#you are welcome to pm me for knitting related stuff but please know my academical knowledge of it is very limited
mareliini · 3 years
I saw your frog cardigan and the urge to learn how to knit is s t r o n g. do you have any tips for a beginner? (also i'd seriously pay for that pattern i love it its so cute)
For knitting in general:
Start small and simple. Socks, hats, and scarfs are an excellent and very versatile gateways to knitting AND they give you nice funky things to wear.
Don't be afraid to try stuff out! Yarn is forgiving material and you can always take it apart and start over if you want to. I know some knitters who hunt down knitwear from flea markets to take them apart and reuse yarn.
I don't personally know or care much of knitting terminology, so I'm a living example of "figure stuff out on your own". But there is overwhelming amount of How To -videos and blog posts online. I recommend finding nice knitting community (like fb group if you're old millenial like me) to ask advice from too.
For cardigans and colorwork especially
80cm cable needles are, in my limited experience, ideal size for anything big. Cable needles in general are easier for your hands and shoulders.
Find a simple pattern for a beginner. Or do like I did and take measurements from some already existing cardigan and start knitting. In either way be ready to use some math to figure out your stitch count (ready patterns should explain the progress but basically, knit with the yarn and the needles around 15x15cm square, and count how many stitches you need to get 10cm worth of knitwear. Divide stitch count by centimeter (or whatever inches usa ppl have) count and you got handly little number to multiply your desired lenght with. Keep in mind washing may scew the results, so you might want to wash the test square first too. Me? I always skip this entirely, just do the math someways in and hope it works out.)
With colorworks, start small. Simple, repetitive patterns in sock for example. There are, again, multiple different ways to do colorworks, just fuck around and try it out.
Have fun! Bingewatch netflix, redo every part at least once since you knitted it wrong or just dont vibe with it, dO NOT cut your yarn unless you're absolutely, incredibly positive you're not going to redo it. Stretch your hands and take breaks.
Don't be afraid to try stuff above your skill level.
I wont sell or share the frog pattern but with a handy tools of pen and squared paper you too can trace the pattern and knit it. Me and commissioner would appreciate small chances or repurposes in the pattern but I'm also confident no one can 100% trace it since I wasn't able to follow my own directions either. If you're gonna try it, let it also be a practise on making your own patterns one day! Horrifying and freeing experience!
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