yagirljoceywrites · 5 years
fallon : one
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when the party’s over - billie eilish 
Day 1. He’s gone. That was the first thought that Fallon had when she woke up this morning. Even before opening her eyes, she knew that he was gone. His side of the bed didn’t sink in from the weight of his body, she couldn’t hear his soft breathing as he slept next to her, and the extra warmth underneath the covers was gone. He was gone. Opening her eyes, she rolled over onto her side, facing the empty side of the bed. She saw the letter and his wedding band resting on top of the pillow right away, but she didn’t have to read it to know what it would say. The wedding band itself already spoke volumes and the more that she stared at it, the more she felt her chest tighten.
It wouldn’t be until later that night that Fallon finally worked up the courage to read his last words to her. Sitting up in bed, she hugged his pillow close to her chest as she breathed in the remnants of his scent, then reached over beside her for the letter. She knew that reading it would hurt, but she didn’t expect it to hit her like a tonne of bricks. She had managed to keep the tears at bay after breaking down earlier this morning, but now as she reread the letter for the fifth time, silent tears threatened to drip onto the paper. Yours always, Sian Yoon. He really was gone.
Day 3. Slipping on the oversized motorcycle jacket, Fallon took one last look at the apartment as she tucked the small box under her arm, then locked the door behind her. As she made her way out of the building, she couldn’t help but give a lingering look at the neighbour’s door and wonder ‘what if’. We have to let each other go. Sucking in a sharp breath, she pushed any what ifs out of her mind and left. She was going to do as he’d asked. She was letting him go. He had made it clear that he had no intentions of coming back or to be found, so she had to let him go. There was just one last thing that she needed to do before she could do that.
Maybe it would have been easier to just throw everything out, and to burn all the photos and documents, but Fallon couldn’t bring herself to do that. This was her way of letting go - by locking every important memory she had of Issac, of their relationship (or what was left of it), inside a safety deposit box registered under one of her fake aliases at a bank four hours away from New York City. She couldn’t part with these items, no matter how much she knew she had to in order to move on, so this was the alternative. It is time to say goodbye to what we had. Reading the letter one last time, she placed it into the box, then locked it shut. Pausing for a brief moment, her fingers brushed over the numbers on the door before she left to make the drive back to New York.
Day 24. Was it worth it, Fallon? Those were the words that got her through these past few weeks. That, and working herself to the bone. Because this was it, wasn’t it? The syndicate, the Dean’s, her desire and need for power... All of that was what she’d chosen over her relationship, over the person that she claimed to love with every bit of her being. So she had to make sure that everything that she did made destroying their relationship and losing him worth it. It had to be because otherwise... what was the point? She hated herself for everything that had happened, but she did what she did, and no amount of regret and guilt was going to change anything. She had made her choice and now she had to live with it. Was it worth it, Fallon? It will be when she made it to the top, one way or another.
Day 67. An overwhelming sense of numbness overcame her. Numbness and anger. It was yet another Council meeting that he had missed and somehow, it took this one in particular for it to finally sink in that he was truly gone. He had left this life behind, his family behind, her behind. It had been so easy for him to turn his back on her, to break it off as if they weren’t worth fighting for, to turn all his love for her into hatred. Just like that. He left her, just like that. All his talk about always loving her and never being able to feel any differently about her was just that - all talk.
Anger was easier to deal with than pain. And maybe that was why that was all Fallon felt these days. Anger and numbness. Though she looked the same on the outside, maybe a more worn down version of herself, she had changed. Colder, harsher, more cutthroat. Anger did that to a person. She was angry at him for not fighting for them and for leaving her, but even more than that, she was angry at herself. Because at the end of it all, she had no one to blame but herself. She hated every decision that she’d made that led up to this point in her life. She hated that she didn’t give him a chance when he’d asked for it. She hated how nothing seemed to fill the giant void that he’d left in her life. But anger was easier to deal with than pain.
Day 191. He was back. He… finally came back.
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writingbykris · 5 years
Prompt - Surprise . . .
 So far, Campbell was pretty sure she got this single mom thing down. She had basically all the money to give Harper and had just gotten used to changing her and feeding her. She didn’t need a man to help her. Sure, it’s nice to have Vic around to babysit the girls but she could do this all by herself. Her and Harper against the world. Considering what happened to her father, this is what was best. Not that she would ever introduce Harper to some man in her life. 
And right now, she was doing just fine by herself. Right now she was getting ready upstairs in the house she had with Harper, for infiltrating one of the banquets her and the omegas were planning on taking from. See she was a single mother and still running the omegas like a badass. She got one of the rookies in the group to look after Harper while they did their things fthe night. And right now Harper was downstairs in her playpen while Campbell finished getting ready. 
She could hear Harper getting antsy downstairs, something babies like her always did, no big deal. And she was teaching Harper the abandonment method, where if she didn’t reply to a child’s cries, they would stop crying. Eventually, she did stop, much to her own amusement. Campbell smiled to herself, as she finished getting ready. 
When she was done, she hadn’t heard Harper whine in a little bit, she just figured that Harper was asleep because she was the best mom in the world. Campbell made her way quietly down the stairs, because she knew Harper would be the devil spawn that she was when she was woken up from her naps. But when she got to her playpen, Harper wasn’t in there.
Instead, there stood a man. One with his back turned to her, as he had been cradling something. But one thing was for sure, a wave of anxiety and panic instantly rushed over Campbell, causing her to reach for her gun under her dress. She couldn’t lose Harper. She had already lost one Armstrong and there was no way she was going to lose her own this time. 
“Put. Her. Down.” She demanded, pointing the gun to the back of his head. “If you hurt one hair on her head, I will fire twelve fucking warning shots into your head. Now put her down.” This time, she held the barrel straight behind his head. As he turned around, Campbell was ready to blow out his brains right there and then. 
But then she saw his face.
No matter how long a year has been, no matter how much his face changed, Campbell could tell that Sawyer Armstrong was standing right in front of her, holding her daughter, which happened to be his daughter too. “Sawyer . . .” she said almost immediately, lowering the gun. She was in a state of shock, not really knowing what to do. Sure she had her weird dreams that he would one day come back and him holding his kid while she was pregnant, but she never really believed she would ever see this day coming. Though she would never admit it to anyone, she had already cried too many tears last year when she thought he was dead, even though there was the small voice in the back of her head that told her he pulled some shit and he was still alive. And low and behold, it was right. 
Harper started crying once again, which brought her back to reality, that she was still in the arms of a stranger. Putting the gun back in place, she walked up and took her away from Sawyer. “Shhh, it’s okay Harper.” Campbell soothed, eventually putting her back into the playpen once she calmed down again. 
She turned around, hoping that he just wouldn’t be there, that it was all in her head and it just wasn’t him. But there he was. Standing there still alive. At this point she had no more tears to cry for him, or at least in front of him. Dead or Alive, she would do everything in her power to never let him see her cry. At this point, she had no words to say either. 
All the emotion she could muster up lead to a clean hard slap right across his face. Slapping him wasn’t hard to do, but managing not to cry while doing it was.
“Get out.” She managed to say, grabbing her gun and pointing it at him. “You wanted to play dead? You should’ve stayed that way.” She barked at him, her voice couldn’t help but crack. But she stayed strong. “And I don’t care if she’s your blood. If you ever come here and touch her again, you won’t have to fake your death again.”
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hcneybunnny · 5 years
new mascot on the main blog cuz it was time for a change. main blog still looks trash, but ye know. also on the hunt for a new blog name. 
new resources blog to save gif hunts, gfx, etc. bcuz i literally have 100+ gif hunts in my likes atm. here ye go: @joceysresources.
writing blog is also trash, but if you like to read trash: @yagirljoceywrites.
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Neddy: "get up your embarrassing me..."
@yagirljoceywrites your welcome....
Nikki was not a player but the coach of fuckology. She was blunt, savage and had a me first attitude. She hooked up with who she wanted and everyone knew not to get attached because she wasn't going to stick around. She was free independent woman who didn't need no man or woman.
That was until she heard Albert  Fitzgerald heartbeat for the first time. Nikki knew she would do anything for him. When she looked in his eyes for the first time, she fell in love. And when she held him for the first time, Nikki knew it was game over. She met her match. But when she started lacking sleep, her sex appeal went down and seeing her bestfriends having a university life she did not get to experience until much later. Nikki began to resent having a kid. Surely she would protect baby bear and would devote her time to raising him, but Nikki felt that she had lost a part of herself that she would not be able to get back.
4 years went by of being attached to one dixk and nikki embraced being a mom to a beautiful 4 year old who looked at the world with great wonderment... okay that's a lie. Her son looked at women with great wonderment. Using his cherub face to cuddle the ones with bigger chest. Her son was the product of 2 players, and her son was already killing the game. The first time she brought him to Daycare a year ago he clung to her not wanting to leave her, and Nikki was okay with that. She didn't need to go to culinary school because her baby needed her. But when the pretty little girl came along and lead him to the play kitchen. Nikki was a nobody. A who.
“Hey Bear. I'm taking baby bear with me to go look for a gift for Angie baby shower. So your going to have to fend for yourself, also I did do some laundry so please fold them you know I hate wrinkles.” Nikki said typing away on her phone in the trinity group chat, only looking up to when Teddy didn't respond to her. Teddy was already looking at her but the look in his eyes was a different look she never saw before. Scrunching up her eyebrows and tilting her head a little nikki stared back at him trying to read what was going on his head. “Wha-” “MAMA!! BEAR!!” Nikki looked away to see Albert running towards her and Teddy. Falling into a crouch nikki opened up her arms to hug baby bear and give him all the kisses she had saved up while attending school. “Oh my handsome baby bear. Mommy missed you this much. You had a good day today?” Albert nodded his head as he peppered nikki with as much kisses as she was giving him. Just as she stood up, nikki turned towards where teddy was but what he was doing instead shocked her.
Albert Fitzgerald the 3rd was on one bended knees and took hold of one of nikki hands. “Nicole kyra louise papadore. Will you marry me?” This b¡tch. He lost his damn mind. Shaking her hand from his hold. Nikki turned to look at their son only to see Albert the 4th on both knees holding open his backpack and saying “mommy you marry daddy?” trapped between the 3rd and 4th Nikki eyes began to water “Get up right now the both of you. your embarrassing me.”
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“Baby bear the ring” Looking back at teddy a smile made it's way on her face. She pulled him into a hug while placing a kiss on his neck before his lips. Who would have thought this is where their life would take them. Him proposing to her and their son old enough to be his father best wing man. Nothing could ruin this moment-
“oh no. I fwink I lost it daddy”. Albert said
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yagirljoceywrites · 5 years
tallubert : two
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tallulah “lula” sullivan x albert fitzgerald iv. @ albert’s room
Sunday mornings were always Lula’s favourite. No matter how badly, or even good, her week went, she knew that she had Sunday morning to look forward to. That was because Sunday mornings meant that Albert was home for the weekend from college. Even before he left for college, that was when she got to see him and hangout. She liked to think of it as their special time together and she never missed it for anything in the world, even more so when Albert started college and wasn’t around as much anymore. No matter what she had going on, or did the night before, without a doubt, Lula would be up bright and early every Sunday to go see Albert.
This Sunday happened to be Sunday brunch as well, where her family got together with Auntie Billie’s at Auntie Nikki’s (aka the Unholy Trinity). Though this didn’t stop Lula from wanting to get her special Sunday hangout time with her favourite person. Everyone always knew that she had this little crush on Albert, but often shrugged it off and said that it will pass. This was years ago and this “little crush” was stronger than ever. That was Lula for you. When she knows what she wants, she has a level of tenacity that was equally admirable and headache-inducing. Many who knew her could attest to this, but it was just one of her many charms.
As soon as the front door to the Fitzgerald home opened, Lula immediately pulled whoever it was into a hug. “Hi Uncle Teddy! Thank you so much for having us over for brunch!” she greeted. “I hope Auntie Nikki will like these. I got them from the farmers’ market in Soho this morning,” she smiled, handing Teddy the bouquet of fresh flowers.
As everyone shuffled into the townhouse, she tried to casually ask, “Sooo... Is Albie home from school this weekend?” Sighing, Teddy replied, knowing full well where this was going, “Yes, he’s in his ro-,” but before he could finish, she was already making her way towards the stairs. “Yay! I’ll go get him!” she quickly offered. Passing the kitchen, she greeted, “Hi Auntie Nikki! OMG it smells ah-mazing in here. Gosh, you’re like, the best chef in the world, Auntie Nikki. And don’t worry, I can go get Albie!” 
Opening the bedroom door as quietly as she could, Lula poked her head inside. “Albie?” she said softly. Seeing a bit of his hair from underneath his covers, she smiled, closing the door behind her. Glancing around the room and seeing no signs of Albert’s lady friends (because believe her, the amount of times she’s made that mistake was one too many), the smile on her face grew. Forgetting that he may still be sleeping out of pure excitement, Lula climbed onto the bed, resting her hands on his chest as she situated herself comfortably on top of him.
Ignoring the groan from underneath her, she jumped into a conversation right away. “Hi Albie Walbie! How was school? Did you miss me? I missed you so much this week and I have a bunch to catch you up on.” In typical Lula fashion, she immediately dived into a long tangent on how her week went, telling him everything from the new vintage Chanel bag that Harper helped her find to getting her first A- in chemistry class. Finally, she asked how his week was, adding that she watched most of the livestream of his recent football game and how well he played. Yet all she got in response from Albert was a tired, “Be quiet or get out.”
Remembering that it was still early, she replied sheepishly, “Oops, sowwy Albie,” as she moved to lay beside him instead. Sliding underneath the covers beside him, his arms instinctively wrapped themselves around her. Deciding to be quiet to let him sleep more, she was just content that he was back and she could see him. Though she couldn’t help but run a mental list through her mind of all the things that she wanted to talk to him about later, despite all the different voicemails she had left him during the week. She had opened her mouth a few times to say something that she had just thought of, but seeing the peaceful look on Albert’s face, she didn’t want to disturb that. 
After about fifteen minutes, she couldn’t help but break. “...Albie?” she asked softly, to which he let out an exasperated, “What, Lu?” Pausing for a second, Lula replied, “Nothing. I’m just happy you’re back. I’ve missed you.” Leaning up, she simply kissed him on the cheek before snuggling up close to him again. Albert didn’t say anything in response, but the feeling of his arms pulling her in closer was enough to make her smile again.
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yagirljoceywrites · 5 years
madder : one
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harper armstrong x maddox dean-yoon @ their fancy manhattan private school
Graduation day couldn’t have come soon enough. Four excruciatingly long years at this prep school hellhole was enough to drive anyone crazy. There were only so many dumb rich bitches that Harper could con and play her little mind games on before it became the same boring old routine. You’d think after four years, they would learn and make things a little more challenging for her, but unfortunately not. This school was just full of the same boring, basic trust fund idiots. Well, maybe there were a few exceptions...
Down the hall from what was now her old locker stood one of said few exceptions - Maddox Dean-Yoon. Like hell Harper would ever say that to anyone though, and especially not to him. But even she had to admit that he did make her time here just a little more... interesting, even if it was just to herself. There weren’t many people who could keep up with Harper Armstrong and there were even fewer people on that list who she would willingly give the time of day to. And fortunately or unfortunately, Maddox was one of those people.
Whether they were enemies, frenemies, or maybe even in some strange twisted way, friends, there was no denying the chemistry between them. It was a lot like gasoline being doused on an open fire, but chemistry was chemistry. And yet, they never seemed to move beyond all the bantering and arguing. Maybe it was because Harper never let up with the games and tricks. Or maybe she wanted to see if Maddox would ever have the balls to make the first move. Whatever the reasoning was, that didn’t matter now because they were both graduating and leaving this school for good. It didn’t make sense for anything to happen now. Or maybe that was precisely why something should happen now...
Harper was never one to act on pure, blind impulse. Everything she did had a motive and a plan. But this was completely unplanned and could only be explained by pure, blind impulse. Before she could make sense of what she was doing, she had already shut her locker and was halfway down the empty hallway towards Maddox. Shutting his locker door on him to make her presence known, they simply made brief eye contact before she grabbed ahold of his tie and pulled him into the nearby janitor’s closet with her.
With his back against the closed door, she simply smirked up at him and before he could say anything, she demanded, “Just shut up for once in your life.” Still holding onto his tie, Harper pulled him towards her, then she kissed him. Feeling him grin into the kiss encouraged her to deepen the kiss. If you told her even just a few months ago that she would be making out with Maddox Dean-Yoon in the janitor’s closet, she would’ve told you to fuck the hell off. And yet, here they were. 
She wasn’t sure how long they’d been in there for, but before things could get too heated, Harper pulled away, breaking the kiss. Straightening Maddox’s tie, she then patted his cheek before telling him, “Well, have a nice life, asshole.” As she stepped out of the supply closet, she heard him reply, “I’ll miss your cute ass, Harper the Harpy.” Turning around, Harper blew him a kiss, then headed towards the exit. When she was a good distance away from him, she shouted, “Hey pretty boy!” as she held his wallet out over her head, making sure that he could see it in plain sight. C’mon, she was Mini Satan after all.
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yagirljoceywrites · 5 years
tallubert : one.
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tallulah “lula” sullivan x albert fitzgerald iv. @ somewhere in brookyln
How the hell did she end up here and what the hell was she thinking? Well, Lula knew what she was thinking - to hell with Albert Matthew Fitzgerald the 4th. As for how she got here? That was nothing short of a miracle, given her notorious driving skills, or lack thereof. Navigating the streets from Manhattan to Brooklyn in her Jeep with just a learner’s permit and the spatial judgement of a drunk Hulk, it really was a miracle that she’d caused minimal damage and arrived with her car in one piece. Hopefully. She did hear a loud ‘clank’ as she hit the curb while pulling up in front of Reyes Auto Repair. Now why was she at an auto shop in the sketchy part of Brooklyn when there were perfectly good ones in Manhattan? That required a bit of backtracking...
Lula shouted as she put all her weight into her leg and stomped on Albert’s foot with everything she had. Which wasn’t a lot, but she was sure that the message was clear. Letting out a ‘hmph!’, she crossed her arms and tilted her head away from him as he told her that violence wasn’t the answer. “I don’t care! Body shame me again and next time that won’t be your foot!” This was yet another argument between the two that often erupted from A) Lula relentlessly being loud and proud about her longstanding unrequited crush on Albert, B) Albert insisting that she was too young, too immature and in today’s case, too flat, for him to date (hypothetically if he even dated), or C) all of the above. 
As Albert gave her his usual speech about her deserving someone better who would treat her better than he could, etc., etc., an idea popped into Lula’s head. If he claimed to know her so well and know what she deserved, then who better to help her find a boyfriend than him? Then somewhere along the way, he was bound to get jealous and realize that he did in fact like her all along. It was a foolproof plan! ...Except the part where he refused to go along with her ideas, as per usual. Was this how her dad felt whenever Uncle Presley was being a party-pooper? All Albert said in response to her dramatic tangent about how helping her was the least he could do after she spent so much time crushing on him was, “I trust your judgement to find a Walmart version of me.” And if you thought she had already snapped before, well, homegirl was ‘bout to pop off.
“UGH! FINE THEN, ALBERT MATTHEW FITZGERALD THE 4TH! I’ll just go back to Brooklyn where we met those two hot drug dealers then! And you know what, maybe I’ll date both of them! And FYI, you’re the cheap Walmart version! ...I don’t remember their names, but Drug Dealer #1 is totes the Gucci version of you and Drug Dealer #2 is obvy the Prada version! I don’t need you when I can date two Man-Crush Everyday-worthy hotties! It’s your loss, cheap knockoff Albert!”
And that was how she ended up at a car repair shop in the sketchy part of Brooklyn, where one of said hot drug dealers stood. After checking her hair and makeup in the rearview mirror, Lula waved at Drug Dealer #2, then got out of her car. “Hey... you!” she greeted, still not remembering his name. After exchanging short pleasantries, she got right to the point before Quinn could show up to foil her plan. “Soooo listen, there’s this party uptown tomorrow night and I was wondering if you’d be my date. I really really reallyyyyy need you to say yes, like I’ll totes pay you ‘cause I have a point to pro-” Her spiel was suddenly cut short when she felt someone grab her by the waist, then throw her over said person’s shoulders.
Turning her head, Lula was met with the familiar side profile of the face she’d spent much of her time daydreaming about. Quickly realizing that Albert was there to foil her plan, she began squirming and shouting for him to let her down. “What are you doing?! Let go of me, Fitzgerald! I don’t need you to baby me, I’m not a goddamn child!” she shouted at his backside, to which he responded, clearly irritated, “Shut up, you’re acting like one.” She continued yelling at him, as he miraculously managed to buckle her into the passenger seat of his car, and didn’t stop even as they began to drive off.
“Don’t tell me to shut up, you jerkface! I was just doing what you told me to do!” she huffed, pouting like a child, despite insisting that she wasn’t one. Despite his constant ‘shut up’ to her venting, she went on talking over him. “You don’t want to date me, but you won’t let me date some other hot guy. What the hell is your problem, Fitzgerald?! You don’t even like me, so why can’t you just leave me alone??” As the car came to a stop at a red light, Lula’s ranting continued, as she went on about dating whomever she wanted because she was done with him. It was only Albert leaned in to kiss her that she finally stopped talking.
But just as fast as it had happened, the kiss was soon broken when he pulled away to focus on the road. At least, to her, that was why the kiss had ended. Biting her lip to keep from squealing out loud, she kept her eyes focused on the road in front of them, as the word ‘OMG’ flashed like bright neon lights in her mind. Turning to face Albert, she could’ve sworn that she saw just the tiniest smirk tug at the corner of his lips. The smuggest smile appeared on her face, as she knew all along that she was right. Even if he didn’t fully like her back yet, she was confident that he at least felt something for her. That was enough to have her smiling from ear to ear and to shut up, if only for a brief moment before she would begin pestering him for more kisses.
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yagirljoceywrites · 5 years
🍓 Ellevi
🍓 a moment of breaking up between ella & levi (#ellevi).
sprawled out on his beach towel, levi laid back with his arms resting under his head as a pillow. sliding on his sunglasses, he closed his eyes, looking forward to relaxing and kicking back after a long morning of surfing. after being stuck in texas for god knows how long, he was glad to finally be on winter break and in portugal at that. that was one of the many perks of having loaded parents who liked to travel. he was supposed to meet them in israel tomorrow after they finished up a contract job.
with the soothing sound of waves in the background, levi was just about to fall asleep when a voice interrupted his peace and quiet. opening his eyes, he saw ella setting up her beach towel beside him, as she yammered away about finding his future wife on the beach. maybe if he pretended to be asleep, she would leave him alone. no such luck as he felt her poking his side and nudging him to pay attention to her. “levi’s not here right now, he’s on vacation,” he mumbled, closing his eyes to try to fall asleep again. when she continued on about meeting some pretty girl that she wanted to set him up with, he sighed, tilting his head to face her.
“smelly ellie, don’t you have something better to do?” he asked. as usual, this only fuelled ella’s energy as she went on a tangent about needing to find him a future wife so she could plan his wedding one day and blah blah blah. by this point, levi had tuned her out and the only thought in his mind was how clueless she was (maybe his mom was right about the moriarty’s). that and how pretty ella looked just now as the sun shone on her. he used to make fun of her when they were kids whenever her hair got wet and turned into messy curls, but now… he found that they suited her.
letting out a deep sigh, levi propped himself up on one arm as he pushed his sunglasses up on his head. “look, how many times do i have to tell you to stop trying to set me up? if i wanted to have a girlfriend, i would,” he said in response to her tangent. except… would he though? because here he was, as single as single comes, and here was the only girl that he wanted to date, but for some reason, wasn’t dating. every time that he got close to asking her out, he just… never did. nothing really ever scared him. hell, he booted alcohol for everyone at school, teachers included. but asking out ella… well, she was something else altogether.
hearing ‘loser levi’, he snapped out of his thoughts as he looked up at her and something in him just… “god fucking dammit, ella, would you just knock it off already?” he interrupted whatever she was saying to him. he didn’t realize how loud he’d rose his voice at her until he saw her reaction. running his hand through his hair, levi stood up abruptly. “i don’t wanna be friends anymore, so you can stop fucking pulling this kinda shit,” he continued. upon hearing that, she stood up too, asking what he meant. “you heard what i said. friendship’s over. i’m done,” he simply shrugged. even as he watched her expression change to confusion and anger, he couldn’t help thinking how cute she was when she scrunched up her nose at him. maybe that was why he enjoyed pushing her buttons so much since they were little.
just as ella grabbed her towel and turned to storm off, levi reached for her wrist, pulling her back. “listen up smelly ellie ‘cause i’m only gonna say this once,” he started. taking a deep breathe, he finally told her what he’d been wanting to tell her since presley and lenny’s birthday party. “i don’t wanna be friends anymore because i like you and i wanna date you. if you don’t feel the same way, then forget i said anything and we can just go back to… whatever that was.” looking down at her, he tried to read her expression and when she didn’t reply right away, he joked, “so now you wanna shut up.” running his hand through his hair again, levi decided… what the hell? then he leaned down and kissed her. and as ella kissed him back, he couldn’t help but smile. maybe he should’ve broken up with her a long time ago.
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yagirljoceywrites · 5 years
💭 albert @ georgia
💭 a thought albert fitz had about georgia allie (#geobert).
“i’m pregnant.”
that was not what fitz had expected allie to say when she pulled him aside to speak privately. he didn’t know what he had expected her to say to him actually, but definitely not that. his mind just went absolutely blank as everything around them went silent, despite being in the middle of the emergency room. he tried to read her face, examining it for any sign that she was just messing with him, or testing him. because that was what they did, wasn’t it? with fitz and allie, it was always a game of trying to prove who cared less when in reality, they both cared. as much as she may try to play off that she didn’t, he knew that she did. so would she really joke about this?
fitz opened his mouth as if to say something when his pager went off. so instead, only a sigh came out of his mouth as he read from the tiny device. “i’m sorry, i have to go scrub in for surgery now,” he tried to explain, but she was already shrugging him off like it was nothing. the timing wasn’t great, but what was he supposed to do? just as he wanted to tell her that they would talk later, she had already turned to leave with patrick, so he too left.
the entire way up to the OR, a million thoughts went through his mind. holy shit, i’m going to be a dad. am i ready to be a dad? what the hell do i know about raising a kid? is this really happening? distracted by his thoughts, he didn’t realize he’d already made it to the OR until the attending called his name. “fitzgerald, i said, why aren’t you scrubbed in yet?” shaking his head, fitz snapped out of it, as he glanced from the sink to the attending behind the surgical mask.
“earth to fitz, hello??” what the hell was he doing? he shouldn’t be here right now, he should be with allie. maybe he would regret his decision later, but right now, he needed to go find allie. “i’m sorry, dr. torres. i gotta go,” he stammered before quickly turning on his heel and running out into the hallway. pulling out his phone, he dialled allie’s number as he hurried back down to the emergency room. it didn’t matter that he was missing out on a cool surgery for this. it didn’t matter that being a dad this early on wasn’t a part his plan. it didn’t matter that he had no idea if he was ready for this. only one thought mattered, as he got into his car to drive to allie’s apartment - there’s no one but allie that i’d rather do this with.
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yagirljoceywrites · 5 years
💭 Jackson about Lux >>
💭 a thought jackson had about lux (#luxon).
“A+ rack. great in bed.”
jkjkjkjk sorry. i’m the literal worst.
this was probably after luxon had been friends and hooking up for awhile. he invited her to one of his mom’s lavish (read: extra as all fuck) parties on the halpert property. she’d met all his sibs already on various occasions, but this was probably the first time she’d met his parents. as friends, obvs. jackson’s mom definitely at some point in the night pulled him aside and asked him what the heck’s up with him and the pretty girl he brought home because it wasn’t everyday that jackson halpert brought home a girl. he laughed before giving the default answer that he always gave whenever anyone asked him about him and lux - “we’re just friends.”
a familiar laugh in the background catches his attention. he turned to see lux talking to someone and just thought to himself… wow. maybe it was all the booze he’d drank and the cigar smoke in the room, but there was just something… different with lux tonight. jackson wouldn’t quite put his finger on it, but strangely enough, he found himself smiling to himself at the sight of lux and just her being here in his childhood home. it was a weird feeling that he couldn’t quite explain. fuck, i am so drunk right now. “just friends hmm?” turning back to his mom, he shrugged. “i dunno. ya, i guess so. lux is… a special friend.”
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yagirljoceywrites · 5 years
islon : one
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fallon dean x issac yoon @ issac’s apartment
Warm morning rays peeped through the bedroom window, as the sound of the city starting its day was heard in the distance. It was a rare occurrence that Fallon wasn’t woken up by the sound of her alarm clock, but being a morning person, old habits die hard. Even on a Saturday, she had a mile long to-do list to tackle, especially as she was getting her nonprofit up and running. But as she laid in bed, cuddled up next to Issac with her head resting comfortably on his shoulder, she found it difficult to find the motivation to get out of bed and start her day.
Tilting her head up just the slightest, she saw that he was still peacefully sleeping. Not wanting to wake him, she decided maybe she could stay in bed with him just a little bit longer. As Fallon’s mind ran through what she needed to get done today, she began to absentmindedly trace a part of Issac’s tattoo. Her finger brushed against his skin ever so lightly, as she followed the detailed lines and moved from his bicep up to his collarbone. She never pictured herself dating a motorcycle-riding tattoo artist from Queens. But here she was. Oddly enough, it just felt... right.
As different as Issac and Fallon may seem, everything about them fit together like two complex puzzle pieces made for one another. They understood each other in a way that she couldn’t quite explain and as much as she tried to make sense of it, maybe sometimes there just wasn’t an explanation. Maybe some things just made sense and fit together because they simply did. That was Issac and Fallon. 
Perhaps the thought had crossed her mind a few times prior, but in that moment, Fallon knew. That once in a lifetime thing that everyone spent their whole lives seeking, this was it. The thing that she never thought she’d ever find, even being close to giving up on wanting it at one point - this was it. Issac was it for her. Without a shred of doubt in her mind, she knew that he was her person, her soulmate, her once in a lifetime. Maybe it was foolish and overly idealistic of her to think that, and maybe soulmates didn’t exist, but she knew that to her core, this was it.
Being here with Issac, in this exact moment, it felt like nothing else mattered, like the world just faded into the background. She was in so far deep with this man and yet, she had no plans of getting out any time soon, if ever. And she was perfectly okay with that. The thought had crossed her mind before, but this time, Fallon was sure. And she wanted him to know. 
She pressed her lips to his side, giving him a soft kiss, before leaning up until her lips met his ear. “Issac,” she whispered softly, peppering him with light kisses along his neck and jawline. As he began to stir, she shifted her body until it rested on top of his. Her hand reached up to brush his hair from his eyes, as she greeted him, “Good morning.” A small smile played on her lips as she leaned down and gave him a light peck on the lips before asking, “Guess what?” Receiving a tired ‘hmm’ from Issac in response, Fallon gave him another kiss, then pulled back just the tiniest bit. With her lips just a breath away from his, she finally told him, “I love you.”
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