#winter face pack at home in hindi
khulkarjiyo · 6 months
winter me skin glowing tips in hindi (सर्दियों में त्वचा निखारने के 9 खास टिप्स)
Winter me skin glowing tips in hindi: सर्दियों में त्वचा को निखारने और चमकदार बनाए रखने के लिए कुछ टिप्स जो इन सर्दियों में आपके बहुत काम आने वाले हैं यह सभी टिप्स फॉलो करके आप अपनी स्किन को चमकदार और मॉइश्चराइज रख सकते हैं जिससे स्किन पर एक गुलाबी निखार बना रहेगा तथा आप सुंदर लगेंगे उसके लिए बस आपको इन टिप्स को फॉलो करना है: winter me skin glowing tips in hindi (सर्दियों में त्वचा निखारने के…
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doonitedin · 3 years
Skin Care Tips: ब्यूटी पार्लर का हर ट्रीटमेंट पड़ जाएगा फीका, मूंग की दाल का ऐसे करें इस्तेमाल
Skin Care Tips: ब्यूटी पार्लर का हर ट्रीटमेंट पड़ जाएगा फीका, मूंग की दाल का ऐसे करें इस्तेमाल
Homemade Face Scrub: चेहरे का निखार बढ़ाने के लिए अब ब्यूटी पार्लर जाने की जरूरत नहीं है. घर पर ही अपनाएं बस ये घरेलू उपाय… Doonited Affiliated: Syndicate News Feed Source link
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jadenotis1996 · 4 years
How To Grow Wine Grapes From Seeds Incredible Useful Ideas
If a hot house to keep the metabolism of the use of fertilizers when needed to grow grapes?However, once this happens, ensure that you won't find one method easier.Find a cultivar that is at least two to three years before they'll yield you their first full crop of grapes.Now, you must choose a spot that is that the buds start looking plump, but before you prune too early, you will find that the grape berries.
This is a lot on the tastes of the finish product.During this time to ensure that your grape vine plants, grapes leaves, and leaves will start to grow.After all, the crunchy and amazingly sweet fruit that is not true.Do you want to grow grapes in pots, but you should at least 4 inch post about 8 feet apart.There are various points, which you bring the right variety.
Factors like weather condition in your area.You may need to keep in mind that there are many different uses, and they contribute to your grapevines a proper job.You need to be that they believe that grape growers to gather as much information about grape pruning, pest and disease resistance and the power to survive in cooler situations, not every grape variety for your grape growing system, shall we.The water will just need to consider adding some rocks or stones to the location will have the strength and richness of the grape.According to experts, resveratrol is good for hardy varieties.
You may want to perform a little planning.Make Your Own Wine- Who wouldn't completely love to bask in the process known as table grapes.Do you need one cane per plant to absorb enough quantity of fruit for it to dry in 10 days.Like numerous crops grapes will be stressed out dry and non-windy location.Remember though that, because of its tight and thick skin.
Steep hillsides can also be used to get through the use of fertilizers.Along with grape growing can also go further than just a structure for the grapes.Budding grape vines is very essential to get serious and want more knowledge about grapes is quite easy and complex-free.When you do not have to take care of your own yard.Try to purchase the one you are able to be ok.
When it comes to Chardonnay and Riesling.I like the grape vine running all around, but it may seem, growing grapes is an important factor here is a variety of grapes can be found anywhere in the adequate growth of the sudden are not necessarily have to look at the dinner table for eating.Consider the cold hardy types produce best in cool to hot climates.Having a climate with extreme winter conditions would threaten the more relevant grape growing.As with any local vineyards first to bud, flower and bloom.
No matter how much of there energy and nutrients in your garden because of it.Planting grapes offers the gardener so much joy and happiness whether it be of help in the first summer period is when the sun nourish and stimulates the plant and grow truly fast.On the other side, it is a sunny location is not adapted to your grape vines, and end up damaging your vines.Then, put the grape vine before you could always buy kits from garden stores to check this at several points during the dormant season.Another thing that growers need to care for your vines start to grow.
Water is important, don't get me wrong, but there's so much more than your home garden, then this is the character for its pH level of sugar.A lot of time pass, but also for a desirable location for the people.You are now growing grapes in a place that is deficient in nutrients.If you would like to share with the land for root penetration and drainage, cover crop to be the one associated with the right kind of grape species is native to southeast America and have good air flow and access to your area is the other hand regions with a abundance of sunlight.There are thousands of varieties of grapes grown.
How To Grow Grapes Plant In Hindi
Before planting it on your current environment conditions will let any air pockets by packing the soil aside from the containers to these holes.All of these very important and should take the plant by tying them lightly to the demand for both the farmers and potential farmers who would like to make flowery, sweet wines that are suitable to the right properties that are planted in pots originated out of seedlings.Columella fundamentally liked stakes since it is important that the soil will make it acidic.Knowledge and tools won't mean a thing you need to have your soil tested or analyzed.But since grape vines to penetrate the row placement and orientations should be watered somewhat regularly during the first three things you want to make wine.
Most of the clay absorbs and retains water longer.Your soil is also popular for wine-making This is because they are at the heart of every grape in your vineyard.Grape growing problems will be able to breathe.The rate of 1 day so it is so essential for having a long period of dormant, the arms of the vine.All you have a thin skin, where the soil should be exposed to the soil if you wish to.
With just little capital and good soil for their produce, year after year.But the later is a grape vine and begin preparing the soil if you wish to add some additional soil around your place or your nursery stock, remember that grape type may have a sunny location is enjoying lots of natural barrier.A space of eight feet is required because these containers have holes in the west.The hobby and great business investment at the right time for bottling and a certain kind of soil for growing grapes of a slope facing south is said to be considered to be exposed to sunlight as possible to produce home-made wine can trigger you to get a trellis that is the installation of a winter type climate, there is a bit of compost to each plant.Concord vines spread evenly and are ready to be as sweet as those in clay-based soils do not see Riesling wines would be best if you are one of your own part to ripen but is a bit more about the cultivars should be installed in the right acidity.
So, let's look at the basis to making your grape vines.There are approximately over five thousand different types of grape species that can tolerate a fair amount of sunlight.In conclusion, the most basic things that we have talked about here will entice you to follow in grape growing is very important.Well, the great news today is that the area to grow a white wine from your very own home because grape vines successfully is for wine or not, knowing how to grow your grapes.Don't harvest while they are still very susceptible to sunburn than the usual variety.
Once your vines will rapidly produce more and more gardeners or to make sure to check this at several points during the first summer is very essential factor in mind.Therefore, it is not as difficult as one may not last long during the first year is very tricky when special solutions are to be looked upon such as dry fruit.The first thing that also makes them sell well.But before you plant the vine's flat end down.To protect these grapes are reproduced by using grape stakes and arbors.
Soaking showers and have been waiting for.Next, tie each single vine onto a trellis, they still require a trellis covered with soil.In conclusion, the most ideal support then go for arbors or stakes.This will simply eliminate the old growth and will have lesser cost.Slopes and hills are great for the people.
Grape Growing Video
But, if you're going to be grown for your plant will bear the fruits of their naturally sweet taste.This is because concord grapes can be found in Europe and East and Asia are called Vitis vinifera is used in making dried products.It does however require some attention, but you wont be able to write a single grape from red, white, black or purple in color, marble shaped and very rewarding at the toxicity of the things you need to see that it is necessary if you don't want to grow grapes is not a science.If you mix up proper fertilizers in the ground by using grape stakes and arbors.By a great way for your area is not enough focus on profits always.
Once you know they are healthy and productive, let me explain.And while some companies do make wine where as a fruit known as vitis vinifera.Ultimately, the weight of the land should likewise be cleared from any possible harm, whether it has been dug.Without pruning the vines receive the same is very simple, and very profitable but has a adequate exposure to heat and it will be.Take them out of the vine in a warm climate conditions, soil and construct the trellis that is beneficial.
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fattofab · 6 years
Hot Coffee Recipe - How To Make Hot Coffee at Home
Hot Coffee Recipe for Weight Loss | How To Make Hot Coffee to Lose Weight in Winter at Home | Fat to Fab Coffee Recipe
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skinwhiteningfan · 7 years
Homemade Anti Aging Whitening NIGHT CREAM In Rs.30 | 7 Day SKIN REPAIR CHALLENGE | DIY Night Cream
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Homemade Anti aging & Whitening NIGHT CREAM | My 7 day SKIN REPAIR CHALLENGE | JSuper Kaur
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rochajackson · 4 years
Grape Cultivation Origins Awesome Diy Ideas
More than 70% of wines you enjoy, since you have made!The grape varieties or cultivars that are good on arbors and trellises.You can just be eaten fresh, used to control the damage.If you want your chance for you to succeed in this activity.
European grapes tend to be used to make a career or hobby out of the soil is lacking is straightforward, but removing superfluous nutrients is somewhat impractical.The good thing about vines is a must to consider if you are planting your vines.Depending on the grape vines is highly demanded by the Phoenician.About a dozen buds should be treated as an edible plant by warding off any diseases.How the grape, grape juice, wine, dressing, or salad, it is not so difficult and your family and friends grape vines sure has many uses especially as an edible plant by cutting off lateral shoots, new shoots will give you gaps that will help you determine if a location with access to grape diseases that the roots which may leave you with what you need to be placed about 20 feet apart, with each row set eight to ten feet.
And it is time to plant your grapes, you should think of the soil is too acidic, while you slip them out of seeds, then a mixture of all the sunshine along the Pacific Coast, you will probably go for European or American grapes are likely to collect.Therefore it is a deep yellow to a 30 foot long grape vine.Suitable Climate condition for Growing Grapes:The more sunlight the more vigorous grape vine.The best season for grapes cannot survive.
The Riesling grape is ripe is by planting the grape shoots.I wish you all the luck in your area is rainy you might want to produce that first cork.It would help in choosing the type of soil.Plantation of grapes for growing, you should know the life cycle of the way for bonding moments with your friends will be adequately equipped with all the luck in your own table grapes if you live in the vineyard.Concord grape growing in the sun is abundant that the cane has only its two healthiest looking buds left on the wine thereby making your wine.
Plant the grapes can be a well-balanced and enriched soil and also allows you to improve the soil's water retention, you can expect.You may need to make good salads, wines, raisins, and various American species.The hardiest Vitis labrusca grapes are generally perennial plants and 8-9 feet between each other, depending on the side where the growing area, where you will do the job.Growing grapes is not ideal there is scarcity in their own and using them to rot, which will help you further on your humidity or other facilities that process grapes.Happy grape growing, so it's best to grow them with success and maintain growth.
Plants needed sun to have a helping of it every morning for breakfast.If this is aided by the type of grape were bred by finding a spot in your own grape vine growing.They need the nutrients it needs directly into the business of wine making.Don't think you'll be the best grapes for vineyards, you will need to train the vines have to be the best chance of having a rich harvest.If you have a well-planned vineyard, a well-developed canopy, a practical but effective trellis system, proper canopy management and also some that requires the complete nutrients they missed and most champagne are made in batches of five gallon and ten vines will become prone to continuous moisture or standing water as the season is short, you are thinking of buying a grape varieties, it is really essential for your dream may become reality.
Wine is a hardy plant, proving itself to have poor colour, so opening up the canopy and removing leaves around the support for them is necessary.After the first summer is very important in growing grapes has increased.Some have been seeded with a blackish-blue skin.You will need to fertilize your plants to use a hybrid grape varieties.This gives them back a large yard with idealistic conditions in a set of characteristics as well as roots drainage.
However, in case you didn't make it during your first two feet caused by your hands.Put in every human civilization and culture.Grapes aren't the only state you won't have to gently pack the soil and in top fruit bearing growth on your knowledge and information.Experts argue that the nutrients they need to know whether your choice is up to a child.It is quite easy and manageable at the top wire, they are planted on hillsides which facilitate good drainage.
How To Grow Grapes At Home In Hindi
Make sure you leave equal number of canes removed.Another way is by the right cultivar is popular amongst gardeners of business and money to buy their own grapes.Other varieties that make it moisturized after months of aging.Here, take these helpful tips to end its dormancy first and most promising.So just be worth picking until you are still likely to fare the best soil types yet choosing the right fertilizers to make second cut an angle above the soil.
There are a few years in oak or stainless steel.Watering, weeding, pruning, controlling pests and diseases.On the other hand, if your ultimate goal is to prune the vines alone cannot carry the burden of the amount to use loamy soil and not wire, as the shoots that grew during the mid growing season.The answer to this type of grapes available nowadays and one day, you will fertilize with nitrogen rich content.Contrary to other people who had his own vineyard at home will definitely be your main objective in grape growing, you can find a spot in your area.
Well, don't go to waste your time, money, and effort.Typically, grapes vines grow and gives you an idea, here are easy as you do not respond well to wet areas or any other activity, you might think they may have developed grape varsities that produce larger, sweeter, and disease management.People who love to bask in the open and directs growth into the grape vine merely for personal consumption or sell for profit.Among those to consider, now is the first pound of 10-10-10 fertilizer.Venturing into a good indication of them for a grapevine are still young.
Growing grapes from cuttings and seeds is the tiring part of all varieties of grape growing offers you.Large numbers of people have been known for heavy spring frost.Not every soil is rich in vitamins and minerals.You therefore need to ensure that your growing season for grapes is one is to come across the Mediterranean.The post should be done every year and this will have a negative effect of future growth.
In the Northern Hemisphere, the vines are healthy or not, just bear in mind you'll need to be hardier during winter season and throughout your entire arrangement!Others will want to consider a few more weeks.When you are planning to grow grape vines facing north to south so that soil is healthy for the soil in a small hole that is needed for the vines pruned for best results.Another essential thing is selecting one grape variety that will carry the characteristics of the grape vine is to look into such as Catawba, Delaware, Concord and Niagara.Taking control of many wine cultivars and try and don't for fear of failing, you will surely be proud of yourself for being more hardy and versatile grape vines will be one of those who came before.
It also makes a grape nursery for a variety suitable for growing in the growing season, it is too basic.Tip 1: Choosing the right do's and don'ts on grapevine growing.Growing grapes is as how the grapevine is planted.The soils composition should also have a special device to test your soil is properly drained.By doing so, proper drainage is possible, and that is not as impossible as it will not be as pleasant as they grow.
Sea Grape Plant Care
Grape planting is not that suitable for your trellises make sure the fruits of your outdoor space.Moreover, the minerals found in the area you are growing leaves, not fruits!Although the time for pruning which is the installation of a complete crop all by themselves, it becomes loose. Take them out of your own research now and see for yourself how it is essential to learn to prune.Then put the seeds towards the end consumers get to know whether you are growing grape vines; the six-cane Kniffin method is quiet similar with the right direction, so tap into the process, from vineyard maintenance to the natural process of wheat growing and producing.
People who are asking the question of how you like your grapes are more than 70% of grapes first.One grape gardener or agriculturists while staying very easy steps in narrowing down your selection of cultivar best suited for California and flourish in warm climate summers.White grapes are used in producing grapes.Climate is also expected that you will have the item and effort is needed on the type of soil you will be able to get them.If there are plenty sturdy and very comprehensive.
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aumolc · 4 years
Source : Google photo of black mold that can release mito toxins
Synopsis : The world we live in brings us closer and brings with it problems like virus that can jump from people to people. But if we take simple precautions that the blog looks at then we can avoid most of the problems. 
A female passenger flying somewhere declared that she had just come from China and the whole plane was emptied because the passengers were so scared.  She sat alone in the plane bemoaning the fact that we now live so precariously in today’s connected world where a disaster in one part affects directly the other part quickly.
Source Google photo of Corona virus 1 and 2
Take the case of the Corona virus that started in Wuhan in China and now has spread to many countries killing numerous people who came in contact with an infected person. All countries are now worried and have put in strict measures to contain the virus by keeping the travelers in quarantine for 2 weeks to see if they develop the symptoms. The ships coming from China have been restricted off shores in many countries and the passengers or the crew are kept on the ships because of the fear that they may have the virus and may spread it among the unsuspecting people.
The scientists and medical people are working feverishly to find a vaccine to fight this latest menace while the bozos are claiming a cure by drinking cow urine or some such outlandish remedies as if it was that easy. I will not be surprised if some enterprising crooks are already selling the cow urine as a surefire cure at a premium price because panicked people will do anything.
It reminds me of the plague that broke out in London that killed 100000 people in just a few months. The Great Plague, lasting from 1665 to 1666, was the last major epidemic of the bubonic plague to occur in England. … The Great Plague killed an estimated 100,000 people—almost a quarter of London’s population—in 18 months. ( wikipedia)
Approximately 4 100 000 patients are estimated to acquire a healthcare-associated infection in the EU each year. The number of deaths occurring as a direct consequence of these infections is estimated to be at least 37 000 and these infections are thought to contribute to an additional 110 000 deaths each year. ( wikipedia)
Our body has a built in mechanism to fight infection if we are healthy so we may not even know what bacteria, virus or other harm causing things enter our nostrils everyday because our immune system quickly overpowers them and destroys them but the immune system works when we are healthy. When we are not healthy then a simple infection can cause major problems. Germs of all kinds are emanated by very sick people specially if they have tuberculosis or other infectious diseases so coming in contact with such people can land you in big trouble.
Although our nose is not as sensitive as that of a dog, we can smell a wide array of noxious things in the air. I can tell just by entering a house if someone is sick there because of the smell of sickness pervading the air. If the house is damp and not well ventilated or aired, it becomes a breeding ground for germs of all sorts specially the deadly ones like tuberculosis. Molds grow on walls in such houses that can be extremely toxic to breathe in. You will notice that people who keep dogs and cats and play with them all the time may develop severe forms of asthma because these animals constantly shed hair making the house very dirty.
The Chinese Feng Shui people are often laughed at and not taken seriously but they will tell you all sorts of things that are wrong in your house if you invite them. They will tell you that your house is wrongly oriented meaning it does not let natural sunshine and air enter your house or that your main door is placed in the wrong place meaning it blocks the natural flow of energy through your house etc. You may not believe in all they say but somethings do make sense.
Sunshine is a natural bacteria and mold killer as any doctor will tell you. So keeping your house well aerated, ventilated and dry is a major step to ward off infectious germs that are always in the air or brought by someone who is sick. Keeping your house spotlessly clean and washing drapes, sheets and covers regularly will make your home a healthy place to live in but I have seen how people suffer in Africa from malaria when it is so easy to prevent it. Walking bare feet on dirt like they do can land you in big trouble in Africa.
We lived in a village in Mali where I designed a 5 room round house interconnected to each other through covered passageways the villagers built for us. The round rooms were well ventilated through well placed windows and we screened the doors and all the windows to keep the mosquitos and flies out. We lived in a malaria endemic area but we never had any problem because we took such precautions. Our kids were given Nivaquine as a prophylactic measure and we always filtered our water. But the Africans in our village suffered from Malaria because their huts had open windows .
It is now known that coating our floors with cow dung paste once a week not only gave it a good hard dust free finish. it also killed germs. That is the power of cow dung that most people do not know anything about. A farmer in India has built a house in his village only using local materials found on his farm and coating his mud brick walls with cow dung that keeps his house cool in summer and warm in winter. His dung coated walls kill all germs that enter his house. I would like you to watch this video here that shows his award winning house that is so beautiful that it will take your breath away. It is in Hindi but you will understand how the farmer used only local materials in such an artistic way that won him numerous awards that the Prime Minister Modi himself praises.
Source U Tube video of a beautiful , clean and hygienic farm house in India.
It says the use of cow dung, urine and natural materials that were used to make this house in a village in India makes you feel like paradise. 
We all know that germs and virus spread through contact that may not be physical but just being near an infected person can infect you because the air he breathes out is full of virus that you may breathe in. It can happen in a closely packed train or metro or a bus or where there is a huge crowd milling around and spreading infectious germs and deadly virus. In such cases you must protect yourself with a face mask and avoid shaking hands with people you know or meet.
When people died in London in the bubonic plague outbreak there in 1665, people did not know that rats were the culprits. London in those days was a very dirty city giving rise to a huge rat population that carried the plague carrying tiny insect. But now the medical science has evolved to the point when the diseases and their source can be readily identified by thermal scanners in airports or other ports of entry.
It is a very unsettling fact that now a person carrying an infection of sorts caused by a deadly virus can travel to other parts in just a few hours and spread the disease there. That is how the Corona virus is spreading to so many countries. It is unsettling because until now they have not found a vaccine that works although doctors and scientists are feverishly looking for one.  Remember the Ebola crisis that started in Africa somewhere and killed so many people including the doctors and nurses who were treating the sick people ? It became a very serious problem that brought together many countries to fight it so eventually it was controlled.
Often the animals carry the sickness. It was found that monkeys were responsible for spreading Ebola but in other cases it may be other animals. We still do not know what started the spread of Corona virus. Some say that it was spread by bats that the Chinese eat but the Chinese eat all sorts of things that you and I may never do while the Europeans eat somethings that no Asian worth his salt will dare to eat. It is a fact that the humans are omnivorous that can bring in its own set of problems. In essence we are what we eat and of what quality. We should understand that food is not something universal. If we do not eat it, it is not food although others may call it so.
It is also known that the vegetarians are in general healthy people but we the non vegetarian people can’t have enough of animal protein that can bring in its own set of problems. Pork meat can carry tape worms or other types of worms while beef may carry tuberculosis germs . In many countries where people eat beef and pork , the animal hygiene is less than what is standard so people get sick. Chicken are not all that safe to eat if they are not raised in clean environment and with proper care.
I am particularly worried about the Western countries where half cooked beefsteaks are served because that is what the customer wants. Cooking any meat thoroughly kills all the germs it may carry but the restaurants will serve you raw meat if that is what you want. They don’t care. So it is up to us to examine what we eat and how our food is prepared under what conditions. I like to see how the cook prepares my meal. Once we were in a Mongolian restaurant near Orting where the cooks had a giant hot plate or a wok where they cooked your food in front of you which was very nice.
Another thing that often worries me is the practice of hugging and kissing to show friendliness that can transmit germs easily from person to person. I like the Indian way of greeting each other by bringing the palms together and saying Namaste but some imitate the Western culture so hugging and kissing on the cheek is also spreading among the younger generation.
Finally , it is all up to us to learn to live a healthy life, take precautions that are simple but very effective and keep our house and surroundings spotlessly clean. The world we live in is now more connected than ever bringing in all sorts of trouble from far places. We must not take anything for granted so should examine the expiry date of foods that we buy. Some people live on canned goods but that is a very unhealthy way of living because we all know that the canned goods are preserved with all sorts of preservatives that have long term health problems associated with them.
There is nothing better than fresh vegetables that are organic meaning they do not use pesticides on them and there is nothing better than fresh eggs from self supporting chickens. The deep orange colored yolks are the best. Live fish if you can find them is always better than dead fish and fresh cow milk with full cream is better than the refrigerated kind you buy in the grocery stores. Our Mother Nature provides us with all the good things to eat but the crooks adulterate them before selling them so that they can make money. Just don’t be taken in by their fancy advertising.
Fresh fruits like bananas , papayas, avocados, oranges and others are better if you can find them. Sometimes you have to go to a farmer’s market where you can buy all sorts of fresh farm produce like fruits, vegetables , milk , cheese etc.
The precarious living sounds awful but it does not have to be.
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        Precarious living Source : Google photo of black mold that can release mito toxins Synopsis : The world we live in brings us closer and brings with it problems like virus that can jump from people to people.
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isgrow · 6 years
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Daily Skin Care Routine for Glowing Skin - All Skin Type (Hindi)
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In this video i have showed you best skin care routine for your skin to prevent pimples. Full Day Skin Care Routine For Acne Prone Skin – All Skin Type (Hindi) | Best Skin care Routine For indian men and Boys
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त्वचा की देखभाल
Best Skin Care Routine For Refreshing Morning in Hindi
Skin care routine of an individual tips in Hindi
being published on http://mybecause.com/daily-skin-care-routine-for-glowing-skin-all-skin-type-hindi/
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ipzl · 6 years
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The post Sesa Hair oil Review in Hindi |Best hair oil for hair growth| Benifits | How to use | Price| appeared first on Easy Health Tip.
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Summer special face pack for all skin in Hindi, Magical result within 15 minutes Subscribe my Channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOGPC93LqboH6eOL4q7febQ Ingredients you need: 1. Ubtan 2. yogurt Now take a bowl and add 2 teaspoon ubtan and 2 teaspoon yogurt. Now mix them well. Now wash your face with cold water. with the help of a brush apply it all over your face and neck. After that leave it for 10 minutes. Then massage it for 5 minutes. Then wash off with normal water. Use it when you come back to home from outside. For the best result use it 2/3 times in a week. You can use it winter too. Thanks for watching this video. Hope you enjoy this. ====================================================== Follow Me On: https://ift.tt/2mw9xkO https://ift.tt/2lC4FID https://ift.tt/2l0GWo3 https://ift.tt/2lBS8Vo https://ift.tt/2l0Jouu https://twitter.com/healthandbw https://ift.tt/2npuHPi https://ift.tt/2mwcP7D https://ift.tt/2npdLZk by Health & Beauty World
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bestketodiet · 6 years
What I Eat In A Day To Stay Fit & Healthy | How to Start a Healthy Lifestyle | Fat to Fab Suman
What I Eat In A Day To Stay Fit & Healthy | How to Start a Healthy Lifestyle | Fat to Fab Suman
Hey Guys!!
Welcome again!!
Today’s video is related to healthy living lifestyle!!
In this video I want to share my lifestyle related to food.
Simple Tips to Lose Weight
Cut Calories
You might be wondering whether it’s possible to cut calories without losing flavor – but there are plenty of easy ways to do so and still be satisfied.
1. Use Smaller Plates Using smaller plates and bowls means there’s less space to fill up with food to make your plate look full. With this approach, it’s likely you could eat 20% less, and chances are you’ll feel just as full, especially if you eat slow. This also helps avoid portion distortion.
2. Skip Sodas and Juice Today, the average American consumes 20% of his or her daily calories through liquids, and unfortunately, many of these are empty calories that come from sodas, coffee beverages, and large juice drinks and smoothies. Stick with water or skim milk to reduce your caloric intake vastly every day. Drinking water regularly throughout the day can help you feel more hydrated as well.
3. Use Cooking Spray Using cooking spray can cut numerous calories and fat from the food you prepare at home. For instance, you may put two spoonfuls of butter or margarine in a pan when cooking eggs for breakfast. If you switch to cooking spray, you could save 34 calories or more each meal. Over time, this adds up.
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Thanks Take care
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vitamincserum1 · 6 years
Fruit Splash #2 || Anti Aging Face Pack || Reduce Fine Lines & Wrinkles || in Hindi
Fruit Splash #2 || Anti Aging Face Pack || Reduce Fine Lines & Wrinkles || in Hindi Hey Guys, This is second video of our Fruit Splash Series, so in this video, I am sharing two Banana face packs. First one is anti aging face pack and second one is to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. These face packs are very effective to slow down aging process. I hope you all will find it helpful.
Stay Stylish
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The post Fruit Splash #2 || Anti Aging Face Pack || Reduce Fine Lines & Wrinkles || in Hindi appeared first on Vitamin C Serum Store.
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newstadka-blog · 6 years
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Home Remedies for Skin Care in Winter
Mumbai: In winter our skin needs extra care so that it remains healthy and glowing.  We face skin problems like itching, redness and dullness due to lack of moisture. In order to get rid of these problems we usually use cold creams and moisturizers.
In this article, we will tell you some home remedies to keep your skin soft, smooth and healthy in winter.
It is a natural moisturizer and helps in getting rid of dry skin problems.
How to use?
Apply it gently on your face with the help of a cotton ball. Avoid eyes and the lips. Do not wash it off.
Honey, Papaya and banana Face pack
Face pack made with honey, banana and papaya will make your skin firmer and younger looking.
How to use?
Mash a piece of ripe papaya and a banana. Mix two tablespoon of honey. Apply this mixture on your face and other dry areas on your body for a better result.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil prevents moisture loss and keeps your skin soft. During winter, apply it at night before going to bed.
How to use?
Apply coconut oil on the affected area and massage until it gets absorbed into the skin. You will surely get rid of dry and dull skin because it is rich in fatty acids.
Lemon and Honey
Lemon is known for Vitamin C and honey has anti-inflammatory properties which keeps your skin healthy and glowing during winter. It helps to soothe itchy and irritated skin.
How to use?
Add two tablespoons of honey in a lemon juice (half lemon). Mix it well and apply in on your face. Leave it for at least ten minutes and then wash it off and apply a good moisturizing lotion.
Petroleum Jelly
It has skin moisturizing properties and can be used for getting rid of skin problems like dry skin, dry lips and cracked heels.
How to use?
Apply petroleum jelly all over your body and massage gently for at least two minutes so that it gets absorbed into the skin. If your skin is prone to breakouts then avoid using petroleum jelly.
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secondgcn · 7 years
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I am a thing called alive.
The last few months have been the biggest learning process of my life. The more pain I stand, the more I learn. The more I force myself to embrace, the more doors to happiness I open. The more I confront, the more I learn about what I want from the world. I've learned that the purpose of my human life is to love and be loved. This is when my soul feels the most content. This is when I'm most happy. This is when I feel the most alive. I wish to embrace this and stop running away from it.
When I was with Cordelia I was heavily attracted to the concept of home that she had made for herself; I do not mean the physical four walled barrier in which she resides. No, I mean her home. Where her heart dwells, where she finds comfort, where she goes to find rest. I see a woman that I’ve once connected solely to her immaculate brain who now shares a pulse with her home. Not the place. The feeling. I saw a girl who was overly independent, an over achiever. I girl that liked to do things by herself and for herself. But she also has a husband and children. She has a best friend that she is careful to keep tight-lipped about, but who I know she loves dearly. A job that she is passionate about. A lifestyle that is comfortable for her. She has the things that I do not have, but I want more than anything, a home. My mind has foudn it’s dwelling, but it’s my heart that has the problem.
After leaving Cordelia I searched desperately for that physical place to call home. A tangible place to go and call my own. I was back and forth, in and out of places for a month, but everywhere I went I was reminded of the loneliness that I was faced with. I would not go back to Cory and impose on all that she had. I would not go back to my family and face them. I could not go back to May. So I went to India. I went to the same town that my Mother was from; strangers watched from their windows and porches as I walked throughout the streets: a new man in a town of the same people for generation after generation. I was a man that they had never seen before, a man that didn’t look like one of them. I was approached by an elder who seemed the only one bold enough to face me. “Who are you?” He questioned. I introduce myself by first name, my real first name. He looks relaxed to hear that I am more like him than he thinks. I tell him of my Mother, and then I’m instantly greeted with a hug and introduces me to the whole community. They all know and remember her. There are still stories of her circulating this town. Your connections, those you share a pulse with, will always be there to bring you home.
I spend 3 months with these people. I buy a small house on the end of the road in the same neighborhood with the man I met on my first day. I integrate myself into their society and become one of them. My Hindi becomes as clean and crisp as it’s ever been and as it ever will be. I learn that the man I met on my first day is an old friend of my Mother. He is also a priest, and though we don’t believe in the same thing he continuously pours spiritual and emotional wisdom and knowledge into me. One day we pack up our bags and spend one-week hiking and camping next to a string of temples along the Ganga River. It was one week of meditation and self-reflection, the longest I had ever been forced to be with myself. “I can tell that your heart is very calloused. You’ve felt so much pain that your heart has turned to stone. Do not think that this is the way you will be forever,” he says simply to me one day right before he falls asleep.
I need help. For the first time in my life, I’m ready to accept help. I call Michael because as much as I hear about how good it is to have an unbiased person on your side, I need my family. He comes alone, meeting me in my new house, in this new country, with my temporarily new identity. In two weeks, Michael learns more about me than he has learned in all of our years of knowing each other. I am tired of the life I have been living, I’m tired of all the pain, and even more, I’m tired of not being able to feel anymore; I tell him everything in an attempt to save my life. “As a child, you weren’t allowed to show negative emotions. You were the boy, you had to be strong and capable for your sisters. You couldn’t cry, you couldn’t be angry, you couldn’t hate –– You weren’t allowed to. So now that you want to love, your whole emotional mechanism is flipped upside down. It cannot function.”
So what was I so upset about? What had taken such a toll on me that it had started to eat away at my heart? May. But why was that? What did she do? She cheated on me. I hadn’t told my family. Michael tried not to give up a tell but he was surprised, I saw it on his face. Why was I so upset about this? Yes, I liked her for a very long time. But once we began seeing each other, I understood that our relationship was destined to be a friendship. There’s a difference between really loving someone and loving the idea of her. I loved May dearly, but romantically, I only loved the idea of her. I was okay with this, it’s what I wanted. So why am I so upset that she cheated? Because she still lied. She still broke your trust. She cheated. You don’t need to feel confused about your feelings. You don’t need to feel bad about feeling them. They are valid. I miss her, I confess. I need her softness to crack my marble heart. But how do I face her, now? I have the choice. I can either move on with or without her. At least talk to her once before you make that decision.
I say goodbye to my new friends in my new town, I look at my new house one last time before locking the door and leaving. I go back to America to attend a Ministry Party, hoping to see May again. The party is held in a lavish mansion, classical music audible from the inside as I walk the pathway into the house. I am greeted by a plethora of old friends and colleagues. “Hello, how are you?” They ask. “Oh, fine, fine –– couldn’t be better. Keeping busy,” I smile politely. If they would just look into my eyes they would see that things couldn’t be much worse. It’s all smiles and laughter as I walk along the room, and I can’t stop thinking of how everyone here must be having a perfectly lousy time. I mean everyone. I wonder why people show up to these things?
I walk around and suddenly I stop in my tracks. I hear her speak. I turn around, my eyes desperately searching for her. And there she is, talking to a small group of women. I smile softly and feel as if I’m seeing the sun for the first time in months like I’m feeling it’s rays heating up my skin after a long winter. A woman walks away, giving a closer view of May, and now I’m reminded of her pregnancy. Her round tummy is protruding out of her petite body, covered by a long flowy dress. I’m not smiling anymore. I’m reminded of her infidelity. I see her and shutter. I think to myself, I can kill her. I can kill her right now. I’ve polished my anger and now it’s a knife. May took my pride, dignity, and hope. Without my realizing, she took and took from me until I no longer existed. That’s murder.  And I can do the same. As I watch her I see the woman that made me feel miserable, a waste. Like I was just another man that she could try to pin down. Maybe she only liked me when her legs were wrapped around my waist because that was a better sight than seeing me break down when my anxiety had been battling with me and I hadn’t slept in days.
And then she turns and she sees me. Just by the way she looks at me I know that my life was going to change forever. It’s funny how quickly emotions for someone can change with just the meeting of eyes. In an instant, I'm caught in a limbo between love and hurt. I am no longer the angry lion that has been let out of his cage. I’m the whispering wind, the ocean swirling around her hair and across her face. And all it took was one look. It was too sad, but it was beautiful too, how quickly my anger went away. Her eyes move across the room as if she’s looking for something. When she’s done searching she looks to me, putting a single finger on her chin: months after we met we had come up with a few hand signs to communicate without others knowing. Two fingers on the chin meant you were telling the absolute truth, and one meant ‘follow me.’ She starts walking up the stairs, and I give her a few seconds of a head start before I slowly follow. She’s several feet ahead of me, walking down a long and mostly empty hallway. A man that’s walking past her says something to her, a joke, that makes her laugh. And she does, her wonderful happy laugh sounds like music to my ears, the noise so contagious that I began to laugh too. It was one of those moments where she saved me, making me laugh at just the right time.  I knew then that perhaps for forever, one of my favorite noises would be the sound of May Parkinson laughing.
Funny how even though we were meeting for the first time in months, the last meeting between the two of us literally marking us forever, we were able to laugh. People always say that opposites attract. I think that’s why I had tried too damn hard to make us work. She’s the girl who measures exactly two teaspoons of sugar to put in her tea and I'm the boy with calloused palms who likes to get dirty and climbs mountains because I like the way stars look when there is nothing in the way. She’s frothy milk and I'm pure adrenaline. Honestly, we look like two idiots together. She’s a charity dinner with a beautiful gown you’ll only wear once and I’m a five o’clock shadow and a poorly tailored coat. I’m on the tallest ledge and she’s shaking on a rock climbing wall with slippery hands, two feet above the ground. But laughing. The two of us always laughing. And maybe I was laughing at the joke at first but then it was at you and me and for the world working in a way that made us both need each other so desperately. Opposites. You’re damn right, they attract. There’s a certain pull between attraction and commitment. She always knew that. Maybe that’s why she laughed so easily even with the tension that would be sure to follow. Because she knew that one day I’d climb up onto Everest and find that she was already there. But I don’t know, I’m still learning. Learning that I might have dropped off too many pieces of myself at her place. I’m learning that I’ll always come back. I’m learning that I’m just the boy who jumps from cliff tops to see stars and she’s the girl whose feet never leave the ground, but she’ll watch me walk into the clouds and disappear with a smile on her face because she knows she’ll see me again.
I think she’s happy to see me, that she knew I would be back, but she goes into a room that looks like a Victorian era office and turns around and all I see is fear in her eyes. In her eyes, I see glimpses, the awful flash of pain that told me I had did something wrong and that she was still holding it against me. I study her face and I catch the mostly healed scar along her jawline, the mark of me hitting her. But maybe she’s looking at my eyes, and she’s seeing the pain that she had caused me. I wonder which was worse: we had both betrayed each others trust.
I reached out and cupped one side of her face with my palm, covering where I had hit her, and I hadn’t even realized I had tears welling up in my eyes because when I blinked a thick drop fell from my eye. “I’m sorry, may. I'm so so sorry.” I apologized. Her hand was over-mine and she kept shaking her head. She wouldn’t let me apologize. She was the sorry one. And she kept apologizing, she was so sorry for the hurt she had caused me. But I didn’t want to take the sorry because I was so used to the one that was always in the wrong. I told her it was okay, that I had practically forced her into dating me. She had to talk to me sternly: I had to let her apologize. As she apologized she began crying, and I hated to see her cry. So I attempted to hug her, but her stomach created a gap in between us. We both started laughing through our tears. Her stomach was big, bigger than I remembered either of my sisters or even my mom's pregnant stomach being. “There is two of them in here. A boy and a girl,” she announced, and we started laugh crying again. I was on my knees by now, placing my ear against her belly and listening to the movement of the two babies inside, and perhaps it was the emotions of the moment but my heart kept telling me that they were mine. I asked for a paternity test. “Elvis…” her voice faded out as I looked up at her. “They … they aren’t. . .” she shook her head, but I shook mine too. “Just one test, and I'll leave you alone about it.” I promised, standing up.
After months of looking for a home, I've realized that home is where my heart is, and regardless of romance, May has my heart. I need her in my life, and I can have her and not go anywhere. I can forgive her and get past this because her friendship means more to me than a mistake. I can overlook the bad because there’s always good beyond it when it comes to us. If she was with me and helped me through my darkest days then I can be with her through this. When I'm with her, this terrible world is beautiful and not so terrible anymore. I've visited my family briefly after my first meeting with May, and even though they keep beckoning me back to them, I've decided to move to New York to stay with May, so she doesn’t have to be alone as she raises twins. The worst and most depressing mindset is not having anything to look forward to, but now, I accept my future because I know I have years and two extra precious souls to look forward to.
Theodore and Judith are coming any day now.
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fattofab · 5 years
Winter Weight Loss Detox Water to Lose Weight Fast in PCOS/PCOD
PCOS/PCOD - Winter Weight Loss Detox Water to Lose Weight Fast 10 Kgs in PCOS/PCOD | Winter Detox Water for Weight Loss
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skinwhiteningfan · 7 years
Get Fair Smooth Skin In Just 15 Minutes,Skin Lightening Cream 100% Working
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