#worlds okayest mom grand prize
lesbiankoby · 20 days
failmom rouge save me……. failmom rouge……. save me failmom rouge
I'M REALLY FLATTERED YOU LIKE IT SO MUCH... i just think the idea of surviving a tragic pretty dead mom backstory only to have no godforsaken idea of how to actually raise a baby is deeply deeply funny. trying to not actively contradict what little we see of her in canon is :cries: though... [shakes her until she has a coherent internal monologue] i really need to sit down and just set in stone a bunch of consistent character flaws to build the rest of her dialogue around so it sounds. not samey.
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doodleferp · 4 years
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Here’s some starter-pack information about Look-See and his son. I do apolgize if any of this seems cringey to you, I want to try and keep canon characters as in-character as possible, but I also want to have fun with this concept.
Look-See has been awarded grand prize for World’s Okayest Dad. He’s not a bad parent, per say... but there’s a reason why he’s not allowed to supervise Atticus for extended periods of time.
Atticus thinks his dad is the cat’s pajamas. A strong parental figure that always keeps his word and holds people accountable for their actions? He wants to be like him when he grows up — and the route he’s going, that’s probably what’s going to happen.
Play fighting started when Atticus was seven and you have my absolute guarantee it’s only going to get more violent as he gets older. It sounds questionable, but given that these two are monsters it makes some sense.
After a few years of roughhousing with his father, Atticus once tried to roughhouse with a kid at school and ended up taking their arm off. No more roughhousing outside of a family setting.
He used to watch Atticus sleep. This isn’t an exaggeration — he was so paranoid that something would come and kill his son in the middle of the night that he literally stood over Atticus’s bed and watch him sleep for the first seven or eight years of his life.
They have similar views that Atticus’s mom must be protected from other monsters. It’s not exactly unheard of for humans to offer themselves to monsters, but they usually die after the experience. Atticus’s birth is an oddity in itself, and that’s gonna attract a lot of attention.
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