4mumy · 2 years
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Part: 02 Worst Foods and Best Foods To Eat Before Sleeping By Dr. Willie Ong Best Foods To Eat: 1. Best: Bananas. Bananas contain tryptophan and carbohydrates which helps the brain to produce more serotonin. These chemicals make you feel calmer and more relaxed. Bananas lessen stress and anxiety too. 2. Best: Take a light meal 2 hours before bedtime. A light serving of rice, vegetables and fish is good for your digestion. There is wisdom to the saying, “No food intake after 6 P.M.” We want to give your body enough time to digest the food before you sleep. This will also lessen symptoms of hyperacidity and GERD (Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease). 3. Best: Sweet potato. Sweet potatoes contain healthy and sleep-inducing complex carbohydrates. Sweet potatoes are also excellent sources of fiber, vitamins B6, C and E, folate and potassium. 4. Best: Oatmeal and cereals. Instead of a rice meal, you may choose a light bedtime snack consisting of a bowl of oatmeal or fortified cereal. Oatmeal contains vitamin B6 and helps the body produce melatonin, a substance which promotes sleep. You may add slices of banana and milk to create a perfect sleep-inducing combination. Just avoid putting too much sugar. 5. Best: Milk. Your parents may have given you a glass of warm milk to help you sleep at night. There’s a scientific basis for this because milk contains the amino acid tryptophan. This chemical is converted into serotonin, which makes us happier and more relaxed. 6. Best: Chamomile Tea. Warm chamomile tea is a perfect relaxation drink. It relaxes the stomach muscles and its fragrant smell calms you down. #worstfoodever #sleeptips #sleeptipsandtricks #sleeptip Read part:03 (at U.S.A new.york) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ4Z54xsHdc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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adanias · 5 years
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When you made the wrong choice of restaurant you better laugh... . . . #worstfoodever #goodcompany ❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/B4P8by8pLrb/?igshid=17k8g4tdfch86
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genshinkandojo-blog · 7 years
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It’s the end of Spring, and we had some great test to celebrate the season.  The next several pics will be from actual test and the preparation leading up to some fantastic moments.  6th Kyu, Pass @sogenerative #worstpizzaever #veganpizza #boots #fakecheese #grosspizza #worstfoodever #thehorror #notaste #sosincere #earnest #dao'sfavoritetarget #watchoutforDao ➡️ @huedaodacat (at Zenshinkai Aikido Of Manhattan: Genshinkan Dojo)
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cartoonnetwork · 9 years
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Have you ever tasted a crushed dream? It tastes A LOT like ramen taco.
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dailystarlights · 9 years
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Journal Prompt 075. Describe, in full detail, your experience with the most disgusting thing you have ever eaten. What was that food? Was it even food? How long ago was this? Does this affect your current eating habits?
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4mumy · 2 years
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Worst Foods and Best Foods To Eat Before Sleeping By Dr. Willie Ong Sleep is important for our bodies to heal and get energized. Hence, you have to be careful what you eat at night so you can gain a restful sleep. Here is a list of the worst foods and the best foods to eat before bedtime: Worst Foods To Eat: 1. Worst: Cheeseburger and steak. A high protein and a high fat diet can cause problems in your digestion. Too much oily foods will make your stomach secrete more acid, which can lead to heartburn and hyperacidity. Moreover, fatty foods are difficult to digest and stays longer in the stomach. 2. Worst: Eating too much food. There is a saying that goes, “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.” This makes a lot of sense because a light meal at night (around 200 calories only) in gentler on your digestion. We don’t want your stomach churning on a 16-ounce steak while you’re trying to sleep. 3. Worst: Spicy foods like curry, chili and hot sauce. Spicy foods are known to cause indigestion and heartburn. A study in Australia shows that people who used hot sauce and mustard on their food had a harder time sleeping compared to those who ate blander food. 4. Worst: Alcoholic drinks. There is a misconception that alcohol helps you sleep. Yes, it’s true that alcohol will make you doze off. However, studies also show that these people are prone to having nightmares, and would wake up several times a night. Instead of looking refreshed in the morning, the alcoholic will wake up looking haggard and with a terrible headache. 5. Worst: Coffee and Energy drinks. Caffeine-containing beverages may keep you awake and stimulate the nervous system. If you drink coffee too close to bedtime, chances are you will not be able to sleep. Energy drinks are much worse because they contain 4 times the caffeine content as compared to a cup of coffee. A can of energy drink contains about 80 milligrams of caffeine. 6. Worst: Soft drinks. Aside from its caffeine contains, soda has loads of sugar in the form of high-fructose corn syrup. Too much sugar can make you restless at night. #worstfoodever #sleeptips #sleeptipsandtricks #bestfoodaftersleep (at U.S.A new.york) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ4Zgn1sSTr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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johnnylaundry-blog · 11 years
Raisin' Hell: How Raisins are Ruining America
Raisins that are so often discarded, abandoned and rejected, like the misfits that find themselves in the depths of seat cushions with moldy cheerios and loose change. It might be time we revoke the raisin’s membership to the world of food.
How did they come up with the raisin? Did we not have enough uses for the grape? Let’s think about this a second and realize what grapes have provided us thus far:
Grapes off the vine: Delicious, juicy, sweet.
Wine: Gets you drunk.
Grape jelly: Partners well with peanut butter. Friends with toast.
Now, ask yourself, why would we lower the standards of an already-good-fruit a pebbled-size piece of crap that isn’t delicious, has a horrible texture, doesn’t partner well will peanut butter…ANNNND doesn’t get you drunk?
My only answer would be this: A Residual Cold-War Conspiracy.
Raisins have infiltrated our supermarkets, our children, and good food, like: cookies, breads, cereal, and trail-mix. Have you ever bit into a chocolate-chip, oatmeal cookie, only to find out those weren’t chocolate chips, but instead raisins? You probably almost puked! Them limey bastards moseyed right into your cookie without you even knowing it! They are masters of the disguise!
Now, my recent encounter was probably the most heart-wrenching. Lately, I’ve been on a fitness kick so I decided to buy some trail mix. My thought was, Mmm, trail-mix, a snack that’s sort of healthy! Better than, let’s say, Munchies or Doritos! Well, I’ll be damned if my plan was foiled by these lil’ sons-o’bitchs! There I was, standing in the Target snack aisle when I came across a giant bucket of trail-mix, practically glowing with awesomeness! So I lean in, go for a better look, thinking, Holy hell! A trail mix with peanuts, cashews, cereal, and chocolate chips! You can imagine my face melting from gleeful smirk to absolute disgust when I found out those weren’t chocolate chips, but instead…
You guess it!
Raisins. (insert stock photo of raisin box with devil horns on it)
That’s right, Target’s “Monster Trail Mix” has raisins. These effers have made the big time at company that prides itself in catering to soccer moms and college students. They’re manipulating our youth! They went from little red boxes (red, clearly meaning “Alert! Alert!”) to a giant tub of trail mix titled “Monster Trail Mix!” Although the title is a bit fitting, considering their role in my life has been monstrous, but regardless, they tried to trick me yet again.
And so, here I am, without trail-mix and continually perplexed by the prominent existence of raisins in our lives.
God help us.
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lifeless-sins-blog · 11 years
Greek yogurt
Me-takes bite* wtf this is gross mom lied this is not better than other yogurts wtf is this shit
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