#you can probably find him on bandcamp or sth
re: the mv
i'm also not discounting the very likely chance of this being a bait however to entertain the possibility that it's genuine (and i dont wanna go too into detail on the iffy assertion that pete is definitely 'a straight man' or the way race in the context of smfs is not touched upon other than to draw a comparison but that's sure an elephant in this room and i want to acknowledge it in passing, as much as acknowledging the other elephant that is the wentz bank account) i'm not an expert but watching the video i don't think curelop would have a legal ground to claim sth like plagiarism, most of the video is different in tone and setting and everything, HOWEVER there *are* a few elements that may be worth to look into and he pointed absolutely all of the coincidences out in the tik tok. Hee does namedrop brendan walter on fob's side and holly lander on his side of things on his instagram post on the matter so that's who i think are the people he 'didnt wanna name any names' but i can't find any association (not discounting that lander may have shown her portfolio to walter looking for a job or something like that). i have not found plagiarism accusations leveraged at walter before this either, not that this is unexpected, if there were large scandals with him they would hopefully not keep hiring him, who knows, but if small artists had had this happen in the past (and assuming they were kind enough to future artists to use indexed websites) there could be something, even as flimsy as another stray testimony, to give extra credibility to the issue.
the other producer for that video arthur sadler i also couldn't find any connection with walter with fwiw. he's possibly more likely to be involved since he seems to be more connected with the larger industry than lander.
curelop deleted nearly everything from his previous online handle, though his bandcamp and some socials of his previous band remain (that's how you can see his previous handle, in broken links there). pretty much the only things i can find about dave & i are some fluff pieces over this song, nothing else, so also there's nothing to point in either direction.
i still think if plagiarism happened it's probably idea sniping by whoever actually reads the portfolios in walter's company taking the tiniest most plausible deniability bits and pieces of ideas which is very gross. it is also a bit gross if there is no plagiarism and someone decided to bait for the littlest bit of relevance.
yeah there's definitely a messed up situation here somewhere, whoever it is
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cimness · 6 years
This Finnish artist’s name means either Olof Dragonmountain or Olof Witchmountain and I’m not even sure which one is better
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