#work in progress. enjoy!
gummi-ships · 10 months
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Worlds of Kingdom Hearts
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gabe-lovebot · 2 months
councilor 3D model
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i learnt 3d modelling from the ground up to bring him to life. he's yours now. do whatever you want with him
please credit me if you make something using the model (or even ping/link me to it, i would love to see what you made!)
currently available as a .blend, .fbx and an SFM port.
#hello councilnation i'm finally releasing him to the wild#have fun playing toys with him#ultrakill#councilor#councilor ultrakill#3d stuff#obviously with the councilor having just 1 full body image of him means that some stuff i had to improvise on#so you get to enjoy my headcanons on how he looks#(like obviously the wings & halo)#(but also the chestplate design)#but did you know that the councilor's canon design has subtle engravings on his forearm armor pieces?#i only barely noticed them when painting textures and i was floored#i had to add them#to the sfm anon and whoever else wants to use this for sfm stuff-#i did my best with a port for sfm and i'm quite proud of the result#but please be aware i have never used it before so if you find that something doesn't work as it should please please let me know!!#gonna pour my heart out in tags as always so close your eyes if you don't wanna see me being sentimental but#i'm not kidding when i say i learnt 3d modelling from the ground up for this#i have meddled with blender before but never actually came close to finishing a project#and i don't know how i did it and how i kept going#(i do know) (it was my friend encouraging me every time i showed him progress)#this was like 1 entire month in the making#but i'm so fucking proud of this and how it turned out and people's tags in my act 2 render genuinely were such a huge confidence boost#so thank you guys for liking it <3#i'm still very much thinking of doing a version with just his bloodied head#but it might take a while because i want a break and i want to play warframe
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missingexaltation · 2 years
Steve and Eddie making fun of each other through each other's hobbies like:
"Aww what's wrong baby boy? You look a bit down, do you want me to take you to the park so you can run around outside in the fresh air and throw your ball around?"
"Aww babe, do you need me to get your dice so you can roleplay out your feelings instead of talking through them?"
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artsyunderstudy · 1 month
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You Never Kiss Me When You're Sober
Rating: Explicit
Words: ~3.8k
Chapters: 1/6
Baz and Simon have been roommates since their first year of uni, and they've hated each other for just as long. Well, Simon certainly hates Baz. Baz, of course, is completely and utterly and hopelessly in love. And a few drunken kisses turned snog session turned rutting against their shared flat door can't possibly change that. Right?
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gascansposts · 2 months
Hmmm yes colors
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I gotta do scar maps and also full body stuffs next! And outfit changes (mostly for Gid and Gricko (Hootsie too but that’s a given)) which means research! Fun!! I. Thinking of giving hootsie a little Chest plate and gauntlets for when she gets knighted by the fairy dragon (forgot his name) uhhhh feel free to use as pfps or like. Whatever really, just give credit if your using my exact designs or using these drawings please.
Also also (a lil unrelated but still) I might be able to take commissions soon!! Which like- awesomesauce tbh. I‘ve been thinking about doing commissions for a while and while I don’t know how they work or what sites to use or literally anything about how it works I’m definitely excited to try! I‘d like y’all’s views on if you’d like to commission me to get a good gist on the audience I’d be marketing to haha. (But in all honesty I’d draw or paint anything anyone asks, I like drawing more than money haha)
Anywho I hope you enjoy another segment of vagabonds and vagrants :)
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lunarharp · 5 months
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pretty & cute witch men
#witch hat tag#orufrey#i'm not drawing as much or as well as i'd like to be doing. i'm trying to get through a comic i've been really wanting to do#but i'm just finding it so hard. disheartening. btw the 2nd one relates to some official art of qif wearing a dress like the girls#and the 4th one relates to how i've been drawing EXTREMELY SMALL for years. idk how to explain it but i always clicked 'fit to screen'#and so all my art EVER has looked bad when you zoom in bc it's already like size 1 zoomed in to the MAX pfhgguguhfpfhGHAHHHHH#i was so confused allll this time why brushes always look different for me than what they're supposed to#'wow this brush is so jaggedy..really rather jaggedy...calling it the Jagged Cai Special..bringing it out for those jaggedy moments..#really quite jaggedy i must say...' and it's literally not jaggedy#but now i have to get used to how all those brushes that i'd gotten used to indeed look how they're supposed to finally. Alarming#I have simply been working out absolutely everything by myself for years and that's why my technical progress is slow#ppl say my progress is fast and i certainly have improved much since i began doing all this but#like..it took me a year and half to start using a program where i could Colour In The Lines aka the..whatever it's called. whatever..#just on my lonely confused solemn journey to express gay love better than yesterday.. -_- *picks up my pack n continues through the snow*#btw thank you sm for people's kind words enjoying my narumitsu art & fic over the christmas & new year period <3
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katiethelmie · 5 months
The kiss by Gustav Klimt but make it Sydcarmy
It’s a work in progress, dunno if I’ll finish it but we’ll see 🫡
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treasureplcnet · 4 months
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name your tav after francesca
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flame-shadow · 10 months
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Nosk Party Time !!!!!! ✨
The final result of a collaborative project run by @flame-shadow and @fly-sky-high-bug-games with folks contributing drawings of their nosk OCs.
Credits and characters:
@brennustheskeleton (Damson), @real-live-human (Aril), @slimeel (Shade Nosk), @notthesaint (Belfly nosk), @zombugz (Saccharin), @monotone-artist (Inkwell), @wabbitears (Vic), @wolfieolfie (Gyre), @localcornflake (Mosskin nosk), @ratcandy (Den Elder), @devilcatdarling (Hive Bee Nosk), @charlieghostcrab (Seashore), @vulturereyy (Boofly Nosk), @reveks (Flora), @ahntherootvessel (Ahn Nosk), @daily-mossfly (Mnoskfly), @littledc5 (Sol Nosk), @flame-shadow (Chalice and Candy), @fly-sky-high-bug-games (Crucible)
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lemongogo · 9 months
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< 2023 trgnz
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creature-machine · 8 months
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shadow and tails doodles from the past few months
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aioliravioli-69 · 2 months
Detective Noir AU
Alright, this au has been sitting around, waiting for me to finish it but chances are, I never will :((
So instead, I'll just post what I have so far
This was inspired by that one comment on the au post the author made(at this point you could consider me a stalker for the amount of hours I've scrolled through her feed💀)
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First things first, none other than our main character himself, Detective Hollow!
I made him the detective in this one mainly because I was basing it off of the theory that if there was no heroine the keyholder would simply become the hero instead(don't remember where I read this but I'm guessing it was the webtoon comment section).
I also my have just really wanted to draw him in an overcoat
gonna be honest, I did little to no research going into this AU, the thing I most tried to learn about was the femme fatale so I could get a good view on how to design Buddy
Speaking of the femme fatale:
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Seems like someone got caught in the spotlight!
And before you ask, yes, those are pants. Weird ones, but pants nonetheless. I swear, I hate lighting when it's from the front. Frontal lighting can go fuck itself. Please ignore the little help lines I put in
Honestly, Buddy's outfit was probably the hardest part of this one. I wanted him to look slutty, but I didn't want to make it TOO slutty, but I feel like I may have added WAYY too many folds in his pantsuit and I kinda messed up on the overcoat lol. The diamond on his chest was inspired by the diamond on the villainess key more than anything and I tried to incorporate that into his gloves too.
Anyway, have some potential outfit sketches I made:
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the two I thought might come off as too slutty and
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the ultimate winner of the outfit ideas
As you can see the diamond chest window and fur coat were a mut in this outfit and I'm pretty happy with the end result
Y'all know how the femme fatale usually has to seduce the main character a.k.a. the detective?
Well, y'all know me so have an extra just for you <33
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But I'm not done just yet!
Remember how I said that I made Chase the hero because of the lack of a heroine in the story? Well...
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I did some more surface level research(and I mean very surface level) and decided to adapt the trope of the girl-next-door archetype for him!!
Don't think it suits him, since they usually just sit pretty and wait for the detective to notice them, but they do have badass roles once in a while and I live for those!!!
The one Chase has taken on doesn't though sadly :')
I decided to go with Charlie Hollow for this one because it sounded more like something the timid and 'pure'(yuck I know, but sadly film noir movies often prop up comparisons between the femme fatale and the girl-next-door, this being one of them) girl next door would have
Overall I tried to make this one as cutesy as possible because, why not lol
Lastly(I apologise, I made this in a rush because I was running out of motivation)
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The distance between Buddy and the detective sure did close QUICK-
Originally I was planning on adding Deacon as a police officer and now that I think about it I could technically fit Prunella in here as well, but I just don't have any willpower left to keep this thing alive
My art blocks been acting up recently and I can't even pick up the pencil without immediately wanting to put it down :((
I wish I could have continued this and maybe I will someday, but until then this'll just stay in my drafts
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spacebubblehomebase · 1 month
@alletalover Correct me if I'm wrong, but yours was the Ask I accidentally sent in "private", right? Unfortunately, I can never retrieve it again, but that's on Tumblr's archaic system. Though to repeat what I answered for those who may also benefit from it, NEVER apologize for your curiosity! I enjoy engaging with you guys and it shows your interest! ^v^ Also, yes. Radioapple is very much a thing in my AU alongside Chaggie. This is a Chaggie & Radioapple centric project which is why I gave it the plural name #HHStargazersAU as it pertains to BOTH Vaggie & Alastor watching over their respective MorningSTARS. It just so happens that Chaggie is already established (though I have plans for them still) despite Radioapple having met earlier than the girls did in my story. Mostly because they're emotionally constipated old men who are frankly quite shit at dealing with their emotions. So no. They're not yet dating in my AU. Honestly if I could skip the world building altogether just to focus on our ships, I would, but that undermines the whole point of making an AU when I could just as well post the same one shot fluffs I usually do and I also believe the dynamics I had in mind will suffer without it. Alas, heavy is the head that wears the crown and mine is too full of ideas to let you all down. Just hang in there, guys! Been busy with enrollment lately so it's been slow going, but I swear it's going! Wish me luck! -Bubbly💙
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Greetings I play cookie run
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uroutofshrimp · 1 month
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I need someone to tell me to finish this,,, I drew so many books tho
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sovhina · 1 year
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A quick intro for my mc for @infamous-if !! This is basically a wip I have no idea why I formatted so much dhdjs but yep! Here they are! Pronouns are they/she though they prefer they more often tbh and here’s uhhh a lot of information about them ✨ tavvi ✨ for anyone who might be curious lol
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