#wowwwww i never posted this huh
howtotrainyouragents · 4 months
Agent H’s TV Reactions
Spy x Family Season 1 
A spy is tasked with creating a fake family to infiltrate the enemy country, only to unwittingly marry an assassin and adopt a child telepath
-I love that this a story about survivors of war. About how they fight for peace. About how they heal through love and relationships with each other. I love that it’s an action story, a drama, a comedy, a slice of life
-You can tell that this is an anime that really loves the story and source material. It is truly done with such love and care and attention to detail 
-I really wish that the opening/closing scenes were canon/shown because I want to see them going on vacations and dance around their home TT. I also want that scene of Loid at the train looking up at Yor on the balcony. I also love the scene in the second opening scene of Yor hugging Anya by the window
-The teacups theme song is my new comfort song
-I have such a crush on Loid. The tousled “at home” hair will be the death of me. 
-HE’S SUCH A DAD. Have him make a corny dad jokes and HE’S THERE
-I love that Loid’s complaint of Anya is that she’s unpredictable. Like, yes, the best spy in the world, the man who can predict and prepare for any situation in the world, is having his ass handed to him by a four year old
-Meanwhile it take Anya about 48 hours to learn that no matter how cool your parents are, all parents are lame
-I know it was for the interview, but I think Loid genuinely meant it when he said he found a kindred spirit in Yor. The moment at the party I think is when Yor starts to fall for him, but also when Loid recognizes that they are alot alike, that she “may be the only person who can accept him for who he is right now.”
-Also, Loid absolutely fell in love with Yor when she first knocked out that bad guy
-Yor being the emotional support and rock of the family. The way she supports and cares for Anya and plays with her and gives her advice (however helpful it is XD). And the way that she supports Loid, breaking him out of his anxiety. Like in the restaurant in the third episode, he’s totally spiraling about the interview, and she doesn’t know what’s going on in his head, but she knows to take them to the park for fresh air and perspective and it’s just what he needed
-The scene of Loid and Yor comforting each other as parents is one of the most foundational scenes of the story
-I saw some people a while back being like “Twilight is going to get too soft and eventually do something emotionally and jeopardize Operation Strix” You mean, the interview???
-Anya punching Damian is one of the greatest scenes of all time
-The dodgeball episode is one of the greatest episodes ever made XD
-The penguin park episode may be my favorite. Whole family working together without knowing what the others are doing. Yor kicking a guy into the ceiling. Loid winning the penguin for his girl. Loid wanting a vacation then STOPPING and deciding to just work harder because he loves his girls so much
-My heart broke with Sylvia’s simple “I had a daughter once like her.” 
-The Loid reflection while they’re at the dog park broke me
-Loid being proud of his daughter jumping two boxes and jumping rope five times
-In any other show Nightfall would be the most iconic, fan-favorite character ever made, and (we love her too!) the only reason she’s not here is because she’s competing with the fucking Forgers
-Yes, Loid, you should switch to decaf
-I love the episode of Yuri tutoring Anya because for how intense Yuri is about work and his sister, he really is just a 20 year old kid. And I just love seeing this big kid get so exasperated with this little kid, and I hope they get more bonding in the future lol
-Shinybluebirdwizard pointed it out that Becky Blackbell is pretty much the only character remotely living as her authentic self and that is fucking hilarious
-Damian always being ready to fight when it comes to Anya
-I would be very curious to learn about Japan’s role and viewpoint in the Cold War because it’s interesting how this is Cold War Germany inspired 
-I had a separate post about the tennis arc. Let's see if I ever write it up...
-Loid going out of his way to reassure and support Yor just because he wants her to be happy. I am ride or die for this couple
-Loid ep 6: Yor is sad, I should reassure her!
Loid ep 15: Yor is sad, I should take her out on a date!
Loid ep 24: Yor is sad, I should take her on a date and ask her to marry me! Like, bud, the reaction does not equal the situation. With all of Loid overthinking I’m genuinely trying to understand how he thought honey-trapping Yor would be beneficial for the musssion. Like I know why he does it but Loid, what was your reasoning there
-The last episode was so good!! The hat tip mirroring the first episode. The importance of love and care and communication and trying to be there for each other. The final words summarizes the whole story, and the teacups song playing through Loid's words. Anya’s at bliss even when he has no idea what’s going on in her head: They don't understand each other but they love each other and want to do their best for each other. That's it. That's the whole story.
-Extremely important question: Is Loid licensed to be working as a psychiatrist. Because on one hand, obviously it’s just a cover story. On the other hand, Loid has never half assed anything in his life and cramming years of worth of medical school and passing a licensing exam just to make his story airtight is exactly the kind of thing he would do. Endo, respectfully are you listening. Endo, please, I need to know this
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thejrock88-blog · 5 years
Shrek discussion post    
First off Shrek is one of my favorite movies of all times from DreamWorks. In class, I didn’t know that Shrek was a book and was later made into a movie in. What was interesting to me that I learned in class was that the meaning of” Shrek” (in Yiddish) meant “Fear/fright” was a post-modern parody (making fun of Disney). Anywho this movie is beyond funny I didn’t understand the jokes when I was a kid but best believe I did catch them in movie night. My all-time favorite movie parts of the movie, of course, are the intro to the movie it’s a classic it makes fun of the classic Disney “intro” with the storybook and the “once upon” theme but instead, he rips out a page in the book and starts laughing. The next scene that tickled me is when Lord Farquaad wants to find a wife and he has the talking mirror, that scene reminded me of the price is right and(copies snow white with the mirror) he has the chance to pick from three of the Disney princesses and what gets every time is when he asked the mirror “mirror mirror on the wall is this, not the most perfect kingdom of them all? “uhhhh Thelonious ““punches the mirror (lmfaooo I always die because of this scene I don’t know why it’s just super funny. Lastly, when Princess Fiona has her kick-ass scene (Disney would never OK!) that scene sticks out like a glove because never in a million years do you ever see a princess beat up men in the woods. (THANKS FOR LISTENING TO MY TED TALK ENJOY)
I just want to say that Harry had the “Hard knock life “(WIZARD EDITION”) the intro was mad dramatic (shows wizard tricks oweeee).  SIDEBAR (I didn’t even know that a woman (J.K Rowling) made the Harry Potter’s series that’s super cool. Back to my discussion out of all places why would they put them with this sick ass family (which unfortunately relate to him) honestly I feel like they were so salty cause they were regular ass hell no powers no wizard cool stuff just a basic muggle family. Just imagine having no powers what so ever at the family functions (sad asf wouldn’t even attend). The whole “child slave was a big NO! Child abuse at its finest he couldn't even sleep with his fat spoiled cousin (he really sleeping in that small corner wowwwww of the house like a dog) who is annoying big ass baby. I was happy when Harry found his gang gang.  Nobody is going to address this well I am Ron Weasley was THE BEYONCE OF THE GROUP I SAID WHAT I SAID. Let me elaborate on what I mean by Ron is funny asf he doesn’t try hard to be funny because he is naturally funny, Ron sticks out (looks wise he’s a redhead I think redheads are cool like hello you have red hair you’re not basic). He brings the flair to the group because Harry has a lot on his plate and on the other hand, you have Hermione the “goody to shoe” (save the good girl act for class sweetie loosen up) she can do no wrong all in all the trio balances out. What surprises me is the classic cliché that the hero gets the girl is a NO because Ron does and he’s the SIDEKICK (like I said he’s the Beyoncé hello we stan. (THANKS FOR LISTENING TO MY TED TALK ENJOY).  
This by far is the most twisted and funny 80s scary thriller movie I ever saw never heard of it so I was a bit skeptical about this movie and I was interested.  Listen WAS PURE COMEDY OK! I tried to take it seriously but me being me the movie was most definitely 80s MATERIAL. Let’s chat about the relationship with the wife and the husband (the wolf). My thing is my dude just walked out the house because his wolf homies were calling and he dead ass left his wife (for some year) didn’t even return in a week it was some YEARS. Boom sis had about 3 kids looking tired. Fast forward to that boy with the missing tooth. LMFAO I WANT TO HAVE THAT MUCH CONFIDENCE IN MY LIFE TO STUNT ON A GIRL WITH A MISSING FRONT TOOTH (takes some balls to do that). The grandma gave me creepy vibes when she said she deserves a kiss for telling her granddaughter a story (inserts a meme shocking confused face) uhhhhhhh ok (Jaquelin's voice). The way the wolf killed the granny was beyond dramatic (in a funny way). I’ll give granny props how she defended herself one good time. SIDEBAR the wolf was prissy he wasn't a rough wolf) anyways back to him killing her the fact that he knocks her head off CLEAN AND HER HEAD SHATTERED (IN SLOW-MO LMFAO) LIKE A PLATE took me off I couldn’t hold it in class. In conclusion, the best part of the movie was THE WOLF TRANSFORMATION very much 80s (thank god for growth in SPECIAL EFFECTS).  The way he tore his face (taking 5 years later) was time-consuming and all the fake blood to make that scene scary SIDEBAR the wife could have run and defended herself I guess she was in shock lmfaoo lol ANYWAYS ( THANKS FOR LISTENING TO MY TED TALK) SIDEBAR 9THIS MOVIE MADE ME CRINGE A LOT.......
The crimson peak was by far the best adaption of Bluebeard (I SAID WHAT I SAID). Edith and her ruffles going to bed I know she was hot I don’t know if that was a trend back then but......KILL IT everybody who wore that ruffle drip needs to go to jail like you're literally going to bed in a whole outfit (I know y’ all was hot asf). Locke lol I mean Sir Thomas honestly his role in Marvel sticks to him I always see him as Locke in my head. Edith my good sis you were head over heels for this man. For what reason I have no clue but for you to get embarrassed at the party SIDEBAR (I was laughing at that scene she looked so hurt).  OK let’s get to the elephants in the room 1. THE HOUSE before I get married or even go to a man’s house, I need to see how you are living PERIOD sis was oblivious and blind to the bullshit, BLOOD OOZING OUT THE WALLS RED FLAG the house was in the middle of Nowhere (reminds me of courage the cowardly dog) the house literally had a huge hole in the roof  (like I said blind to the bullshit) everything was old, rusty, bloody tired, beat down, in disarray, (I guess the love was so strong she look past it LMFAO couldn’t be me). My thing was if the damn ghost wasn’t so ghostly and graphic, she would have caught on to the warning signs (but of course she didn’t). Next elephant INSIST like really your own brother I was SHOOK OK like Ewww sweetie lol your siblings are supposed to be UGLY to you in your eyes. Lastly, I love how (sarcastically speaking) she still loved him in the end when he literally made your life a living hell with the help of his nasty sister. I guess love wins in the end after all huh. (I would neverrrrr) Anyways (THANKS FOR LISTENING TO MY TED TALK)
Jane Eyre Discussion Post  
Jane Eyre was the second-best adaption of Bluebeard even though it was a gothic romance it still had a hint of humor (which was funny asf) which I loved because men think they're so slick.  Too bad Jane gets played in this movie (inserts tear emoji). Jane endures the same bs family abuse just like Harry Potter minus the wizard magic her situation was a bit more intense because she gets sent to a charter school and continues to get abused. SIDEBAR The opening scene where she gets knocked in her head was a bit hardcore for my eyeballs. SIDEBAR I’m tired of Mia Wasikowska playing these sad roles making her have the hard knock life but it fits her in a weird way I couldn’t imagine her playing a non “my life sucks type of movie or like a thriller mystery type” Anywhoooo SIDEBAR the fact that Jane was mad young and Rochester is old as dirt baffles me (they like them young back in the old days ) I guess age ant nothing but a number hummmm... uhhhh okay (Jaquelin's voice). Rochester refers to Janes as “fairy” “pale little elf “first off, I cringe (gag reflex sound ugghhh) I wouldn’t feel comfortable at all like CAN YOU NOT. The little French girl (Adele) that dance her heart out for Jane and the old lady looks unbothered from her performance took me out and singing at the same time in the movie I'm sorry but I died laughing watching that scene because   The scene that puts he is icing on the cake is the wedding scene one her dress was ugly and she was too petite for that dress two the way Rochester wanted to marry her in a hurry took me out she’s literally out of breath with this vail on her face gasping for air THE WEDDING WAS RUSHED AND A DISASTER.
Beauty and the Beast Discussion Post  
Beauty by far had the brains and the beauty out of all the classic Disney princesses. Beauty and the beast skip the intro with the cliché book once upon a time theme (THANK GOD). The only thing that sucks with Disney IS THE SINGING I skip through them (FAITHFULLY) I can live without the musicals.  I love how beauty had her own mind in the movie in her town they thought she was “ODD” because she loved to read SIDEBAR lol, I never thought it was weird to have a brain and be smart (YIKESSS)  Men valued no brains Beauty was beyond the standard girl back in those days anywhoooo also, I love how she wasn’t chasing after a man the men were chasing her but she was very much uninterested. I don’t know if anybody catch it or not but I did when the dad was on horseback and he had to decide which way to go left or right and one side was dark gloomy and spooky while the other one was a normal path SIDEBAR lmao the horse shook his head down like I know he going to pick the wrong way if only animals could talk, and of course he chooses the dark gloomy path people just want the hard life (insert shrug shoulders emoji). I don’t anybody else caught this, but Belle and the beast were coming through with the looks FOR DINNER in the castle (lmfaoo she had a whole outfit just for dinner and it was only them to eating) same for the beast he looks fresh.
Moulin Rouge Discussion Post
The show must go on! I was a bit confused about this movie because it was a mess a lot was going on at first, the first thing that pops into my head “Lady Marmalade” with Christina Aguilera, Lil Kim, Mya, and Pink.  What stands out to me was the vivid colors the costumes and the famous soundtrack that was used in this film (which was bomb asf) what was so random to me was the “Green fairy part” she reminded me of a raunchy tinker bell (cringe) SIDEBAR fun fact Ozzy Osbourne  is credited as the voice of the green fairy I thought that was cool  I honestly don’t know what was the reason for that part to display how drunk they were from the absynthe SIDEBAR I was completely lost with this movie bare with me.  It was never a dull moment in this movie LITERALLY, my favorite performance was “Diamonds are a Girl’s Best friend all eyes were on her (AS IT SHOULD BE WHEN YOU’RE THE STAR). SIDEBAR I don’t know why but Satine always remind me of Christina Aguilera.  She had the crowd on their knees with the MONEY. During this performance I can see where the trouble starts to brew the MISCOMMUNICATION, Harold tried to “SECURE THE BAG” WITH THE DUKE while John whispering into Christian ear about meeting his dream girl Satine. The saddest part in the story was when we saw she was coughing up blood, passing out and she still chose to perform (THE SHOW MUST GO ON.)
Truth be told I never really watch Hercules (yeah, I know I'm weird) I really didn’t care for Hercules I'm not a Disney fan, But I got the opportunity to see it in class and it was a decent movie all in all. Is it just me or Hercules FEET WAS HUGE like his body proportion didn’t equal out at all? The Hades in this movie is funny, sarcastic and NOT mean he was just a PG type of hades (LOL THAT WAS CUTE DISNEY TO WATER HIM DOWN TO DISNEY STANDARDS FOR THE KIDS). Hade was amusing to watch in the show when we get to see him. Another thing I noticed was the advertisement endorsement scene I instantly think of the crazy Shrek phase when Shrek was on everything at the grocery store. Dreamworks is really on Disney's necks the opening scene to Hercules had A GOSPEL SONG SUNG BY BLACK WOMEN (DISNEY WOULD NEVER). I’m pretty sure Disney was shook and most likely PUNCHING THE AIR (lol). When that scene came, of course, I had goosebumps the soul in their voice lifted the storyline to a thousand. The Mount Olympus scene tickled me when baby Hercules took Zeus lightning bolt and put it in his mouth and shock himself was funny to me as well. SIDEBAR when Hade's losses his shit is so funny to me it’s like I can relate to him more than any character on the movie he was my favorite. Honestly, his do boys need to quit they legit had one job and THEY FAILED.
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