#why am i just now finding out that headcannons apparently only have 1 n
mrs-march-ahs · 2 years
something fluffy for eddie? idk if you write for him BUT you should because he’s amazing and you’re amazing and I need some eddie fics from my favourite writer <3 ily
Being Eddie Munson’s Girlfriend :)
this was SO fun :D certainly up for doing a part 2, or a fluffy short if anyone has any cute ideas :)
-Eddie is an absolute crow for little trinkets and little things so he would bring you a lot of things that remind him of you
-Definitely picks you flowers on the way home if he was away
-When Eddie’s nervous he messes around with his hands, fiddling with his fingers or spinning his rings around, taking them off his fingers and putting them on other ones etc
-Sometimes you notice, and you want to calm his nerves, so you hold his hand
-He loves holding your hand and he always rubs your hand with his thumb
-He loves having your hand on his lap because then he gets to play with your rings! :)
-When you’re not wearing any he’ll still fiddle with your fingers
-You have some friends over together and you’re sat on Eddie’s lap, and he’s playing with your fingers
- “I like your naaails, giiirl”, he says in a slightly high-pitched voice. “You gotch your naaails done?”
- “Eddie stop”
-Eddie literally looooves watching you do your hair and makeup
-If you’re going out together he absolutely insists that he’ll be ready within a few minutes so he waits for you to be almost ready first
-But that’s just an excuse to sit cross legged on his bed while you sit with your makeup laid out on the floor in front of his mirror
-He rests his head on his arm and watches you with heart eyes
-Probably doesn’t know the name of most makeup
- “I like your…” (imitates your eyeliner wing) “Your schwoop”
- “You look like you’re blushing, you’re so cute” (pinches your cheeks)
- God forbid you ever do anything dark, like purple eyeshadow or black lipstick
- “Rock ‘n’ roll as fuck babe”
-Eddie definitely has a silver thin chain necklace that he never takes off, so you’re always welcome to take anything from his jewellery apart from his rings and his one (1) chain
-He’ll surprise you with a matching chain just like his
- “So technically we’re engaged, because I gave you jewellery”
-If you make him a pastel or even bright pink glittery bead bracelet it will not come off his wrist
-If he ever broke it he’d cry
-Also Eddie loves calling you by your last name
- "Well well well, is that you Miss Jenkins? You're looking hot tonight"
- "Come here, Miss Y/L/N"
-Pet names include: darlin', angel, sweetheart, bunny, buns, gorg
-ALWAYS on his lap, because where else?
-Always holding his hand, because why not?
-If your shoulder doesn’t smell like his armpit yet then he hasn’t had his arm around you enough today
-Obviously Eddie smokes a lot, and he doesn’t particularly want you to smoke, but it really turns him on if you do
-Wants to blow smoke in your mouth and vice-versa
-If you let him blow smoke in your mouth ONCE that man will grab your face, smushing your cheeks to part your lips, and blow smoke in your mouth every time he smokes a cigarette
-Or blunt, if you allow it
-Not related to relationships but Eddie definitely jiggles his leg when he sits
-Man can’t sit still
-If you’re sat on his lap he’ll still do it
not tagging anyone?? let me know if you want to be in an eddie taglist please
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Break up, Make up ~ Anon Request Pt. 2 ~ David Dobrik x Reader
A/N: You can find Part 1 here! I’m sticking to a bullet list format with this one as well cause I dont wanna fuck with punctuation and proper grammar rn. Hope y’all enjoy!
Summary: Anon requested a headcannon on (Y/N) and David’s first fight. I kinda turned it into your first big, serious fight with David and this is the make up part of that headcannon.
The logistics of it are fucked. You’ve spent the last four months at David’s place and you didn’t have access to your chargers, contact lenses, or toothbrush. (Like fine, you can buy most of that, but you were banished to use your glasses for the foreseeable future because your pride wasn’t allowing you to reach out to him.)
David is a wreck. Alone in LA with all his friends in Miami. He was loosing footage and, more importantly, the girl he was in love with. Natalie stayed behind and was his only outlet at this point, but he was trying not to bug her. He was an obvious mess though.
David asks Liza to come over when they all get back. He lets Natalie know to text everyone he needed the night and prepared for an uneasy conversation.
Yeah, (Y/N) was right. Liza was feeling just as bad as his gf said she was. His ex was actually stoked that he canceled, not maliciously, but to avoid the close quarters without his gf there. Liza said it was eating at her and it’s like she’s forcing herself to not move on.
David wanted to puke.
He’d hurt two of the people he’d loved the most and didn’t even realize it. He didn’t even stop to think about it. He can’t help sobbing.
Liza doesn’t hold him, he doesn’t want her to. He just wants to bury into himself and never leave. Liza cries too.
It’s shitty. Liza and him agree they need time apart. They need separation, at least she did. Not forever, not permanently. They would always share the core of their friends. But it was too fresh for one of them and too close for the other. Pretending everything was okay needed to stop.
Liza knows he’s in love with you. And she says she will never stand in the way or even let their old relationship be an option. She wants him to be happy. That’s all she’s ever wanted.
Then she’s gone. And David still wants to vomit.
He doesn’t want Liza back and he thinks there’s a good chance he won’t ever get you back. All because he couldn’t see outside of himself. He’s so good at that usually. At least he thought he was. The pain is enormous and all he wants is for you to hold him.
The VS are eerily quiet about the whole thing. Carly and Erin come over to your place a couple days after they get back. It’s weird having them there. It felt wrong, but you were glad for the company none the less.
They skirt around the topic for a while until Carly breaks. She outright asks what’s up and you begrudgingly tell them. They’d gathered the separation part, but not how or why.
The girls aren’t super shocked, apparently everybody saw it coming but David.
They tell you he looks like shit. He’s not himself. And Erin thinks it’s creepy how easily David can slip into his vlog voice while looking like utter misery behind the camera. Carly thinks it’s creepier that he’s stop playing music altogether through his house wide speakers. You can only shrug. They don’t press it.
It’s week four of solitude for you when you finally cave. You text Natalie asking when David will be gone so you can grab your stuff. The bitch leaves you on read. (You know she’s doing it on purpose so you have to talk to him.)
You send out a short text and he says he’ll be home editing all night. You definitely don’t put it off until way too late in the night. Nope, you’re actually very busy having multiple mental breakdowns on your couch until well after ten.
You try to not to look like hell, but you don’t think it works when you walk into his house and David spins in place in the kitchen, looking at you pitifully after he takes in your form.
But hey, he looks like garbage too, so you feel better. (Only a little though.)
You swallow around the lump in your throat and make your way into the master bedroom. You don’t want to wait for words. You want this to be done.
He watches you from the doorframe in his room. He stares sadly as you pull chargers together and go back and forth from the bathroom to the bed, collecting items.
He knows he’s crying, but he won’t acknowledge it, he just lets it happen and doesn’t even wipe at his face.
You can’t look at him. Tears on David’s face for any reason made you ache. You couldn’t look at him now.
“You were right.” He says once it seems you have neared the end of your search, stepping into the room fully. “About Liza. I talked to her when she got back and she said it’s killing her. I- we agreed to like, step back from the friendship. It’s hurting everybody... I didn’t mean to hurt anybody. I didn’t. And I’ll regret it the rest of my life.”
“I get it. I get why you can’t do it. I’m sorry, (Y/N). I’m really fucking sorry and I hope you know I do love you. I have never felt the way you make me feel before. I love you more than ex’s, more than revenue and ad sense, more than the fucking vlogs.”
He’s rambling.
“Which I didn’t think was possible, and I don’t know what that says about how fucked in the head I am... but, I do. I love you more than all of that. And I hope you know that. Even if it doesn’t mean anything to you and you do need to move on from this... from us... I think you should know you’re it for me. Even if it’s too late.”
He’s finally wiping at his eyes, not wanting to look at your torn face anymore. There’s not enough fabric in the world and his sleeves are getting soaked with tears.
“I don’t want you to have to choose between-,” you’re saying after several long moments of silence. He doesn’t let you finish.
“Well, fuck you, because I am! I choose you. You can dislike that all you fucking want, but it’s done! It’s you, you’re it! You’ve been chosen. Deal with it.”
You can’t help caving completely, not after seeing David lay everything out there, begging you to stay but giving you an out even though it killed him. He looks like the most broken boy in LA.
You also can’t help closing the distance between the two of you until you’re standing right before him. Gently, slowly, you lean your head forward onto his chest and just rest it there.
You can hear his sniffles still, even as he’s winding his arms around you, pulling you flush against him so you can bury your face into his chest and wrap your arms around his back, hands balling up in the hoodie he was wearing.
He’s pulling your face up and resting your forehead against his. Your tear stained faces match and you just stare into one another, finally back in the others embrace.
“Okay. I’ll deal with it.” You break the silence, kissing the chapped soft lips you’ve been so desperately missing.
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opalai-pixel-witch · 3 years
It´s a me again! :D
 “Heya!! I’m so sorry it took me a while to get to this message, college and real life stuff has been kicking my ass ;;_;; I’m glad to hear that things are going well for you!!”
– I so sorry too! I have a lot of work and no time to answer you, I love talking with you about HH and MS but the life is heavy :,c
I was waiting they correctedmy proyect, and now I have to share them my progress :,D 👍
  “I mean…isn’t she? |D Jokes aside I agree with you, since the only talk of skating she’d done in the game was casually acknowledging the others’ obsession with it :P Still, I am super tempted to draw Pesto skating at some point >.>”
 –When you want, draw her, I’d love to see her
  “That reminds me of a weird headcannon I’ve been thinking about—I feel like with her being in charge of diseases and stuff, she has the power to remove an illness along with her ability to inflict it :o Maybe I’m just being dumb, but I thought it’d be cool…and yeah, I can totally picture that |D”
 – Maybe Pesto has that ability, although I can’t think of what she would use it for, unless she use it like a threat, like one of the paranormal investigators captures her friends and she makes him sick so he liberate them and if not liberate them, he will suffer the disease and if he liberates them, he will recover.
I wonder if she can kill, I have this doubt from MS where Death can’t kill and says “he wasn’t due” after killing Samon Guy, but War was killing gangsters, although that can be justified with the fact they were in a shootout and so it was time for them to die. And in HH we have Fam killing little Ramsey, I can only justify that with:
♦ Fam is capable of breaking the rules in order to carry out Satan’s orders;
♦ Or if you find are in another hell, horsemen can kill you even if it isn’t your time;
♦ Or the only world matters to them is humans world and if they kill beings from other worlds, it doesn’t matter, because they run the humans hell (in HH they make it clear that there are different hells for different creatures)
  “I dunno if I’d label the horsemen as dead though, I think they’re just some weird immortal entities :P”
 – About “the horsemen are already dead”I took from Death’s twitter, I have several headcanons from there. There he makes jokes like he is living the best moment of his death, for example XD
  “If dA is becoming deserted now, that only means their Eclipse scheme has failed =A= I wonder how long they’ve been banging their heads against the wall in regret…”
 – Sometimes that I think that all of Eclipse thing was a conspiracy from how bad it turned out, the owner of DA changed a few years ago, I wouldn’t be surprised if the new owner is the competition or he wants to sell the domain to someone else.
They took all the good things out of the page like: the search for groups by name and the counter to know in how many groups you shared the drawings, I have to multiply 2 x n to know it and obviously that gives me lazy and boring; the images are so big, if I want to find a folder that is the latest, I have to minimize the page, in fact, I use minimized DA; the only good thing they had, to look which groups are full, they took it out with an update! >:( >:( >:(
And it has several bugs: the images are repeated and if you try to save several images in a folder, less than half will be saved and that will force you to repeat the same annoying process over and over; and I hate that, when I open a list, it closes by itself because it doesn’t have the mouse over it! I mean, the only way to see a list is to scroll down with the mouse, but what if it leaves the list? “Oh, what a shame”, repeated the proses
  “I’ve also been looking at comics on Webtoons lately, my favorite one there is probably Clinic of Horrors :o”
 – In Webtoon I have read “Love advice from the great duke of hell ”, “Meow man” and “As per usual”, my favorite is the 1st one :3
  “Your new drawings are (as always) sooo cool!!!! O.O War looks super badass, and the one with Death casually approaching Sam is funny |D I also love the comic with his dad and Cobbles, the “you will have to believe me” line made me lose it >o>”
 – Thanks! ^^ Your drawings are AWESOME too! :D ♥
I still have several ideas, but 1st I need free time to make them :,)
Some drawings here ;v :
-Your ultimate drawing: “Cannibalism” X,D 
Love our boi! ♥
“I see o: I can definitely picture her as the weapons-handler of the group! Odd thing, though—I don’t think Milky actually had any weapons in the game…unless his pockets are somehow bottomless and he keeps them in there :P I can also see the motivation for them going after Salmon Guy—after all, he has encountered one of the horsemen firsthand! The best witness for them would be Sam with all his new info, but of course because he’s the ultimate rich kid it would be super difficult for them to get to him |D”
 – It wouldn’t be strange Milky has infinite pockets like the Mask XD
I thought of Bat-dug as a supplier of weapons and special equipment cuz, at the beginning of HH, she tells Milky that she and Red eye have weapons, which makes sense, yes you’re going after War you aren’t going to use your fists or a twig XD
She has infinite pockets, obviously ;)
  “Haha yeah, Pesto would have to go to that Valhyr site constantly to translate everything >u>”
 – Pesto: Bjorn, you think you are so funny, you little…
Aaaahhh life can be dumb and bad, I know that all too well >A> It’s great to hear from you again!
I’ll be sure to do that when I have time ^_^
Yeah, maybe something like that o: I was thinking that we don’t really know if anyone else has the power to make people sick, so if some entity out there was like that they might do that and try to interfere with her work somehow and she’d just be all “no STOP that you idiot” and undo it or something :P It’s kinda hard for me to describe, but it’s something like that? Of course her job is the exact opposite of healing others so she probably wouldn’t use it all that often >_>
Yeah, those theories sound about right :o I think that all the horsemen are capable of killing (and also resurrecting as we’ve seen with Death and Pesto), but they’re only allowed to do it when the job requires them to and they risk being penalized somehow—usually with Hell Jail—if they do that of their own accord. I feel like it was a rather desperate situation in Hell when Odin went on his rampage, and Satan didn’t have enough time or patience to instruct Famine on how he could handle it. And so, Famine being his usual cringy and edgy self, took it to extremes and get Ramsey killed…so I think we can chalk that incident up to recklessness and a lack of preparation.
Oh yeah, I’ve looked through both his and Pesto’s accounts before but I guess I forgot about those :P There do seem to be some cases of early installment weirdness, though…like, apparently back in 2017 they were addressing Pesto with he/him pronouns??? I ain’t saying I got a new headcanon…but I do…maybe?
It seems that they tried to give it a smoother or cleaner look, but not only does it look totally boring—it’s also super inconvenient to use! Yaaaaay!! -______- Along with what you’ve mentioned, they’ve made browsing stuff super difficult. Why, oh why aren’t we allowed to search through categories anymore??? This is only making the creepier artworks harder to avoid ;;A;; Plus everything feels so slow and disorganized…dA has truly died by its own hand =A=
Hmmm, I may have to check those out! I would like to get in the habit of trying new things but my comfort zone is just so…comfy >o>
THE OTP IS BACK! ^o^ Protective War is so cool—and we all know Death would do the same for her >u> And that drawing of Death and Lil Foxbro is so adorable!! And it’s also super cool to see Sam, Bjørn and Cassiel hanging out together ^_^ My poor son though ;-;
I’m glad you liked the caption |D I was thinking about making it more dramatic, all like “OH NOOOO!!!! BJØRN IS A CANNIBAL!!!!” but I decided not to do that :P Nothing but love for the little pumpkin pie ^_^
You know, that first scene with him where he’s spying did make me wonder…he had his tracker-thing in one hand and a coffee in the other, and then he somehow takes his goggles off at the end?? Maybe he does have limitless pockets… (making secret plans to steal Milky’s coat later)
That makes sense to me :o But I wonder why Milky didn’t have a weapon—even if he’s going to Helheim, a presumably peaceful afterlife, these are still the horsemen he’s dealing with…there’s definitely some infinite pocket action going on >_>
Bjørn: Don’t hurt me, I am just baby c:
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thomcoldman-blog · 6 years
My 10 Favourite Games Of 2017
This list was originally posted on the forum Resetera, but I felt like putting it up here too, with a little more insight into why I liked these games so much, and so they don’t get lost in the muddle of forum posts. Enjoy!
10. Snake Pass (Sumo Digital; Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, PC)
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Sumo Digital has been a developer I've admired for years, particularly for their work on the Nintendo-tier kart racer Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. Snake Pass is their first independently-produced title, and it has a great hook - the player controls a snake in much the same manner as a real snake might move. There's no jump button, no Earthworm Jim spacesuit, just the power to raise one's head and the strength to grip tightly to any object you've coiled around. There's no timer or enemies; Snake Pass is content to let you explore its levels at your own pace, letting you getting used to its unique feeling and take in the calming David Wise soundtrack. It's a game that feels like learning to ride a bike again, and the progression in ability over time is such a pleasing sensation that it earns it its place on this list by itself. The good use of collectables and generous helping of levels is icing on the cake.
9. Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus (MachineGames; PS4, Xbox One, PC)
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B.J. Blazkowicz returns and he's lost all meaning of subtlety whilst he's been out of action. Wolfenstein 2 shoots all of its shots - the action is bloody, explosive carnage, and the subject matter isn't satisfied with just skewering Nazi idiocy and narcissism, taking time to shine a light on White America's love affair with sitting back and reaping the rewards of compliance under fascist rule. Whether it's exploring B.J.'s broken psyche, giving Wyatt a crash course on hallucinogenics or putting you under the spotlight in a terrifying audition, MachineGames refuse to pull their punches, each great moment coming swinging like B.J.'s Nazi-reprimanding fireaxe. The combat encounters are far from polished, with stealth being heavily nerfed from The New Order and the half-way shift in tone from borderline-satirical diatribe on mortality and American race relations to comic-book capers is incredibly stodgy, but Wolfenstein 2 leaves a hell of an impression all the same. Shame about that credits music.
8. Gorogoa (Jason Roberts; PC, iOS, Nintendo Switch)
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A good puzzle game can make a really strong impression, guiding you subtly by the hand to make you feel like a member of MENSA just for pressing a few buttons or prodding at a screen. With Gorogoa, I can't even begin to describe how the puzzles actually work. Imagine a window segmented with 4 panes of glass, and now imagine you can drag elements out of those panes and into other panes, or over where there isn't a pane to create a new pane... See, it’s hard! In as simple terms as I can muster, it’s a game about taking the world apart and putting it back together again to create paths and progress for your anonymous young hero. It’s intensely abstract, yet the South Asian aesthetic feels like a living locale, an exploration of a boy's days-to-come. It's a short experience, but with each puzzle solved making me feeling smarter than Albert god damn Einstein, it's one that will stick with me for a long time.
7. Splatoon 2 (Nintendo EPD; Nintendo Switch)
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Like pretty much everyone, I didn't own a Wii U, but the sting of that decision never really happened until the arrival of Splatoon - Nintendo's first proper new "core" universe since what felt like Pikmin. It instantly looked like sheer fun - and as a big fan of both Jet Set Radio and The World Ends With You, it was clear as day Nintendo's younger designers were picking up the Shibuya fashion torch those games dropped behind them. Put simply, it's totally my shit. Splatoon 2 confirms my suspicions and then some, being the first multiplayer title I've enjoyed online in forever. I can't get enough of the soundtrack, the sound effects, the amazingly catty banter between Pearl and Marina, and just the feeling of dropping into ink, strafing around a sucker and blasting them straight between the eyeballs with my N-ZAP '85. 20% of Switch owners in the US can't be wrong.
6. Yakuza 0 (SEGA; PS4)
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The only games I've played previously by SEGA's Toshihiro Nagoshi are the brilliant arcade/Gamecube bangers F-Zero GX and Super Monkey Ball 2, plus his one-off PS3 sci-fi shooter Binary Domain. Loving those 3 wacky games, I always felt a little put-off by his regular gig nowadays being a series about Japan's most decorated crime organisation, and a bare-knuckle brawler at that. Yakuza 0, the 80s-set series prequel that serves as a perfect entry point for series newcomers, proved my suspicions ill-founded. It's a game which instantly casts the majority of the yakuza as control freaks and bullies, pits its protagonists Kiryu and Majima as their unfounded targets and pawns... and then lets you fight your way out of hell via brutal finishing moves, bizarrely complex business management sidequests and, if you're so inclined, a gun shaped like a giant fish. It's that kind of game that always keeps you guessing whether or not you should take it seriously, and so it wins you over with its best-in-class action choreography, astonishingly good direction and a never-ending deluge of sidequests, minigames and challenges. Don't sleep on Kamurocho.
5. Sonic Mania (SEGA/Christian Whitehead/Headcannon/PagodaWest Games; Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, PC)
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If you’re reading this, you probably know I'm a Sonic apologist. I don't really stand by the 3D entries - bar Sonic Generations, which I genuinely love - but the narrative that "Sonic was never good" is some ridiculous meme that I can't stand. They were genuinely fun games, albeit far from perfect; every game can use some improvement. Sonic Mania is that improvement, spinning the level themes and gimmicks from the original Mega Drive (and Mega CD) games into vast new forms, with myraid routes, tons of secrets, an astonishing sense of speed from beginning to end and fairer, more agreeable, more exciting level design. Old locales, new levels - oh, and some new locales as well, one of which (Studiopolis Zone) is an instant classic. 16:9 presentation, all new animations and crazy levels of animation detail, and a mind-blowing soundtrack by Tee Lopes - Sonic Mania is the perfect Sonic game.
4. NieR: Automata (Square Enix/PlatinumGames; PS4, PC)
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For my first foray into the sunken mind of Yoko Taro, he couldn't have left a better impression. NieR: Automata uses Platinum's engaging-at-worst, thrilling-at-best melee combat as the language to tell his new story of how pointless it is for anyone to even bother throwing themselves after ideals of society or humanity, and why it's worth trying all the same. Every inch of this game feels crusted in Taro’s sensibilities, with the no-bullshit 2B and her curious whiny partner 9S running into robots waving white flags, avenging fallen comrades, establishing monarchies, throwing themselves to their deaths, and coming to terms with their crumbling existence in apocalypse.  It's crushing, it's raw, it's often dull, but its uniquely bleak vision of AIs breaking free of their programming has a grip as powerful as a Terminator's. And when it’s ready to let you go, it has you send it off with the most memorable credits sequence in history. Glory to Yoko Taro, glory to PlatinumGames - glory to mankind.
3. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Nintendo EPD; Nintendo Switch, Wii U)
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Standing in the centre of a bridge connecting Hyrule’s broad, emerald green fields to the desert mountain approach, a bridge overlooking the still Lake Hylia, I fire an arrow into a lizard bastard’s head, or at least I try to. He dodges it and rushes me, forcing me to jump away and retaliate with my claymore. Out for the count, I resume looking for the lost Zora wife I’ve been asked to seek out, who apparently washed all the way downstream in a recent downpour. I can’t see any wife - my entire view is dominated by the giant green dragon snaking across the night sky above me. The wind picks up, but I am too awestruck by its presence to take note that I could glide up to it and shoot off a valuable scale. Instead, I just stand and stare, this utterly unexpected moment happening before my eyes. Friend or foe? A boss monster, perhaps? A vital story element later on? The answer ended up being none of the above: in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, there be dragons, and that fact in and of itself speaks volumes about what this game is about. After 30 years, Hyrule finally feels alive.
2. Night in the Woods (Infinite Fall; PS4, Xbox One, PC, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS)
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Very few games instil a genuine emotional response within me, but the story of Mae Borowski's no-fanfare return from college to suburban gloom resonates hard with me. It's an expert at the little touches - the needless-yet-fun triple jump, the not-so-starcrossed rooftop musicians, the impulsive reaction to poke a severed arm with a stick - and woefully precise with its big swings, like an upsetting cross-town party, a wave of violent frustration amongst the townspeople, and the inability to just lay it all on the table with friends and family when you need to most. In the cosmic dreams of shitty teens, Night in the Woods finds an ugly beauty in depression. 
1. Super Mario Odyssey (Nintendo EPD; Nintendo Switch)
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It’s impossible to deny 2017 has been the year of Nintendo. There’s plenty of celebrate elsewhere, but the Switch’s rise to prominence as the machine to be playing ideally everything on, and the amount of absolute smash hits Nintendo has producing this year makes it hard for the narrative to focus elsewhere. The epitome of all this is their final killer game of 2017: Super Mario Odyssey, the grand return of a more open-ended style of Mario platformer. A true blue achievement in joyous freedom, it brings together everything from Mario's history of 3D platforming - 64's freedom, Sunshine's other-worldliness and sky-high skill ceiling, Galaxy's spectacle, 3D World's razor-sharp platforming challenge - and throws into one big pot, creating a Mario where both the journey and the destination are one and the same, and exciting to the very end. In a year of amazing games that hit upon horrid, upsetting themes with delicate, pinpoint accuracy for tremendous success, I’m not sure whether it’s a shame or an inevitability that such an unapologetically surprising, happy game made the biggest mark on me this year, but either way, I’m welcome to have Mario be truly Super once more.
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