#you thought husker being attached to his alcohol was bad
Headcanon that Zestial is very, very, VERY attached to both cloak and top hat. Whereas on the rare occasions he will remove his cloak while at the Carmine residence, his hat is firmly attached to his head at all times. It would be a full on fight trying to get the thing off his head, and another to keep it away from him 😂 Not even Carmilla has seen his unhatted head.
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shortstackum · 3 years
The Creatures do work like cleaning to earn money, there's a shop near the very bottom so they can buy stuff
Phineas actually takes care of the whales and other marine life, meanwhile Aurla tries to kill them
Spooky's and Eyth's magic seems to make people stop aging or at least stop aging at a certain age, which explains why Spooky is still 12, 15 years later
Speaking of magic involving Spooky and Eyth, they were brought back to life by the ssme thing (along with Taker), that thing being one of the specimen 1s, that being Jeli
The Demon child was a child that was murdered in the kid's hospital and was brought back by Jeli as a demon, although it seemd she's trying to resist the magic that's trying to make her evil by hiding in a mirror
Some of the kill counts for Specimens are inaccurate as those a few were actually caused by the 1s (E.i, Bab, Jasper, Chomper..)
Phineas / Fin really liked marine life, mainly dolphins, Jeli got an idea and used his magic to make him go wild, causing him to operate on himself, everyone thinks he did it for his love of dolphins but Fin was just mind controlled
Lines' body ends at the end of his torso
Lines' speech tends to get distorted (backwards speech, random muting, glitching)
Paina was AI for sunshine academy but got out via Spec.1 magic, yet she can still be developed further
Subject 5s are named 5 as they are the 5th Specimen 3s, the others died either in testing, having to be exterminated or they just. Dissapeared
Lisa and Bab tend to get along very well due to their shyness
Bekka likes to blast music just to make everyone mad lol
Jaime has honks own dimension, it sometimes goes to it to see how everything is going (the dimension being an abandoned theme park)
They let other Specimens, monsters, dolls and unknowns in to play, although xe makes them leave after a while, claiming that staying for too long is risky
Hooky was a runaway and went to the mansion for security, didn't work out as planned for her
Parry isn't just red, xey can be green and blue too
When Parry has a host, xey are asleep and someone enters xem, the host will have trouble knowing where the person is, only when under xey're control or when xey are awake can the host know exactly where they are
Parry and Stanely are like roommates, they get along sometimes but they fight and annoy each other a lot
Stanely also has a furry coat
When first encountering Parry, xey were a greenhouse, xey kept trying to scare him and lock doors but he just kept pulling through, xey tried getting him attacked by ferocious plants and only let him have a scythe but he still lived, Parry got angry and tried xeir last trick was to turn into a mansion and hang him, and it worked
In some of the crates, Aurla has some things like files, or just random papers, in others there's some beach toys, in others theres drawings Bab made for him, that's another reason he doesn't get on the crates, he doesn't wanna accidentally break them
Lines can travel via electricity (through telephone poles, computers, wires.. obv he can't leave the mansion tho)
Taker and White Face are one of the biggest frenemies, they usually only get along when trying to harm others and most of the time they just argue
Tirsiak used to be extremely cold and mean to everyone besides Kanerek, he wanted nothing to do with anyone fearing they'd hurt him or he'd get attached only to lose them, but after a while of basically forced friendship activities he warmed up to Bab first and then slowly to everyone, hes still a prick but he's doing better
The ones made their own mansion, they only took in monsters that were similar to the creatures from Spooky's or made their own
They were created as back up and to challenge the others. They represent what the originals (reffering to the ones in Spooky's) don't wanna be and their trauma. The ones liked to joke and call some of them coincidences and calk them rip offs
Lisa is welsh and has a bit of an accent
None of the hospital monsters have forgiven Eyth for what xey did, it affected them all and Eyth takes it as a joke, xey constantly make fun of the monsters for being "petty"
Bekka and Jon are the only ones fluent in Japanese but their accent shows sometimes
Bekka has a lot of medical and biology based knowledge but is still a complete dumbass when it comes to almost anything else
Lisa hasn't and never will forgive her ex husband for shooting her. Hell she's happy that he's probably dead
Lisa has frequent aches and pains all around her body
Bekka REALLY likes chocolate
Tirsiak is very good at archery and hunting, as apposed to Kanerek who's pretty mediocre
Tirsiak used a spell to give himself antlers and appear more masc
Tirsiak had died in the past but never realized, his necklace kept him somewhat alive and is what gives him his powers
Bab sometimes cleans his sword, he's dissapointed in himself that it got a bit rusty as that sword used to belong to his dad
Aurla can talk to marine creatures and loves to take care of the landsharks
Jasper was interested in how humans made food so he'd often steal recipe books and try making things himself and when he got to the mansion, Otto helped him out
Jasper doesn't like being viewed as a fast food worker or manager, he just wanted to protect his kin from constantly being used as food
Spooper sees Lisa as his mom because his old parents were abusive and Lisa is the mother he never got to have
This makes Lisa very happy
Kal is like an older brother to Spooper
Bekka's hands are black due to frostbite
Noah is very good at reading people, mainly because of his own experience. He's very good at telling if you're lying, sad, happy, sketchy..
Noah had to be bumped down to a hospital patient due to an incident and Bekka was his nurse
Noah usually has to change his bandages, he thinks he looks hideous but most people think otherwise (especially Jon)
Tirsiak used to be very cold and aggressive towards everyone as stated before, his best friend had died thanks to Ben in the past and he lost his tribe and family. He trusted no one
Once he learned how to speak english better he would learn to cuss out and shoo most people away. He only trusted Kanerek
Bab always tried to be his friend but was regularly pushed away even if all Tirsiak wanted deep down was a friend again, he was just afraid of losing everything again so if there was nothing to love there was hardly anything to lose.
It took a long time of lectures but one day he noticed Bab didn't seem to get the hint. Actually it never seemed like they did. Tirsiak gave in and let Bab just hang around, Tirsiak was surprised to find that he somewhat enjoyed Bab's presence.
He started to be less of an ass, he let Bab just hang out with him.
Maybe having friends again wouldn't be a huge risk?
He decided to be a bit nicer, he's still harsh and agressive but makes an effort to make friends and be nice
He found that he really liked Hooky and Ringu, at first he merely thought they were attractive but now he really does love them
Tirsiak learned english via the others teaching him and him repeating what others said. That's where he got his voice lines from, he stole them from Kanerek (and she ended up changing hers)
Lisa knows sign language
Bab's mom was trying to contact him in the afterlife via the cult and the cult tbought she was mother. One day her grasp and connection was slipping and she told thet cult that Bab was the new mother
Despite this, Bab never planned to be a mother, but then came the landsharks
Bab doesn't mind being their mother figure
Lisa sometimes gets carried away and will write their thoughts or make random doodles on notes made for chases
Lisa likes to listen to music while drawing, Bekka will let her borrow her MP3 and headphones when they're hanging out
Lisa has tourretes and autism and often hums and twitches
They'll flail their hands and tip toe as a happiness stim
Jasper has major sensory issues and the slightest High pitch, weird looking thing, anything that feels uncomfortable, or smells bad or extremely strong it'll will drive him off the walls
Lisa was taken away from the hospital while trying to hide from GLA and when she reunited with the hospital monsters, whenever they sense a GLA is coming they get hostile and if Lisa is over, Bekka won't let go of her until they're gone
The dolls sometimes disobey Spooky and GLA because of how bitter they are about what happened
Hooky tends to drown her sorrows in alcohol and it's become a regular thing for her
Because of how GLA treated him, whenever Charles feels any negative emotion coming on he'll go to sleep, it often results in nightmares but the emotions most of the time go away and he feels better when he wakes up
Frenzy has tried helping them but Husker knows all too well that there's no helping them
Clicky doesn't regret killing her dad, she always knew he was a bad man
She also just doesn't care
She never cared if her mom was unwell, she never cared if her friends were hurt. Sure she has some sympathy for the mansion residents but not much
Clicky likes waking people up with her constant clicking
She can detach herself from walls and walk freely, not very easily but she can still do it
Hooky, despite it being part of the reason she's in the doll, treasures hooks and many slim sharp objects
Although she also has an interest for anchors and morning stars
Frenzy often bakes small things like cookies and cupcakes for people and shares it's recipes with Jasper and Otto
Otto, despite seeming like he'd be a dumbass, does have common sense
He takes no shit from White Face, constantly triea to tell off Tirsiak for being a dumbass, gives Lisa the rudest reassurance and just ignores Spooper and Kal
He's friends with Jasper but even he admits that Jasper isn't very bright
Otto can swim and is warerproof
The pizza he gives you is poisoned, but it usually fails or takes a long ass while to kick in no matter how many times he's tried different poisons
Otto is aware of the whole FNAF thing and hates being seen as some FNAF rip off and being called the names of the animatronics from FNAF
Otto used to be a cook before he died and was stuffed inside of Otto The Otter
Spooper will sometimes change his costume to sort of socialize and copy others (dressing in all black because of Bekka, wolf outfit because of Tirsiak, face paint for Jaime..)
Hooky is drunk when he chases you
Husker is emotionally detached and has no desire to be attached to anyone, it just knows they exist and pays no mind to them
Jaime doesn't like scaring people and admits that she wishes she didn't look so ugly
WF used to be bullied to a breaking point
She gets overly attached and easily falls in love with whoever even tolerates her
She is aware people can die from her game but she just wants literally any fun even if it's for a short while
She loves to wear dresses and likes to appear femminine, and HER is unsurprisingly her favorite form to take
WF constantly picks on everyone due to her past, shyer and weaker people are often her main victims
She loves teasing Lisa all the time and is often super rude to them even though deep down, WF does care about Lisa a little
Bekka has a room saved for Lisa for whenever they come over to visit to the hospital
They love watching movies together and hanging out
They're also super comfortable with each other and will fall asleep together
The deformity wing in the hospital is a psychological torture chamber Eyth made
Some of the residents have tried exploring it but either got lost or got scared and ran out
Lector loves to make sure things are spotless and perfect, if it's body bag gets even the smallest stain it'll be pissed
Taker has a collection of stuffed toys but doesn't tell anyone
He thinks they're cute
Bab found out and hasn't said a word about it to anyone
Bab also thinks plushies are cute and will often help him in his collecting
Taker is surprisingly a good babysitter, the kids adore him
It loves to get into mischief with whoever it's supposed to be babysitting and pull pranks
Tirsiak has a stuffed toy of a wolf that Hooky made for it
It treasures it dearly and doesn't let anyone touch it
It even sleeps with the toy
There's a sewed on heart on it too
Sleeping with it reminds him of Hooky
Ringu and Hooky love cuddling Tirsiak because he's fuzzy and Tirsiak and Ringu Love cuddling Hooky because soft
Ringu is also cuddle material to them
Hooky is good at knitting and making plushies
If anyone tries flirting with the creatures it often times leaves them confused or angry or both
The most common one to take the flirt and possibly flirt back is White Face
Bab used to have a girlfriend but they broke up because her gf was an asshole to others
Fleshy is very good at reading people, they're even better than Noah
Kat can too but is too apathetic to care
Kat forces a smiley face and a good attitude when Fleshy is soon about to chase them to give the victim a false sense of hope
Fleshy often has to calm down or stop Kat from being overly angry
Fleshy can hear the other souls but is also capable of tuning them out
Kat is the spirit of a GLA who was used for testing and nya killed Fleshy out of rage
Kat is capable of giving souls and bodies to fleshy but doesn't want to because xe doesn't care
Kat fucking hates other cats, hell xey hate almost everything
Fleshy on the other hand loves everything but doesn't love some organisms enough to let them live
Fleshy loves to cause trouble and is a general nuisance
Bekka hates wearing pink
Ben loves making and trying on outfits and will willingly wear dresses and anything embarrassing
Goop can be mixed with other substances but it makes him uncomfortable
Goop boils and heats up when he's mad
Two and Three are capable of reproducing asexually, but choose not to because they know not a lot of people wanna deal with mini S3s
Lines is quick to anger and violence
Her body is electrical when she's angry
That's gotta hurt
Lisa has dyspraxia and autism
Bekka has ADHD
Whoa. (゜o゜;
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