#woods and ashen btw
puhpandas · 3 months
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doodles of 2 of the new minecraft wolfies!!
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senor-cummies · 3 years
Tale As Old as Time Ch.1
the beauty and the beast ganlink au. wrote three and a half chapters, here's one of them. the other chapters are gonna be longer btw! anyway, enjoy!
A voice called to him from the woods. 
Link could hear it, a whisper in the wind that shook the trees in the morning. 
He ran to it, followed it. Sometimes he saw who it belonged to. A tall, hulking, shadow. 
"What's your name?" The shadow moved closer.
"Most people just call me 'Beast'," he paused, smiling with sharp teeth. "Or 'Aaaaaaaaaa---gchk'," Link giggled, hand coming up to cover his mouth. It was a light sound, like bells.
"Are you hungry, Mr Beast?" It crouched, peering it's large head through the trees and into the sun.
"What do you have?" Link pulled a loaf of fresh bread from his basket, offering it with open hands. 
"Here. Take it." The beast snatched it away with sharp claws. 
"Link!? Are you out here? Get out of the woods before you get lost!" Link frowned, looking towards the beast. 
"I have to go." The beast nodded. 
"I'll be back tomorrow, with more bread." It only frowned.
Link held true to his word, coming the next morning with more bread than before.
"You aren't scared of me?" it asked. 
"No," Link replied, small hands offering a piece of bread to the figure in the dark.
"You should be," it growled solemnly. Link pouted, watching a hand with daggered claws grab the bread from his palm.
"I don't think you're scary," he whispers. "I think you're sweet." The beast huffs a puff of hot air and leaves.
The next morning Link awakes to snow, to dry wind and whispers from the woods. 
"Going on another picnic?" His uncle asks him as he piles a basket with warm soup and soft bread. 
"I'm bringing it to my friend in the woods!" Link chirped, he was much too young to know how wrong that sounded. 
"Your friend in the woods?" His uncle sat down his smithing hammer, taking off his ashen gloves to cup the boy's shoulder.
"Are they a kid like you?" His mind jumped first to a runaway or an orphan. Link shook his head. 
"No, he's big and tall, taller than you, and his voice is deep." 
So an adult then.
"How long have you been seeing this friend in the woods?"
Link pouted, looking down at his fingers and counting. 
"A month maybe?" His uncle frowned. 
"How about I come with you this time?"
Link liked that idea, to bring his uncle to meet the beast. 
They arrived in the clearing, where the leafless trees cast odd shadows across the snow covered grass. Link opened his basket and pulled out a loaf of bread. 
"You're not alone," the voice growled low. His uncle flinched, placing a hand on Link's shoulder. It towered over the both of them. Large claws, hooves feet, long, dark red fur. Glowing golden eyes. A chill ran down his spine. 
"I brought bread and soup, you must be cold out here in the snow." 
"Link, we need to go." 
"Link? An odd name for a young boy," His uncle scowled, snatching him up in his arms. 
"Uncle Jasper! Stop! What are you doing?" The beast scoffed.
"He's afraid," it growled. "He should be." 
Link pouted, fighting his uncle's hold as he was carried back to their house. 
Uncle left him with the doors locked, finding his hunting buddies.
"He's going to tell them about Mr Beast." Link frowned. 
"They're going to kill him." 
His uncle came home late in the evening, wet from the rain and covered in mud.
"Hey there, cub!" He opened his arms for an embrace. 
Link turned away.
"I'm going to bed." He mumbled. 
When he woke up, he didn't hear the voice in the woods. He went to the clearing, where the basket lay forgotten in the grass. 
"Mr Beast?" He called, eyes welling with tears. 
"Please don't be gone, Mr Beast." 
No voice answered. 
He sighed, standing from the grass slowly. 
"I'm sorry. This is all my fault." 
@rukastar @the-great-void you guys wanted to know when the fic got posted so here you go! ch.1! post this on ao3 later but my computer is dead rn...let me know what you think!
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howdywrites · 3 years
Any Lines Tag (4/24/21)
I'm combining those who tagged me in last line tags btw!! So thank you to these lovelies for tagging me over the last week or so: @thewalkingnerdx @writtendevastation @writingrosesonneptune @cyruswrites @spacetimewraithwrites @ashen-crest
From chapter 5 of In The Woods Somewhere -
Hey- Hey!” Jackie sidled up beside the woman (context: it's Mara), grabbing at her wrist as she pulled down what little groceries she stocked up on earlier. The stranger paused, giving her a heated glare and pressing her lips into a thin line across her face. “You can’t just come in here and start wrecking my shit! What the hell is going on?”
Jackie tore a can of chickpeas out of her hand and stuck it back on the shelf. She gave an unamused snort and closed the cabinet, moving herself between it and the feral woman. Their bodies almost touched. “Yeah, sure. And let me guess, there are unicorns in the sky too?”
“Well I don’t know what else to call them.” Dark brows lowered, forming a deep line between them. The woman’s jaw clenched even harder. “But a fucker just tried to bite a chunk out of my arm and I’m pretty sure the guy I accidentally killed is still walking around out there. Sorry, there’s no unicorns out there, princess.”
Tagging (never any pressure!!): @draculinawrites @ashen-crest @lordfenric @theramwrites @woodhousejay @ladywithalamp and anyone who sees this and watns to do it!!
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