#will probably reupload in the morning but eh
partstars · 3 years
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it’s uhhhhh kesett tapes
(boba can fit highway to hell onto a 120 min tape exactly 34 times and he wishes cal had like. sensible music taste. like highway to hell)
[ID: two pixel cassette tapes (or kesett tapes). the first is dark forest green and is called “this is just highway to hell 34 times in a row”, made by boba. the tape has red, gold, and grey stripes (color scheme is boba’s armor). the second is dark blue and titled “songs referenced by john mulaney”, made by cal. the pattern on the paper mimics one of cal’s ponchos, dark brown with gold chevrons. end]
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nikatyler · 5 years
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Mia Price for @kalissimsblog‘s Bachelor Challenge
Look, I wasn’t going to create a redhead but...let’s just say Ash isn’t the only person who really likes them.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Now 24 years old, Mia isn’t proud of her past at all. Back in high school, she was what many people would call a whore, and she still has that reputation back in Newcrest, her hometown. Her former classmates don’t know that she stopped hooking up with guys she barely knows. She won't deny it, she still likes sex. A lot. It’s just that she now wants more than just a one night stand.
About a year ago, she moved to San Myshuno to get a fresh new start. And it worked. Kind of. It’s so much harder to look for love when you actually mean it this time.
Not many would guess it, but Mia actually works in a kindergarten. She’s always had a soft spot for children. She’s unable to have her own, but she’ll do her best to guide the next generation to success. (Was that cheesy? It probably was cheesy. Well, it is what makes her get up and go to work every morning.)
When she saw what kind of person Ash is, she thought they could get along. They’ve both done things they regret, but maybe they can heal together?
Fun Facts:
Has probably kissed a girl or two in the past, but considers herself straight
Incredibly patient
Loves horoscopes
She’s a Leo btw
Cat person
Spicy food makes her sick (ironic, eh, considering she lives in the Spice District)
Loves sitcoms and romantic comedies, the cheesier the better
Used to be in a band in high school, left when the guitarist accused her of sleeping with her boyfriend (Mia didn’t actually sleep with him though)
Family Oriented | Music Lover | Self Assured | Superparent
TOU: You know the drill. Don’t claim as your own or reupload and don’t change her features. Feel free to change her clothes, hair, use your own defaults etc.
Private download if chosen.
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its-negans-lucille · 7 years
The Silent One - Part Twenty
You can find the other parts of this story and my Masterlist HERE!
Synopsis: Negan goes to Alexandria to ask some questions about the recent escapee and you have you second day on the fence. Ships: Negan x Reader (slow burn (duh)) Words: 1,479 Warnings: Curses, over use of the word ‘walkie’ Category: Angst
*** Reader POV ***
You had a large sniper rifle in your hands as you walked slowly up and down the section of fence that you were sworn to protect. You job down here was to take out the walkers that were pressing up against the fence or who had somehow gotten loose. It was dull work but you had wanted to get involved so here you were. You were also too stubborn to tell Negan that you found this work dull so you kept your mouth shut and got on with it.
You had been standing stationary for about five minutes, watched one particular walker who kept on snapping its teeth at you, desperately trying to get to you. Something silver close to the ground caught your eye. You snapped your head toward its source but you couldn’t see anything. You took a step close to the fence when you heard a loud voice call.
“I’m going to go and help some shit-wit a few towers away. If you need me just use the walkie!” Arat called as she stepped down from the dilapidated, wooden, tower where she had been previously observing you from. She tossed you a walkie-talkie which dropped on the floor in front of you a few feet away. You watched her until she had rounded a corner of the block of buildings called The Sanctuary.
You slung the gun over your shoulder as you crouched down to pick up the walkie. You turned it over a few times, learning the buttons and such when you heard a whisper. Something so quiet that you weren’t sure that you’d heard it at first. You slowly turned around, attaching the walkie-talkie to your belt and swinging your gun from over your shoulder.
You stood up straight and scanned the fence, your finger on the trigger of the sniper.
“Psst.” There it was again. You stepped toward the fence when you saw it. Standing there, covered from head to toe so that he was almost unrecognisable, was your best friend and your previous partner in crime, Jesus.
*** Negan POV ***
“Listen up fuckers!” Negan proclaimed loudly as he banged the butt end of Lucille on the side of one of the Alexandrian’s car. “Christ has escaped his tomb!” Negan said loudly, expecting down cast looks or possibly looks of joy but all he got was puzzlement. He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Fucking hell, I didn’t just kill a fucking puppy. I made a joke, now I know that’s a damn foreign concept to you people, but, fuck, c’mon.” Negan said in a disheartened tone. “What I’m trying to fucking say it your friend got out and now we’re here to search your town!” Negan smiled as his men that he had taken with him surged forward as one, going to go search the houses for any trace of Jesus.
“Rick, walk with me.” Negan commanded as he strode past Rick so that he had to catch up with him.
“We didn’t do anything.” Rick said in a solemn voice. This time with Negan was slowly wearing the bearded man down, he no longer put up a fight.
“Mhm. Well, we’ll see.” Negan shrugged as he stepped up onto Rick’s neat porch, a rocking chair slowly creaking back and forth in the breeze. “How about you invite me in for a drink? Eh, Rick? Man to man?” Negan said as he playfully punched Rick in the shoulder.
Rick gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, probably thinking about something that would definitely get everyone in this community killed. Rick obviously thought against his thoughts of caving in Negan’s frontal lobe as he stepped forward and opened the door, gesturing Negan inside.
Negan swiftly made himself comfortable by crossing the room and beginning to rummage in a few draws. He carried on doing this for quite some time before he stopped and let out an almost childlike, curious, gasp of excitement. Rick was hanging back, watching warily from the centre of the room, not even bothering to try and stop him from searching his home.
“What’s this?” Negan asked in a loud, charismatic tone as he turning over a walkie-talkie that once would’ve been a dark grey colour but now was covered in crayon marks and a few patches of glitter. “I didn’t really think this was your style, Rick.” Negan chuckled.
“Yeah.” Rick said in a low voice, his eyes darting nervously from Negan to the walkie in his hands, Negan took note of that. Rick stepped forward with his arm outstretched. “I’ll just have that back now…” Rick said in a low voice as he avoided eye contact with Negan.
“Now, Rick, you’re not hiding anything from me, right?” Negan asked as he took a step forward, entering Rick’s personal space. “Because, remember, I still have one hostage with the right number of functioning limbs.” Negan said in a low, dangerous voice.
“No, of course I’m not-” Rick started but he was cut off by Negan who pressed the button on the side of the bedazzled walkie-talkie and said:
“Any fuckers there? If you answer you get the grand prize of… Drumroll please…”
*** Reader POV ***
“Any fuckers there? If you answer you get the grand prize of… Drumroll please… Meeting my baby girl Lucille!” Proclaimed a crackly, blood chillingly familiar voice from where Jesus was standing on the other side of the fence. Negan was on the other end of Jesus’ line.
You shook your head incredulously.  
Swiftly, before any walkers could get to him, Jesus took out a knife and cleared out the dead in his immediate area so that he was free to talk to you without the imminent threat of death by disembowelment.
“Listen, I can explain.” Jesus began in a low, calming voice.
“What the hell are you doing here?” You hissed in a frustrated tone.
“What, not happy to see me?” Jesus asked with a cocked eyebrow. “Well, most of me.” He said with a wry smile as he pulled up one leg of his denim jeans to reveal a blade beneath it, much like the blades that runners use. “One of the guys at Alexandria had a niece with one leg and she liked track, she died when it all began and honestly he was happy to give it to me.” Jesus said as he dropped the leg of the jean.
“Jesus, you need to leave.” You said in a low voice. “Please.” You implored, constantly looking over your shoulder as Arat could get here at any second.
“I will, I will. After I give you this,” he fished out a walkie-talkie from his pocket and pushed it through the fence. “So me and Rick can talk to you form Alexandria.” He smiled.
“Wait, so you’re not here to … to rescue me?” You asked in a suspicious voice. Jesus’ face fell as he shook his head.
“I’m sorry.” Jesus said in a low voice. “We’re trying our hardest to get enough supplies for the Saviours and that doesn’t leave much time for…  for…”
“For me.” You finished, your face downcast.
“Listen, I’m really sorry.” Jesus said with a sigh. “We’ll get you out, I promise. One way or another. Even if we have to kill Negan.”
You felt your stomach drop. “Kill him? Isn’t that a little. . . extreme?” You asked, trying to sound tentative and nonchalant but you ended up sounding worried.
“I don’t have a leg, (Y/N).” Jesus said in a flat voice.
“Yeah, yeah, of course.” You said absently, thoughts racing through your head “I have to go, I’m really sorry. We’ll walkie you every other night at twelve.” Jesus said, already backing away from you.
“Morning.” You said in a low voice.
“Morning?” Jesus asked, bemused.
“Negan is never up before ten o’clock. Walkie me at seven.” You said. You saw Jesus give a curt nod.
“Take care of yourself.” Jesus said as he back away, trying to keep away from the Walkers.
“I always do.” You shrugged, not entirely believing it.
Thank you all so much for reading and bearing with me. I’ve been sick over the past few days and before that school just hadn’t been good and I was having a hard time. So thank you again for baring with me! Thank you so much for reading! Have a lovely day
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