#you're a special player 🥲 you did this 🥲
keiipopped · 9 months
Reason Number 60: We’re not just friends.
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a/n: I hate this so bad but I needed something to write before I get booted out of enha writer land💀 send help(and requests🥲) Synopsis: The one where your bestfriend gets jealous and gives you all the reasons why he should be your boyfriend. Pairing: Bestfriend Jay X reader Genre: fluff, fluffy angst, friends to lovers Warning: the writing is awful and it barely makes sense. also one poorly written kiss. yay
“Reason number 54; i’d cook for you” 
“Sounds convincing..” you noticed a small smile creeping up his face “but you cook for everybody” you looked at him noticing how he deadpans as you complete your sentence. “Not true! It’d be special” he whined at you. “Sure Jay”
You weren't sure how you ended up here. What was supposed to be a fun movie night with your best friend turned into him listing all the reasons he’d be a good boyfriend for you. 
This type of conversation wasn’t necessarily a new topic for y'all as Jay was pretty flirty and pretty often too. You always took it with a grain of salt quick to brush it off knowing Jay didn’t have the cleanest of reputations with women. 
He wasn’t a typical player or college fuckboy. He was a gentleman honestly… too much of one. His subtle flirty nature often had girls thinking he liked them in a way he didn't, leading to them being offended at the notice of another girl..and another girl..and another feeling the same. So it would be kinda messy and you tried to keep yourself out of it most of the time.
“Oh! Reason 58; your family loves me! I'd help your mom cook, help with your little brother. All of it” 
Right. How did you get here? Well you and Jay were having your weekly movie night that you actually hadn’t had the chance to have in about 5 months with the assignments and school projects you both had being at an all time high. 
Finally getting the chance to sit down and actually soak in your presence Jay wanted nothing more than to just wrap up in a blanket with you, some popcorn and yalls favorite snacks and enjoy the movie…  but you. You just wouldn't shut up. Which he typically wouldn't have an issue with but you wouldn’t stop gushing about how cute the main character of the movie was. Failing to notice Jay's exaggerated eye rolls as he attempted to ignore your little fangirl breakdown. But what set him off was when you started going on about how ‘boyfriend material’ said main character was. Jay sat up setting his popcorn on the near coffee table and turning on the lights turning to you. “How on earth is he boyfriend material!? He's brushing his teeth” Jay says,voice laced with irritation. He folded his arms sitting back, a slight pout forming on his lips and you couldn't help but laugh at his sudden child-like behavior. “Whats funny? Im being serious'' he started sitting up intently and you knew he was preparing to go into a lecture. 
You definitely didn't expect to be sitting here nearly 20 minutes later; tv still paused as your best friend went into his 60th reason for why he’d be a better boyfriend than the character on the screen who still hadn’t gotten the chance to finish brushing his teeth. 
“Okay. how about this reason,um. 60. Id wake you up with kisses every morning” 
That was a topic that was never touched. Yes, there had been jokes about you both kissing when you were like 14 or 17 but it's been years. And it was never mentioned in such a serious sense. 
Something so simple yet so domestic and now your heart was beating faster than it had in a while as you saw the serious glint in Jay's eyes.
He didn't fail to notice the change in your body language 
“I mean if you want that. Of course I'm not trying to force you to be with me or anything. You know I'm just saying so you’d consider it. Only if you want though”
He's rambling. And you're rambling in your head.
Obviously by the 60 reasons he’d be a good boyfriend for you and the nervous tone he had he was being serious. It wasn’t just a joke anymore and you couldn’t help yourself anymore.
Reaching over resting both of your hands on the side of his jaw, you leaned your body towards him. As soon as your hands touched him, his found their way to both sides of your waist. Everything happened so quickly yet so smoothly and in no time your lips had met. It wasn't rushed or messy at all. The kiss was very warm, and filled with years of unspoken love. All the feelings that had been brushed away and laughed off now being poured into this one kiss. After what felt like forever you both pulled away looking at each other. Jay broke into a smile almost immediately as you just stared at each other. “So i'm assuming you like reason number 60” he said, giving you one of his signature smirks and tightening his grip on your waist. You just laughed a bit giving him a light smack on the arm and rested your head on his shoulder “can we finish the damn movie now” you ask as he laughs a bit turning the lights off and settling again.
Who knew what would happen later or what you both were to each other at this point, whatever it was, it was obvious you were no longer just friends.
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khunyuki · 2 months
There's this new game released yesterday called "Tokyo Debunker" and so far I am loving it <3
Before I start my review, I just want to tell you that this is my first ever review and first ever post in tumblr so pls bear with me🥹.
Tbh I was surprised when it suddenly installed itself on my phone cuz I forgot I even pre-registered for it. Before the release, I had no idea nor clue about the existence of this game cuz it never showed up to me as an ad nor did it show in any of my social media accounts. I just remember scrolling through google play then seeing it and liking it immediately so I registered for it.
Anyways, when I downloaded it I thought it would be big and that I won't have any space for it since I also have other games to play. And when I started it, I was waiting for the loading screen to show the downloading files etc but didn't see anything of the sort.
First Impression
I honestly thought that it was a normal visual novel game like the Ikemen series but it wasn't. The opening story was comic-like with voices included (including the MC) and damnn that was engaging. The smooth flow of images unlike any other game where you only get CGs, you can easily visualize the scene because they are literally showing it to you! Not to mention the translation, it was really easy to understand and there's no typos so far.
I love it so much! As I said earlier, it is really engaging and it catches your attention. The transition of normal visual text to comics then back was perfect for showing what actually needs to be shown. Tbh, it would be a lot better to see it and experience it for yourself.
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Tutorial and Settings
Tutorial is kinda useless. It just showed you the basics of where and how you progress then that's it. It doesn't elaborate on how to do battles. There is no guide that has in-depth explanation of how to defeat your enemies efficiently since you can just skip it.
So far it is like an idle game where the character cards you have will do the farming for you, you just need to click click click. This kind of thing is certainly unique to me as usually it would be long-ass lessons that uses SP or LP, or missions that you have to wait hours for a single drop. Compared to those, this is fast and efficient.
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If you're an F2P player like me, vising the shop isn't the most ideal since it is expensive and usually need a lot of irl money for it. Though in Special shop, there are free summons everyday but that's that. Also you can hatch an egg there.
There's also guilds you have to join immediately but it doesn't require much participation cuz you just have to do the activities once then you're done.
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The cases are important, you have to clear it in order to read the latest chapters. It's like the battle system of the game but you can just skip it for free. However, you can be stuck at a level even if your card levels are high or your overall stats. I think it's because of incompatibility with your elements though i'm not sure. Tbh I don't understand how it works i just wing it. The only good thing about this is that you are not alone and a lot of people will be stuck at the same level as you🥲.
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Gacha in this game is the worst. It's just money-grubbing at this point. First of all, they do not even give you pre-registration rewards, just immediately daily log-in. There's no free single pull or free 10 tickets giveaways. Codes are also non-existent. The free gifts are just for EXP and not related to gacha at all. The only guaranteed SSR is for when you buy gems.
As an F2P casual gamer, this is just plain horror. While I don't usually do gacha even in other games, this kind of thing just isn't right! I once heard from the global chat that someone did 500 pulls just to get a single SSR. Like how is that even possible??? The pity system is also non-existent that it's crazy!!!
Gem farming is also hard cuz you only get gems from the bonus cases, occasionally from the guild, 10 gems every episode of the story, and from permanent tasks. It's just impossible even if you spend your gems wisely.
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Although I got lucky and used up all of my luck by getting SSR Kaito on my first 10 pull🥲
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This is probably the part where the most obvious duplicating original works happens. As some reviews might have already said, it's a copycat of Twisted Wonderland or Harry Potter (I could agree to some point but I am not that angry or exaggerating about it). This game certainly has it's own charm if you choose to ignore those and just enjoy playing.
Prime example of uncanny resemblance to characters we know is the guy above ^^^^. Kaito Fuji's looks are certainly deceiving. I didn't choose him at first because he wasn't my type nor did I think his personally would be that interesting. His mannerisms reminds me of Ace (Twisted Wonderland) and mostly Zenitsu (Kimetsu no Yaiba), especially when you hear his voice. Lucas, the guy beside him, reminds me of Deuce (Twisted Wonderland) and Hiiro Amagi (Ensemble Stars) and you really can't unsee it.
To some people, they might be irked by the resemblance and obvious plagiarism but personally, I think it's all part of the charm. Seeing those sides of them like that just like having the same dynamics as Adeuce made me like them even more. Because they are not all that, they have their own personality and stories which I like too.
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This game can certainly do a lot more work and I believe it has potential as long as it is aimed for the player's enjoyment rather than just for their money. The story is really good while the gacha is trash. The battle is kinda frustrating but you can skip it. The characters have their own personalities too. The rest are so-so.
Personally, I play this game because I love the story and I don't usually gamble with gacha so it's just fine for me. If you do not want to download it and play, that is totally fine as well.
I just wanted to share with you my thoughts: of what I like and dislike about this game ^_^
Thank you for reading until the end💕
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bad4amficideas · 1 year
Imagine you're playing your DC Online so calmly on the device of your choice and you get a cramp from it and weird but swear you're going blind for a moment.
At the moment everything is GamesRules!Reader x DC
Except you go with the above merits... Wait wait wait, is it with your previous merits not a reboot or something??? Urgent clarification please. You can't go through choosing your starter (specialization) again
And you were proud yourself on the title "Outlaw" which is only given to players who do enough good and bad and civil and neutral enough not to earn "(Super)hero" or "(Super) )villain" which is more difficult than it seems.
On the other hand, you are thankful that you did not participate in the "Joker Gangz Member" event, like, everyone who has played for more than a year has at least one Lantern Corps title of their choice, and sure you have a few suspicious titles in the glove box (though to be fair "Harley Quinn Appearing Patient" is not that bad of a title) but that one and Outlaw could cost you the neck now.
Anyway, everything is better than Market Thief, Sewer Rat, Bootlicker of the Rich, Contributor to Capitalism, Little Civilian's Helper and all those initial titles they gave you in your first missions
Wait, why the affection meter of Good, Bad, Civil and Neutral, are they now all divided into branches and more branches. Oh my god, do you have to be More careful to be liked by everyone??? (Your title 🥲)
Oh my god, and your top batmanesque equipment, your rewards (you just got the weird ultra difficult full pack of cheat the death 1 use tools -only one set per player- and the title "Member of the Council of Inmortals": lazarus pit bath, joker never dies, batman is death, there is one (1) kyptonite for everything, white lantern of life, death deities are nice, a wizard dit it, and; flash rewind for your convenience), your connections *cries a river*
oh. you will never get lost. that is a cool function. and wifi everywhere!!!! and it's like, it's always a bit visible a few meters around you. that's useful. Change of clothes and automatic washing and bandaging where you have been all my life....
Did you see for a moment.. those where the symbols of SIMS care necessities??? Someone, remove that immediately or you'll start talking giglerish.
... now you remember when you had to get the hate of all of Atlantis to get the "good" side of the LoA, damnit "Auntie Sea -and surrogated family- wanna kill me" that was a weird title. Remember you when read "Sky is literally my Daddy" (in Diana and Cassie) and "Mommy Nature favourite" (Swamp Thing and sometimes Poison Ivy) though. Maybe the sea dont try kill you will be nice, shame you can have everything.
Oh, look, be in your house counts as HP recovery!!! although apparently you have to update the house every so often or you'll start to lose HP... how unpleasant and not at all threatening that sounds.
Let's give a minute of silence to bless the child reader who started the tutorial in easy mode because it was their first rpg (so their background is from a rich orphan witn an emprise) and not from just out of jail for something they didn't do, with nothing like in hard mode.
uhm... is it possible that the characters have realized that it's a game? Or that they think you've gone crazy and you think it's a game? you should look it up I don't like how the dcmites look at you.
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thatmomwitchfriend · 1 year
Hiiii <<<3 I just saw your slumber party post and thought of requesting something
Reader being a huge horror fan and wanting to do a Scream movie marathon (her favourite franchise) for date night but the guy being scared yet wanna look like they aren't.
"You've fought of *insert major threat* and you're scared of this?" (She asks but in a funny way, not at all demeaning)
"Ay! Serial killers are a lot more common than you think okay!"
Kinda the type of scene I had in mind and maybe the guy snuggling up to reader and her playing with his hair 👀👀
I couldn't choose between the moon knight system and Santiago García so was hoping you wouldn't mind writing this 💖
Sorry if this request is kinda long this is literally my first time requesting anything and overthinking got me here 😅😅🥲
I love this, having just done a good solid Scream marathon myself. I'm gonna go ahead and pick Santiago, here. I can't help myself 🤤
Also, please don't worry about long requests, I LOVE detail like this babe 🥰
I feel like once he's comfy, he's the type to enjoy a good snuggle with hair plays. Just seems like the kind of guy that fronts big and tough for his buddies and then is all sweet and romantic at home.
Also, he is ABSOLUTELY the type to be more scared of something based on an actual true crime case than a paranormal flic and I love that you chose him as one of your options for this franchise!
By the time you got home from work, the streetlights were already on and the house was lit up from the inside. You and Santiago had talked about a movie marathon, since you didn't have to work tomorrow. Neither of you were really sure what franchise to pop on, but you had convinced him that it was horror.
Little to your knowledge, Santiago was perfectly fine with horror. Under certain circumstances. The man was utterly skeeved out by true crime. People in the real world were the scariest thing to him. He was fine with creatures and the paranormal, though; fuck, he hoped you wanted to watch some spooky bruja shit. He busied himself in the kitchen, prepping a drink bar, baskets of chips, bowls of candy, the air pop machine, and even a coffee and cocoa bar. The living room was set up for an overnight with all the blankets and pillows making the room look like a conversation pit. He had drawn the curtains and put up softly glowing fairy lights that cast a spooky glow from behind the tv and curtains. Candles were lit and smelled like your favorite time of year. This man was a keeper.
"Babe, I'm home!" you called into the house, making your way down the hall towards the kitchen. There, you leaned against the door frame, smiling as you watched this ex special-ops agent prep snacks for a movie night at home. Santiago was the equivalent of taking a military dog and taking him home after his tour of duty. This man was domesticated, and he liked it (thought he would never admit it). "Hey, Mami, how was work?" You shrugged, snagging a chip from the first bowl he walked away from.
"Well, Sarah was -" you droned on, spilling all the shit from your day. He was listening, nodding and inserting little sounds of approval or disgust when the moment called for it. "Did you decide what you want to watch?" he asked. A devious smile spread across your face, and he did NOT like it. A chill went ups his spine as he followed you into the living room and over to the DVD rack. You ran your finger down the spines of all your favorite movies, you only collected DVD copies of your top favorites, and stopped at Scream. His nose scrunched and he groaned softly behind you, and not because of your leggings you presumed.
"What's wrong with Scream?" you asked, straightening up and reaching to get it set in the player. "You know it's an actual murder case from not all that long ago, right?" he asked, a single eyebrow arching in slight disdain. "Oh, come on. You mean to tell me that the man who brought down Gabriel Martin Lorea with three shots just for 'insurance' is scared of a movie based on a true crime event?" you scoffed, putting air quotes around his favorite excuse for shooting more than once.
His eyes rolled, "Si, Mami, but real people are still out there doing that shit." he sighed, sitting into the comfortable nest he had built for the two of you. You followed, putting the remote on the side table and settling in. "But there are people whose jobs it is to make sure they're not like they used to be." you tried to reason, patting your empty lap. He pursed his lips, laying his head over into your lap. He would watch your movies with you, but he wasn't about to admit that he was actually scared. "people still kill people." he grumbled. In return you shushed him softly, fingers twisting through his hair as the opening credits started on the screen.
As the movies played on, and the night continued around you both in your beautiful little home, safe and sound, he was still right. Serial killers were still a lot more common than people thought.
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moe-broey · 1 year
ANOTHER Splatoon dream
They introduced a new Salmon Run special event, separate from Big Run, where instead of Salmonids invading a main stage, a bunch of brand new stages were revealed. After each wave, you would get superjumped to a different stage, randomized. You had no time really to ease into things or get your bearings because of this. As soon as you sorta feel familiar w it, you're onto the next one! These stages utilized way more platformy gimmicks seen in single player, like ink rails and sponge blocks ect.
There were also mutated Salmonids, generally tougher and more aggressive but some had new abilities like Steelhead, who would actually sometimes spawn a crate instead of a bomb and you could use that crate to carry more than one egg at a time. The only other one I remember clearly was a mutated Maws that was just a huge lump of pulsating ink that would absorb you if it caught you. All the Salmonids had mutated forms, even the little guys, I just don't remember them clearly at all 🥲 EXCEPT for them all having white milky eyes like Cohozuna and having more scuffed up and grotesque bodies, like their own newfound power was consuming them. A little fucked up a little scary.
Some stages had their own gimmicks esp according to their themes, like one where you and a bunch of teammates could all pilot a boat where each seat was shaped like a cat?? But as a swan boat ride??????? But also in the formation where it would create a sort of starship type thing that you'd use to shoot Salmonids in the water and sky???? The entire theme for this stage was a flooded amusement park that was cat themed (no rhyme or reason for it but I was delighted by it!). And by flooded I fucking mean that. Very little solid ground at all, so you really did have to make the most out of all kinds of platforming gimmicks WHILE being swarmed by extra-aggressive Salmonids.
And like??? More on that??? The Steelhead who would sometimes give you crates just BARELY made a difference, that's how insanely difficult these runs were. The Salmonids were harder to take down, hit harder, wanted you EXTRA dead, and the spawn rates were insane. Not to mention the egg quotas which were higher as well (one wave wanted us to get 80 eggs. In one wave. Okay.) I think the eggs scaled w how many eggs you got the previous wave, so you'd get punished if you go way over quota. So like. Crate that allows you to hold two or three eggs at a time. Makes a difference for sure, but also each round would come down to the wire even WITH that extra bonus.
Only other bits I remember well enough to recount -- a stage where there was a furnace at the center. VIVIDLY remember this bc we won that wave, and we started squid partying, and one teammate was like "BOOYEAH" and Very Purposely hopped into the furnace and died. We had access to saying "Ouch" like in Turf War and we all were spamming Ouch and Booyeah! while jumping around and spinning, it was hilarious. Also, I didn't win a single full run. I told myself I'd keep going until I won At Least One. And there was One person who stuck with me the entire time, an octoling in a black slopsuit who had a keyboard smash for a name. I was infinitely charmed and touched that they stuck it out with me despite ultimately losing every run. Just you and me, buddy.... against the world......
I was rudely awoken by my alarm. In the middle of fucking battle. IRL disconnect 😭😭😭😭
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blissooya · 3 months
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[WEVERSE] 231001 슝이🌹 update
Hello BLINK! I'm writing before I go to bed! 🌕 It feels like yesterday that the concert ended, but it's already October because time is running and running. l'm doing well in Paris doing this and that while spending my free time well! I spent the Chuseok holiday in Paris, but when I went to a Korean restaurant, they gave me songpyeon, so, I ate songpyeon well. 😋 It's amazing that there are only two months left in this year! The word 2024 is still awkward, but l'Il get used to it right? BLINK, please enjoy the rest of the Chuseok holiday! I hope you have a great time!!I'm going to sleep now. Good night everyone! (or good morning) I love you ♥️
cr. xx_turtle_
👤 : It's morning here!
🐰 : Hi! I was half-asleep and was gonna sleep right away but after seeing BLINKs I wanted to talk again! kekeke
👤 : Spending Chuseok overseas is so Korean
🐰 : I ate pork belly with Park Chaengie we intensely ate it in a hurry🔥😋
👤 : Will we be able to see LA vlog soon?
🐰 : Coming soon Jisoon
👤 : Jisoo, I went to see Dr. Cheon because you made a special appearance!! You were a complete goddess
🐰: kekekeke No! I was a fairy! 🤣
👤 : Chichu's chess record is 1 win in 1 match, right? I almost got fooled that you're a skilled chess player keke
🐰 : It was my first time and I won, I worried because I thought what do I do if I was a chess genius but I'm probably not ! But I want play again it was fun
👤 : Why do you always answer Korean comments? I am from Mexico and I learned English to communicate with idols, but I think I should learn Korean for you. In the meantime, I'm using Google translate
🐰 : kekekeke I got caught! Thanks for writing in Korean! ♥️😂😂
👤 : Unnie, did you know theres only 92 days left until 2024..? 😩
🐰 : Not even 100 days left but KimKimParkLa (op username) is that JenChuLiChaeng..? kekekeke that's new kekekeke
👤 : Do you remember the slogan “I only look at Kim Jisoo” when you did finale concert?? 🩷🩷
🐰 : hul I totally saw it! kekeke During that encore while riding the cart, I saw it and it was funny so I threw a plushy🤣 But it didn't reach that far..
👤 : Which warm tea do you like the more? Besides Iced Americano.
🐰 : Chamomile??? I like that!
👤 : I wasn't able to take pic of the pretty moon during Chuseok. It's okay, seeing pretty Jisoo unnie is good!
🐰 : But when I take a pic of the moon with my phone, it doesn’t turn out well! It's a shame just looks like a white circle, it's so different from what you actually see! I saw a really big moon in Paris so I kept taking pictures, but it was just a white circle ㅠ
👤 : I went to last con with white rabbit and cheer and sang along! Concerts are fun no matter how many times I watch. I want to go again
🐰 : Looking at this post, we're been doing it for a year and it feels like the concert already ended! haha I want to see BLINKs again 🥲🥹
👤 : Jisoo if you meet an alien what are you gonna do??
🐰 : kekekekekeke hmm.. I saw Dooly a while ago. Dooly was captured by aliens and received super powers as a bonus(?) I want to get super powers too
👤 : 1:30 am? Hurry sleep ㅡㅡㅋ
🐰: ㅡㅡㅋ ....???!!!!!!!!!!!! be careful.
👤 : Have you tried tangerine tanghulu??? it's delicious.. ha😋
🐰 : As for tanghulu, the blueberry tanghulu I made is the best
👤 : I'm looking at your picture in the freezer because I feel like my heart will melt when I look at it
🐰 : kekekekeke that's tremendous, you're heart might freeze
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The 🌕 I captured..... goodnight♥️ Blink-ya!! I suddenly woke up a bit and talked with each other it was fun hahaha🥰 Enjoy the rest of the holiday!! I'll come to play again! Eat a lot of delicious food!!! Happy Chuseok!!!!! I love you!! Let's have fun in October♥️ 🌕goodnight🌕
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candaceparkers · 2 years
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Kristi Toliver #20 tackles Candace Parker #3 of the Los Angeles Sparks after winning Game Five of the 2016 WNBA Finals against the Minnesota Lynx on October 20, 2016 at Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. (Photos by David Sherman/NBAE)
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