#worm food (baphomet)
rayix · 1 month
I really really like baphomet so you like…. You should like… tell me three interesting facts about them.
(Not so I can draw them.. obviously- totally not…)
How about instead of three interesting facts I offer you three lame ones?
1: They have three forms. One is his small, plush like appearance that he uses as his main. Second is a mixture of the first form with a more goat appearance. (Second form below) and his last one isn't drawn yet but I do have designs in mind! It will be a more terrifying, bigger version.
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2: (this one is just their backstory and stuff)
Baphomet was one of three stoned statues that sat in hell. Two were much bigger than himself since he was a much younger baphomet. The other two statues were heavily chipped and a bit decayed. He was brought back to his immortality state by the Devil for assistance and to be another henchmen. If you have ever played/seen the game Twilight Princess, I based their personality and character mainly on the character Midna. He is a tricky, mischievous immortal being but means well in the end even if they start off seen as villainous. He was awaken to keep Mugman away from Cuphead by Devil. That way, it would be easier to get ahold of the red cup brother. At first Mugman did not like nor trust the goat creature of course, as he is sceptical and he knew things were up in their first introduction.
Many of Baphomet's attempts were met with questions. Despite being sent to be a menace to the cups, Baphomet eventually took a liking to Mugsy and his brother (as Chalice did) and started to disobey his original purpose and protects them from his boss's traps. He mainly follows Mugman a lot and sees him as a close friend. Like baphomets; Baphomet is a balance of good and evil.
(sooo yeah they are kind of a rip off of Chalice shoosh 👁️👁️-)
3: They find comfort in companionship. Being in a stoned state, Baphomet finds happiness in talking to anything wether it'd be rocks, plants, food, worms, or living beings. They like to be with someone and dislikes being alone for too long. They can also be very possessive.
4: (bonus? Idk) Baphomet can do both black magic and umbraquinesis. As he gets older and bigger, he will have more abilities like baphomets actually do.
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hrodvitnon · 2 months
Was wondering if you had any thoughts as to the looks/personalities of the unseen Titans? (Baphomet, Typhon, Leviathan, Yamato no Orochi, Bunyip, Sekhmet , Abbadon, Quetzalcoatl, Margygr, Mokele-Mnembe)
Also curious if you have any thoughts on how Canazotz, Amhuluk, Shinomura, and Na Kika work in the Abraxasverse?
Oh dear, those mystery monsters can be a bit challenging to have thoughts on because the available information we have is limited, but I do remember drawing a take on Mokele-Mbembe and Kraken way back in 2020 when the art requests were open. (Keep an eye on that, the requests might open soon if work hours remain chill~)
As for how they might work in the AbraxasVerse, let's see...
Godzilla: Dominion may have labeled Na Kika a Destroyer, but in AbraxasVerse is among the more intelligent Titans owing to their cephalopod nature as well as having multiple brains; they're content to be left alone and not cause unnecessary trouble, but will make their displeasure known in a passive-aggressive manner (think an octopus in captivity finding a bad fish in its food and escaping the tank just to yeet the fish in question at a handler and go back inside).
Amhuluk is more or less the same in AbraxasVerse as he was depicted in Dominion; he's a hostile little shit. Sometimes he'll cause trouble and encroach an opposing Titan's territory, but thanks to a suggestion from Rick Stanton regarding a weakness to "certain alpha frequencies" it's relatively easy to scare him off just by blasting music from external speakers (or if Monster X is around and is dealing with a particularly annoying ear worm).
Camazotz is also unchanged from Kingdom Kong to AbraxasVerse; he sticks to his territory in dark caverns within the Hollow Earth, and after his disastrous battle against Kong and Monster X he frequently enters states of torpor to conserve energy. Unexpectedly, he and his giant bat swarm have a surprise benefit for everyone: his swarm can quickly awaken him with echolocation if something enters his territory, and sometimes that something might be a remnant of the Many that stumbles into the swarm looking to accumulate biomass. Depending on how many Many constructs appear, Camazozt's swarm will suffer casualties but can also quickly overwhelm the Many constructs in turn, rendering them unable to recover and cause trouble. All that needs to be done next is send out a sonic call to something like Monster X to incinerate the remains. Interactions between Camazotz and Monster X in this context are cordial, if riddled with barbs.
Seeing as Shinomura was vaporized in Godzilla: Awakening, I see no reason to alter history to suit a Somehow, Shinomura Has Returned moment for AbraxasVerse.
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spyroid101 · 10 months
may I ask if any of the demons have specific romantic preferences? I imagine most of them don't/don't care for parings at all but I'm actually very curious. I'm assuming parings like banbalena and banban were only because the summoners wanted to pair them, but It would be interesting to see if any of the demons actually have thought about and considered being in an actual relationship with another demon (or maybe even a human??? Not sure how that would go over, but it doesnt seem like all of them want to rip you into tiny bits so maybe?)
In world lore general? Oh, yes! Sapient Demons and Angels are fully capable of falling in love and forming relationships, among their own kind or others, along with some that just prefer to indulge their needs in casual flings.
Just in general long term relationships with Earthbornes is... kinda a dicey subject, since there's a 99.99% chance said Demon or Angel is gonna outlive that Earthborne... but hey, if one wants put up with a Long Distance Relationship on steroids that can only end in tragedy, there's no law saying they CAN'T, so long as they're still doing their job.
Now, in specifics...
-Characters I'm not touching on this subject with a 50 foot poll-
Jumbo Josh- Is a child. (What? You thought an ADULT Behemoth would fit inside a school building? OH, SWEET SUMMER CHILD)
The Naughty Ones- Are also children.
Castor (The name I'm going with unless they give the Opila chick a name in 4)- While their True Form is an adult, by contract, right now, they are reverted to both being physically and mentally a child, so I'm not gonna be opening that can of worms.
Tamataki & Chamataki- Not a sapient species.
ANYWHO! Besides those:
The Jester is bound to Queen Bouncelia. It is...absolutely NOT a healthy relationship...
Tarta and Opila by chance do happen to know each other from before getting summoned up. Their relationship is... complicated? Best way to describe it is "rival married".
Z̵̮̋ò̷̻l̶̬̿p̴͖̈h̴͉̾ï̷̩u̷͕͂s̸̙̅ ̶̞͐h̶̘̕a̷̽ͅs̵̘͊ ̵̙͋a̶̘͌ ̷̨̈́w̷͓͌i̸̠͐f̸̻͝e̷̹͐.̸̣̒
And indeed, Banban and Banbaleena are only "Together" in the in-universe made up mascot lore of the school, in reality she H A T E S him, and he's TERRIFIED of her.
On his own, though, Banban's been in a few relationships with humans in his lifetime as a Baphomet. Just a handful, though. That whole inevitable outcome of "You're gonna outlive them by a LONG SHOT" thing... hits him pretty hard when it does happen...
Banbaleena has no interest in romance outside of using it for manipulation to get what she wants, which absolutely is not limited to just other demons. The bonus of toying with Earthborne sinners is that they sometimes get so desperate with their short lives, that they'll literally sign a contract allowing her to crush their spirits and kill them at the end of it, after all~
Nabnab's fully Aro/Ace. His love is delicious delicious food~ (AKA bones of beings that are still alive)
Nabnaleena's solely interested in other demons in terms of relationships... and that usually doesn't last very long, since... she also very much loves food... and will happily see said relationship partner as 'food' before 'partner'.
The Fiddles are all a small part of a polycule that 99.98% of all Nightmares alive are in. Only Lucifer knows HOW that even managed to happen/keep happening, but no one questions it. Sometimes sleeping humans and other beings get pulled along with the ride for a bit. They're all very chill and free flowing about things, like the very flow of dreams themselves.
Flynn's open to relationships, Demon, Angel, and Human alike! ...Just the bar he has is set SO HIGH, the amount he's ever had happen are few and far between... And the few humans that have managed to catch interest ended up doing something stupid dangerous out at sea and dying as a result...
Seline's also open to relationships, just hasn't found the right one yet. Unfortunately, after all this, her considering humans with that is... unlikely, to say the least...
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wolven-maw · 10 months
digging the hell out of this rn
trans girls make the best black metal sorry it's just facts. we're literally baphomet
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raeynbowboi · 5 years
Dating Disney: The Black Cauldron
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The Black Cauldron is a 1985 Grimdark fantasy movie based primarily on the first two novels of the Chronicles of Prydain series by Lloyd Alexander written between 1964-1968. A primary reference and inspiration behind the series being the Mabinogion, a collection of early Celtic myths written in Middle Welsh. The character names also follow a Welsh naming conventions as Fflewdder Fflam uses the “Double F” found in the Welsh language, as a single F by itself makes a [v] sound in the Welsh language. The name Taran is also Welsh, meaning Thunder. So the movie is very neatly rooted in Wales, or Welsh-speaking Albion.
The Mabinogion
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The Mabinogion is comprised of 4 main branches recounting Welsh mythology, compiled in the late 12th-13th centuries based on older oral traditions likely dating back to some time between 1050-1225. However, there are many suggestions as to when the stories might date from. (To hear a story from the Mabinogion, check out Red’s summary of Pwyll, Prince of Dyfed.)
Now, you may be wondering “why is there only 1 book on all Welsh mythology?” and I’m glad you hypothetically asked because it’s time to blame the Christians. Seriously, because Celtic mythology is loaded with god-like figures, Christian interpreters when they came to Albion censored or outright destroyed stories that implied that there was more than their God. Figures such as the Irish Tuatha de Dannan, which were godlike ancestral figures, had to be recontexualized as Faeries, Spirits, or Angels in order to avoid censorship by the Christian monks who transcribed these myths. Brigid, a very important Irish goddess, was Christianized into the figure of Saint Bridgette. This was actually an attempt by Christian missionaries to ease the pagans into Christianity. Essentially the mindset of “yeah, you can worship your holy figures, but uh, cut it out with the holy divine aspect. We can’t have that. They’re clearly not as top tier as our God.” 
You may remember from my Sword in the Stone discussion that I mentioned that Rome occupied Albion before Christianity wormed its way in, and you may be wondering, were the Romans this bad? Haha, clearly you underestimate how awful medieval Christians were. No, the Romans just viewed foreign pantheons as extensions of their pantheon. You have a sun god? So do we. It must be the same god with a different name. This is what’s referred to as Interpretatio Romana. So the Celtic Sun God Belenus would be referred to by the Romans as Apollo Belenus. It’s the same god, but the Roman name always came first. Compared to what is known as Interpretatio Christiana, which boils down to ‘you’re worshiping Satan in the form of a false idol. Stop that.’ So, when I say that our lack of written accounts of Welsh mythology is entirely the fault of the Christians, I’m completely sincere in that statement because the Romans didn’t censor Celtic myths or history, only the Christians did.
The Black Cauldron and Mythological Parallels
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It might sound like a generic fantasy name, but the name Prydain actually comes from the Welsh name for Great Britain, Prydain Fawr. Unfortunately, the term Great Britain dates to 1707. However, Prydain is also the medieval name for the island, as the Welsh never referred to the Island as Albion.
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Literally meaning “Old White” in Welsh, Henwen is a sow under the care of Coll, a pigkeeper for Dallwyr Dallben. In the Chronicles of Prydain, Coll is a character, but in the Disney film, Taran seems to have absorbed Coll’s role as pigkeeper. However, the fact that he refers to himself as an assistant pigkeeper could still mean that he is ranked below an off-screen Coll. However, the Henwen of Welsh mythology could not predict the future. It was known that Henwen was to birth something terrible, and so she was chased off a cliff into the sea in Cornwall. She survived however and went on to give birth to many unusual things, including a cat, a wolf, an eagle, and a single grain each of wheat, rye, and barley. And three bees. I really wish I was making this up.
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Gurgi’s name might take inspiration from Gwrgi Garwlwyd, whose name literally means man-dog rough-grey. He was a warrior in Welsh Arthurian Legend, and was possibly a werewolf. Gwrgi was a monster that killed a man every day, and two on Saturday so he would not kill on Sunday. The Gurgi in the books is far more monstrous looking with horns, but Gurgi in the Disney film retains the dog-like traits of Gwrgi.
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The Black Cauldron
Known in Welsh mythology as Pair Dadeni or “the Cauldron of Rebirth”, it is referenced in the second branch of the Mabinogion. Like in the movie, the cauldron has the power to revive the dead, and is destroyed when a living person is thrown into it, in the mythological case, Efnisien pretends to be a corpse and is thrown into the cauldron for revival, causing the cauldron to be destroyed. There are other similar magical cauldrons in Welsh and Irish mythology, including the cauldrons of Arawn and Diwrnach, which would not boil the food of cowards, and Ceriddwen’s Cauldron of Inspiration, which caused those who drank from it to gain infinite wisdom. There is also The Cauldron of the Dagda in Irish mythology. One of the 4 Treasures of the Tuatha de Dannan, the Cauldron of the Dagda was stored in the mythical city of Muirius, and no man would ever leave the cauldron hungry, for it produced infinite food.
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The Horned King
In the novels, the Horned King is a minor villain, subjugated to Arawn, God of Death. However, in Welsh mythology, Arawn is not a death god. Rather, Arawn is king of Annwn, the Welsh Otherworld. Aka, the Faerieworld. See, this is another example of Christians mucking up translations and trying to force other religions to reflect Christianity, so Annwn is often treated as the Underworld of Celtic mythology, but considering Pwyll wanders into Annwn completely by accident, I don’t think that’s how it was interpreted in traditional texts. The Horned King may also draw inspiration from the Horned God, Cernunnos. Little is known about Cernunnos due to being a very ancient god, but his role as a horned god of the wilderness has historians guessing that he’s one of the oldest gods or divine archetypes in human history, as ancient horned gods pop up with surprising regularity in older religions: namely Baphomet and Pan. Cernunnos is also sometimes but not always folded in with the figure of the All-Father as a sort of father to all creation in Gallo-Celtic paganism. Cernunnos is often regarded as a god of nature and the wilds, but is also a psychopomp god that guides the dead to the afterlife, and maybe is also a god of death and rebirth as a part of life. Again, this is kind of very uncertain because of just how ancient Cernunnos is, so don’t take this interpretation as law. But despite how uncertain we are about what all this figure represents, he’s a very interesting deity none-the-less, and very likely contributed to the Christian idea of the devil as a horned figure with goat legs. As a seemingly undead creature, the Horned King may draw parallels to a creature known as a Revenant. A creature found in Celtic folklore, a Revenant is a vengeful undead that seeks to torment all life until it has found the person who wronged it while it was alive and exacts its revenge. However, it should be noted that in the books, the Horned King is a living man wearing a horned skull mask, whereas the movie version is very clearly a corpse.
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Taran’s Sword
In Welsh mythology, the sword Dyrnwyn belonged to the great king Rhydderch Hael, and when held by a worthy man would glow with fire. In the books, Taran’s sword is indeed referred to as Dyrnwyn. Similarly, alongside the Cauldron of the Dagda, another treasure of the Tuatha de Dannan is the Claiomh Solais or the Sword of Light, housed in the mythical city of Findias. This may also be the mythical origin of Excalibur, though scholars have not made a direct, perfect connection.
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With so much of the story pulling from the single source of the Mabinogion, we can boil down the likely setting to around when the stories were written as our general setting. Luckily, we can roughly guestimate to about when the Mabinogion might originate from, and the general look of the movie seems to match with this time setting. So, we’re looking at about 1050-1225, around the time that the stories in the Mabinogion might have started to be told, thus inspiring the events in the film.
Setting: Prydain (Wales/Isle of Britain) Kingdom: Kingdom of Prydain Era: High Middle Ages (1000-1250) Year: 1050-1225 AD Language: Middle Welsh
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