#yever think about that? chips a thief! a scoundrel! a rat! a villain! a bastard! or atleast he used to be
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THEY WERE BROTHERS. THEY WERE BROOOOTHHERRRRRSSS still thinking about price and chip..... Your entire world has been drowned in black tar, and when you're pulled from the viciously viscous jaws that claimed every love you gathered, where do you find yourself?
Actually you're crazy! You were a pirate? Of the legendary Black Rose? No ones really heard of those guys. They think you just lost your memory or something when the sea congealed with ink, it was very traumatic for everyone after all. And yet you insist! You need to find them! Just stay in one place, like Arlin always said, and they will find you! Or whatever. You have a really 'active imagination'. You're really weird! But you're confident in it. You punched the last kid that called you crazy. It wasn't a fight you won, but it was one you fought. I saw the conviction clenched tightly in your teeth. I saw you steal coin from that kid later as well. Salt in the wound. No one else saw it. I like to take things too. Especially from jerks that don't deserve it. Youre really talented! Do you want to join my crew? This world is against us, y'know. It's full of people that think we're crazy. It's only you, me, and these few friends I've gathered. Just stick with me! And I'll punch any kid that calls you crazy too.
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