mimicroc-blog · 9 years
xmagicrobin-rpx liked for a starter
This was rather curious. A human was there...He could see them standing behind the glass that stood at the end of his paddock, but...why? The soft-skinned creatures hardly ever visited him now, and they did not stay for this long. They would come to see him, pass by then continue on. So, why was this one staying? Snorting heavily, Douglas shifted as silently as he could in his cover of trees, watching them curiously.
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renirina · 9 years
For Olivia: She tries not to rant to much, but when she goes off on someone listening when she does is something she cares about. 
For Reni: For the most part letting her go off and do what she needs to do. She loves the autonomy at times and sometimes needs it.
For Jake: Having an appreciation for family. If you doing get along with his family then the relationship is going to fail. (not that it had a good chance in the first place)
For Faith: Milk and Cookies. Being fun, she tends to predict things surprising her always gets her to take notice. 
For Elena: Noticing her tattoo’s, doesn’t mean she’ll tell you what the meaning behind them is but noticing is a good 
For Lara: Something handmade will melt her heart, she loves it when people put effort into gifts. 
For Nate: An appreciation for Disney. If one does not like under the sea there might be a problem, he loves that song. 
For Cat: #bursting out laughing, oh you were serious? She loves someone with a cause, particularly one that she is going for. She would like a partner in crime. 
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