#yknow the ones where they wayyy over sexualize what they’re doing
Katsuki would absolutely make those thirst trap cooking TikToks
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generalzar0ff · 4 years
beware of recycled jokes
I’m redoing this review because there are some things I wanna discuss that I didn’t bring up in the original review. For starters, it was not directed by Don Bluth, but rather by Bill Kroyer. I’m a dummie who didn’t do their research; I apologize. Well, I guess the review is starting...
For a reminder, here’s the Wikipedia plot synopsis:
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Now, there is a character that the movie that the synopsis didn’t bring up. Here’s what I said about him in my original review:
“What the summary failed to mention is that Crysta has a friend called “batty” (cuz yknow creativity) that was tested on by humans. But here’s the catch; he’s voiced by Robin Williams, and he raps. He raps on his experiences of animal experimentation and cruelty. Keep this in mind: the song was cut in half for the production of the movie. This wasn’t the only song cut in half, but I’ll get to that soon. But anyways, the full version is darker than the version used in the film.”
With that being said, this character is simultaneously the most sane and insane character in this movie. It’s great. One moment, he’ll be buzzing around all over the place, and the next, he’ll be talking the main characters out of a bad idea.
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The thing about the main characters, those being Crysta and Zak, is that they have this unnatural and unnecessary
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kind of thing that the filmmakers totally forced. There’s this one scene where they go into a cave, do romantic stuff, kiss, and it drags on for so long that I had to skip it when rewatching the film for this redone review. Another scene I skipped the second time is this song that a monitor lizard sings about eating Zack-without-a-C, and after being exposed to vore, I think it’s the most unsettling scene in the movie.
But anyways, I’m legally required to talk about the villain of the film, Hexxus. So this bastard shows up looking like something you’d find in a sewer, naturally. But then he becomes unbearably sexy and like???? Hello???? Why have you putrefied my mind by making me go through a crisis of what I should think is attractive?! Anyways (man, I say that word a lot), in my OG review I touched upon how his song, Toxic Love, was weirdly sexual, and how in the uncut version, it’s even more sexual. But one of the lines in this uncut version is “flowers and trees depress and frankly bore me”, so that leaves questions about Hexxus’s motivations. If he was trapped in a tree for so many years, wouldn’t he find the outside world exiting after being released from this prison? Plus, the barren wasteland he’s trying to create is wayyy more boring than a rainforest with an abundance of wildlife. But really, this guy got pretty unlucky with the people controlling the machine destroying the rainforest. For real, until the climax of the film these guys don’t notice this gigantic sentient mass of smog taking control of their giant weed whacker (tree whacker?). Yes, these characters are stupid, and one of them is the subject of plenty of fat jokes, but the producers really didn’t give a shit about how purely DENSE these characters are. Imagine being Hexxus for a sec, yeah? You finally escape from the trap you thought was eternal, and now you want vengeance on the trees that trapped you.... I guess. Anyways, you take hold of this machine that corrodes anything in its path, just what you’ve always wanted. And the people you have to manipulate are stupid and gullible enough to help you, fantastic! But they’re so dumb they won’t even do their job half of the time. Imagine how dragging that would be.
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Okay, stop imagining. I don’t want you to have an identity crisis involving a fictional character.
So Crystal Pepsi and friends gotta do something about the chaos going awry, yeah? So Crysta’s grandma, Magi, turns this sort of teal color, starts evaporating à la Infinity War, and gives her granddaughter a magic seed and a Mufasa-esque “Remembah who u are” speech.
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Extra stuff I couldn’t really smoothly fit into the review:
-There’s this really annoying character named Pips, and I don’t like him.
-The way the film portrays Hexxus’s relationship with the pollution is pretty cool. It’s treated as both an energy source and a drug, and when it’s taken away, Hexxus experiences “withdrawal symptoms”, coughing and becoming weaker. This whole thing is both similar to the relationship humans have with pollution while also twisting and contorting it to create the message of “polluting takes effort to quit”
-Wow, I just got pretentious there. Anyways, I don’t like Hexxus’s nose. It looks weird; That’s why I didn’t draw it in that picture I made earlier.
-I still don’t fully know how I feel about this movie
-The animators were probably dying having to animate all that smoke and sludge, poor guys...
Alright, shoutouts to @purplemeanie and @kkatpon for giving me support on the first review!
I don’t know how to end this, so peace out and keep rockin’ on!
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deeisace · 7 years
heyyyy i’m finally answering your tag thingy! thanks for all the qu’s
i’m gonna do one big post cs it’s easier i guess
alright alright so
1. cats or dogs? am i allowed to say both? im not allowed to say both. uhhh dogs!
2. if money etc wasnt a problem where would you move? idk that i would? if money wasn’t a problem, i’d move like 10 minutes down the road and get a nice little flat haha
3. a moment you’d go back and do different? oh i have a ton of those
4. best ice cream flavour? mint choc chip!
5. fave school subject? english? maths? history? one a those
6. time machine - when and where would you go? fuck idk, i’d probably interrogate theis one grandfather of mine to find out where in scotland he was born, the form-shy sod
7. hide and seek - hide or seek? seek! when i was a kid i’d try like sherlock holmes it haha - rather, flavia gemina it
8. i do like being tagged in these things!
9. fave book? ah bugger don’t ask me that! i really like the rivers of london series, i’m gonna say
10. milk/dark/white choc? milk!
11. siblings? wish did/not? yeah! i’ve 3 brothers, 2 sisters, all step - they’re mostly great and i wouldn’t change!
12. what do you wear to sleep? generally just my pants?
13. colour of your sofa? i don’t have one, but the ones in uni halls are all black
14. smth you’d love to talk about but never really comes up? ooh idk, prolly a bunch of stuff
15. bbq or picnic? picnic!
16. 6 of your fave fictional characters.
ooh okay well at the mo - hardison, parker and eliot off leverage, uhhhhh draco malfoy, that’s 4, peter grant out of rivers of london... last one uhm fred best off ripper street? idk man, if you ask next week i’ll prolly have way different answers. oh! jamie off outlander and the guy his cousin the funny one, uhhh yeah i’ll shut it cs i’ll say a buuunch of characters
17. any films you can talk along to? i can a bit of Pride! i’ve watched it too many times haha - oh can i add mike and jeff out of that to the last answer? and steph. and whatserface the coucillor lady
18. opinion on scented candles? yeah alright, nice, better than incense
19. something that recently really made you smile
ohhh  i proper fell about laughing at something last night what was it
ah! my stepdad did an impression of one of the villagers complaining that our alpacas aren’t french enough, and then we said we should have dressed them up in berets
20. oh wait these are different hang on
nickname: people call me by my last name sometimes?
zodiac: aries hogwarts house: slytherin, but i reckon i’m a good bit hufflepuff too. hence me Trying to get into hufflepuff with the pottermore quiz thing, and ending up in slytherin, haha height: i got measured once at 5′4, but like i’m actually 5′2 but that’s really fuckin short so i say 5′3 haha sexuality: ehhhh gay? ethnicity: white british fave fruit: mango!
“ season: autumn, wayyy
“ book series: uhhhh harry potter or rivers of london? actually actually, riverss of london, cs mostly i just really like HP fanfiction yknow
“ fictional character: hhh idk man, bloody hell! uhhhh hardison off leverage?
“ flower: oh ah what are they called begins with H, hydrangeas! those are nice, and freesias and lavender and the butterfly ones what are they called, buddleia! “ colour: green! like when the sun shines through leaves, that’s good “ animal: oh hell idk there’s a bunch, cats? cats are good. “ band: there’s a bunch of these too, idk which! against me! or counting crows or new model army or or or idk. i tend to like uhhh individual songs over actual bands?
coffee tea or hot choc? tea! mint tea, mint and nettle if it’s there, which it generally isnt haha
average hours of sleep: like 7? between like 7 and idk 10 probably. the time i sleep is messed up sometimes
no. of blankets: i have a duvet, but in winter i like having like, 2 maybe blnkets to go with that so i can make a cocoon haha
dream trip: uhhh america? i’d like to go to new orleans, that seems fun, and new york and san francisco and seattle and places idk. also i want to go back to venice, and go to rome. maybe i’ll say rome, actaully, idk
last thing i googled: flowers butterfly bush name ( which are buddleias!) how many blogs do i follow: 328 no. of followers: 326 what i usually post: ah, fuck knows, whatever’s in my head like - i reblog a bunch of stuff more prolly?
do i get asks regularly: i’ve got a bunch off of you recently! but generally nah
okay last thing is a bold the stuff that applies to you an i’ll do that it a separate post cs this is already long as fuck prolly
thaaank you for all the questions!!
i’m sposed to tag a bunch of people and make up my own qu’s now but like, eh idk
okay, i’ll get bolding stuff!
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