#wow what an easily misconstrued sentence
iant0jones · 2 years
Y’all WHERE can I watch the new IWTV easily, I’m dying of thirst for gay blood
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bookenders · 5 years
9, 37, 50!
Hello hello @dreadwvlfscript! Thanks for the asks!
9 : What do you struggle most with as a writer?
I have a really hard time starting things. My brain tells me that the beginning needs to be completely on point, perfecto, no-takebacks excellent or I can’t chug through the rest of the story. It has taken a whole lot of effort to get to where I am today, which is (mostly) accepting that you can edit beginnings to get better, just like you can with anything else.
I also have a tough time grounding scenes in physical locations. Like, I’ll have two pages of interiority or observation before we even know where the hell we are. So now I try and ground things in the first few sentences, at least, by mentioning some sort of object, location, or thing a character can physically interact with so we have some foundation.
Also self discipline. Which I am working on. Slowly. (Ugh, it’s so hard.)
37 : What’s one piece of advice you would give to new writers?
Write that weird thing! Yes, lots of “serious writer people” say that literary fiction with terrible fathers, messy divorces, white men having an emotional crisis over nothing and staring out over a body of water, ennui, and middle-class stories but also some poverty for Diversity are the One True Literature. 
That’s a buncha bullshit. And I say that as a literary fiction writer, and as someone who studied literary fiction for going on 6 years now.
Write what you like! And don’t “write what you know” - I think that advice is too easily misunderstood and misconstrued. Write what you want to know. That way you learn something every time you type some words, no matter what.
50 : Would you rather be remembered for your fantastic world-building or your lifelike characters?
Characters, yo! Maybe it’s because I’ve never missed a story world; I’ve only found myself missing the people in them. Yes, it was hard saying goodbye to Middle Earth, but at the end of the story, you miss the characters more than the land they live in. In every D&D campaign I’ve heard of, yes, the world is great, but it’s the people that fans and players miss. 
For me, the coolest thing is when I’m writing a fantasy or fantasy-esque story and people say, “wow, the world building is really well done, but I absolutely loved the relationship between the two sisters!” (Actual feedback I’ve gotten on AOPC!) That kind of thing gives me the warm and fuzzies. 😊
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spineofdeathwing · 7 years
Heyo, it's Maul.
I don't use tumblr and, in all honesty, I've found that I don't like most tumblr users that I've come across. That being said, I'm not into categorizing an entire community of people based on the select encounters that I've personally had, as I'm sure you all are swell people. For the most part, at least.
Let me preface this by saying that I am not, nor have I ever been, a particularly "nice" individual. I'm far too blunt and straightforward, a characteristic of mine that has led me to where I am now in the WrA RP community: either loved or hated. I am, however, someone who treats others with respect, provided that they deserve such treatment. As I'm sure you are all aware of, there are certain people and groups out there that are nothing but scumbags. There have been certain instances of where I have acted like an asshole to those I personally felt deserved it, which is definitely wrong.
I'm the type of person that will openly and freely admit to my own shortcomings. I am not averted to taking responsibility for my own faults or screw-ups, which has led me to believe that, for the most part, others hold themselves to the same general code of conduct. So, to recap, respect and responsibility. Keep that in mind.
99% of people I come across, at least to my knowledge, have absolutely no qualms with me. The 1% that don't like me have their own reasons, and I completely respect their right to dislike me. I couldn't care less, however, that they don't like me. WoW is an online game; the moment you seek to please everyone is the moment you become a soulless husk. Believe me, when I first started out on Brugash, I tried my hardest OOCly to get everyone to like me, despite my protests if you ever accused me of such.
Now... I'm not sure why the Wolfmane post came to the surface, but I'm only to going to grace that anonymous poster with a response for the next few sentences. There are two sides to every story, both horribly misconstrued. What remains a constant, however, is that I know for a fact that you have absolutely no evidence to substantiate your wild accusations against me (most of which are entirely false). Unfortunately, you guys are more likely to scamper away at the first sight of confrontation than you are to actually hold a conversation that isn't stacked almost entirely in your favor. 9 v 1 ring any bells?
Alright, onto the other shitter. I formed the Irontusk clan because the orcish community was dying. I won't delve into the specifics, but the premise for the clan was not original; just your typical warmongering bunch. OOCly, however, is where I feel we shined. We were openminded and respectful, oftentimes to a fault, as another poster below stated. My vision for the clan was to outshine all of its predecessors: the Ironfang and Warfang clans, to be specific, both of which I heard from others devolved into piles of shit. Excuse my French.
The officer core I eventually ended up with was sublime, for lack of better terminology: Skorest (founder of the Warfang clan), Elsine (former GM of the Ironfang clan), Pagdash (founder of the Dreadhowl clan). On paper, these individuals were meant to be the pillars of the new orc community that I very publicly strove for. In practice, however, I did all of the work. Skorest, Elsine, and Pagdash only went as far as to DM the events that I asked them to (which is something, I suppose), but past that they were a hindrance to the clan. The tasks I set for them were either never completed or were finished weeks later. If it matters, of the three, Elsine did the most.
What were these officers doing instead of fulfilling the expectations of their positions? Elsine and Skorest were constantly at each other's throats, with Skorest unsurprisingly filling the role of provocateur as Elsine would throw a hissy fit. Pagdash did well to stray away from these conflicts, but she more often than not took Skorest's side. In any case, I essentially put the guild on my back and carried it for the better part of three months, which stressed the hell out of me and factored into my departure.
To cap it off, I ran this guild in a benevolent dictatorship in the end. It's the type of guild-related government that fits my needs and my work ethic, and it turned out great. Even Raton of the Wolfmane complimented my guild, and that guy hates me. Another story for another time :^)
Skorest here has made some claims about me too. First of all, I have to commend you for actually showing up to talk. You're an eloquent writer with an excellent grasp on the fundamentals of grammar and sentence structure, but you're a piss poor speaker. That's probably why you perceived my outspoken nature as a personal attack on you. To set the record straight, I was -not- respectful towards Skorest in this particular instance, which was a major deviation from the norm. But the disrespect was mutual and, honestly, I had forgotten about the conversation until someone pointed me in the direction of this thread. So, Skorest, I apologize for hurting your feelings. Won't happen again.
Nevertheless, the summary of our discussion was myself getting at Skorest because of the petty antics he had committed himself to. He threw a temper tantrum when he wasn't given ownership of the guild, kicked out the individual that I did appoint as GM, tried to poach members from the guild as he left, and lied multiple times about why I left.
Let me set the record straight a second time -- I LOVED the Irontusk clan. I put so much work into creating what I perceived to be an absolute masterpiece (with very little help from my officers) and it crushed me that RL was pulling me away from the game. I spent hours upon hours each and every day RPing with every single member of the guild, creating nearly EVERY event that I or one of my officers DMed, dispelling any possibility of cliques forming within the guild, and establishing relations with other clans and guilds, to name a select few. When I say I did everything, I mean it. I am not exaggerating. I poured everything I had into a clan that, had I not left, would have easily became the biggest and baddest the orc community has ever seen.
The reason I left is because I'm a full time college student that managed to finally land not one, but two jobs just after Thanksgiving. This was stated multiple times during the last meeting I had with my former officers, along with the possibility of appointing someone else GM, but I guess facts that don't support their narrative are just cast off to the side. Take it as you will, but there's a reason that Maul is still an extremely prominent member in the orc community and that Skorest was having trouble simply finding a guild to put his orc in, as per his now tarnished reputation.
Moving on, stalking? I've spoken with Pagdash once (who is the GM of the Wartotem tribe now, for those of you who don't know) and that's it. I haven't even been online in the past 2 weeks. School is about to start up in a couple of days and I've been working nonstop since late November. I've been on less than a handful of times, most of which I've just logged onto Maul and sat him in the Valley of Honor while I did other shit off the game. I implore you to show the screenshots of my so-called "harassment" or "stalking." If you want, I can help you fabricate a couple of screenshots so it doesn't seem so pathetic. Seriously, I'm down to help a homie out.
Take a breath guys, it's almost over. This is just the part where I speak out against those that claim I'm discriminatory or prejudiced against any religion / ethnicity / sexual orientation / gender. Again, there's absolutely no evidence out there that would support these allegations, but I'll go ahead and take the bait. As Dezka mentioned before, I myself am of mixed descent. I'm an immigrant to the United States. I have countless homosexual and transsexual friends. I am a conservative from a political -- not social -- standpoint. I'd be happy to get into the specifics of what I do or don't believe to those who are interested, but you'll have to hit me up. I'll just leave it with I ultimately believe everyone has a right to do whatever the hell they want; if it doesn't affect me, I don't care.
Someone here (also posted anonymously - it's as if they're not confident enough to show their face while shitposting me) accused me of exhibiting anti-Muslim tendencies. This is false. I have and will continue to treat Muslims the same way I treat everyone else, because that's the decent thing to do. Even though I personally believe that the fundamentals of Islam are sexist / homophobic and have caused the rise of many extremely violent radical terrorist groups, I do NOT believe that every Muslim is a terrorist. That would be ridiculous. Most Muslims in the world have more or less adhered to the social expectations of whatever country they've immigrated to, which is great. I'm great friends with several Muslims that agree completely with my perspective and don't condone the subjugation of woman and the slaughtering of homosexuals in these Middle Eastern cultures. Sorry if that's too extreme for you.
Additionally, all of these political discussions took place in a channel called the "Ice Box," where everyone was explicitly informed TIME and TIME again that the subject material would be sensitive. Even then, there was never any harassment that I was made aware of, and absolutely nobody was discriminated against based on the color of their skin or what religion they practiced.
At the end of the day, there is very few people who dislike me. As I said before, I'm sure they have their reasons, and I respect that. Hell, I don't harbor any negative feelings for these bozos simply because I couldn't hold a grudge to save my life. But I'm not going to let you talk shit without dishing some back myself, nom' sayin'? I do find it amusing that now that I'm out of the picture game-wise, I'm being called out. I haven't played consistently at all in the past two months, and now you guys decided to take a swing. No evidence, I must point out once more. Not a single shred.
Also, what the anon posted about Skorest was of his own doing. They asked for my screenshots multiple times, but I simply wasn't around at the time. And while I personally don't care what you guys post in your Discords, I find it funny that there seems to be a double standard here. You accuse me of being a scumbag WITHOUT evidence, and then backpedal about your own actions when proof is provided of your exploits.
Face it, bud. You're a glutton for drama. You've said it yourself multiple times and even take pride in being a "guild killer." Good on you for dismantling the Shadowtusk tribe, of course, because pedophilia is disgusting. But where it concerns the Irontusk, you just didn't get your way. We had that conversation after everything was said and done, and you crumbled under the pressure as I expected you would, telling me to go "kill myself" when it was evident you were losing badly, then you ran off into another channel. I followed. You banned me. Since then, we've had no contact until now. If you really want to venture down this road, just know I'm strapping up the boxing gloves right now :^) I promise you I can disprove every illegitimate point that you make.
I'll leave it with a firm apology, though. If I've caused all of you anons enough strife to warrant an entire wall of posts, then I must've affected you blokes on some intense emotional level then. In all seriousness, I don't mean any harm to anyone, and even though the tone of my post is a little sarcastic and satirical, I'm really not a bad dude. You can either take the word (still no evidence) of people who very clearly and very blatantly hate me, or you can form your own opinion like an adult.
It's what separates the sheep from the shepherd.
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thiefking · 3 years
the kurosawas are probably the most detached from the rest of the Oc Web because they already have the hayashis to hang out with and kouki & nora are not the best at socializing (kouki wishes he could be. nora does not give a shit) the only other oc that i own that is definitely pre-established friend of theirs is mia...
okay this post got like really long hold on. oc relationship web (the self-insular version where it’s all My Own ocs except for a brief mention of katsuya/nate’s not-husband and the above mention of the hayashis) under the cut
haruka and zagreus (i literallydreamed the character concept and name up before i even knew a single thing about that one game. i dreamed i was a motorcyclist named zagreus and i went that’s fun i’ll make that real. let me live.) are bffs and also very friendly and easygoing people so they pretty much tie every other oc together in one big friendship web, but even more importantly there’s already an established connection to pull in my OTHER social recluse, because zagreus’s royal advisor/older sister figure is ophelia, who is the Biological older sister of nate, and as soon as ophelia and nate are reunited and zagreus finds out about it he’s obviously going to adopt nate as basically his brother and then through zagreus nate also meets ein and haruka and through haruka he meets the babbages. this is the giant web here
i also know that eventually nate and the kurosawas will be friends and i think haruka and nora would make good pals because haruka is like perfectly built to handle nora’s standoffishness... really my biggest trouble is connecting mia to the oc friendship web because she’s very picky about her company and she’s too aloof to maintain actual connections with most people. the only ones i can think of are loose “she’d be chill with zagreus” and “she would assume her being very vulgar and irreverent would piss nate off so she does that on purpose near him but he seems more than okay with it and in fact may even have a chuckle so she’d decide he’s also fine” and “she would be okay with rin (babbage) and ein thinking she’s cool because they Would think she’s cool as hell and mia agrees. but she’d be like errrmmm... no... if any attempt was made to get her to babysit. even though she’d do a decent job of it and isn’t actually as bad with kids as she thinks she is”
also i think thOH RIGHT and ophelia and nora and zagreus obviously have to become friends because they all like jojo. okay anyway i think zagreus and mia would be the most tickled with the fact that nate is this very serious-looking regal prettyboy whose wardrobe makes him look like he’s constantly cosplaying a vampire and/or miles edgeworth and speaks in a generally calm and verbose manner is:
Incredibly Clueless about like... generally accepted concepts like theme parks, roller coasters, anime conventions, video games/pokemon, and if you introduce him to any of these he approaches them with the same straightfaced curiosity and if you ask him questions you get to find out how many things he’s getting wrong. for example he thinks that “voltorb” is what the trainer he’s fighting named their little round pet. like he’d think it was Mr. Voltorb and Ms. Oddish and not realize that it’s a species name. and also he thinks that people getting stopped for pictures at disneyland is just something that happens there and the people all dressed up in their princess/prince outfits are just dressed like that casually because he also showed up dressed similarly and ALSO keeps getting stopped for photos. so he’s like “i see, so it’s a social norm in this town (he thinks disneyland is a town) to expect photographs. understood”
not only is he Not scandalized by hearing the word fuck he himself will occasionally say it. furthermore so long as he actually understands it he will laugh at dirty jokes. more esoteric ones/ones that you can only understand through internet exposure he won’t understand but if you teach him he’ll laugh
related to the above he’s never given up teasing ophelia for accidentally referring to zagreus’s mom as a milf and will very quickly inform people that she did that within the first half hour of reuniting with him after a full decade of neither of them seeing each other and ophelia is tormented by it (and the fact that because she refused to tell him what milf meant, he then asked his not-husband katsuya to define it, said not-husband being someone ophelia had JUST met for the FIRST TIME EVER the same day, who now knew two things about her: she’s nate’s sister and she has the hots for her boss’s mom)
he is willing to attempt to try referencing memes. he does not do it correctly 99% of the time and is strangely verbose about it or just says it with entirely the wrong cadence
has a very easily capitalized-upon curiosity just in general and will not question most requests to do something and will just be like Okay.
this is also all stuff that the rest of the crew would find fairly funny/endearing about him (save for kouki maybe because he and nate are basically on the same wavelength and get along more based on similar personalities and haruka just kinda likes Everyone) but mia and zagreus actively.... i guess exploit? these traits for comedic purposes the most
weirdly i feel like nora wouldn’t exploit it much but maybe it’s because again nate is similar to kouki and nora doesn’t tend to “exploit” any of kouki’s traits, kouki is usually in on whatever nora is trying to do (or at least they have a mutual understanding that they can use each other’s traits to their own advantages and even if they don’t know the plan necessarily they’re aware of what they might need to play up or even just Continue Doing)
nate is like... he’s fine with being handed things and told Do Something With This and given no further instruction. and if he’s laughed at when he says/does something that he didn’t intend to be funny he’s not embarrassed he’s just like “? is that wrong?” and doesn’t take it to heart. but he and mia/zagreus wouldn’t be on the same wavelength of what’s going on (or at least have wildly different perspectives on it?) the way kouki and nora are, mia/zagreus are getting some (friendly, good-spirited) comedy out of nate being the strange little man that he is and nate is usually getting a genuine learning experience that just happens to be very comedic for everyone around him
that also i think is an important difference between the two, nate is much more resistant to being embarrassed than kouki is in most situations. nate is capable of being very casually intimate/physically affectionate with katsuya (though he also doesn’t realize how blatantly romantic it is. once he’s like oh my god i am in gay love with him THAT is when he’s SLIGHTLY flustered about it but it very quickly goes back to not being embarrassing at all for him) and while nate can have his moments of “aw fuck a social blunder” he’s usually more... deeply saddened in an instant than embarrassed. kouki will get embarrassed more by much less and will ALSO be sad about it afterwards, he’s also like Genuinely Shy on top of being lonely and bad at speaking, as opposed to nate who is exceedingly lonely but not necessarily Afraid of talking to/approaching people. he’s just bad at being casual which makes it hard to make friends. kouki and nate are also on complete opposite ends of the verboseness spectrum and yet both ends have the same result of “friend-making very hard”
the plus side though is nate and kouki would be friends super easily because kouki wouldn’t find nate intimidating (actually he’d probably be scoping out whether nate Deserves To Get Robbed or if the hammer of justice need not be swung this time) and both of them are so Autism-Having that the other one’s social awkwardness does not affect them at all. actually itmakes it even better for both of them because nate can ask kouki 5 million questions and kouki can just answer with “*nods head* mm.” or “*shakes head* mm.” and nate’s like “excellent he’s answering my questions and doesn’t look scared this conversation is going great” and kouki islike “wow i can’t believe he’s still talking to me even though i’m barely saying anything this conversation is going great” and nate can infodump all he likes and kouki doesn’t have to stress out about trying to speak “better” because nate doesn’t expect/need him to
i also think it works well because kouki says So Very Little sometimes that it gets insanely vague (ironically enough he tries to only say the important words so that it ISN’T vague because he thinks the more words he says the more likely he is to be misunderstood. like more words = more opportunities to be misconstrued) but nate has no issue with basically rephrasing what kouki said with more words filled in to confirm what he meant and kouki can just be like Yeah or No It’s More Like _ and nate will be like ah i see and it just goes on as normal. which is i think a rarity for kouki because usually nora would be the one to translate kouki-isms and if nora isn’t there kouki would have to sit there thinking really hard about making sure the sentence is as clear as possible and get kind of nervous about being wrong about how clear it is, but nate is not easily offended and doesn’t look Visibly Confused by kouki-isms so kouki is in turn more comfortable and confident
likewise nora would be initially as distrustful of nate as he is with everyone but as soon as he realizes how similar to kouki he is AND that nate and kouki get along nora’ll be really chill with him. even moreso when he makes similar discoveries as mia irt “oh he actually is nowhere near as stuffy as he looks i guess he just dresses fancy”. also i think nora would still do something Adjacent to the mia/zagreus hijinks of giving nate something to do just to see how he reacts, nate and nora have a clearer understanding that if nora asks nate to do something they both know that it’s just for Funny Purposes and nate doesn’t get like... nutritional value out of it it’s just like nora asks him to read something (like just Read it with his eyes or read it aloud) and nate is like ah i’m going to be exposed to very strange words again aren’t i. mia and zagreus would do that sort of thing too it’s all part of the “funny ways to use nate’s strange little traits” umbrella it’s just that nora doesn’t partake in most of the other ways (at least not most of the time anyway. i think he would also be the type to lie to nate about what words/internet terms mean though)
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