#you can't see most of them anymore cuz I refined a lot
yoomschoocs · 4 months
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Some team RWBY warm-up doodles that I ended up using as experimental coloring practices!
The process of this was a messss but hey you gotta learn somehow :)
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makwandis · 8 months
i’m actually so curious what your roderich hcs are 👀 what do you think about when writing him and how do you see his dynamic with gilbert? with antonio?
Oh my gosh it's a big thing to answer UMMM I got dis
so I feel like roderich is femme fatale as a boy. Venus as a boy. He's antinous. He's beautiful. He's sensitive. He's very very demure. He reminds me of Scarlett ohara and he reminds me of Blanche Dubois. He reminds me of s delicate flower but watch out the flower is poisonous as fuck. I think overall yeah He's a sensitive, pensive, observant quiet gentleman with refined tastes and also like is a total bitch. He's gay as fuck. I love him. He's preminger from the barbie movies too lowkey. I always just picture like what would like a very beautiful man from antiquity or whatever be like what would happen to him ya know. I personally love roderich a lot cuz I honestly can relate to him a lot too. He's a nurturer, he's a kind soul, hes reserved , he's been hurt a lot, he doesn't trust easily, but he's a good friend to have.
As for him and Gilbert UM talk about toxic lol. Pruaus is my endgame and my fave Pru ship by far, I think Gilbert has been madly in love w roderich since he first saw him and roderich is the most beautiful boy Gilbert has ever seen. I really hype up rod being pretty NO UGLY AUSTRIAS THANKS lol. But Gilbert is insane and frankly so is roderich when he's around him. Roderich is usually quite reserved snd it's very hard to get a reaction out of him- he doesn't really yell when he's mad. Normally. Around Gilbert though? He just can't help it he becomes THIS FIRECRACKER he's feisty and sassy and will fucking slap Gilbert lmao. Gilbert has made him madder than anyone else on the planet and I feel he's an adrenaline rush for roderich that roderich is lowkey high key lowkey addicted to. Gilbert had also made roderich laugh harder than anyone else on the planet too. Gilbert just brings out all these extremes in roderich that can either exhaust him or he enjoys it a lot. They've had their ups and their many many many many downs. They have been terrible to each other but I think Gilbert has been worse. Roderich deserves better but Gilbert is the bad decision he can't help but make time and time again against all logic and reason and advice from his friends lol. But i think as Gilbert matures he's becoming a better and better decision for roderich. Retirement has done wonders for gilbert and roderich both lol. I love them so much.
Antonioooo and him I see as like- roderich was very young and stupid and toni was this smooth talking kind of older man who was able to schmooz roderich. Roderich and he were probably married and I think roderich wasn't very happy at first but ya know lay back and think of the emperor lmfao. Toni and roderich were also pretty toxic, I think rod has a thing for toxic masc dudes who are really jealous and intense and it is NOT GOOD FOR RODERICH. But toni is a Spaniard the dude is cheating. It was very up and down, very very toxic, and roderich was happy to get rid of him- but I think toni thinks rod is his "one that got away" which is just so dumb but I don't think the guy is very bright or introspective. Overall, roderichs ex, who sometimes still gets drunk and calls him, and Roderich really doesn't care about him anymore. I have met many dudes like toni, in spanish we'd call him un pinche mujeriego cabron or something along those lines... but he and roderich dooooo make a very handsome couple lol.
Those are my thoughts but feel free to ask for my discord I can talk about this all fucking day and night !!!!
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