#will probably upload more stuff to the wiki tomorrow also
satans-no1fann · 2 months
one of my last dumps for a bit, satan and levi pngs
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also, i just uploaded like ~35+ things to the wiki. do i get a candy now? im tired.
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mikkagals-blog · 7 years
Information Literacy - START (Assessing Websites) CN-21
Want to buy something but are too lazy to go out? Want to know the latest hits and trends in fashions without having to go out and purchase those monthly fashion magazines? Get different food and restaurant recommendations from professional food critics without having to actually consult them (and fly halfway around the world at that—face it, professional food critics are almost nonexistent beings here in the Philippines) when you’re touring around different countries? Know all the latest gossip about your favorite celebrities without having to buy physical copies of their interviews written in magazines and newspapers? Be in the know immediately of what everyone in the world is obsessing and raving about—like those fidget spinners that everyone in the States and other countries have been obsessing about, which is just plain ridiculous to me (But oh well, who am I to judge?). Fear not, for all of these problems already have solutions to them. No longer do we have to worry about being too lazy or too busy. With just a few clicks and taps here and there on our ever so dependable and trusty smartphones (or really any gadget that you prefer), all (well most) of our problems are solved in the blink of an eye. How you might ask? The answer is actually pretty simple. All you need are two things: wi-fi and internet. With these two things in our possession, we can surf the web and search on all the different things we want (As most people of this day and age would say if you don’t know something, “Google it.”). From things like the latest gossip about the hottest stars to simpler things like checking in with your local news channel’s website as to whether there will be classes tomorrow, the vast knowledge that technology has enabled us to access is simply outstanding. It still surprises me to this day how people all over the world have developed the skill and commitment to search/research all about their unanswered questions on the web through using things like blogs and wikis. I mean, that is no simple feat. The dedication and effort that they put in just to stalk (for example) their favorite idols or authors is simply remarkable and outstanding. That’s also probably why I don’t really have any favorite tv shows or books as of the moment (besides the fact that I’m busy with schoolwork and assignments)—I’m too lazy to put in that much effort and dedication in something that isn’t really studies related, which is also why I admire some of my classmates who know all of their favorite idols’ birthdays and addresses and other miscellaneous information. Getting back on topic, I think that what’s really more impressive is the people behind the creation of those blogs and wikis. After all, we only use those blogs and wikis to benefit our own needs, but what about those bloggers and people behind those wikis? What do they get in turn for providing us with all those information for free? And also, how do they acquire all those types of information that they post online about?
 There are a lot of things that we take for granted in life. A good example of this would be taking advantage of the recent innovations and technologies made by other people. Things like viewing blogs and wikis are actually part of the things that we take for granted. Making blogs and wikis are not as simple as one might initially think or perceive it to be. Certain levels and amounts of dedication and research are needed just for these things to be given life. However, the most important essence of a blog or wiki (in my opinion) is the love and care that the person behind it is constantly putting in—something that we all have to be aware and grateful for. Going back to my question from earlier, what do these people benefit from by sharing all these things and information—be it personal or impersonal? There are a lot of different types of blogs and wikis accessible to us posted or viewable online. What do I mean by different? By different, I mean the type of content (among other things besides the nitty-gritty stuff). From posting about travels and adventure related stuff in blogs to posting all things food related in wikis. Some bloggers even post blogs solely about their own personal lives and lifestyles. The variety is endless yet almost all blogs and wikis share a common purpose. They all aim to share these things with us to get some sort of reaction or feeling from us, their viewers. The information exchange present in these blogs and wikis are a sort of give and take relationship. We get to read all we want about the things they post, and in return we give them feedback. Most people can’t keep things to themselves, and that’s why a lot of people in this world are opinionated. This applies even in the online world. We read about blogs and wikis that are posted by different individuals and groups all the time. Now, I dare you. Do you (it could be yourself but I highly doubt it) know anyone that won’t have any type of reaction after having seen or read something (minus those people with disabilities)? I know I haven’t. This is actually the very reason why I think the comments section in all these blogs and wikis exist. They serve to let us voice our own thoughts and opinions regarding whatever the content posted about was in the comments section. The person or people behind these blogs and wikis are surely to read these things. After all, that’s what the comments section for isn’t it? Those feedback and opinions may or may not matter to them, but it still doesn’t change the fact that we did contribute somehow to whatever the blogger or editor or person had posted about. For all we know, they could have used the viewers’ opinions and remarks to change the way they blogged or post. Or perhaps the entire type of content that they might post about in the future (If worse comes to worse, they might even change the entire type of things that they post online about. For example, they could switch to dedicating their wikis and blogs about fashion instead of the initial topic of food.) That’s why I describe the information exchange happening on these online media to be something akin to a give and take relationship.
 The next question that people might think or ponder about (if you perhaps happen to be in a philosophical mood) is what purpose do the online information being posted about happen to be? I think it’s actually pretty self-explanatory to be honest. The answer is already in the word itself. All the things that we read about online in blogs and wikis serve to provide us more knowledge and insight regarding whatever topic it is that has been posted about. In my opinion, the real objective of all these information is to elicit some sort of reaction or feeling from the viewers. Not all information that we receive give us the same reaction or feeling. Some make us sad and cry (For example, knowing that your favorite blogger is on hiatus might make you feel upset.) while others make our faces light up with smiles and laughter (For example, K-pop fans might be delighted to hear that their favorite boy/girl bands are having a live concert here in the Philippines.). They might all give us different reactions and mixed feelings, but all (information) of them are the same in that they allow us to feel something after reading it (Wow, that sounded like it came from a telenovela or something.).  It goes without saying that if people question what all that information is for, then they might as well ask themselves who provides it. Depending on the type of wiki or blog, the person or people behind it may vary (I don’t mean that they may vary in height or weight or anything like that at all.). For example, not all blogs share the same type of content that they post. Some blogs are dedicated to informing people about the latest news—be it national or international—while some are dedicated to fitness and having healthy lifestyles. Not only that, blogs and wikis can also vary in the number/s of person/s behind it. Some blogs have only one person responsible for running the entire thing (for example, fashion blogger Tricia Gosingtian) while some have numerous people working on it from behind the scenes (like our shared Tumblr account for example). In the case of wikis, there are groups of people responsible for the formation of it. There are founders who may eventually also hold the position of administrator, those who can delete and undelete pages; page histories; and upload files at the same time prevent other users from vandalizing certain pages by locking them, and there are also contributors, editors, and bureaucrats. Wikis are actually considered a more open type of forum because they allow other users or individuals to make certain edits (if approved by admins and editors) and provide added information to the page itself. This way, a wiki is constantly improving (well most of the time) and changing in that it is being updated frequently and up to date with the current knowledge of the rest of the world. But we also have to question as to why and what their motives are for creating all those wikis and blogs. After all, you don’t do something without expecting at least some sort of result to come out of it.
 If we question their motives behind creating those wikis and blogs, I’m sure that their answer would be something along the lines of sharing what they feel or love to the public (maybe not so much as love for those that post about news like Rappler—which is more out of a sense of obligation). I agree. I mean, isn’t that the whole point of creating blogs and wikis? To share what you love or feel with those who might share the same passion or interest (disregarding blogs purposely made as assignments like this)? I think that’s a pretty solid enough reason for me as to why people create all the different types of wikis and blogs that we all get to read online.
 All in all, I think blogs and wikis are something that we should be thankful and grateful for.  We also shouldn’t look down on all those people who dedicate their time in creating ang posting content for us to read online because we also glean some of the information one way or another. After all, we’re all probably guilty ourselves for spending way too much of our time reading blogs and wikis. Besides, a lot of hard work has been put into creating and maintaining those blogs and wikis. Can you imagine having to recall almost everything about the thing that you want to post (and have some decent grammar while you’re at it if you don’t want to be bashed—that’s actually the worst-case scenario aside from being bashed because of your opinions that you posted regarding certain topics)? That’s something that I’m sure even the most seasoned and professional writers have trouble dealing with from time to time. Not to mention the amount of time it takes to write a blog entry or a page in a wiki. Writing a single blog post takes me almost three hours to write (that’s with certain conditions already attached to it like the number of pages or words needed to make the cut). It’s also pretty time-consuming and frustrating if you somehow can’t find the right words that clearly express the idea or feeling that you want to show. Momentum to me is also a key factor in writing blogs and wikis—mostly blogs though. If you stop in the middle of writing something to do another thing, chances are that you might forget what it is that you’re writing about. That’s why, I think that we should give respect and show our gratitude for these blogs and wikis from time to time. After all, writing blogs and wikis aren’t as easy as they seem to be.
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10 Men's Health Tips For Proper Nutrition And Weight Loss
Is there a kind 2 diabetes cure? If you ask most doctors, they'll tell you that treating diabetes can only be done by taking insulin shots. They couldn't be more wrong!
Parents, the garden viewing of your animated movie The Tale of Desperaux will be showing 8pm this weekend at Largo Central Playground. But prior for the showing, at 6:30pm, just about be hula-hooping, rock-climbing, and jump roping for most people! You are motivated to bring an open-air meal with you, and just about be goodie bags given out along with information providing health tips by Diagnostic The hospital. The address is 101 Central Park Drive, Largo. The wedding is Cost free!
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Hey fellas! If you enjoy cigars and partake in lighting one up occasionally, then I know of is a good event your region encouraged to! Tomorrow, Saturday, May 16, a person "smoke 'em if you have 'em" while enjoying live entertainement, viewing art designed by Florida artists, and partaking in liquids! This "Arts and Fine Cigars" event resides by Soho Cigar as well as the Creative Native Gallery from 7pm to 11pm. It may take place at 212 Armenia Ave., Polk. Admission is FREE!
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