#you're already making the furries racist why not go all out to drive home the message?
Aight fuck it this took me so long cause i wanted to make some concept art but i really can't draw architecture so i decide to just not show visuals
So the bird kingdom
Btw all the kingdoms now don't consist of just one species they are inhabited by specific categories of animals (birds canines felines etc)
It was kinda weird to me how chima decided to make an eagles kingdom and a raven kingdom
Why those bird species specifically? Why 2 different bird kingdoms? Why are the ravens in the show depicted as very racist charcuterie wtf lego
So i decided to unite them both into one big general bird kingdom
Which is in tern divided into 2 separate parts
Yeah babe this show is about furry racism and I'm gonna keep it that way
The kingdom is divided into the High Republic and the Lower City
The Republic is basically where the high class ppl live and high class in this sense includes birds that can fly (eagles hawks doves etc) cause the names higher and lower are literal
Even tho the chi river is on the ground birds of the higher republic harvest all the chi to power their flying luxury houses
These higher birds live by greek philosophers mindsets aka philosophers and politicians are the noblest of jobs while all other work is for slaves
And idk if i made it clear but birds aren't inventors in my version they're just philosophers
I talked alot about the republic but what about those guys at the lower city?
Well they're not having a good time
This city is where the nonflying birds live (ostriches kiwis chickens) along side some flying birds that are only there to scam the birds of lowers city and push them further into poverty
They basically have it all against them from higher birds looking down on them for not being able to fly and having "slave" jobs to other higher birds scaming them to keep their lives a living hell and even getting stripped of the resources from the river that is in their territory
While higher bird culture is all about sitting in bless all day and philosophising lower birds can't really afford the same luxury the lower birds sadly live in a society
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sideshow-wolfie · 2 years
// Drama, Racism, Sl*very, Death Attempt, Bullying
For unsettling moments that have occured, I'm leaving the OSC.
What happened traumatized me, and today I am still feeling this way.
FYI, I didn't even know who this user was, nor that I was their friend in the first place.
Notes about this "user"
- Object Sl*very AU (exposed by members who took part of it, or that they have found out)
- Racist comments/replies
- Supporting Slavery
- Constantly Posting Self Harm Videos
There were only 3 of these videos.
Video 1 and 2 had the user biting and punching themselves to death just to show they are "sorry" for all the things they have done... Which all of it is fucking horrible, first of all, because nobody believes slavery, racism, or anything like that is forgivable.
The 3rd was a live video, which was 32 minutes long, that had the user jumping out of the moving veichle. When jumping out, the mother immediately held onto them, yelling "No" in the process. Throughout the video, they were sent to custody by the police, and it made them involved with the su1c1de attempt. The mother kept crying, while police was trying to calm her down.
It's traumatizing to say that I'm not making this up either, and there's a reason why I refuse to show proof, and I am unable to, due to the account going on private, which It's by the mother.
Another reason I'm unable to post this is because there are some underaged people in the OSC, or that there's people who were already afraid.
The rest of the 20 minutes was the mother driving home.
Even if that account wasn't on Private, I cannot believe that they even tried to do that.
Of course I'm angry that the person had the idea and history of racist ideas and moments. Then here's this user that tried to end their to life to show proof of an apology..
I'm sorry, but you're out there just going to cause PTSD for people, even if you we're sure that you apologized.
Sl*very is not even a fictional thing either.
All it's done is hurt black people and children.
Yet you find it interesting? That is really disgusting for people to think about it as a good idea, because that's automatically being racist.
For the stuff I explained in the post, not only THAT is why I'm leaving the community, but also because of the amount of trolls and people who assume that we're in the wrong. If we show our artwork that we love an object show, or that we have appropriate ideas, some go around and say "what is this" or they'll just immediately harass us, when we all know it isn't meant for unnecessary context.
They also harass furries in the community, and compare werewolves to furries.
Plus, people just overreact, and it's very disgusting.
When people decide to cancel their object shows, users would be like "okay" or even "Why are you cancelling it", because they've either had struggle with the show, or that it gave them torture. Especially the drama that's happening.
It's like these guys refuse to respect their decision, and think people are literal robots. Think about it. It is really fucking sad.
While I still have friends who are in the community, I'll still be friends with them, because 1. Friends are friends, 2. I won't be apart of the community.
Thank you for sticking out with me in the OSC for 7 years, and thank you so much for being amazing with me. I couldn't have asked for better friends than you guys. But today, the community just gives me horrible vibes...
I seen way too much drama and hell on the community, and ever since what had happened yesterday, I was just in disgust and in disbelief.
I love you guys. 💙
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