#yeah. i hate it. it’s bad. arguably worse than v3 to me
apollos-boyfriend · 5 months
HI I SEE YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT DANGRANOPA AGAIN!!! i should not be on tumblr rn but i'd like to ask on what you think about the whole remnant brainwashing thing revealed on the danganronpa 3 (i think it was 3??) anime. I have. Thoughts on this topic n im curious about yours aswell :D (also your post on the patterns in danganronpa is so <333 honestly my only observation that differs is that the chapter 2 murders were caused by the motives themselves, its a bit of a stretch on the first game but its there sksksksks)
ohhhhh……… i hate hate HATE the brainwashing thing so much. it’s so bad and honestly ruins a LOT of what makes the remnants so interesting to me. i pretend it does not exist.
because like. they had everything laid out for them. there was SO MUCH they could’ve done to explain why the remnants fell into despair. i would imagine the class was already going through it with the death of fuyuhiko’s sister. it would’ve been easy for junko to start pulling the strings from there, to make them slowly fall into despair, only to use chiaki’s death/execution as the final tipping point.
it feels so much more impactful for despair to have been a Choice, at least to some extent. it’s worse to have them turn to it, to be pushed to their limits and fall from grace in such a horrible and shocking way. brainwashing is just. what’s the point? there’s no conflict. all the crimes they committed while remnants? well it’s okay because they were brainwashed ^_^ that wasn’t ACTUALLY them, silly ^_^ it’s also a total fucking cop-out and ruins miterai’s character. like what the fuck do you mean the ultimate animator’s work is only so widely beloved because he found out about subliminal mind control. it should be widely beloved because he’s. yknow. the best at his craft. he should animate so well it blows people’s dicks off. everyone else gets to have their titles because they’re insanely skilled at their craft but he gets it because mind fuckery?? imagine if mikan was the ultimate nurse because she figured out placebo bullshit instead of actual nursing. what’s the point of an ultimate title if your fame and prestige don’t actually come from your skill and instead brainwashing everyone into thinking you’re the best.
as much as udg sucks ass, they did the despair thing RIGHT. we saw the warriors be pushed to the edge, have despair offered to them as a way out, and fall to it. and they turned away!! they realized they’d been manipulated and lied to and chose to make up for their actions!! you KNOW you fucked up when udg does something better than you.
so yeah 👍 i hate it and actively ignore its existence. 2 me junko did the same thing she did with the warriors and manipulated and pushed class 77 into despair in a more natural and believable way. miterai gets to stay tho bc i love him
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calliecat93 · 5 years
Top 5 Things I Disliked About RWBY Volume 4
(Top 5 Likes)
Ah, Volume 4. Our first of many things. First volume to be animated in Maya. First volume to take place outside Beacon/Vale. First part of the Mistral Saga. And the first volume in RWBY’s new direction after how V3 shattered the status quo to the point of no return. It had a lot to live up, maybe too much in all honesty. At this point, V4 is kind of in this middle ground I think. It isn’t as loved as V6, but it isn’t as hated as V5. I guess you can say that it’s just average. Personally? I really like V4! It’s an arc about recovery, and it did that very well in my eyes.
But, of course, it isn’t perfect. So let’s go over the Top 5 Things I Disliked About RWBY Volume 4!
#5. Blake Plotline
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Honestly… I remembered hating this storyline back when V4 aired. I felt like Blake had regressed and just could not sympathize with her. I knew why she was acting the way that she was, but it was just… not fun to watch. Especially with how she acted towards Sun, who while I could understand her annoyance at him, her slapping him and such was… really uncalled for. In fairness, some of my negativity might be because of all the shipping arguments going on at the same time, but I remember just not liking Blake at all. It’s Number 5 mainly because of the negative connotations that I had with the storyline.
But… this was the first time that I’ve rewatched it since it aired I think. And… I didn’t have any of those negative feelings. Honestly, I enjoyed it much more than I did back in 2016-17. Maybe it’s just because I know how it gets resolved and that Blake comes back with a vengeance in V5. But still, I w fine with her here. I had a better understanding of why she was acting like he was. Adam came back, hurt her friends, and she ran out of fear and guilt. Of course, she behaved the way that she did. Fortunately, Sun snaps her out of it by the end and she decides to stop running and face her fears. And by golly, does she.
It was a good storyline. We got to see Menagerie. We got to meet Blake’s parents. We got a cool Dragon Grimm fight The captain and his crew were fun. I honestly have no real complaints about Blake’s plot. Not even with Blake herself. It’s only here because I needed a Number 5, and I thought that this was a shoo-in due to how much I disliked it back during the original airing. It doe snot hold true anymore, but still, I disliked it at one point and I couldn’t think of anything else for Number 5. So it is here, but high up since I’ve had my epiphany regarding it.
#4. Oscar/Ozpin Storyline Was Rushed
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It’s hard for me to get mad at rushed plotlines in this volume. Multi-plotlined stories like this are incredibly hard to balance out and it’s even harder to give everyone screentime. For example, Ruby’s development was super subtle because she had to share her time with JNR and then Qrow as well as other plotlines going on. It was there, but it just wasn’t able to be as focused on as other things that needed it. For Oscar, I do think that they did it as best as possible. Very least, they got him to where he needed to be by the end, and that’s better than holding it back and stalling.
But even so, Oscar’s… really gotten the short end of the stick since his intro. They’ve had to develop him very quickly, and it just feels like they’re trying to get through it as quickly as possible. Like they’re skimming through their notes and just putting them in there instead of developing it int he scripts naturally. V6 is the worst offender, but V4 was meant to be Oscar’s intro. We know that he’s a kid who lives with his aunt on a farm and… that’s it. We don’t get to know him as a character. We now things about him. We know of his importance in the story. But what o we know about Oscar as a character? What growth has he had? What do we know about Oscar’s farm life? About his dreams? About the process of realizing that he suddenly had voices in his head?
All fo this goes unexplored. Again, it just feels like they wanted to get it over with. With all the plotline, things really were against the writers and they couldn’t hold this one off until there was a better time to do so. So for V4 at least, I don’t hold it against them and they at least made Oscar likable. And like I said, they got him to where he needed to be, which is better than nothing. Nevertheless, especially with how Oscar still has this problem, it’s annoying to see that they still haven’t improved on this. Will they in V7? Hopefully.. But yeah, ti’s a problem with the Volume so at Number 4 it shall remain.
#3. Mute Cinder
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This didn’t bother me much when I watched the volume. But now that I think about it? This was a misstep. IDK why they decided to do this. I thought maybe Jessica Nigri wasn’t available, but I think I read an interview where she indicated that this had been intended. Really, I think that V4 should have been when we got the Cinder backstory. Where we got a better understanding of why she’s obsessed with power as well as clarify what happened in V3 that got her so beat up. Yeah, yeah, we know that it was caused by RUby… but it doesn’t really align with what we know about the Silver Eyes. But I’ll get to that here in a bit.
To this day, we know very little about Cinder. While I think that there’s enough that one can figure out what her deal is, it’s become a pretty frequent issue among people. V4 had CInder in her worst state, and it would have been good to hear her express how much she hated it. Let us learn about her history from her. Hear her and Salem interact. I still really don’t get why they decided to mute CInder unless it was to avoid going into any of that because they’re holding it off. Hopefully, they won’t be doing that for much longer, because it’s safe to say that people are getting tired of waiting. It just really bugs me now, and I think was utterly pointless and wasteful to do this. And if it was just to not delve into anything… that was a poor story choice on their part.
#2. Lack of Clarity About What Ruby Did to Cinder
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Okay, yes I know that Ruby awakened her Silver Eyes and took down Cinder due to it. But… it doesn’t make sense when you think about it. Ruby’s Eyes only work on Grimm. As far as we know, at that point, Cinder was still 100% human. Or at least if the Spider Grimm she used to get the Maiden powers is inside her, they haven’t really made it clear. But as such, that should mean that RUby’s Eyes did nothing to her aside maybe blind her for a bit. TO be fair, that could just mean that there’s more to the Eyes that we don’t know about. After all, even Maria only knew so much and Ruby awakened it at an emotional moment. So that makes sense.
Really, this kinda correlates into the Mute Cinder thing. I’m still not sure what exactly happened to her. I want some clarity about what happened. Is there more to the Silver Eyes? How will Ruby react to that? Heck, how much is Ruby aware of the damage that she dished out? She’s got no real reason to think that she cost CInder an arm and an eye. I don’t know if she knows, and I guess we won’t until Ruy and Cinder face off and she finds out about the Grimm arm. But you’d think that we’d hear a little bit… but CInder can’t talk and Salem doesn’t go into it. So nope!
This might just be a me thing. But it’s been frustrating me the more that I think over it. I want to now more about what happened. I wnt to hear from CInder about it. I want to see RUby react to it and about her power. Power that she still doesn’t fully understand. Will future volumes do that? Hopefully. But it just irks me since, as I said, we could have gotten some answers here. But we don’t. So yeah, this is a growing annoyance for me, and I hope that they resolve it sooner rather than later.
#1. The Multiple Plotlines
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Again, this kind of feels unfair. On the one hand, the multiple plotlines clearly caused problems. Not everyone could get equal attention or screentime. Some parts like Oscar had to be rushed. It was a difficult balancing act and while I think that it could have been worse, it came with consequences. There were pacing problems. Some stories felt more satisfying than others. Some characters felt more developed than others. A lot of this is subjective and in general, RWBY’s plotlines I thought were fine. But the villain stuff was meh and Oscar’s was by far the weakest and both with the writing and in the execution. but needless to say, it’s generally agreed that Mile and Kerry got a little too ambitious here. Even they’ve said it, which is good since it means that they’ve learned from it.
It’s hard for me to say if the split plots was a bad idea. Because it was good for individual character growth. I think that they all made considerable progress, even if some like Yang didn’t get as much screentime as say RNJR. And I do admire Miel and Kerry experimenting and at least trying. Fear holds us back a lot, and that stifles creative growth. In the end, even if the experiment failed in their eyes, I’m glad that they did it. V5 arguably suffered due to it, but again they tried and grew due to it. I can respect that. But still, it did cause problems. Maybe more than they were prepared for. As such, I’m going to put it at Number One.
And there we go. Luckily, the Likes list will be coming out sometime tonight. So thanks for reading, and hope that you’ll check out the next post~!
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