#yandere hermione grander x reader
aphroditelovesu · 1 year
Hello how are you ? I've seen you receive match requests. If you don't mind, can you do it for me? Honestly, I couldn't decide which characters to choose. I wonder if a match is possible with all possible characters? If not, I want a match for other Hotd/Got/Harry Potter characters.If you have characters you want to add, it would be fun for me.
I am 1.75 tall (5'8 inch) ,brown eyes, curly dark brown and short hair (up to my shoulders), chubby and white skin. I am 23 years old and I am a Gemini. infp. I'm from Ravenclaw building according to WW test. Most of the time I'm heterosexual, but occasionally I think I'm homesexual. I love writing stories, reading, digital drawing, watching movies and listening to music. I am interested in witchcraft, parapsychology, herbs and crystals. I love animals. (😅 except for the ones I'm afraid of.) I have an understanding, gentle and caring nature. I'm not belligerent. But it's only when my patience runs out. I'm too devoted and I can't say no. I feel that sometimes people really don't understand or don't want to understand me. I am emotional. I am eager to help everyone, but I do not have the courage to ask for help for myself.
Of course. I've chosen two that I think match your description, but if you disagree, let me know what you think: I ship you Hermione Granger and Jon Snow/Aegon Targaryen.
Hermione Granger is a protective friend and even more as your girlfriend. She adores you and your personality, although she was shy to make advances on you, she approached after discovering that the two of you have mutual interests, like studying Hogwarts, writing, reading and animals, maybe you'll like Crookshanks. One of Hermione's favorite traits is her intelligence and her kindness, but her kindness can also annoy her. She hates the fact that you always go out of your way to help others, often because of her own jealousy and insecurity, but also because she thinks those people don't deserve her kindness. Only she knows how to appreciate you. Hermione loves studying with you and takes advantage of these moments to get your full attention, whether laying her head on your shoulder or just a few kisses and subtle caresses. She's not the clingy type, but she can become a little bit after falling in love with you.
She's so protective of you that it's cute even if it's disturbing at times.
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Jon Snow is the most loving man you will ever meet in your entire life. And his love, which has been suppressed for years, is fully poured out on you. Jon can and will feel insecure about you, he's afraid that he doesn't deserve you, that he, being a bastard, doesn't deserve someone as amazing and perfect as you. He feels unworthy and this is dangerous as once jealousy and anger take over Snow's mind he will become paranoid and overprotective of you. He doesn't have bad intentions but he is very passionate and doesn't want to be abandoned, he loves you so much he doesn't want anything bad to happen to you and it won't, not while he's alive. Jon will absolutely adore you and he will be very happy if you read to him, the sound of his voice calms him down and he can even purr like a cat if you pet him. Ghost would definitely like you too, which would make Jon very happy. You are a little taller than him and it doesn't bother him, he thinks it's cute and loves to fit in his arms. You are perfect in his eyes, his goodness is bestowed, and he won't let anyone ruin that trait in you.
Love this man and never leave him, please. If you leave him, bad things can happen.
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