#yes it’s bc i was thinking abt how most of the ppl on the bunker access list have left. and it’s mostly just phil now
crepusculum-rattus · 11 months
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fellas is it bad to Not tell your homie that you might not be around for much longer in reply
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that-one-queer-poc · 3 months
Unfortunately, you're too cool for me to use this ask box for the purpose labelled on the tin, so please take these questions about your, Sunora (I hope I spelled that right) plot.
What is color magic? What does it do? Why is it stigmatized?
What's the etymology of the names for each type of magic, I've never heard those called that and I'm curious!
How exactly does fire magic work underwater?
How do they enforce the outlawing of those with all magic? Is it a eugenics thing of just killing kids/teens/whatever-age-they're-found-out who seem to have it or is it through some other method that would prevent them from using it?
Do all people have magic in one of the forms or is it a trait that only some people have?
How does Solana's fire magic seem to "weaken"? Is it harder to do or is it just straight up putting up less power, like a battery that's about to die?
thank you so much for this ask 🫶🏽‼️‼️ i hope this explains it well enough (putting it under cut cuz it’s kinda long lol)
color magic is known as chromagia in this world, basically what it does is manipulate light and colors. the reason it’s stigmatized is bc of hate groups formed of ppl w elemental magic (fire water air earth yknow) who are known as elemental supremacists, they believe non elemental magic (like chromagia) is inferior and dangerous. the other non elemental magic, poleamagia, is seen as the worst bc it has one ability from each elemental magic and chromagia, which is why it’s “dangerous” (it’s not more powerful, just more versatile, but that still scares these ppl)
honestly the only one that has any real life meaning is chromagia, chrome meaning color, the others are from taking a bunch of words related to the concept, mashing the initials together and tinkering w it until it sounded acceptable, then slapping -magia on the end (which just means magic). i got that tip from a tumblr post that i can’t find anymore lol
they’re in this sort of bunker thing! think hunger games district 13. they’re essentially underground except there’s water if you go outside. it doesn’t interfere w any of the powers cuz they’re just inside all the time
at the beginning they just executed all the poleamages who survived the war, which caused the island Sunora to sink underwater in the first place. it’s widely believed that poleamage activists were behind the sinking, so the government used that to justify their genocide, and since magic is genetic, there weren’t any after (so it sort of is eugenics yeah). they couldn’t do anything abt the poleamages who escaped before it sank. as of right now there are zero poleamages on Sunora, but if there was somehow one alive the government would just kill them, if they couldn’t do that they’d probably have them under constant surveillance
yes, everyone has magic. the type you get is genetic, and you have it from birth but it’s weak, you train it and become more powerful as you grow up, like a muscle. elemental magic is evenly dominant so a mixed kid among those will be one or the other, not both. chromagia is a little more dominant than them, a mixed kid will have the elemental magic at first and then gain chromagia powers while their elemental magic slightly weakens around puberty (this is what’s happening to Solana). poleamagia is the most dominant, any mixed kid will only have poleamagia
Solana starts losing the ability to do more advanced filamagia! each magic system has 5 of these sort of levels of different feats they can perform w their magic that get more advanced as they go along. she just reached level 4, but begins losing her ability as her chromagia comes in and takes more dominance. it kinda puts a permanent buffer on her filamagia, so that she can never progress past like level 2 in fire powers, but she’ll be able to reach level 5 in chromagia someday
i hope i got everything thanks again soooo much i hope i didnt yap your ears off <3
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