#writing fanfiction isn't especially my forte since i'm more of an artist so be indulgent xD
dragongutsixofficial · 11 months
This is about to be barely coherent but I think you need to hear about it.
I just recalled a movie I used to watch and a particular scene in which 2 revolutionaries are spending a rainy night in a hut. I can't find a clip to confirm, but as I recall it, Jean, who is the captain of the whole revolutionary dealio, pauses mid-makeout to talk about revolution stuff while her partner in the scene just sort of nods along and continues to kiss her. (Don't question the logistics: it's a comedy from the 50s)
Again, I'm sure I'm not sounding very coherent, BUT THE POINT IS pausing mid-makeout to talk about revolutionary stuff while her partner nods along and continues to kiss her is an incredibly Edelgard thing and I thought you need to hear about it.
I want you to know this inspired me so much I am now writing a fic. I wanted to finish it before answering this ask but this'll probably take a while so here's a preview:
Byleth wanted to get this right.
After their initial engagement, their partner and them had not been able to properly ease into the newly romantic character of their relationship; the threat of Those Who Slither Through The Dark, ever-present and all consuming, had been at the top of their minds. If they really were to be the light that shone upon Fodlan, they first needed to get rid of the pesky shadows underneath it; only then could peace truly reign, only then could the continent be truly united under the Emperor’s leadership, only then could they truly be together in the world they had created.
And they had done just that. Finally, after a thousand years, the head of the snake had been cut off. Agartha was well on its way to being reintroduced to the rest of the Fodlanese population now that the iron rule of Thales had finally ended, which had not come without its lot of issues. It certainly wasn’t easy for everyone to realize that people had lived underneath their very feet for centuries, nor was it to share their land, a land which fate they were still uncertain of: but after months of negotiating and peacekeeping, the Black Eagle Strikeforce had managed to install a semblance of peace, laying the foundations for what would hopefully happen to be a bright new future for Fodlan.
Now, however, Byleth wished to focus on their and Edelgard’s future.
They had decided to learn how to flirt.
Their first instinct had been to go to Garreg Mach’s library. They still remembered their first time there like it was yesterday: back then, they had been absolutely blown away but the sheer massiveness of the shelves filled to the brim with the knowledge they clearly lacked about the world around them. It also happened to be the first time they had felt intellectual emulation coursing through their veins- and before they could completely understand that sensation, they had found themself with their nose buried in books for the whole morning, feeding on all that new information. After they had officially been nominated as a professor, they had gone back, trying to find ways to convey their thoughts and expertise to their students in an organized, more academic manner- and whenever they visited, the contents of the books would most likely always hold an answer for them.
These romance books were no exception.
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