#wyd when you need healing and this guy turns up
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This man is a fucking cleric
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sleevesareforlosers · 3 years
OR you could always do twitterverse cherri & kobra their dynamic is sososo fun. pov the guy you’re sort-of-hatefucking just spilled coffee on your new magazine which just so happens 2 b one of the only pieces of reading material u have on hand anyways wyd
Okay I'll toss this on ao3 later bc im at work and its also like. completely unedited (bc im at work) but here! have some bastards!
(nsfw implied in one sentence)
The table jumped, porcelain shattered, a dark brown stain started eating through Kobra’s zine. Under his hands, the page turned sodden and blurry, ink bleeding and turning the crisp text and bright images to a dull mess. Kobra looked up, a snarl on his lips.
Half-out of its seat, carrying its breakfast dishes, it was clear Cherri Cola wasn’t going to apologize. It shrugged, turning away from the booth and moving toward the kitchen.
Fixing a glare at his… acquaintance’s back, hot rage bubbled under Kobra’s skin. The zine had been valuable, a preview copy of the latest from some new crew with the nicest linework Kobra had seen outside of Mad Gear’s engravings. He hadn’t even finished reading it yet.
Again, porcelain shattered, this time when Cherri dropped its dishes, courtesy of Kobra launching himself at its back. It managed to keep itself from falling completely flat to the ground, letting out a sharp curse but still getting its hand out to stop its fall. Partially-careful to keep it from the largest shards of plate and mug, Kobra rolled Cherri onto its back, straddling its waist and pressing his forearm across its neck. He leaned down, gathering the venom required to curse it out for ruining his zine. Blinded by dumb, stupid rage, Kobra didn’t notice Cherri slipping its hand up and around him until it gripped his hair hard and pulled him down. His arm buckled, letting himself get tugged into a heavy kiss before he could rip himself back.
Cherri thrashed, confusion mingling with shock and – there it was – fury. Its hand in Kobra’s hair slid free and down to the base of his throat, giving Kobra the choice between choking himself for the chance to lean down and hiss insults in Cherri’s ear, or sit back and let it free.
He took the third option, bracing one hand against Cherri’s chest and sweeping its arm away with the other. Its eyes widened in what a stranger might’ve called fear. Ignoring that, he knew it better than to fall for its ploy, Kobra shifted his weight to pin Cherri’s arm under his knee, still holding himself over it. Pottery crunched and ground against the sand already on the floor under Cherri’s body. It’d be bleeding by the time Kobra was done, he could already tell. He didn’t feel bad about it, though. Cherri would heal, his zine wouldn’t.
Again, Kobra forced his weight down, cutting off the beginning of whatever Cherri was trying to say with an elbow to its throat and just enough pressure to set it gasping. Satisfied that it couldn’t move, Kobra took half a second to consider how to start ripping it apart verbally.
Half a second too long, he realized too late. Cherri’s arm twisted, hand locking itself around Kobra’s ankle and pulling it forward hard enough to send him off-balance. Sharp points and lines of heat opened up and down Kobra’s side as Cherri forced him off of it and to the floor. Now both of them would need first aid, he sighed internally, a little resigned to getting pinned down by the wavehead he kept letting into his home. He still put up a fight, locking his grip around Cherri’s wrist and forcing its arm out to the side, but could do little under its unyielding weight while it pressed him down onto the broken shards of dishes scattered across the floor. Tiny beads of blood were welling up on the back of Cherri’s arm, neck, following the whims of gravity to run down its skin and drip onto Kobra. Of all the body fluids Kobra had had on him, blood was far from his favourite. He made a face.
Cherri let out a laugh, a little rough in the aftermath of Kobra’s pressing on its throat, and even through his now-cooling anger, Kobra could acknowledge that, yeah, that was his fault. He stopped fighting, going almost-limp against the linoleum. Cherri pulled itself back, sitting its weight over Kobra’s hips and shaking its arm until he let go. Now it pressed its hand just under Kobra’s collarbone, holding him down.
It raised its eyebrows, a clear are you done?
Kobra shrugged. The porcelain underneath him was digging into his back and he liked this shirt too much to keep struggling and risk ripping it. Better not lose two things that would be hard to replace.
Besides, when Cherri leaned down to press its lips to Kobra’s jaw, that was more interesting than the zine had been.
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luxury-loki · 5 years
Endgame Chat
!!spoiler free part!!
Hey everyone, this is part one of my full Endgame review, hope you enjoy! My blog is now officially no longer spoiler free (I mean it’s been a week, if you haven't seen it by now then wyd???). However, everything will still be tagged with ‘#endgame spoiler’ and ‘#endgame spoilers’. If you do not want to see any spoilers, PLEASE block these from your feed if you haven't already, consider this your only warning! I will not be taking the blame for anything you have spoiled for you from this blog from now on.
thanks babies,
Lara xxx
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I fully have no words to describe this film. It was such a satisfying end I barely even knew I needed, and I have so much I wanna talk about, so strap in cus this is gonna be a long ride.
I think I'm just going to do the same layout as my infinity war posts, with one for character arcs and the there for memorable events/moments.
Let’s start with characters. I’m going to talk mostly about the main six, and anyone else just a brief few things.
“I’m still worthy!”
I have been seeing alooooot of hate for the way Endgame handled Thor’s character, and I have to completely disagree. We’ve become so comfortable with seeing Thor as the most powerful Avenger, the one who was fine when his mother died, father died, brother, best friend etc that it was crucial to see that this was never actually the case. Thor’s decent into alcoholism, obesity and depression showed he was never really okay with everything that’s happened, he only bottled it inside till it all became too much, and having it healed by a chat with his mother was the perfect way to reach his arc. His relationship with his mother has been so overlooked by the marvel fans (me included) and it was so special to see this heart warming moment between them. When he said “I love you Mum.” to her my heart BURST and my eyes suddenly got very teary, not to mention the added heartbreak that he knew it was the day she was going to die. Overall, although yes, It was comical to see him in this state, that was not the only point to his storyline, it was about seeing a more emotional side to his character, a side which proves he isn't just a ‘tough guy’ who can handle the force of a star and wield lightening. He just as emotionally unstable as the rest of us, and needed his family back (both blood and The Avengers), and a reminder that he was still worthy of Mjolnir to set him back on the right path again to greatness. 
His passing of his kingship of Asgard to Valkyrie was also important. Although the Thor franchise had the most perfect beginning and ending, starting with Thor becoming king of Asgard when he was childish and irresponsible and ending with him becoming King when he was actually prepared, the title of king was still not something he chose, and with Valkyrie there to be extremely capable of the role and eager to take it, it makes sense now to allow Thor to go on to actually live the life he wants, and become the true hero his mother tells him to be. I feel he suits the role of a hero who fights the bad guys more than a sensible noble king. I desperately hope he is in Guardians 3, as I think a Quill/Thor bromance is about to blossom beautifully. 
“I used to have nothing, then I got this family.”
I did not see Natasha’s death coming, like not from a million miles away and it BROKE ME. I actually cried at it more the second time I went to see it. We as an audience forget how she really has no one except The Avengers, they are her one true family, and this is emphasised in the scene on Vormir when she explains how she didn't even know her own father's name. Natasha has always been great in every film she's been in, and has been integral to the development of the MCU, however her role in Endgame was something else. Seeing how broken she was over the snap and seeing how she felt it was her responsibly alone to keep track of the events happening across the whole planet shows how seriously she takes her role as an Avenger and how much she wants to earn the title. I’ll talk more about the scene on Vormir in my next post, but it was really something else. The fact it was Clint she goes with was so important, her best friend. The line from him in the guardians’ ship “this is a long way from Budapest” was such a great call back to the first avengers film, and reminds us of the long history the two share. 
When it was obvious one of them was going to die I knew it was going to be her, which is very telling of what I internally think of her character. She would never have let Clint die whilst he had a wife and children at home. Natasha sacrificed herself so that half of the universe could survive, as did Tony. Everyone alive in the MCU owes their life to her, and that is an incredible legacy for her character to leave. She will be desperately missed, but her new film coming out, despite (I assume) being a prequel will be a welcome look into her life again.
RIP Nat x
“I wish I could tell her we won.”
Opening the film on Clint losing his family was a clever way of reminding the audience of the loss experienced by everyone in Infinity War, not just the characters we followed. It was also interesting to see Clint’s darker side. On his mission to rid the world of the criminals who avoided dusting whilst innocent lives were taken, he murders what we can only assume is hundreds, showing the extreme anger and sadness he was feeling over the loss of his wife and children. It is Tony later in the film who says to Pepper “we got lucky.” in reference to the fact they still had each other, Clint had the least luck, losing three children and his wife, we can understand why he turned to such eratic violence.
Once reunited with The Avengers he continues to have a huge role in the film, especially driven by both his desire to bring back his family, and also avenge Natasha’s death which he most likely feels very guilty for. The moment when they all return form the quantum realm except her, and Clint is seen crying is very emotional, and his role in the fight against Thanos is not one he takes lightning. Clint even carries the Infinity Gauntlet for a large proportion of the final fight scene, we thank him for his incredible service! Endgame was definitely Clint’s film. He had a big part in many of the most emotional/nail biting scenes, and dint just spend the whole thing under the mind control of the main villain! Really glad he got to shine through and find his spotlight, and I can't wait for what the Hawkeye series will have to offer.
“I put the brains and the braun together.”
Okay so when I first saw the Doctor Hulk combo I HATED IT. I remember turning to my friend in the cinema and just going “I hate it I hate it I hate it get it away from me” but then by the end of the film I won't lie, I loved it. I love that he now has the best sides of both banner and Hulk, the funny/smart/kind side, put together with the incredible strength of The Hulk actually makes for a pretty powerful avenger, even standing up to Thor at one point when he asks him to take his hands off him. Banner had some great comedy bits, including when he makes fun of Scott when the kids don't wanna take a picture with him, and the hilarious part when he punches the taxi in New York, but also some important emotional roles. His upset when he discovers Natasha is dead is evident, explaining how he misses her to Steve later in the film, and this is definitely used as a drive for what he goes on to do. He sacrifices his life and uses the gauntlet to bring everyone back, BANNER DID THAT. Can we start appreciating him more now???? THANKS. No but seriously this was a very important moment for him, and was like the finale of the great character arc we have seen over the last 3 films he has been in. In Ragnaork he struggles with his relationship with the Hulk, still being unable to control when he changes from Hulk to Banner, stuck in either when least convenient, nd always under the control of Hulk. In Infinity War, it’s almost like the two are so connected, and hulk is so aware of Banner’s experience that he begins to control when he doesn't want to come out, rather than when he does. The two are much more like a duo, understanding of each other but stilll not necessarily working together. in Endgame they finally merge, forming a mutual relationship where each benefits wonderfully from the other. I’m really happy for Banner reaching this state. I don't know if his character will appear in anymore MCU films to come, but his character arc has certainly reached a satisfying end, and I believe, despite the sadness of losing Natasha, he has a reached a place of peace and happiness.
“I love you 3000.”
THE BIG SAD. Still can't believe he is dead. The corner stone of the MCU, the man who made it all happen, how can we ever thank Tony Stark enough? short answer: we can’t, but I'll damn well try. Tony Stark has had perhaps the greatest character arc of them all. Growing from being an arrogant, selfish, greedy businessman who sold weapons and funded wars now sacrifices his life for the entire universe, despite knowing he will leave behind his child and wife alone. It is so painful watching the film for the second time, seeing how desperate he is to not lose what he’s got (Morgan), knowing the whole time what is to happen a the end, yet also a sense of pride emerges. It is heartbreaking to know he will in fact die, but also incredible to know that even despite all his personal feelings, he will always put his family, The Avengers and the rest of the beings in the universe before him because THAT is who Tony Stark is. it doesn't matter who he once was, he has grown beautifully as a character, and has the hero’s death he properly deserves. When  Pepper said “you can rest now.” to him I absolutely BAWLED. very good. Awful and painful, but very good.
Also just Tony as a dad, although we didn't get to see it for very long, was a great position to see his character in. He keeps that classic Stark sense of humour “go to bed or I'll sell your toys” whilst also it is immensely clear to see how much being a father has matured him. Although in reality, he is not only a father to Morgan, but Peter too, and choosing to have him die in front of him was truly a STAB to the gut, but also important I think for Peters development now. He will have to go it alone now, without the support of his guardian, which will be a good way to ensure his character can grow independently. Stark was clearly torn up over Peter’s death in a way only a father would, and Peter im sure will carry this bond with him for as long as he lives. I hope to see Morgan and Peter connect in Far From Home, that would be really special, and the perfect way of carrying Tony’s memory.
Thank you to Tony, and RDJ for the incredible 11 years in the MCU, we just could no be here without you, you can rest now, but know you are in our hearts forever.
RIP Tony x
“You gonna tell me about her?”
“No, I don't think I will.”
Guys okay so I cried at Tony and Nat’s death, but NOTHING got me like Steve’s final scene let me TELL YOU, but first we will start earlier on. 
Steve has a very classic role int he first half on the film, comforting Nat when she needs it, helping Tony, devising the plan etc but he really shines in his trip to New York, the final battle scene, and of course his finale. 
The scene where he fights himself was really great, and the lines “I can do this all day” “yeah I know” was AMAZING! Not to mention the iconic callback to the elevator scene with the added ‘hail hydra’. The Russo Brothers did an excellent job in ensuring the revisited all the best parts of cap’s time in the MCU in Endgame for sure. But, the best bit came in the final fight scene WHEN HE LIFTED MJOLNIR. I SCREAMED. I genuinely don't think I have ever been so excited in an MCU film in my life, when the hammer came flying through the air I thought at first it was going to be Captain Marvel (which would have been cool too) but when it was him I YELLED. I simultaneously couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing whilst also thinking it was the most obvious thing ever. OF COURSE Steve can lift the hammer, of course he is worthy. The added line of Thor saying: “I knew it!” was just perfect too, with their mid-battle banter yet again “you have the little one, I'll take the big one.” much like in Infinity war with “I see you’ve copied my beard!”. Another great moment was of course the: “Avengers... assemble.” which I also absolutely screeched at. INCREDIBLE CINEMA.
But, despite all this excitement and incredible action Steve’s character got, his best part in the film by far was his final goodbye to Sam and Bucky. When he left to put the stones back something in me knew he wasn't going to come back, and although it was sad, it was also relieving in a way. To know he must be going to find Peggy, and to know he would finally “get some of that life” he had always wanted, and find happiness with her was beautiful. When the camera panned round to him on the bench, it was extremely clever to (as he was older and more shrunken) depict him looking the exact way pre-serum Steve did in The First Avenger, with a similar jacket and smaller frame. At first I thought it somehow was younger him, and It was only seeing his face that made me realise that was not the case. By this post I was properly crying. Like tears streaming down my face hiding my sobs crying. His passing of the shield onto Sam was incredibly moving, and before he left to the see when Bucky and him joke about not doing anything stupid whilst he’s gone was also a perfect goodbye. When he went to put his hand on Sam’s and it showed he had a wedding ring, I honestly couldn't even see through my tears, and that final scene. That final scene. The camera panning through the window, the soft music, the slow turning of the camera to reveal Peggy dancing with Steve, I let out what I think is the ugliest noise I have ever made. a full blown SOB. I was actually uncontrollable, the lights went up in the cinema and I just kept going, still crying a good five minutes later. It was an ending that, now it’s happened, seemed so obvious, yet I never saw it coming. Of course The Avengers’ saga had to end that way. The beauty of the ending was that it wasn’t really an ending at all, but a beginning. Yes, Steve has reached the end of his time as an Avenger, but he was only just starting his true, long life he has ahead of him. The perfect finale.
I loved this film. I think it did wonders for all the main characters, and to know I know live in a world with no more Avengers films to come is devastating, but I'm just happy I was alive to see them happen, and to be a part of this wonderful community.
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Thanks for reading if you made it this far! Check back next Thursday for my post on storylines/events!
Lara x
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bastardsonofday · 5 years
The Boy Next Door: A New Year’s Tradition
So I actually wanted to add a couple more scenes to this one but I didn’t because it ended up being a longer fic than... literally every other one I’ve written so far. So, I’m posting it. 
Happy Hanukah!
For: @softlucien
Warnings: minor character deaths and loss of an eye
Gift Prompt:  rhysand and lucien are playing in the snow and one of them suddenly tackles the other to the ground and now they both are very close and staring into each other's eyes. what happens next is up to you!
ao3     masterlist
Aged 5:
“Hey! No fair!” Lucien cried as his brothers tried to push his head further into the snow.
“’Course it’s fair!” Aish snarled. “You’re the littlest so you’re the one to get buried.”
Lucien bit Aish’s hand as it went to press him back down into the packing snow beneath them and Aish let out a scream of outrage. “-Why you little gremlin-!” but one second was all Lucien needed. He was up and back to the steps of the house in no time, where their father’s watchful eyes from the window prevented any bullying. Just there, mind you, no where else. Not that Beron had anything against bullying, but rather because if Beron could see it then—and only then—was it real. And once it was real it was a disgrace to the family. As Lucien and his brothers knew only too well, one did not disgrace the Vanserra name.
Glumly, Lucien kicked at the slush on the stairs to the house. Why did his brothers have to be so mean? All he wanted was to play in the snow. Without Lucien his brothers seemed to be having fun. Yesterday, Lucien had wanted to join in the snowball fight they were having, but they had said no because then the teams would be uneven. Lucien could understand that but today they were making snowmen and that didn’t take two teams!
Lucien squinted his eyes. Tamlin and his brothers lived right across form the Vanserras, maybe Lucien could go play over there? Lucien glanced back at the window. His mother would never let him go play that far away from the house by himself… even if it was Tamlin. Tam was always nice to him, Lucien thought.
All around the street Lucien could hear the sounds of kids playing. Over to the left was Helion and his friends, diagonally across the street from him were Tarquin and his cousins. They all seemed to be having loads of fun… Everyone except Lucien.
Amongst the screams and giggles Lucien heard one statement that rang in his ears. “Let’s have a snowball fight!”
Lucien perked up when he heard the voices. He stood on his tiptoes, looking at the fence that separated his front yard from the family next door’s. Someone wanted to have a snowball fight?
“Dude, we can’t,” someone else there lamented. “There’s only three of us, it wouldn’t be fair.”
Lucien could be a fourth! He could! Taking special care that his brothers didn’t see him, Lucien peeking around the fence.
“You guys need another person to play?” Lucien asked.
The three boys jumped, looking at him. They all looked nice enough, Lucien thought. All with brown hair and dark skin (two of them had skin darker than Lucien’s, which was darker than his brothers’ but way lighter than Tarquin’s, the third had skin lighter than his friends’). They all also seemed about his age and everyone Lucien had met who had been his age had been way nicer than Lucien’s brothers who were all older than he was.
The boys glanced around, then collectively shrugged. Because to five year olds, sometimes all one needed was to just be in the right place at the right time, and a friendship is born. “Sure.” The lightest skinned boy said. “I’m Rhys. This is Cass,” he said pointing to the larger of the other two, “and that’s Az.” Rhys said, pointing to the final one.
“Lucien. I live next door. Are you brothers or friends?”
The boys glanced at one another, as if they weren’t sure. “Brothers.” Rhys said decidedly.
“Brothers.” Cass agreed. Az blushed but nodded in agreement.
“Okay.” Lucien said. “My brothers are mean. I hope you guys aren’t.”
“Nah.” Cass said. “Mom would kill us if we were.”
“Lucien is on Az’s team!” Rhys cried. “I’m with Cass.” Rhys grabbed Cass and then the two of them ran off to build their fort.
“Just us then.” Az said softly.
Lucien nodded.
Then the two boys grinned at one another as they saw Rhys pull Cass’s hair and Cass stick his tongue out at Rhys. “We’re sooo gonna win.”
“Yeah. Totally.”
“Look out!” Az shouted, eyes wide. He was so busy looking out for his partner that he didn’t see as Cass slammed a giant snowball into his face.
Lucien turned just in time to see Rhysand hurl a snowball at Lucien’s face. Lucien stumbled back, wiping snow furiously from his eyes, but to Rhys’ dismay he then tripped and fell right into Lucien. Lucien slammed backwards against the snow (which thankfully cushioned his fall slightly) and Rhys fell right on top of him.
Rhys and Lucien were so close. Their breaths fogged up against one another’s. Lucien could feel Rhys’ every breath despite the layers of fabric that kept them far(er) apart.
“Rats!” Lucien jumped up, smashing his forehead into Rhys’ nose. Rhys screamed and tumbled off of Lucien, clutching at it—blood gushing. Lucien gasped. “Sorry!”
“Coming, Mom!” Lucien shot Rhys and apologetic look but Rhys waved him off and Lucien ran back to his side of the fence.
Aged 6:
“Bye, Mom! I’ll be home before dark-!”
“Lucien Vanserra, sit back down, young man!”
Lucien dropped back into his seat, all bundled up and ready to play. Now, his mood was shattered. Lucien hung his head, eyes trained on the ground. He wasn’t sure what he did, but he knew he would find out soon. He always did when his mother said that.
Lucien’s head shot up, eyes wide. His father. His father usually didn’t care about the stupid things he did wrong, like not making his bed or the scratch he got from being pushed falling off the swings.
“Yes, Father?”
“So, you’ve met the boys next door.” Beron said softly. He was scary enough when he was soft, Lucien would have been too terrified to speak if he had been yelling. But Beron had a hot temper, and Lucien knew that the shouts were on their way.
Lucien couldn’t do anything but nod.
Beron ran a finger over the glass in his hand. The whistling sound echoed in the high-ceilinged dining room. “Lucien… what do you think of them?”
Lucien was surprised. “They’re nice?”
His mother put a steady hand on Beron’s shoulder. Beron ignored her. “Do they talk about their father?”
“I know what I’m doing, my dear.” Beron hissed through clenched teeth.
“No?” Lucien said, confused. To be honest he and his friends had never talked about their parents, they were too busy playing in the snow and savoring their break before Az, Cass, and Rhys went back to Illyrian Boarding and Education Prep.
“Hmm...” Beron mused. “You can go out and play.” Beron said.
Lucien, too young to understand the tightness in his mother’s glare, skipped out of the house, giddy.
“Beron, I don’t want Lucien playing with those… boys.”
“Now, now darling. We’re all friends here, aren’t we?”
“You know what that woman is like. And her husband! He might even be more dangerous than you.”
Beron stood up a little to quickly and Mrs. Vanserra stumbled back. Beron put an arm around his wife, gently. “Yes, and Lucien is going to become their best friend, and therefore, so will we.”
Lucien ran out into the snow. He skidded around the corner, dodging his brothers’ looks. “I’m here! I’m ready!”
Rhys grinned. His nose had healed well, though now it was slightly crooked. “Took you long enough.”
“Sorry. Parents being parents. How was school?”
Az shrugged. Cass made a face. Rhys just swung an arm around Lucien’s shoulder. “We’re just happy to be home.”
Lucien grinned at Rhys. “Let’s play!”
“Lucien and Cass against me and Rhys!” Az called, already kneeling on the ground to being building his fort.
“Great! I’ve got a plan...” Cass said, pulled at Lucien’s hand. “We’re gonna bring them down!” The two of them high-fived and set off to win.
Lucien let out a war cry, about to pounce, snowball in hand and then slipped on some ice. He took a face full of snow and floundered in the pile of snow to turn himself right-side up. He was wiping the snow from his face when Rhys came around to try out an ambush that Az had planned. He didn’t see Lucien and tripped right over him.
“Sorry!” Lucien cried.
“Oops!” Rhys said, scrambling onto his butt. He held out a hand to help Lucien up when Lucien’s mom  called him back in for an afternoon snack. Lucien jumped to his feet and Rhys—this time aware of Lucien’s ability to be fast when his mother calls—dove backwards to avoid the top of Lucien’s head.
Lucien froze, processing what Rhys had done.
Rhys smirked sheepishly. “No more broken noses.”
Lucien laughed. “Sorry.” Lucien gave the boys a wave, and ran back over the fence.
Aged 12:
The high-ceilinged ballroom of the Vanserra’s new year’s eve party was always sparkling. With Mrs. Vanerra’s iron hand, the entire house had been dusted and shined within an inch of it’s life. The theme of this year’s party being Winter Wonderland.
In the mingling-time before dinner, Lucien had hid in his room. He just wanted dinner and that was it. No flaunting over the other families on Royalty Row about how well they’d done this fiscal year. He was sick of having to be nice to Helion and Kallias and all those neighborhood kids.
Tamlin was nice enough but lately he’d gotten… mean. Angry. All the time he was so serious. Lucien just missed being kids, when they had no parental loyalties to uphold. It was especially hard after Rhys’ father had outbid Lucien’s in a recent military deal.
Rhys apparently wasn’t coming anyway, or so Lucien had been told when Cass had last texted him. The three of them weren’t flying back in for the holidays. Lucien didn’t really want to be down there alone. Especially with his brothers being… his brothers.
Lucien’s phone buzzed in his hands. Lucien looked down.
Rhys, 10:56:
Lucien raised an eyebrow.
Lucien, 10:56:
Rhys, 10:56:
just tell me
Lucien, 10:57:
in my room
since you guys ABANDONED ME
/s /s
Rhys, 10:58:
Won’t even go downstairs? Just to poke around?
Lucien sent back a shrugging emoji.
Rhys, 11:00:
Cass says something not very nice in return
Lucien, 11:01:
What did I do to him?
Rhys, 11:03:
come downstairs and see
Come downstairs and-
Lucien’s eyes widened. He scrambled off of his bed. Rhysand was here? He’d told Lucien he’d be gone all winter! Well, at least Cassian was certainly here. And one was just as good as all.
Lucien raced down the stairs, dodging his brothers and aunts and the guests until he heard a simple voice by the punch bowl tsk: “We come all the way from Illyrian Boarding School and you don’t even show up?”
Lucien whirled around and tackled Cassian in one arm and Azriel in the other. The three burst into giggles.
“You didn’t tell me you were coming!” Lucien hissed. He punched Rhys in the arm and Rhys laughed.
“It was last minute. Father wanted us home to show us off. See, we’ve gotten taller than you now.” Rhys explained. He put one hand to the top of his head and measured it out two inches over Lucien’s. Lucien noticed that Azriel and Cassian were taller than him too.
Lucien stuck his tongue out at them. “Lucien! You’ve finally come downstairs! Come meet our guests-!” Mrs. Vanserra called, walking over to him.
“Now look what you’ve done.” Lucien hissed at the rest of them. Then, he turned and went off to make his mother get off his back.
“Nice party, Vanserra!” Cass called. Lucien responded with a rude gesture.
When Lucien finally freed himself from his mother’s grasp he found Rhys and his brothers huddled under the refreshments’ table, drinking a two and a half liter bottle of soda they’d found while eating a plate of stolen finger sandwiches.
Lucien snuck under the table to join them.
“Enjoying the party?” Lucien asked as he stuffed food down his throat. He was starving and he’d been saying ‘hello’ to so many people he hadn’t had any time to eat anything.
Rhys shrugged and passed the soda bottle to Lucien so he could wash down the food. “Better than Tamlin’s party.”
Az and Cass snorted in agreement.
“Yeah well-” Lucien was interrupted by the end of the year countdown. “Already?”
Cass counted loudly along, swinging an arm around Az and making him count too.
Rhys swung his in turn around Lucien’s shoulders. His breath smelled of sugar. “I have a feeling,” Rhysand said softly into Lucien’s ear, “this year’s going to be a good year.”
“You sure?”
“Hey, if we can show up here last minute like this, anything’s possible.”
Lucien and Rhys had come face to face yet again. The snow bit into Lucien’s backside and his fingers and cheeks were burnt from the cold. Rhys’ breath still smelled like sugar, but also… cinnamon. Lucien knew that Rhys had drunk hot chocolate for breakfast, but the smell still surprised him. Their breath mingled between them in the fog and Rhys was grinning down his crooked nose.
Lucien sat up and Rhys dove away from him, a grin on his face. He got snow all over his hair.
“Fool me once...” He said in sheepish explanation.
“And here I was, just hoping to break your nose again.”
“And we might just do that yet.” Cass cried. He let out a scream and slammed his snowball into Lucien’s face. Lucien brushes away the snow, growling.
“Oh you’re going to get it now-!”
“Only if you can catch me!” Cass crowed, diving into his snowfort.
Yeah, Rhys thought, eyes glowing as he watched his friends do battle, this year was going to be a good year.
Aged 13:
Rhysand frowned as he, Azriel, and Cassian stood in the snow. Usually Lucien showed up around nine or ten in the morning and they would snowball fight until lunch and then go back out. But today nothing. Rhys, Cass, and Az had been late flying in from school and hadn’t been awake enough to go to the Vanserra new year’s eve party the night before, so they hadn’t even talked to Lucien more than sent him a text and then crawl under the covers and fall asleep.
Azriel dug out his phone and texted Lucien. They waited a few minutes. No response.
It took about half an hour until the boys began to get concerned. In that time Rhys and Cassian had made four snowmen, and created a twelve snow angel tableau with who were in battle with one another.
Lucien still hadn’t come out of his house.
“You think he’s sick?” Cassian asked as he began his snowball hoard.
Rhys shook his head. “Lucien doesn’t get sick.”
“How would you know? We only see him like, twice a year.” Azriel said.
Rhys scowled at his brothers and stuck his tongue out at them. “Well, I’m going to go check on him. You know what his brothers are like.”
Azriel nodded. “Worried.”
“Yeah.” Rhys hiked through the snow and around the fence that separated their houses. Rhys knocked on the Vanserras’ door and waited.
No one answered.
Rhys knocked again.
Slowly, the door opened. Mrs. Vanserra stared down her nose at Rhysand. Her eyes hard and angry.
“You’re the kid from next door, aren’t you? Rhysand?”
Rhys nodded, flushed. “I uh-” Those angry eyes narrowed. “Can Lucien come out to play?” He asked weakly.
“No. Lucien is sleeping right now.” Mrs. Vanserra began to close the door in his face.
Rhys stuck his foot between the door and the jam. “Wait! He’s still sleeping? But it’s like, almost noon-”
“He was up late last night. He’s tired.” The words were clipped. Mrs. Vanserra’s lips pursed. Her jaw straight.
“Wait-! He’s never missed a snowball fight-! Please can I-”
“I said, he’s tired. Go away, Rhysand. He doesn’t want you around.” She snarled.
Rhys stumbled back, eyes wide.
“Now, now, my dear.” With that voice Mrs. Vanserra froze. Cold and icy, like a brutal autumn wind. “I’m sure Lucien would love to see his friend.” Beron looked over the shoulder of his wife, staring down the small tweenager on his doorstep.
“Beron.” Mrs. Vanserra hissed, speaking to her husband in a low voice as if Rhys wasn’t even there. “He said he doesn’t want to see anyone-”
“I’m sure, darling, that Rhysand was not on that list.” Beron said softly.
Now Rhys was starting to get a bit concerned. What exactly had happened to Lucien to shut himself in his room like that?
“Come in, Rhysand. I’ll show you up.” Beron said. Beron turned on his heel, and despite every instinct of Rhys’ screaming ‘No!’ he followed.
He’d only been in the Vanserra home once before.
That party last year. It looked just as it had then. Pretentious and expensive. With crystal chandeliers, and meticulously clean despite the party last night. The entire entrance hall (the ballroom, as Lucien called it) was sparkling and cold and clean. It kind of reminded Rhys of Kallias’ home, except Kallias’ home was one where someone was always welcome to have hot cocoa, here Rhys would be worried about accidentally spilling it and ruining all the expensive, cold hardwood floors.
Rhysand followed Beron up a spiraling staircase on the outer-edge of the ballroom. Rhys felt out of place, bundled up in his snow-clothes and tracking sludge through the impeccable house. Beron moved without making a sound through the house, but Rhys seemed to be unable to help himself from stepping on every cracking floorboard in the house.
Beron walked down a large hallway, Rhysand following behind him, head hanging awkwardly. Beron knocked on a door at the end of the hall.
No answer came from inside. Rhys fidgeted behind Beron.
Beron stuck his head in. He said something quietly that Rhys couldn’t hear and after a few seconds he leaned back out and closed the door behind him.
“You can go in, Rhysand.” Beron said. “When you’re done, close the door behind you. If you need someone to help you out, I’m sure a maid will be around.” Then Beron turned on his heel and left.
Rhys, uncomfortable but too far in to turn back now, knocked on the door. He barely heard the very soft: “Come in.”
Rhys opened the door.
Whatever he’d expected to be on the other side, what he saw was not it.
Lucien sat, curled up on his bed. A breakfast tray sat on his bedside table. He curled a hand in his duvet, his eyes trained on the window facing Rhys’ house. Rhys was unable to see his face. His red wave of hair hid the dark skin from Rhys.
Lucien’s room was red and golden themed with beautiful leaf motifs. A desk snugly in the corner, under the window. On the desk were pictures, Rhys realized eyes wide, selfies of Az and Cass and Rhys. Lucien and his school friend Andras. Pictures Rhys’ mother had taken with the three of them. In the wastebasket next to the desk, Rhys noticed, were a few broken frames, but he couldn’t tell what pictures had been in them.
“Hi.” Lucien said in a raspy, broken voice. Rhys frowned. How did someone’s voice get like that? Not from being sick… Surely not…
Why wouldn’t he look at Rhys?
Rhys walked over to the bed. Fear trembled in Rhys’ throat and finally, Rhys put a hand on Lucien’s shoulder.
Lucien flinched.
“Cass and Az are waiting.”
Lucien still wouldn’t look at him.
“What’s wrong? You know you can tell us anything, right?”
“Anything?” Lucien asked, dryly. Voice still horribly strained.
Rhys sat down on Lucien’s bed. “Anything.” He promised.
Lucien turned his head, and Rhys hoped he didn’t look too horrified—at least, after he realized how he’d gasped.
Lucien had a giant bandage down the entire left side of his face.
“What happened?”
Lucien shot a glance at the pictures in his wastebasket. “I- I did something stupid.”
“Lucien, what the hell-”
“You remember Tamlin.”
Rhys swallowed thickly. “How couldn’t I? We were friends until my parents adopted Az and Cass and we left preschool.” He knew that during the school year Tamlin, Andras, and his other Spring School friends were who Lucien mainly hung out with. Rhys couldn’t blame him, Lucien was a social person and Rhys was happy that he had friends outside of Rhys and his family. But if his friends had something to do with this…  Rhys felt something harden in his heart. He hadn’t liked Tamlin before—thought he was an ass himself, but Lucien liked him.
“Well, over this year he started getting… attention from this girl at school. Her name is Amarantha.”
Rhys could see where this was going, even though he was sure that Lucien no longer could.
“He was happy at first, you know. First girlfriend and all. Plus, she’s popular. And well, she liked Tamlin. But… she doesn’t really like me.” Rhys bit his lip, but let Lucien’s croak continue. “Anyway… Tam… No that’s not right. Amarantha. Amarantha suggested last night that we, we were bored and we were all alone and we’d snuck some of Dad’s good stuff during the party… And Tam’s Dad has a new sportscar. Amarantha suggested we take it out for a spin.”
“Did they get hurt?” Rhys left off the ‘too’.
Lucien bit his lip, maybe to keep himself from crying. “No. Just me.”
“Why-” Rhys didn’t know what to say. “Why aren’t you at the hospital?”
“I don’t want to stay there. I don’t like hospitals… the smell… the beeping… everyone being so… nice and sweet and positive and-” Lucien came to a stop. His raspy voice creaking and croaking until he forced himself to say no more, or else he’d cry.
Then, Rhys asked the question that had been on his mind since he’d heard Lucien first speak today. “What happened to your voice?”
Lucien touched his throat gently. He dashed at the tears on his eye. “It happens when you scream a lot.”
Rhys couldn’t help himself anymore. He tackled Lucien in a hug, squeezing him as tightly as possible. Rhys bit back tears of his own—tears of rage, he’d hurt Tamlin for this, and that Amarantha too.
“You know we don’t care about what you look like, right?” Rhys whispered. “We like you ‘cuz you wanted to play with us when we were five. And friendships from the age of five don’t have the silly confines of trivial things like that.”
Lucien snorted between tears and snapped something rather quite mean, but without any bite.
Rhys shifted and took out his phone.
“What are you doing?”
“Well, I’m sure you don’t want to come outside. It’s cold and you’re still healing and stuff, right?”
Lucien raised his eyebrow. “Uh huh…?”
“So,” Rhys said as he texted his brothers, “I’ll just have them all come up here. Either that or throw snowballs at the window.”
Lucien laughed. Actually laughed. Rhys grinned at Lucien. His phone buzzed and he glanced back down at it.
Az, 11:40:
on our way
Aged 14:
Lucien ate his breakfast a quickly as possible. He waited patiently and then asked to be excused.
“Where are you going?” Mrs. Vanserra asked.
“Be careful.” Ever since last year Lucien had been hovered over and monitored. So he was used to this. Lucien gave his Mother a weak smile and ran out before his mother could forbid him to go.
Lucien skidded down the sidewalk between their houses ready to begin the snowball fight—careful that he didn’t accidentally run into anything because of his ruined depth perception. Only no one was in the yard. In fact, the entire area was silent.
Lucien was confused. He had texted Az last night, and Az had promised that the boys would be out in the snow in a fury. Lucien walked up to the front door and knocked.
The door took a second to open. Lucien came face to face with Cassian. Cass’ eyes were bloodshot, his nose swollen and running, his face blotchy and red from crying.
Oh no. Lucien thought. This can’t be good.
Cassian glomped onto Lucien. His arms so tight around Lucien he almost couldn’t breathe. A fresh wave of tears streamed from Cass’ face. He sobbed into Lucien’s shoulder. It was then that Lucien realized that Cass’ yard wasn’t the only one that had been quiet this morning. So had Tamlin’s.
A dark feeling of dread poisoned Lucien’s belly.
“Cassian,” Lucien whispered hugging him back, “what happened?”
“She’s gone.” Cassian cried. “Mom’s gone!”
Lucien figured there would be no snowball fight today, but then again, he didn’t really care.
“Tell me what happened.” He said softly, keeping Cassian in his embrace.
“There-there was a car crash. Layla, she had an asthma attack last night, so Mom took her to the hospital. On-on the way back-” Cassian took a deep breath and small break to cry some more. Only once he could continue without breaking down again he said: “-Tamlin’s Dad and brothers… they were in a car on the way back from a new year’s eve party… it was snowing...”
“Oh Cassian… I’m so sorry.”
“She’s gone, Luci. I lost one Mom already… I don’t know if I can lose another!”
“I’m so sorry, Cass. I’m so sorry.”
This was a bad omen, Lucien thought, no good would come of this year, as no good already had.
Aged 15:
“Are you sure they’ll be okay with this, Lucien?” Feyre asked nervously.
“They won’t care. Rhys, Az, and Cass are chill. Come on.” Lucien insisted. He pulled Feyre down the sidewalk and over the fence.
But Cass and Az weren’t in the yard.
“Where are they?” Lucien asked more to himself than to Feyre. The last time no one had been out here-Lucien shivered. He hoped everything was okay.
Lucien stomped up to the door and rapped his gloved hand against it. Worry filled his heart.
“What’s wrong, Lucien?” Feyre asked concerned. He’d told her that they’d already be out here readying for the fight, but the yard was empty, the snow untouched. Only the driveway and walkway to the door of the house had even been shoveled. Silence hung in the air like a plague, and the look on Lucien’s face was… sad.
No one responded. For high school Cass, Az, and Rhys had been transferred to Night Court High: a public school that Lucien was just out of the district for. The border being smack-dab between the their houses on Royalty Row.
At first, Lucien had adored the idea of them staying in-state for their schooling. Even if they did go to separate high schools they still got to see one another at parties, and across the fence during the year. They’d grown apart slightly during the year since the boys were at different schools and were making new friends (like that terrifying Amren who Rhys seemed to like so much), but Lucien would still think  that their yearly tradition—despite being twice ignored—would still hold. That maybe, they’d still be able to go out, have fun, and show snow in one anothers’ faces.
Lucien had been so excited to show the real Rhysand to Feyre. She’d only ever seen them at competition events, like sports games or science fairs, and the like. Rhys was so into school spirit that he usually was a prick, his snark and sarcasm playfully directed at Lucien. And Lucien had never held back either, just as willing to keep up the competition.
Unfortunately, Lucien hadn’t seen them last night at the new year’s eve party—instead their father had accepted an invitation to his brother’s party. Rhys, Az, and Cass had been there all night—preoccupied with whatever they did, so despite Lucien’s constant texts, they hadn’t answered.
But that didn’t mean they didn’t still want to hang out, right? Lucien knew that they’d skipped the last two years because of tragedies on both sides, but really that was the exception, wasn’t it? Not the rule?
It was winter break, and they were neighbors. Friends, even. And Lucien had been really looking forward to this.
So Lucien knocked again.
It was Azriel who had answered. Azriel looked surprised, as if he had forgotten about the annual snowball fight. Or maybe he was just surprised that Lucien had brought a friend.
“This is Feyre.” Lucien explained. “I was wondering if maybe she could join us.”
Azriel blinked.
“Who is it, Az?” Lucien heard Cass call from inside.
“It’s Lucien.”
“Lucien? What-?” Cass jogged up to Azriel, blinking in confusion.
It was then that Lucien realized that both Azriel and Cassian were still in their pajamas.
They weren’t even planning to leave the house.
“Didn’t-Didn’t we tell you?” Az asked.
“Tell me what? You didn’t respond to any of my texts. No one-Nothing happened right-?”
“The fight’s off.” Cass snapped, arms crossed.
“What? Why?”
“Maybe I should go-.” Feyre began hesitantly.
Lucien snapped out a hand to stop her. “No. They can explain what they mean. They’re usually more polite than this.” Lucien spat. He glared at the boys.
Cass huffed angrily. “Rhys is off with his new girlfriend. There won’t be a snowball fight today, Lucien. Go home and take your friend with you.”
“What new girlfriend?”
“Didn’t you know? It’s not like he’s been hiding it.”
“Cass, that’s not fair-”
“Nothing should get in the way of family, Az! Nothing! Not even that bi-”
Lucien felt something cold clutch his heart. He and Rhys hadn’t exactly been close or in constant communication lately, but he’d never mentioned a girlfriend. Lucien would have thought that would have been something they would talk about. “Who’s he dating?”
Cass snorted. “You should know. You used to be great friends.” He snarled. Cass then turned and stormed back into the house.
Lucien didn’t like who Cassian was implying. “Who?”
Azriel looked like he was about to barf. His gaze slid uneasily from Feyre to Lucien and then to Lucien’s prosthetic eye. Lucien’s heart skipped a beat. “Amarantha.”
“I’m sorry, Lucien.” Az whispered. Then, he shut the door.
Aged 16:
It had been a hard year. Like, a really hard year. And for his part, Rhysand was just glad it was almost over.
Thirty minutes, he thought as he looked at the clock. Thirty minutes.
Rhysand took a swing from his red solo cup. Cass had wanted this party to be like the movies, raging and bright. Rhys had wanted a soft, quiet new year’s eve. But to be fair, he owed it to Cassian and Azriel for putting up with him all fucking year with that Bitch of a girlfriend of his. Well, ex-girlfriend.
Rhys curled up further into his ball on the couch.
Dad wasn’t home, so Cass had plunged into Party ModeTM. He’d gone all out, and Rhys hadn’t said a word against it. He was sure that Az had only gone along with it to piss Rhys off, but again, Rhys deserved it, so who was he to object.
So Rhys suffered, waiting for this hell year to end.
Twenty five minutes. Just twenty five more minutes.
Lucien peeled himself away from the dancing, cheeks flushed and eyes bright and dancing. Feyre went off to use the bathroom and Lucien waved to her before plopping himself down on the couch next to Rhysand, his long red hair up in a ponytail tonight.
He looked really good, Rhysand thought as he took another sip. The alcohol was making him tingly and boiling in the heated room. But Rhys would rather than tingly feeling than none at all, especially while he wallowed. Call him a drama queen but sometimes Rhys just needed to be dramatic. And after all, he reasoned, he wasn’t exactly being dramatic when everyone really was pissed at him and his choices this year.
Twenty minutes on the clock.
Lucien chugged whatever he had left in his own cup, and put it aside on the already cup-cluttered coffee-table. Lucien then snatched Rhys’ cup from his hand and took a sip.
“New year resolutions?” Rhys asked softly. Lucien was one of the people who’d been pissed at him this year. Rhys didn’t know where they stood anymore, despite him dumping Amarantha and explaining his motives behind dating her. Lucien had said he didn’t want to talk about her after they’d reconciled. So Rhys wouldn’t.
Lucien raised an eyebrow at him and continuing drinking from Rhys’ cup. He took so long with his response that Rhys was worried he would say anything at all, just ignore him. Then, Lucien said: “Not to be a dick to my friends.”
Okay, that was fair.
Fifteen minutes left.
“Funny.” Rhys said. “That’s on my list too. One of us is going to have to change.”
Lucien tried not to laugh. He only barely succeeded.
“I’m sorry you know. I really am sorry.”
“You’ve said that before.” Lucien said coldly. “I’m starting to think those are the only words in your vocabulary.”
“If they were, would you stop treating me like I killed your puppy?”
Any trace of Lucien’s smile, the one that inexplicably made Rhys’ boozed-up heart flip-flop, disappeared.
That was a prickish thing to say, asshole. Rhys told himself. “Sorry.”
“It stops having meaning if you keep saying it for the same fucking thing.”
“I know. I’m-”
“Sorry. We get it, Rhysand. You’re sorry, you’re sorry, you’re sorry. You should get it tattooed on your forehead, it would save us all some breath.”
“What can I do to prove to you that I want to be friends again?”
Lucien sighed. “We never stopped being friends. Friends can still be angry and each other, friends can still be pissed. I just-I’m sick of having to forgive you, Rhys.”
Rhys didn’t know what to say to that. Lucien took another sip from the red solo cup.
Five minutes.
“I’ve got one more thing on my resolution’s list, Rhysand.” Lucien said softly. He turned to face Rhys so that there could be no understanding. “I’m going to wipe slates clean as soon as that minute hand reaches the twelve. No more apologies, no more forgiveness. Once midnight drops, everyone’s slate will be wiped clean. This year sucked, so much that I don’t know if there’s any way for us to move past it. So that’s it. Everyone will get a second chance. You, Tamlin, fuck even Amarantha-I don’t give a shit anymore. But the moment I get treated badly once the new year has started then screw it, I’ll cut you off. Got it?”
Rhys nodded.
“I just. I want this year to start fresh. I’m tired of bad years.”
“So… does that mean…” Rhys was going to finish his question but suddenly the room was filled with the screams of the countdown.
Three. Rhys realized what he would do.
Two. Rhys scooted closed to Lucien.
Rhys leaned over and kissed the boy from next door, like he’d wanted to from the day Lucien broke Rhysand’s nose.
It wasn’t a huge kiss. Not big or over-dramatic. It didn’t last for more than a couple of seconds. Just one kiss.
Rhys broke away. Maybe this was the proper way to bring in the new year, he thought feeling his heart flutter in his chest.
Lucien’s eyes were wide, his cheeks flushed. Lucien put down the cup.
Rhysand waited, another apology on his lips. But instead all he said was: “So, see you tomorrow?” He hoped the pleading in his voice wasn’t too obvious. The way he wanted it all to be forgotten. How stupid was he! He could just brush it off, it was just a new year’s kiss. It didn’t mean anything. “Like usual?” Oh please, he prayed, let everything go back to the way it was. Let me have usual back.
Lucien smiled. Not grinned. Not smirked. Smiled. And said: “Yeah. See you tomorrow.”
“Happy new year.”
“Happy new year.”
“Why is it we always seem to end up here?” Rhys asked as he found himself once again, laying on top of Lucien surrounded by snow.
Lucien smirked. “Because you’re obsessed with me.”
“Is that so?”
“More like, is that snow?”
Rhys’ face wrinkled in horror at the pun, making Lucien laugh. The giggle sounded through Rhysand’s bones, making him shiver under all of his snow-clothes.
“Lucien!” Azriel cried as he ducked under his fort. Shielding himself from a barrage of snowballs from Cassian. “Help!”
“Lucien is busy right now!” Rhys called back. “He’s my hostage.”
“Fuck you Rhys!”
“Yeah. Fuck you Rhys.” Lucien agreed.
“Oh, don’t you wish.”
Lucien sat up and Rhys jumped back. He was getting better at dodging Lucien’s stone-hard forehead, but this time Lucien grabbed Rhys’ ears, holding him close enough that when Lucien sat up he kissed him.
So, Rhys thought dumbly, maybe the kiss was a lucky charm for this year after all.
They sat like that for a while, in the snow kissing. Or at least, they sat there until Cassian screamed: “Ack! Rhys! Rhys I need your help! Rhys-” And glanced over at the two of them. “Rhys! Stop kissing the enemy! Ew! Az! Rhys and Lucien are kissing!”
That was what it took for Rhys to finally break the kiss, and stick his middle finger up at his brothers, who collapsed into giggles.
“So.” Rhys began, turning back to his friend who’s lap he straddled completely coincidentally. “Fresh slate, huh?”
Lucien snorted and just kissed Rhys again, despite the fake puking of Cass and Az in the background. This year, Rhys thought with confidence, this year is going to be a good one.
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linkeai · 6 years
boyfriend! linkai → xiao gui / wang linkai ( nine percent ) → warning(s): mentions of sex, swearing → genre: bullet-point → word count: 1,316 (oops)
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the love of my life
linkai doesn’t seem like he’d be a soft boyfriend
but he would be so soft for you in particular
when you first met him he would seem really cold and cool and like he didn't really catch feelings
and he doesn’t very often, but when he falls he falls really hard
and he would completely change once he started falling for you.
he’d get flustered at a lot of things you’d say or do, like touching him casually or smiling at him.
not in like a frightened little baby way more like his face gets really red and he turns away so you can’t see it with a little smile on his face
and when you started dating he’d be so?? awkward?? but it wouldn’t really show
like i said linkai doesn’t fall for just anyone and so he wouldn’t really know how to act as a boyfriend, but those concerns would all be in his head and really, loving you would come so naturally to him
constantly making you flustered with his random acts of affection toward you
compliments you so nonchalantly - like “baby, your eyes are really pretty, you know that?” with some cheeky little smile
and then you can’t form coherent sentences for a while
also does random little gestures that are so sweet, like if he sees something at a store that reminds him of you, he’ll buy it for you
or he’ll just show up with food or a present to your house
he’s always surprising you in some way
tells you every single detail of his day via text
‘baby i just ate a sandwich wyd. it was good btw.’ or ‘i just saw this little dog on the street it was cute as fuck.’
its really cute that the poor boy processes his thoughts by sharing them with you, so you learn to love it and get used to the constant dinging of your phone
you are best friends as much as you are in love with each other
also the deep talks kind of boyfriend
you would be the couple that knew each other better than you knew yourselves
late, late nights curled up in bed with some lo-fi music playing while you exchange ghost stories and traumatic events from your past
or other times you have dumbass conversations like brushing your teeth is the only time you clean your skeleton or is water really wet
and sometimes these lead to ‘arguments’ where you both laugh until you can’t breathe and someone’s banging on the wall telling you to shut up
also watching conspiracies and true crime documentaries all the time and thinking the two of you will be the ones to finally solve them
linkai also makes you laugh a lot - he would always know exactly what to say at every opportunity he got to make you laugh
and his jokes would be so ridiculously stupid that they would be fucking hilarious
like he sees a pigeon on the ground and says “why is there a turkey in the street?”
and you have to stop so you can breathe again. and the whole time he’s just standing there with a small smile like “y/n, why are you laughing, seriously why is that turkey in the road.”
it’s literally never a dull moment
i also think you and linkai would be that couple that has your own little group of friends and keep to yourself and you never have any super big problems
i don't think linkai would get jealous easy - possessive might be a different story, but never without reason
and he also wouldn’t be the worrying type of boyfriend. you’re not his kid; he doesn’t feel the need to nag at you to sleep, eat etc unless something is visibly wrong with you
and when something is wrong with you it would really hurt him
he cares so deeply for the people around him and those that he loves that seeing you not being happy and smiling would break his heart
and he would do just about anything you want to make it better.
the very first thing he would say when he saw you were upset was “tell me what i can do.” and he would do it every time, whether it’s ‘go away’ or ‘please just stay with me’ without a single complaint
and i also don’t think he’s super cuddly, but he’s always touching you in some way. it’s just smothering you with affection
like holding your hand or putting his hand at the small of your back, holding onto your thigh
just little things to remind himself that you’re there
fights with linkai would be few and far between
but i think when they happened, they’d be rough
linkai is the type to start ignoring you and be too stubborn to stop until you’re both half crazy from missing each other
he doesn’t forgive easily. he may love you, but i think he can be kind of sensitive when it comes to what the people he loves say to him or about him. if you hurt him in some way, he might hold onto it forever without really meaning too.
and fighting with you would kill him - if something happened between you two he’d lose his appetite and have trouble sleeping
because he keeps his close circle very small, and you knowing him more than anyone, he would be terrified of losing you and potentially never finding someone like you ever again
and these are things that would make the healing period after a fight a bit longer than for most people. he’d need you to reassure him that you’re really not mad anymore and that you still love him and won’t leave
and he would never really give you a reason to leave
on to the filth :)
i think linkai likes foreplay more than actual sex
it’s always a lot more than just a quick fuck to him, it’s usually at night time when you can put a few hours aside to be with each other
linkai is really good with his fingers
seriously, it’s like he doesn’t even try. hes got really nice hands and he didn’t really know what that meant until he put them to work
they’re like magic. and seeing you become a complete mess just from his fingers alone would drive him insane
and so he would use them a lot
he also knows how to use his mouth and so his fingers + his tongue would be the actual death of you
gets off on your reactions a lot, probably wants to record your moans so he can keep them for .. later
a tease. linkai is really annoying in bed
right when you reach your high, he’ll stop and take it all away and just kiss you without even touching you
eggs you on and encourages you to beg by saying shit like “what? you weren’t done? you want me to keep going? say it.”
but he’s not really super dominant although he likes being in charge most of the time. if you take control he is definitely not going to complain.
just like you love his, he loves your hands just as much
a simple handjob is more than enough to make him lose his mind
super vocal - if he’s not muttering little words of praise and curses, he’s groaning and hissing and making all kinds of noises that would make you even more hot and bothered
actual sex is pretty short since you’re already so sensitive from all the foreplay but it would be good nonetheless. he can be rough or he can be loving, it depends on both of your moods.
overall linkai would be a really fun boyfriend who would treat you so well
stan my baby pls
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