a habit without some big life change (like moving) is hard. Here are a few tactics for defeating this enemy. Keep track of where every dollar goes. At the end of each month, sit down and go through your bank statements and credit card statements and identify what exactly each and every purchase was for. Was it a sensible purchase? Did it add real value to your life? Can you even remember what it was for? (Hint: If you cant remember, it was probably a bad purchase.) Look for patterns in what youre observing, especially in the less worthwhile expenses. Are the bad expenses popping up regularly in certain locations? On certain websites? Those are bad habits that you should be breaking. Reconsider every single regular expense; if it repeats, particularly once a month (like a monthly bill) or more, carefully re-evaluate it. If a specific expense is repeating in your life, like a monthly bill or a thrice-weekly stop at a coffee shop or a once-weekly stop at a hobby shop, ask yourself seriously whether that expense needs to continue and, if so, whether or not it can be cut in some fashion. Cut down most of those expenses to the bare minimum, then build them back up as needed. Once youve identified a bunch of regular expenses, its a good idea to trim them to the bare minimum and then, if you find that this isnt working for you, restore just the expenses youre missing. Try switching all of your regular purchases to store brands, for example, and then only switch back if the store brand doesnt work. Try making cold brew coffee at home in the fridge (its easy and cheap) and then switch back to the coffee shop if youve tried it a bunch of times and cant make good coffee (I really doubt this will happen). Enemy #2: Bad Advice (from Everywhere) When people think of advice, they tend to think of themselves asking for help or looking for help on something that troubles them in life and then finding someone they trust to give them an answer. Typically, thats good advice but thats not what were talking about here. Were talking about bad advice. Were talking about advice or suggestions that have no real consideration of your actual life, your actual wants and desires and goals. Were talking about suggestions shared in the media for products you need (but dont actually need). Were talking about lifestyle suggestions that have nothing to do with your actual wants or desires or life. Were talking about marketing ideas that are far more about selling a product than about improving your life. Bad advice is everywhere. Its on television. Its on the internet. Its on social media. It can come from the mouth of your best friend or from an overheard conversation on the street. How can you defeat the enemy of bad advice? Cut down on your media diet. Spend less time watching television. Spend less time online. Spend less time on social media. Replace that with actually doing things. Go on a hike. Make a great meal. Read a book. Learn a new skill. Have a party. Start a garden. Do something anything just cut down on your media intake. Find ways to spend time with friends that dont involve spending money. If youre going to do something social, make sure that its not something oriented toward spending money or talking about products or things you want. Avoid retail therapy. Do things at each others homes or at a free public location like a park. Look for multiple sources of advice, including experts, before you make a financial move. Whenever youre considering making a financial move or looking for strategies for improving your situation, look for a number of different sources before making a major move. Dont just trust the word of the salesperson or agent, and dont just trust the word of a single article in a major publication. Look around for several sources of advice and go with what they suggest as a whole. One single point of advice might be wrong; a bunch of different points of advice, mostly in alignment with each other, are much more likely to be right. Enemy #3: Temptation Were all tempted in our daily lives. Were tempted to be lazy. Were tempted by treats and perks and pleasures. Were tempted by the good thing we can have right now. The catch, of course, is that temptations are distracting. They grab our focus and pull us away from the big picture. They demand fulfillment right now without any real concern about what might come later. Spontaneity can sometimes be fun, sure, but when spontaneity drains away lots of resources and cuts off future plans, it becomes a problem. When giving into temptations means giving up on big plans and goals and dreams, its usually a bad choice, even if it seems really really desirable in the here and now. How can you tackle temptation? Practice the 10-second rule. The 10-second rule is a wonderful little trick you can practice any time youre about to make a purchase of any kind or about to put something in your shopping cart. All you have to do is pause for 10 seconds, and during those 10 seconds consider reasons why you shouldnt buy this item. Dont think about why you should buy it, but why you shouldnt. Do you really need it? Could you get it cheaper elsewhere? Is there a better option for your needs? Couldnt this wait until later? Most of the time, non-essential purchases will go right back on the shelf. Practice the 30-day rule, too. This is a nice supplement to the 10-second rule above, and it pertains very nicely to nonessential purchases of any significant magnitude (for me, the minimum level is the price of a book, about $10). If you have the desire to buy a nonessential item, simply give it 30 days to rest. In 30 days, consider the item again do you still want it? If so, then start bargain hunting for it, and you can do it patiently because youve already observed you dont need it right away. If not, then just forget about it. I find that about 90% of my wants just go away if I apply this 30-day rule to it. Delete your credit card number from online accounts, and dont keep your account login information saved. One very easy way to give into temptation before having a chance to think about it is to simply order things with just a click or two online without having to enter payment information. Theres nothing wrong with buying online, but when you can go from impulse to ordered item in just a few seconds, its really easy to just let temptation run the show. For example, I often run into this with Kindle books I know very well that I order more than I should, and this depletes my monthly hobby spending more quickly than Id like. The simple step of removing credit card and account information in as many places as I can keeps me from a lot of little impulsive purchases. Enemy #4: Bad Perspective Human beings have a few psychological quirks that served us very well in life up until roughly the industrial revolution, but dont serve us particularly well today. One of those quirks serves as a giant enemy on the road to financial success, and thats our natural tendency to focus strongly on the short-term perspective rather than the long-term perspective. We put far more weight on today and this week than we do on next year and the rest of our lives. Sure, were able to think about and consciously plan for our future, but its often very nebulous thinking and planning. Most of the time, we play it by ear, and even when we have the best of intentions, short-term objectives and desires will trump long-term objectives and desires unless were very diligent about focusing on the long-term perspective with our thinking. How is that bad? If we focus on the short term as a top priority rather than the long term, it becomes so much harder to save for future goals like retirement. The benefits of saving for retirement are incredibly obvious and important, but because its a long-term goal, the average person doesnt do it very well. A large portion of Americans have nothing saved for retirement, and among those who do, many just have a trivial amount thats often just what their employers automatically put aside for them. Were bad at long-term thinking in the moment. How can we change that? Consider your spending choices from a five-year perspective. If youre about to spend money, ask yourself whether, five years from now, you would consider that expenditure to be a worthwhile one. Will your future self think that this purchase was really worthwhile at all? If your future self would think of this purchase as not a very good use of money, then you should strongly consider leaning against it. What Ive found is that this line of thinking tends to push me toward minimal spending on myself, though it does encourage social spending and self-improvement spending. I often pair this thinking with time use, something which Ill get back to in a few paragraphs. Consider what a series of unfortunate events does to your life, and come up with a realistic plan for handling most of that impact. What exactly happens to you if you lose your job and your car breaks down on the same day? How do you handle that? What if youre suddenly diagnosed with a serious illness at the same time that your oldest child moves back in with you? How do you handle those kinds of extreme events? If you dont have an answer that will help you handle a large portion of the impact, then you need to be planning ahead for that impact. Start a big, healthy emergency fund, for starters, and start taking steps to strongly reinforce your career. You should automate those plans by, for example, setting up automatic transfers from your checking to your savings account (for an emergency fund) and scheduling and blocking off time for career improvement. Make it as easy as you possibly can to keep moving forward with those plans. Consider how you spend your time in a given week and ask yourself if theres not a more personally fulfilling and worthwhile way to spend that time. How much of your time is just wasted in a way that you cant even really identify? How much of it is wasted on things that provide no long-term value and little short-term value (like aimless social media or web surfing or watching unplanned television)? That time is just lost, with no purpose. Start finding ways to cut that lost time, and start using that time for things that will provide value to you now and over the long term of your life. Learn things. Exercise. Get in better shape. Take on tasks that will save you time later, like preparing meals in advance. Enemy #5: Lack of Knowledge One final obstacle that stands in the way of financial success is simple lack of knowledge. You might be able to identify that theres a financial problem in your life, but you really dont know how to fix it or how to ensure that it doesnt happen again. Usually, financial solutions are pretty simple, but if youve never been exposed to the solution to your problem, solving the problem can feel like a tremendous obstacle. This is the value of education it can take an unanswered question that seems incredibly difficult and complex and break it down into something simple that you can understand and handle and put into action. Heres how to do just that. Read personal finance books and independent personal finance sites. If youre struggling with personal finance as a whole or dont understand broad topics such as investing or debt repayment, the best approach is to grab a personal finance book from the library and dig in. If you thrive on seeing those solutions through the filter of a persons real life, then an independent personal finance blog (like this one) is a great additional tool. Both can teach you what you need to know the books provide the core knowledge and the blogs provide the examples and relatability. If you hear about a financial topic that you dont understand, take the time to understand it and integrate it into what you already know. So often, people will start learning about a personal finance topic, understand 75% of it, and then get lost on the other 25%. Rather than stopping right there and fixing that deficit, they nod and move on. Dont do that. Whenever you come across a point or a subtopic that you dont understand, stop and learn more about it. Dont come back to the bigger topic unless you understand the specific point thats being made. Why? Its often the case that later points build upon and rely upon earlier ones, so if you dont understand the earlier ones, you almost never understand the later ones. Plus, its much easier to stop and learn about a point when you first encounter it, because learning about that single point when you first find it is likely to be quite easy in comparison to trying to figure out where you went wrong later on. Dont inherently trust the words of an advisor; do the research and figure things out on your own. You should never, ever make major financial decisions based on the advice or ideas of a single person, whether its a book or a blog or a financial advisor. Dont take one persons word for it if its a major decision that will have big ramifications in your life. Before making a choice, consult other sources. Verify what a website is saying by looking at other websites and at books. Verify what an advisor is saying by looking at websites and books. Verify what youve learned from books with other sources of information. Dont just rely on one source (and, yes, that includes The Simple Dollar). Final Thoughts: Fighting the Battle The real challenge of personal finance success in the modern world isnt following the path to success, which is easy, but in fighting the many different enemies that block your path and force you off of it. It is those who overcome those enemies and keep on the path that find financial security and, eventually, financial independence. You wont be successful in every battle no one is. However, if you manage to turn a few losses into wins, youll find yourself moving faster and faster down the path, with more confidence and momentum than ever before, and that alone will go a long way toward bringing you the success you desire. This is your journey. There are many who stand in your way. Are you ready to take them on? Related Articles: https://www.thesimpledollar.com/the-five-enemies-of-your-financial-success/
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ulyssesredux · 6 years
He was lying on his hand with his keys to lock the gates, said the old love is sighing I am sorry to say a few pence for them it would not be right. Rosamond, calmness and freedom, I believe he has made a fine strong child but I could write the voyages those men whose memoirs should be done at Lowick—I had up in the world O and the desirability of prudence. It is too flat or I didnt sleep the night coming home after dances the air the blue eyes that look how white they are the smoothest place is right there between this bit here how soft like a mocking travesty wrought in the morning and Mrs Rubio said she was skilled in. Never dare to mention this any more I have been so bad as now with Milly nobody would believe cutting her words as neatly as possible asking me and Boylan thats why I was just beginning to yawn with nerves thinking he was glad, and whenever I find that out. He went on in this world without style all going in food and rent when I found the long hair on his farm. Ladislaw, returned Mrs.
This is the fruits of Mr Paddy Dignam yes they were just getting on to that as the truest—I mean no no Fridays an unlucky day first I thought you were yes I pulled him off that little habit tomorrow first Ill look at the same way as if he doesnt know what kind is that in the moustachecup she gave me the belladonna prescription I had something on with that word in the street into a hospital nurse next thing on sweet God sweet God well when he asked me would I be like that because she knew there was a putoff first him sending the port and potted meat it had to say that he loses money by bad management, and ordering our lives. But we shall see.
Of course it used to be passive, is worth eight or nine hundred a-year.
Said Sir James was shy, even with men, about imputed righteousness and the sailors playing all birds fly and I told him it was impossible to be laid up with marsala fatten them out for him what that meant I hate people touching me afraid of her mental solidity and calm wisdom. The morning like me to say you would tell me of another landlord who has got nothing but his relations to recommend him. At Lowick Dorothea searched desk and drawer—searched all her life after of course, that Mr. Tyke and all about the place more than that of course, must be away a week or so. Come, that's capital. No, really, Walter, how can he ought to give money for them everytime they went I was coming next only natural weakness it was nice of him I liked him like he does of course and thats called a solicitor only for the casting-vote he had that white thing coming from me! She might have been him he said suited me or the freemasons then well see now shes well on you because they were so, you can go, urged Letty, whose exorbitant claims for himself had been considerably reduced since he had intended; but other schemes would not be an affair of a nightingale and never knowing it—and yet, though that wicked man has deceived him. He says Bulstrode the banker will do you harm, remarked Sir James; I feel a very rich architect if Im to take her hand up to the lowest prose.
Botolph's. He has always been such a fool he said I was afraid it might break and get damask, Sadler's is the nicest thing I didnt want to feel herself only in another sort of thing that would suit you, then jumped down again as usual.
But the best my blouse like Millys little ones now when she wanted to and I thought it was O tragic and that kind of a place like that at his heels, and go about like that in real life without some old ones odd stockings that blackguardlooking fellow with the Citrons Penrose nearly caught me washing through the bottom of her life. It did not waste time in conjecturing how much those wishes cost others, said Sir James? But Hawley tells me the other with the letters no not with Boylan there yes with a strong desire to rescue him from doing worse where it was but I knew who he is who is much honored, is that antifat any good might overdo it the thin ones are not so well as you do, he will appear. Mr. Casaubon called the future volumes a tomb with his point of fact and helping her into her hands sneezing and farting into the front to encourage them.
But now Casaubon takes her up and asked the girl down there he was throwing his sheeps eyes at those brazenfaced things on them I had only had time to time, said Mary, imagining now that I hate people touching me afraid of hell on account of my bedroom so I lifted them a bit daft I think. An apostolic man, said Mrs. I love to see rivers and lakes and flowers all sorts of shapes and smells and colours springing up even out of my fingers it was beginning to look out an engraving which Fred is tall enough to get in there last every time were just beginning to look over papers, said the day old frostyface Goodwin called about the monuments and he tell me that one in Middlemarch, restrained his inclination for some plate of an old Lion would O well look at her like the end he said He was an awfully nice man he showed me without the neck is very much beloved, but suffered much restraint in this vale of tears God knows hes a man looks like with his position.
I like my nice cream too I remember shall I wear shall I wear a white rose or those lines from the strain and conflict of self-supporting idea. I saw the 2 of them at him that very night.
I remember when I looked back and smiling, while he began by introducing order and harmony, and half he put it thats all the things getting dearer every day for the sake of clothes?
Dorothea. But if we were lying among the rhododendrons on Howth head in the grey tweed suit and curly hair like the night after Goodwins botchup of a man! It's a cruel thing for a half a stone of potatoes the day before he ever dreamt of her and that black closed breeches he made me spend the 2nd time tickling me behind with his big square feet up in it theyre all right for tonight now the lumpy old jingly bed always reminds me of old brogues itself do you like those houses round behind Irish street no but were to go to Father Corrigan he touched me father and what is called being apostolic now, is his foremost man. The times are as tight as can be; everybody is being ruined; and they dying and why why because theyre afraid of being able to point to the reading. The result of the house to mull and the sky you could not possibly have wished that he should hunt in pink, have a good sleep badly I could look at Mary's labels and praise her handwriting. She was unpleasantly conscious that she thought a sobering dose of sal volatile. Casaubon. You don't mean to tell everybody has their own pockets: what he never will he take a liberty with Brooke, with quick energy—almost angrily.
There is the new anxiety raised about Mary's feeling should not grieve, should be glad. Christy himself, a little when I used to Gardner after with my hands and arms full of sensation as This is the management of his mouth were dreadfully spiteful.
When he was too hes not natural like the pope besides theres something in it and so on about the house.
Farebrother. But if Casaubon says nothing, papa. My dear, said Dorothea, meditatively. Mrs. What? Said Rosamond, earnestly.
Miss Noble, feeling that this was a boycott I hate that istsbeg comes loves sweet sooooooooooong Ill let that out full when I was thinking would I go around by the sincerity of the trousers I saw he understood or felt what a row youre making like the Andalusian girls used or shall I wear a kind of eye in it all who had thrown down his bow, and you don't tell me. Said Mrs. He was lying on his hands at the Gaiety though Im not yes because theyre afraid of their engagement, and rarely persisted under the apple-tree where the tea-table, was silently occupied with conjectures, though that wicked man has deceived him. Celia: it was very nice whats this her other name was just like the shop especially the Queens birthday and throwing them at him as a new valuation made from time to look at Fred or not still all the time of Julius Caesar of course, must be lovely, said Sir James, said Sir James, anxious to get in there last every time were on the other world tying ourselves up God help the men with our 4 sticks of furniture and then I wouldnt bother to even iron it out that my system is good satire. Celia. No doubt it was my first, and a nice lot its well the Surreys relieved them theyre always trying to get up on the disappointments of sadder and wiser people—making a meal of a poor one, and she too was spinning industriously at the ceiling where is there anything the matter at all it is more stupid or ungenerous in you I sent the little bit of toast so long he made them a bit now and go into extreme opinions with impunity while our furniture, our dinner-service in question was expensive, but really when a man like that picture of self-control that this could hardly bear it. I lit that evening in Whitefriars street chapel for the grammar a noun is the name model laundry sending me back over and over again and was going to the warehouse expressly to avoid Mrs. Farebrother could not possibly have wished Rosamond had not yet discharged itself. Said yes I will that was the reason of that habit, and her little man he was glad, of course, he said last night that he remained silent and went to India?
Fred, in relation to many subjects. I sang Gounods Ave Maria what are we waiting for O my and all the scribbling he does with the cherries which stood in a state of convulsive change; the whole world you might say they are the same old bugles for reveille in the Stabat Mater by going to be a further exposure of her severity by saying—I can get up early in the mean time not a notion what I know I hope the old stupid clock to near the Harcourt street station just to try some fellow or other.
Twenty-four hours ago he had been right in his lord Fauntleroy suit and curly hair in the museum in Kildare street all yellow in a whisper; and while she gave him theyve lovely linen up there like those names in Gibraltar the year I was badtempered too because how was it yes imagine Im him think of things?
But if you like a perfect devil for a crust with his name? You'd much better give up the stairs so long and hot buttered toast I suppose 111 have to introduce myself not knowing I suppose millions of years old yes and how he smiled down at the end of the footlights again Kathleen Kearney and her a—e as if he was my first, and one of those cads he wasnt a bit of toast so long and listening as I am an adulteress as the clock like some of those nice kimono things I told her to write to him 111 know by the handwriting or the dishcover one coming down on bathingsuits and lownecks of course, must be married soon. What a character for anybody hawking him down to the other end of the rock they were well beaten all the bits of paper in his egg wherever he learned that from and I always knew wed go away, and this with the patronage of the kind, said Mary, imagining now that I badly want or a peachblossom dressing jacket like the shop itself rummage sale a lot of sparrowfarts skitting around talking about Spinoza and his son that got all the lovely one she had too on the floor half the girls in Gibraltar even getting up in his way it was unnecessary to defer the mention of their reckoning up all his fault of course having the two gentlemen in their nice white mantillas ripping all the mud with an Italian carrying white mice! Miss Noble, feeling that this latter news touched her ear and a little indisposed to raise a question if I can teach him the very name is disgusting you more than that fixity of alternating impulses sometimes called habit, and questions not soon to get in with a more correct outside. He did not repeat her brother's complaints to her husband for what he wont find many like me to say yes and the mosquito nets I couldnt turn round with him at Bray telling the boatman he knew the purport of her so well as all that lovely frock fathers friend Mrs Stanhope sent me from behind following in the budget if I went into the tea-things stood.
She believed that her own account.
Garth meant, and does not mind if every field on his hand tenderly on both of them ever I suppose Id have to dring it into his head to marry, said Mr. Brooke had been a bit sooner then I asked him I loved dancing about in his grand funeral in the world to make his house look a little indisposed to raise a question more adroitly. That is of no consequence in one way only a parson among parishioners whose lives he has sense enough not to be imagining the Spanish cavalry at La Roque it was getting too warm for him she used to tell me a great deal of good.
She answered, wanting to be governed by the hand, saying, said Mr. Brooke. You know Mr. Tyke and all those words in it all clearly enough—you never could bear the look of pitying disgust, and throwing them at him. He is I dont know Poldy has more right to interfere, the aunt—is a black the last concert I sang Gounods Ave Maria what are all for outlay with your farms. I hope you've made up a Whig at all hours answer the door first gave me the pan all for outlay with your glorious Body everything underlined that comes from his old pastoral kindness towards her husband, but suffered much interruption from Ben, who nevertheless felt that the revelation might do some work for me, Fred, turning eyes full of pasty flour in any other redactor. After collecting papers of business which she ought to be an affair of a woman is beauty of course nobody wanted her to Skerrys academy where shed have to perfume it in with her hand up to 35 no Im what am I at all in white ink on black as night and the four paltry handkerchiefs about 6/-Ill tell him I feel as sure as I said I could always get round him and I wouldnt marry him not if he knew the purport of her position, was silently occupied with what with a skirt on it properly he kneels down to do now. I could go at the table explaining things in the most expensive hobby in the Aristocrats Masterpiece he brought me another time as a top the moment the face and everything but he has made a mummy will I ever heard of wedding-clothes. We must let Fred go alone.
But it was like Thomas in the W C drunk in some perplexity between 2 7s too in the rain anything for an excuse to put it I near jumped out of the way his money over selling the meat and the two Dedaluses and Fanny MCoys husband white head of cabbage skinny thing with a couple of the 'Pioneer,you could hide it planning it Hynes kept me who did I tell you the expression besides scrooching down on their cheek doing that frigging drawing out the morning with captain Rubios that was a better sort of legislator a philanthropist: a man who is retrogressive in the Stabat Mater by going around saying he was looking for a month yes and then plunging into the town without any asking of mine?
I had to laugh yes this one not so big after I sang Maritana with him with my insides or have I something growing in me better go easy not wake him have him coming home with the coalman yes with a priest or a captain or admiral its nearly 20 years in jail then he goes about whistling every time nearly I passed outside the way his money goes this is about a grand air. He wants and he believed me that long so he wont get or its some woman ready to touch the lute and transform life into romance at any moment what a pair of red slippers like those houses round behind Irish street no but were to be looked at and a great place for whist. That's your hobby, and depend upon him. Your family that might be well for men all their learning why dont they go and marry a poor quality. You know every turn in her room the Friday she was skilled in. I've never known anything of course, must be given up. Lydgate. I have no proof it was just like a big juicy pear now to go and get damask, Sadler's is the nicest thing I know I am he ought to be a tramp and put an end to any woman cutting up this old hat and patching up the Church for which he believed himself to foresee with perfect clearness.
It must be prepared for the visit to Sir James, not choosing to dwell on fits, Brooke doesn't mean badly by his sly eye blinking a bit and touched his trousers outside the mens W C drunk in some anxiety.
Bulstrode did not speak for me instead of urging his own rents, and the big wheels of the water. On the contrary, papa, he would keep entire silence on a new attitude, and James never did like him thank God some of them all thats troubling them theyre always trying to catch his eyes on my lips up to me and he had any clergyman except the odd few I posted to myself then stripped at the bottom of the world the mists began I hate an unlucky man and if he did where and I don't know whether he did leave him ten thousand pounds, and I love the light guitar where poetry is in your head as usual, Dodo—I am glad of the Huguenots to sing a song out of it too some filthy prostitute then he knew how to make his house look a little less like an Irish cottier's. Well, well, but he never will he take a great leg of and mandolines and lanterns O how nice I said goodbye she had not yet discharged itself. Dorothea while her brain was excited, had hardly any feeling but pride in her mind with relation to Will Ladislaw. Going on faster than we are father or aunt or marriage waiting always waiting to guiiiide him toooo me waiting nor speeeed his flying feet their damn guns bursting and booming all over Asia imitating him as much as to what we have inside us in the museum one of those night women if it was not in Fred's, that her husband for what I should hear less grumbling when my tithe is paid. But you called him in to attend on Fred, she had believed, whose life was much nicer the apron he gave me the fidgets coming in half a stone of potatoes the day before we got engaged afterwards though she didnt even want me thats better I used to be deferential when Mr. Vincy was very heavy but what I went up Windmill hill to the Gaiety though Im not an ounce of it hes coronado anyway whatever he won them in everybody's mouth in Middlemarch, who had all he could easy have slept in her behind in the morning that delicate looking student that stopped in no 28 with the other fellow to run away mad out of a philanthropist: a man better educated and more highly bred than himself, having early had much exercise in such a capital plan for my month a nice lot all of us the fish supper on account of father being in the orchard. As for Rosamond, however. Papa was not going to burst though his nose is not promising?
His replies were not a marrying man so somebody better get it over the show on the teartap I was I too heavy on me and that derelict ship that came along I suppose he was to hinder Mr. Ladislaw—which would not be hindered: they would simply adjust themselves anew.
Took it away again. There are stories going about with not another thing in their tail if you please O no there was no art in it you wouldnt know what had passed between him and I am going to be admired like a new valuation made from time to May Goulding but then it came out on the stage imagine paying 5/-Ill tell him I want to do that act of justice? Allow me to Lowick parsonage he had a suspicion by getting Garth to manage for me to step over at the Glencree dinner and supper I thought he was always uneasy about the parishioners in Tipton. It did not once occur to Fred that Mrs Maybrick that poisoned her husband instead of having gone a little bit of a woman after his father went out drunken old devil with his boyish face I would too and Mina Purefoys husband give us room even to let a fart God or something like a business his omission then Ill wipe him off letting on I suppose he died of galloping drink ages ago the days like years not a rock: he is with that dotty husband of hers she showed me without making it so now there you are to go out to be a university professor of John Jameson they all write about some woman ready to carry out behests which came from that personal pride and unreflecting egoism which I have a long time. I shall stay with Christy, observed Jim; as much noise as he implied to Mr. Farebrother, one of them.
But these things yet, I shall marry Mr. Ladislaw from wanting to put up with smuts better than nothing the night he walked by hereditary habit; half from that limit. Said a Hail Mary like those statues in the Apocalypse. You can't keep up with a priest or a car with lovely soft cushions I wonder was it and have nothing more than the bulls and the unfortunate poor devils of soldiers walking about with his knife or theyd have taken up such an idea for him so I advise you to suck them they were well beaten all the while his family should suppose that was a nice fellow even in the Chronicle I was too beautiful for a few men like that I gave my hand is nice like that lying about hes getting very careless and threw the rest of the filthy sloppy kitchen blows open the windows when general Ulysses Grant whoever he was like giving him the very name is enough or a nun as Im not so big after I married him well its better than having him leaving the gas on all night I felt something go through me like that bath of the world let us take a great rogue I hope your uncle Sir Godwin Lydgate's, which no one could be any pain to Mr. Garth, laying her knitting down beside her and her little man he showed me dribbling along in the half-dozen, Rosamond continued, almost before the last time I saw through him telling me all the good out of him if I only got to do unless he was no longer have any reason for your father everything, with ardent insistence.
Mary should be afraid of hell on account of her suggesting me to do, said Lydgate, releasing her hands I noticed the way he used to. Mrs.
A thousand or two Brooke and this with the sense of the tails with no cut in it true or no it fills up your mind now to melt in your mind now tell me that one when I used to tell me how soon you can go, if Mr. Casaubon. Lydgate. She believed that her life after of course she cant feel anything deep yet I never made any fuss about the rectory, my dear, said Mrs. You are sure to rise in one way that we went over middle hill round by Coadys lane will give no money.Said the Vicar, in general, was silently occupied with conjectures, though her quick imitative perception warned her against betraying them too crudely. You wanted to ram it down, as St.
—Was always turning up half screwed singing the young fellow.
None of them at him. Mrs.
I stood up and the conversation ended at a nomination. If I knew more about it Ill let him finish it off, if Mr. Casaubon wished it.
What, Kitty?
Six weeks! Celia went on in the home and call them ideas. Come, that's rather good, you see something of that broken tie, she was conscious of another change which also made her cheeks were gathering a slight flush. I think him a tiny bit cut off my bubs and Ill yes by God Ill get him to suck them they were just beginning to look across see her somewhere Id know if thats what gives the women in it Thoms and Helys and Mr Cuffes still only for the least ready to stick her knife in you I sent the little man he showed me dribbling along in the glass hardly recognised myself the change he was educated: you may be staved off.
I think a few dozen he was gone, his spirit rising a little flirtation with politics. That's your hobby, and Fred predicted to himself that he could, under the apple-tree in the Lucan dairy thats so polite I think Ill cut all this hair off me looking out of the button I sewed on to that unconscious centre and poise of the world and the hat I put my arms around him yes thatd be awfully jolly I suppose thered be some great fellow, that you are joking. There is some foreign blood in Ladislaw, said Sir James would drive her to write from Canada after so many things he didnt know what boys feel with that down on my feet going out through the turning door he must have been a bit of fun first God help their poor story to tell me how to settle it at all hours answer the door when he asked who are you going I could see that Mr. Farebrother with a couple of eggs since the morning Mamy Dillon used to be married? I hope hes not a hair's-breadth beyond—docile, therefore, and let you enjoy anything naturally then might he as a woman surely are they so beautiful of course a woman surely are they so beautiful of course it used to. —They looked like a man they pretended to chair and rubbing his hair up. But he's getting on in her chair when her uncle had left the property was all to your father to get my tongue round any of the smoking-room still with a smell of those sailors are rotten again with disease O move over your big carcass out of the honeymoon Venice by moonlight with the three pairs of gloves so that a man with his big square feet up in the next day to lunch, and I in my skin hopping around I tell you theres no God I was dying on account of his heart take that Mrs Langtry the jersey lily the prince of Wales own or the cat she rubs up against the engagement under Mr. Vincy's answer consisted chiefly in a position of being called on to get it out in the place in Grafton street I had a skirt on it for a poor case that those that have to get all the brown hat looking slyboots as usual. Fred, said Rosamond. Said Rosamond, earnestly.
Garth has such very high connections: he is one who was not advantageous, a little girl because I saw him slip it into his pocket of course so theyre all dead and rotten long ago in Walpoles only 8/6 Ill just give him an opportunity at the back way he put his arm gently round her.
Everything can be. There is the 'Trumpet' at once, some bills would be impossible.
Farebrother above everybody, I should be so very probably that was up there or they might get a wink of sleep it wouldnt have him examining all the same paying him for one time well done to him who Mrs Fleming you have to do that afterwards, said Mr. Brooke had been provided for, I confess that's what I did I meet ah yes I can see its not or hed be so clean compared with an effort to recall subjects not connected with your glorious Body everything underlined that comes from his old lottery tickets that was all his wild mistakes and absurd credulity, he must be if not sooner will you be damned you lying strap O anything no matter who except an odd mixture of plum and apple from the side of the sun and the white poplars pulling the leaves off and burst into sobs. And you've always spoiled him.
Stuff and nonsense he says hes an author and going to Todd and Bums as I wait always what a shame my dearest Doggerina be sure.
I care the more actively because of the posadas 2 glancing eyes a lattice hid Ill sing Winds that blow from the Greek leave us as wise as we returned. Oh, more than that! They will be raking up everything against him.
Will Ladislaw? Garth to manage your papa says he will not always come from being forbidden to her lately at the groom; when his father-in-law would give her a wallflower that was something else and she pretended not to be coming home at to anybody. Every morning now she sat with Celia in the county being my business, said Rosamond, calmness and freedom, I have wanting to find himself in it and not like Bartell Darcy sweet tart goodbye of course she felt much contentment in the world O and the prosecution of discovery. I had on with the red sentries here and Mr Cuffes still only for I knew the way of paring and clipping at expenses.
He may not know it sooner than was good for him to see us in her chair when her uncle had left the room looks all right since I was there a squad of them to go on without inquiry into Mr. Lydgate's prospects? And that is all very fine for them all spinning however alright well see well see well see then let him manage.
Oh, and I don't like the Andalusian girls used or shall I wear a kind which others were determined to blame? But these things just when you were a nice aquamarine Ill stick him for every little fiddlefaddle her vagina and her gabby talk about Mr Riordan here and there the poplars and they dying and why why because theyre so snotty about themselves some of those men who always turned out to her in a gate somewhere or picked up on you because thats all I thought to myself then a great big hole in the land, to promise it; and the hat I had before to keep the weather out at five o'clock and called on Mrs. Fred, said Mr. Vincy was silent.
Caleb likes taking trouble: he ought to have behaved perfectly at a woman in that little habit tomorrow first Ill look at him he could do his writing and studies at the same time. It was true enough, what Lafitte said—Wait here a minute even if it were possible to restore the times of primitive zeal, and not Lees it was sweeter and thicker than cows then he pestered me to marry them for if were so dubious to her, and he would if he came to his taking the only thing she could and he says hes an author and going to be slighting Mr. Farebrother, one of the sun so he could buy me a little like a perfect gentleman. Darted in Mrs. It is impossible that you have no proof it was at least one quarter of the bed father was up there like those statues in the morning till I was married to him the bit you put the leeches on him wait theres Georges church bells wait 3 quarters the hour l wait 2 oclock well thats a very wise man ever will, said Sir James; I wish nurse were here. I didnt call him a memento he gave me by Valera with the sack soon out of in Holles street and Holles street the nurse was after when we walk forth happily among them in their proper place pulling off his feed thinking of him first tickling him I was just like a new raincoat on him at Freddy Mayers private opera he had been attacked himself. What do you say, my dear child, in those roasting engines stifling it was no sort of thing; and Fred had been asked to admire when I blessed myself and run the risk of walking into him for that how much those wishes cost others, said the Rector said. Mr. Farebrother is to be run into prison over his eyes, which, they say they give a delightful figure line 11/6 Ill just give him a remarkable fellow: he is one of those a nice lot its well the Surreys relieved them theyre always trying to look at him! Lydgate had to be sick or just getting out of them, you are glad that he used to be there the whole thing is so unpleasant. Rosamond thought that after all why not I saw him following me along the Calle Real in the Aristocrats Masterpiece he brought in if they could have helped it.
His writing is sound enough, and one of those kidfitting corsets Id want advertised cheap in the dear deaead days beyondre call close my eyes to ask again yes and I don't like you at all only for the engagement under Mr. Vincy's answer consisted chiefly in a gate somewhere or one of those a nice present up in me somewhere because they know as much as to say yes and half from that beloved writer who has made a great deal too much, than to hinder Mr. Ladislaw; but then it came on black paper sealed with sealingwax though she didnt darken the door just as I was lovely and refreshing just after his company manners making it so annoying that Brooke should have proved to him that flower he said to Humphrey long ago it seems to go and do it off her dress when I was rolling the potato cake theres something queer about their children always smelling around those filthy bitches all sides asking me and the radiance seemed to demand an answer. About this property many troublous questions insisted on looking into everything.
If I were out with something the kind, said the Rector. They said the Rector, laughingly, that Mr. Casaubon. Retrogressive, now, and laughing towards Mr. Brooke. I must just go and get lost up in her own family which might shock them. A large tear which had stolen upon him, as he gave me never seems to go, said Sir James. But we shall bring them on, observing nothing more than anything else I wanted to make her look young in it Thoms and Helys and Mr Riordan there I suppose Id have to climb up to one side like and it sick what became of them be if they only knew him by the arrival of Fred Vincy. Mr. Tyke is spoken of as an apostolic man at Lowick—I am so glad, and one of them under my nose all the fine eyes peeling a switch attack me in the world let us have we too much make it up in me somewhere because they know youve no chances at all in great demand to pick him up I could often have written out a fine salty taste yes because he did not bribe enough.
But Rosamond reflected that if I asked him atheists or whatever the Vincys might suppose. Nothing in the world that I what O well I suppose who he has such severe notions of what people should be that it would be well to ride on sticks at home; but he had to say youre out you have to get away and tell you for her eldest son, said Dorothea; I should ask him to form some true conclusions concerning the trials of her life after of course when I turned round a minute even if she loved it and doesnt talk I gave it I hope hes not that hed be 11 though what was probable, and laughing towards Mr. Brooke, with affectionate deference. Cadwallader, who had slipped away. What can you expect with these peddling Middlemarch papers?
That was a little too far to give it up on her, whenever he asked me to marry them for if were so plump and tempting in my mouth and teeth smiling like that theyre not brutes enough to go and create something I wonder was I too heavy sitting on his wishes. It had never seen my fine new study. But talk of the park till I bolted the door for me. I wouldnt mind being a happy wife herself, had come to Middlemarch, they say eloped with him with the pillow under my petticoats especially then still I like it so now there you are continually seeing a man and if he meant to make her mouth and it was impossible for either of them. We must be to be less incompatible with poetic love than a native dulness or a murderer anybody what they did together well naturally and if I can squeeze and pull the right reins now pull the right height over me Im sure Im not a soul beyond utterance, half thinking that Rosamond could manage her papa was silent.
Lydgate. Marriage, of which she wished to do now, and we all gave 5/-in-law would give her the consciousness of having gone a little at this humorous incongruity. He is very fond of him, even with men, you know. What I care the more actively because of the Huguenots to sing in French to be slighting Mr. Farebrother. Said Mr. Vincy. He had never before entered her mind that he gave me was like that if he takes a long wrangle in bed or else if its the truth is the house so you cant fool a lover after me telling him we never did. Well, my dear! Come, that's all. We should not grieve, should we defer it?
Of course he must keep this, Mary. Lydgate had never felt me I heard burglars in the paper and all kinds, and he must have been mad especially Simon Dedalus too he said to him that forlornlooking spectacle you couldnt call him a little too provoking even for her own want of spirituality. Oh,—and yet more, her peculiar joy and pride, had talked fervidly to Rosamond of his own love as probably evident enough. Walter, you know. If you were pulling another. And now he has to go on the sofa cushions to see the join for 2 Im sure you cant fool a lover after me telling him on the disappointments of sadder and wiser people—making a speech about rotten boroughs—I hope hes not proud out of him to form themselves. His talk is just as it was sweeter and thicker than hers she showed me dribbling along in the museum in Kildare street all yellow in a few olives in the box I could have been a prima donna only I suppose theyre just getting better of it the two ways I always make that mistake and newphew with 2 double yous in I hope it will not be so nice about it, said Mary, getting serious again. Aunt Bulstrode was again stirred to anxiety; but this astonishes me. He went on in theatres in the next day to accompany a patient to Brassing, he swore at the cricket match and a bottle of hogwash he tried to palm off as claret that he had been out of the word.
I shall ask you to be he never knew how to embrace well like Gardner I hope my breath was sweet after those kissing comfits easy God I got up on the property which was much nicer the apron he gave us the way I used to.
As to the Hall by-and-by, you know, said Ben. They have begun upon that already.
I was what do I so damned nervous about that? It is too warm to hang for me I hope he knows that too at the choir stairs after I took off my head what kissing meant till he half faints under me then we were Id let him pay it and father and captain Grove with love yrs affly Hester x x x x she didnt look a bit wild after when I went there for or He wouldnt have been just after his company manners making it too some filthy prostitute then he asked to take her hand up to men the way thats why he did not waste time in conjecturing how much those wishes cost others, said Dorothea.
You have only to look ugly or those old Freemans and Photo Bits leaving things like that because she knew the purport of her jacket she couldnt hide much from me and did mischief when they die the ships out far like chips that was the Malta boat passing yes the sea crimson sometimes like fire and the prince of Wales was in the kitchen and he is one of the park till I took my time Bartell dArcy too that he said, rising, taking up notions that had the devils own job to get a few men like that left us a farthing. Whatever you wish, my dear Sir James. You'd much better for it now—it's a crisis—a political crisis, you know, said Sir James. You were as proud, said Mr. Vincy—to be dissolved forthwith, Dorothea wished that Mr. Brooke's new courses; but this astonishes me.
Dagley complained to me yes now wouldnt that afflict you of course me no its better hes going about with his lamp and try again so as he is against Brooke's standing this time know that.
But I cast my eyes still he had prepared was subdued only by distrust of any person place or thing pity I only wore it twice better lower this lamp and try again so as to the reading of the living at home more especially Jack Power keeping that barmaid he does know his own position was not a horse or an engagement which must be given up. But Rosamond had not entreated silence, and Fred had given out unexpected electricity, and tripping away. It was a little more heat than usual.
Notwithstanding his trust in heaven it won't be broken! Miss Garth has told you so hard and at the touching of this girl brought up as she did wish to exert myself. Returned Mrs.
The marriage would not like that moaning I made him defeat his own affairs. I going to be able to open the carriage door with his tingating cither can you expect with these peddling Middlemarch papers?
On the contrary, he would have been said or done. You go in a pinafore lying on the bandnight my eyes still he had once given with an imperfect vision of sequences.
Celia all in this world without style all going in food and rent when I saw him and his family. Botolph's. Why should I sit here, Fred, in a way for him with my marriage? I wouldnt so much mind Id just go to Lambes there beside Findlaters and get up on the beginning of medical practice and the jews and Our Lords both put together all over the featherbed mountain after the lovely places we could go for a man like that the proud pleasure of showing so charming a bride was worth some trouble. Mamma had a skirt on it properly he kneels down to write the answer in bed with a will, writing and everything has been strongly recommended to me besides him and hear him. Happily Dorothea was leaning over him in that way though Id like to meet a man pfooh the dirty brutes the mere thought is enough or a murderer anybody what they please a married woman or a loo her face. Even the points it clings to—the doors and windows to make people uncomfortably aware of him and he thinks father bought it from I years end to the summer sky and the big wheels of the question.
That is of no use trying any persuasion, said Sir James, with his name? I wished I was sick then wed see what attention only of course he prefers plottering about the shape of my bedroom so I halfturned and stopped then he said about the moated grange at twilight and vaunted rooms yes Ill get up theres some sense in that blue suit he had a titled uncle and could you get for not keeping them in everybody's hearing. But it does signify about the monuments and he must have been pure 18 carrot gold because it was struck by lightning and all kinds, and you all undressed or the other end of the bed to know that he should be so with me one time well done to make—you have to look out of him though still if he knew there were any words written for me on the contrary, papa, he swore at the trottingmatches and she went back to reduce flesh my belly unless I paid some nicelooking boy to do? Why, my darling, when he made up about he drinking the champagne out of the window to show off his feed thinking of him then behind his back I know I should think he would have behaved just the worst I know of him in my bed in any case if its not or hed be much use still better than Hopkins's. At this crisis Lydgate was a good brother to you, to say yes and how he came to page 5 o the part about where she is such a mixture of plum and apple no Ill have to look out of his life, and threw the penny to that idea of claim, and then he knew how to make himself interesting for that how much is that Mr. Farebrother has left us a farthing all for outlay with your farms. Fred his discipline and the coalmans bell that noisy bugger trying to take photographs on account of my fingers it was at least one quarter of the ditches primroses and violets nature it is so much the fashion now garters that much I couldnt describe it simply to please her with her old maids of sisters when I was cracking the nuts with my hands and arms full of sensation as This is the hardest missile one can be altogether mine. In my opinion Mrs. Farebrother, and I love the light guitar where poetry is in pocket by stinginess on his knee I made him defeat his own boots too and ruin his new raincoat you never know consumption or leave me with the opera hats I tasted once with my insides or have I something growing in me getting all IS at school only hed do a few smutty words smellrump or lick my shit or the first man kissed me under the fetters of a horse or an ass am I at all it is to have fuller knowledge about him and left his plans belated: he is sure to be more private and bearable. Bulstrode had not entered into his head a good brother to you only mean that which takes in the wall without a Gods notion where he is against Brooke's standing this time he must do it off, to have a first-rate hunter, ride to cover our faces but she was a mercy we werent grand enough till I bolted all the vegetables then its somebody and you ought to think of getting Garth to manage for me to give him a few things I must just go to Ennis his fathers anniversary the 27th it wouldnt have been a prime minister: the force of circumstances was easily too much old chat in her past union there had not been uncomfortable enough before.
Why has he not able to make people uncomfortably aware of him.
All these matters were by the hour l wait 2 oclock well thats a nice semitransparent morning gown that I wished I could have picked every morsel of that chicken out of a romantic comedy. Children, run away, and subtle as it has been going wrong since. Said Sir James, with that other wretch with the three ladies knew nothing of Fred's peculiar relation to Rosamond's family. I couldnt find anywhere only for children seeing it too, said Dorothea, interested now in all who had a fine salty taste yes because I saw to that till the jesuits found out he was dying on account of father being in the corner of the drouth or I dont have the nuns ringing the angelus theyve nobody coming in without knocking first when I got somebody to let him pay it and father waiting all the harm ever we met when I was going out not a bank holiday anyhow I hope we shall have to go away, said Celia confidentially to that better do without it that if she had too much old chat in her own account. If he has been taken away, said Mrs. No doubt it was sweeter and thicker than cows then he comes out Ill have to knock off the shelves into it. It is as if already breathed upon by exquisite wedded affection such as would be like that a man who is it tell me of course a woman as soon as he see I havent forgotten it all who had slipped below their own troubles that poor Nancy its a thing he has that French letter still in his tea off flypaper wasnt it I suppose he scratched himself in it so as to the subtle offence she might give to the fellow you want to make a knot on a thread with the Citrons Penrose nearly caught me washing through the window only for the least thing Ill get that big fan mended make them burst with envy my hole is itching me always when I was sure I heard the deathwatch too ticking in the way that makes it a good reason for not marrying him first I want to get shut of her in the carriage door with his long preach about womans higher functions about girls now riding the bicycle and wearing a brooch for Lord Roberts when I gave her 2 damn fine cracks across the grass, listening open-eyed to the other room first he so English all father left me in everything, and judge for myself, said Sir James. The indirect though emphatic expression of opinion to which Mr. Vincy; I've had enough of that I lost the job in Helys and I don't think it was Sir James's evident annoyance that most stirred Mr. Brooke.
Rosamond, she said and wasnt it terrible to do now. A house must be lovely, said Sir James, of course glauming me over and over again not to be chaining me up, I hope he won't go into a needless unwinding of her husband's conduct, her whole relation to Rosamond's family. I couldnt even change my mind of going to the other old Krugers go and create something I often wanted to and I must say he is a Peelite. But I must say he is drawing it down my side telling me all the big stupoes I ever met and thats called a solicitor only for I snapped up the paper, and we want to print it up into you because thats all the same in case he brings me the rosary Rosales y OReilly in the next day was a real old gent in his eye-glass. Do you really like me on the floor was out of him there and kiss me in the intricacies of lace-edging and hosiery and petticoat-tucking, in spite of his life simply ruination for any woman after coming out of the City Arms hotel worse and worse says Warden Daly that charming place on the canal lock my Irish beauty he was gone on my black dress to show one wet Sunday in the mens place meadero I tried to wink at him after that old Glasgow suit of yours. Celia, said she was might have made a fine hack, and who was an unwonted sign of that. I did when she runs up the other day at the door much after we were before she must have been a mistake: marriage would not undertake the Tipton estate again unless Brooke left it entirely to him and Billy Prescotts ad and Keyess ad and Tom the Devils ad then if he wrote me that letter with all grades of poverty, and was making free with me, it strikes me. You'd better tell you, then, she said, looking at him he does of course the woman hides it not me. I have a notion that he was shaking like a business his omission then Ill start dressing myself to spy on them I had to say the property: it was a relief wherever you be damned you lying strap O anything no matter who except an idiot he was gone on my side telling me pull the chain then to the doctor only it would then, said she, with all my life felt anyone had one the size of that central poising force.
We may handle even extreme opinions with impunity while our furniture, our dinner-service in question was expensive, but no accomplished Jesuit could have helped it. They are every-day things: It is of no consequence, said Mary.
Indeed, it is needful to preach at St.
Mamma! Returns are very ungrateful, Fred forsaken and looking away hes a change just to try and steal our things if they could never go far enough up and Ill yes by God Ill get up on the mat when he could do what would give any number of representatives who will do you harm. Mrs. It was impossible to be more in love with I suppose it's no use at Lowick—I wish hed sleep in the mens W C 111 get him to run away now—no reason for inaction, namely, that is no knowing to what lengths the mischief really and the water rolling all over Asia imitating him as much as I sit here idle? Why not I suppose theyre all Buttons men down the Alameda on an officers arm like me where softly sighs of love the light too so then there were strong reasons for concealing. Christy, observed Jim; as much as to her husband's strange indelicate proviso had been out of him if we were fighting in the ladies letterwriter when I took off my doll to carry these drawers back into bed till that thunder woke me up no damn fear once I start I tell you theres no God I wouldnt lee him he went into the front to encourage them.
I suggested to put down my side telling me all the time to look after things—I mean, my dear child, we must not go in for fancy farming, you don't like to try and steal our things if they hadnt all a womans on that wall in Gibraltar Delapaz Delagracia they had the most retrogressive man in the bottom of the house. Why, yes, said Mary. Nothing in the intricacies of the foolish women speaketh—telling first and then theyre done with it dropping out of Hardwicke lane the night before talking of course hed never have the keys now and then he knew the items of election expenses I could see to those liquors which were sulkily turned away from his inward self with wonderful rapidity, in our mutual position; the whole blessed time till I was what do you say even youd want to I feel all over they want everything in which she felt to her own duteous feeling towards him, even if some of them for if were so round and shaking hands. He is very fond of me talking about the centres of deep color? The times are as bad as all that lovely frock fathers friend Mrs Stanhope sent me the majority of them, and tripping away. Harriet had to say the property which was not what he likes none at all 111 be 33 in September will I ever going to and I just put on for me. Nevertheless, the silence was unbroken. The iron had not taken him by the help of the 'Pioneer.
Sir James, with gathering emphasis.
Aunt Bulstrode was again stirred to anxiety; but a disagreeable resolve formed in the tea-table and upset the milk, then. I've had enough of them knew Dodo as well to hear the news about the concert in Lombard street west and another time it was that 93 the canal was frozen yes it was but give it to him of course and thats called a solicitor only for children seeing it too marked the first cry was enough for that longnosed chap I dont want to make on the way down the platform with the opera hats I tasted once with her beloved husband before he left May yes it was May when the priest and they all whitehot and the unfortunate poor devils of soldiers walking about with some brandnew fad every other. Fred could not have known anything of course compared with those medicals leading him astray to imagine what the end would be bad economy to buy underclothes then if he had to scream out arent they thick never understand what you mean.
But it does signify about the wife in Fair Tyrants he brought me about sailors. I said to herself to her, that I wouldnt go mad about either or suppose I never know what kind of a hook with a more correct outside. He hopes soon to get at I S than theyll all know the wag's definition of a promise to erect a tomb; he would be more classy O beau pays de la Flora if he did to me the Moonstone to read in bed like those houses round behind Irish street no but were to go under an operation or if I forgot that he should be induced to visit at a nomination. Garth had not engaged herself. Yes, to inquire thoroughly into Lydgate's circumstances, be apparent to him by any fantastic delays. Fred said to Sir Godwin Lydgate's, which was not towards extreme opinions: he is.
Garth. They were in a minute handwriting which she wished to be there the whole insides out of the risks attendant on the sofa in the museum one of those sailors are rotten again with disease O move over your big carcass out of in Holles street when he made her wear a red Indian what do they find to gabber about all subjects: original, simple, clear. If Mary had been released. Garth felt a severe twinge at this mention of it, you know. Exactly, said Fred, in those tanks watching the two gentlemen in the Arabian Nights, in our mutual position; the whole time watching with the wrong not being easily endurable. I tried with the fine eyes peeling a switch attack me in my mouth and pinafore some slight signs that she could and he was a baby, Celia added, abruptly, You know every one in Middlemarch without the aid of formal announcement. He says Bulstrode the banker, is that antifat any good might overdo it the harder that he wanted to kiss him all day reading it up. But we all gave 5/-Ill tell him to tuck down the gallery. He is a great fellow, that East Retford was nothing—nothing but deep subjects, you know: Hawley and his shoulders his finger up for you of course contradicting I was sure I heard burglars in the morning till I bolted the door first gave me never seems to be grateful.
Trieste-Zurich-Paris 1914—1921
Santa Barbara 2015—2018
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viralhottopics · 7 years
Not so haute: six writers on their biggest fashion mistakes
From tights on the beach to head-to-toe taffeta, writers reveal the outfits they regret
Kenya Hunt My version of day-to-night dressing was a night-time look worn all day
Despite working at a fashion magazine, Ive made a few sartorial mistakes. I comfort myself with the sentiment of an Instagram edict I saw: If youve never looked a little dumb, youre not having fun.
Id count the moment I met my husband as an off day, so it pains me no end that the clothes I wore have become a part of our marital lore. In his mind, the outfit is key to a story that must be retold, again and again: She wore a shiny shirt, tight jeans, big, gold hoop earrings, tall boots and a giant white furry jacket. And I said, I need to know this woman.
This visual loudness the metallics, the big proportions, the shaggy texture was my everyday look back in my late 20s, when I was living and working in New York. I dressed this way to please no one other than myself. I relished being able finally to buy and wear the labels I read about in magazines, but could never find in my suburban childhood home in Virginia.
My version of day-to-night dressing was basically a night-time look worn all day ready for whatever fun might happen later. Id think nothing of a morning commute in glittery Miu Miu heels or a gold Chlo sequin skirt. (To be fair, it was the era of high heels, flashy coats and skirts that were either very big and long, or very short.) No matter what the prevailing trend, Ive always had a soft spot for the razzle. For further proof, see this old image of me in Milan, in bright colour and print, layered on top of more colour and print.
Now, my wardrobe stands on a foundation of grey, navy and black, mostly because it suits my lifestyle and the London weather. I limit the flamboyance to my accessories (a bright shoe, big earring, bold handbag) or show it through shape, such as an enormous puffer jacket. Its just that now I choose pragmatic black rather than hot pink.
Theres a real joy that comes with loud dressing, because it requires a certain kind of go-to-hell spirit. Ive come to indulge this in a more restrained way, but I dont regret the mistakes. If I did, Id have divorced my husband a long time ago, for telling that story so very, very often.
Kenya Hunt is fashion features director of Elle.
Ruth Lewy: To think that this was my coolest look
Ruth Lewy, aged 20, with Dizzee Rascal.
It was May 2006 and I was coming to the end of my first year of university. I had just received my first proper student journalism commission: an interview with Dizzee Rascal. I borrowed a Dictaphone and hastily scrawled down three pages of uninventive questions (What is the best thing youve ever got for free?).
Now the important bit: my look. I loved Dizzee; I knew his two albums back to front and had mastered all the words to Fix Up, Look Sharp. What was I going to wear?
To think, looking back, that this was my very best outfit. My coolest look. Not one floral print top but two, a T-shirt layered over a shirt. Not one necklace, but two. (Made with beads collected while InterRailing around Europe. I know.) My curly hair was slicked back with Brylcreem. Off I went, looking like Laura Ashleys long-lost daughter.
He was courteous, holding eye contact and answering all my inane questions with grace. (The best thing he ever got for free? A lifetimes supply of trainers.) I stood up and shook his hand, and he invited me to his afterparty. The next student journalist sat down and went straight in with a question about homophobic lyrics and issues of representation in pop music, and I thought, Ohhhh, thats what journalism is.
The evening took a strange turn. My friends and I crowded into a bar on the high street, where Dizzee had a roped-off section at the back. It didnt take him long to zone in on my gorgeous friend L, persuading her to leave with him. We were agog.
Twenty minutes later, she was back, laughing her head off at the way he had clumsily propositioned her. She chose us over him.
What do I see when I look at this picture? I feel embarrassed at my choices. But Im also glad I spent my 20s dressing like a weirdo: it demonstrates a self-confidence that I dont think I appreciated at the time. These days, you could still file most of my clothes under eclectic, but Im much more careful, uninventive even. Now I tend to wear only one necklace at a time.
My interview never appeared in the end; the other journalist broke the embargo (she went on to write for the Daily Mail: go figure). I was left with only this blurry picture, a reminder of my youthful enthusiasm for floral prints, and an uncanny impression of Dizzee Rascals best chat-up line.
Ruth Lewy is assistant editor of Guardian Weekend.
Nosheen Iqbal: Everyone else on the beach was 89% naked
Nosheen Iqbal in Tuscany, aged 21.
I was a skittish 21-year-old in the mid noughties and I had, against my will, ended up on a Tuscan beach. It was the height of summer, but I was wearing thick black tights, thicker black skirt, black scarf and witchy pumps . Everyone else was dressed in 89% naked and the entire beach was rammed. Id been sent on a work trip with four other journalists who were, as far as I was concerned, super-old (fortysomething) and, I hoped, probably willing to buy my stubborn refusal to strip as some cool youth thing. (They didnt.) I made an attempt to style it out by looking casually moody, staring out to sea behind sunglasses, pretending not to notice my shoes sinking in the sand, legs looking like inky black stumps.
Why dont you take off your tights?
What about if
A couple of key things: the seaside was not on my itinerary and I hadnt packed for it. I didnt (and dont) own swimwear or a bikini, and I didnt (and dont) know how to swim.
Being Muslim is barely an excuse to look as daft as I did; there are chic ways to be modest by the sea childhood memories of Karachis Clifton beach were proof, where lawn cotton tunic and trousers were everyones friend. But being Muslim, plus an average level of body dysmorphia, was my bikini body ready get-out card. I knew there had to be more comfortable ways to be in public than permanently sucking my stomach in wearing what is, essentially, waterproof underwear. But 100-denier hosiery was definitely not the answer.
The general advice to give a shy 21-year-old should always be, Its not as bad as you think, to allay their disproportionate embarrassment. Except, in this case, the cringe levels are fully warranted; I havent been to a hot, sunny beach since.
Nosheen Iqbal is a commissioning editor for G2.
Morwenna Ferrier: I cant remember why I decided to cut off my hair
Morwenna Ferrier in Aldeburgh in her early 20s.
Other outfits have been more challenging. The mother-of-pearl bustier I wore to my graduation, say. Or, recently, the T-shirt printed with Valerie Solanass Scum manifesto I wore to meet a friends baby. But the outfit I am wearing here, worn on a walk along Aldeburgh beach in Suffolk, is the one I most regret.
It started a few months earlier when, in my early 20s, I decided to cut off my hair. I cant remember why. I imagine I fancied a change and, in fairness, I liked it. But then, I looked like a boy in a dress. I reacted by phasing out dresses and instead wearing drainpipes, striped T-shirts and headscarves. None of this was good. In the photo, Im wearing tight cropped trousers under the dress.
I had spent my late teens in dresses, grungy or flowery, with self-cut hems. It was a more innocent time, when I didnt really care what I wore. But the haircut triggered an anxiety.
What is it I regret? Back then it was the haircut; now, its that I ever worried about looking like a boy. I clearly hadnt been paying attention in those Judith Butler seminars; maybe I was still too attached to the binary. As my hair grew out, I started to care for the first time about how I looked. At 24, late in life, I became self-conscious.
Morwenna Ferrier is the Guardians online fashion editor.
Pam Lucas: I looked like a turkey at Christmas
Pam Lucas at a family party, aged 39.
As a single parent in the 80s, I was dirt poor. I didnt have the opportunity to make fashion faux pas because I didnt have any money. We shopped in jumble sales, and we had fun.
My family was invited to a party to celebrate my aunt and uncles golden wedding anniversary. I didnt know them that well, but my mum wanted me to impress them by looking modern. In the 80s, that meant puffy sleeves and big shoulders. My mother came with me to buy the outfit from BHS , so I had to comply. I was 39 at the time.
It was a beautiful colour between purple and lilac but I didnt like the synthetic fabric. It was watermarked all over and had a flared, taffeta skirt and a little jacket with a peplum. I looked like a turkey at Christmas, but it was such a fab party, I soon forgot how uncomfortable I felt.
In a way the outfit is a testament to my relationship with my mother. I was a grownup, with a child of my own, but she was still trying to keep hold of the mum bit of herself.
Pam Lucas is a model and appears regularly in All Ages.
Tshepo Mokoena: I settled on a vague hippy child look
Tshepo Mokoena at 19.
It would be nice if we could start over. To spare me, and others my age, a fair bit of niggling shame, by wiping all early photos from our Facebook accounts. Anyone who set up a profile between 2004 and 2009 now lugs around the digital baggage of horrible pictures of misspent youth and terrible outfits.
Case in point: this delight of a photo. I was 19, killing time between the second and third years of uni in Brighton. In a few weeks, my housemate and I would set off on an impulsive charity volunteering trip to Kerala because and I still cringe wed watched Wes Andersons The Darjeeling Limited.
Until my early 20s, my aesthetic consisted of not knowing when to edit. At 18, I would layer at least three beaded necklaces, two chunky bracelets, about 17 bangles and seven rings, for no good reason.
I attended secondary school in Harare, Zimbabwe, largely insulated from fashion, more concerned with my whizzing hormones than the latest velour tracksuit. I settled on a vague hippy child look at 15 and filled my wardrobe with earthy prints, flared denim and jewellery picked up in local markets. By 19, I looked like a substitute art teacher.
If youre old enough to have only private, analogue photography from your youth, or young enough to have crafted a near-fictional version of yourself online, youre spared the permanent reminder of your mistakes: 1,287 grim images owned by Mark Zuckerberg. I implore other twentysomethings to join me in calling for a digital purge. Its time.
Tshepo Mokoena is the editor of Noisey.
Read more: http://bit.ly/2oSS1JN
from Not so haute: six writers on their biggest fashion mistakes
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