#who is amritpal singh
thegalievthought · 2 hours
The State of The International Proletariat
The State of The International Proletariat report May 1 2024
Yesterday April 30th marked the 49th anniversary of the liberation of Saigon by the National Liberation Front. Yesterday in Vietnam, celebrations took place reflecting the history and heroics of those who gave their lives to liberate Vietnam from France and then the American occupation government. However, like many celebrations in recent days, since 2023, there has been a shift in the focus of many celebrations. Just as much as yesterday’s celebrations were about a united and free Vietnam, too many it was also about those who were still unfree. This led to the Peoples’ War in Palestine that was reignited on October 7th in what many are calling the 3rd Intifada. And the reactionary genocide that Isreal is carrying out as revenge. Vietnam, however, is not the only nation to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people in their fight against apartheid. In recent days, people from all around the world have come together and drew a line to say ‘no more’. The international proletariat spearheaded these movements directly. Facing state repression and violence as a reaction to the solidarity of the working class is showing the Palestinian People, So on this the 135th International Workers Day, we wish to publish the State of The International Proletariat to examine the state of causes from the international proletariat and the world more broadly. 
We will break this down into two regions, Asia, and Africa will break this report down. We wish to now necessarily be comprehensive but give a general state of the class warfare and solidarity of class warfare as it has happened between 2023 and now.  
To begin, the first region we will be covering is Asia. Asia has been one of the most active regions in the past decades and the 2020s are no different, being a general hotbed of action. In Southeast Asia, conflicts have been smouldering. The civil war in Myanmar which started in 2021 after the Tatmadaw coup, where the military seized power from the popular bourgeois government in Myanmar. In 2023, the peoples’ war in Myanmar exploded with the various regional factions and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (the armed wing of the Myanmar National Truth and Justice Party) playing a leading role in challenging the Junta in Myanmar with its allies in the Northern Alliance. Other proletarian groups wage people’s war against the Tatmadaw, such as the People’s Defence Force and People’s Liberation Army, who are also fighting against the Junta. Various working class and bourgeoisie elements have united in this popular front against the Tatmadaw to restore democracy and, for many groups, to gain the autonomy denied to them by previous governments. Additionally, many groups in the Northern Alliance demand to separate from Myanmar and be allowed to be free and independent.
Elsewhere in Asia, typical petty imperialism continues to be prevalent. The reactionary government in Indonesia, which destroyed the revolutionary government in 1965 with the aid of the United States and United Kingdom, continues to wage its destructive and genocidal war in West Papua. The West Papua National Liberation Army continues its decades long war with the Imperialist Indonesian state. Proletarian activists, especially in Australia and New Zealand have begun to bring light to the issue bring the war and genocide in West Papua to be more than a niche geopolitical conflict that gets no attention and put pressure on the bourgeois who make millions funding Indonesias imperialist actions in the region. 
In the Indian subcontinent, tensions continue to rise, especially around the occupied Khalistan. The movement has seen a resurgence, especially after the new head of the movement, Amritpal Singh returned to India to make further moves to fight for Khalistan. In 2023, the fascist Modi government arrested him and many of his associates as part of a larger crackdown on Sikh politics internally and abroad. The Modi government allegedly attempted to assassinate Khalistan activists abroad, including Hardeep Singh Nijjar, whom the Canadian government firmly accused the Indian government of assassinating. Meanwhile, in 2024 tensions only continue to rise in India as rebel groups from Khalistan and many other such as the Naxalites who continue to fight a people’s war in India target senior members of the Bharatiya Janata Party (Party of Prime Minister Modi), police and military targets with many smaller militias all over the subcontinent fighting Modi’s government for various reasons, India, in the opinion of many, is a powder-keg waiting to explode. With many smaller insurgencies only waiting to burst into a wider civil war like in the neighbouring Myanmar, 
Meanwhile, in Pakistan, the working class actively fights against foreign influence and military corruption to secure justice for Prime Minister Imran Khan, who was arrested in 2023. Demonstrations and protests in Pakistan have been common, as many want Imran Khan released and restored as Prime Minister of Pakistan. He and his party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf have been widely popular because of challenging the norms of Pakistani politics and making real changes to the corrupt system of Pakistan. These protests remained common all the way up till the recent Pakistan general elections. Where the working class accused the corrupt military of Pakistan of rigging the elections in favour of less popular parties. Which sparked widespread outrage and demonstrations which were suppressed by the military and police.
At the same time in occupied Balochistan, both Iran and Pakistan still suppress the region heavily in 2024 strikes being carried out against Islamist separatist militias in Balochistan by Iran, causing temporary tensions between Iran and Pakistan. 
Meanwhile, in Asia, the true defining conflict of  2023 and 2024 has been the start of the Third Intifada, the subsequent genocide carried out against Palestine, by Israel and the regional conflict the war has exploded into. As we all know, on October 7th 2023, the militias of Gaza made the decision due to the continued Israeli blockade and the living situation in Gaza quickly becoming untenable due to population growth, all of which was reported by the UN in 2015. This led to the political situation in Gaza to be one of the necessary change and fast. Before October 7th already many Gazan survived on just three to eight litres of water per day. Which led to the opening battle of the third Intifada, the October 7th Attack. The attack saw various militias take the IDF by surprise and captured numerous positions and held them for many hours, only fully were the militias pushed back to Gaza a few days after October 7th. After that is when Israel cut off all resources to Gaza in what has since been declared by many workers a breach of humanitarian law. This was followed by‌ several weeks of bombing leading up to the ground invasion of Gaza and the beginning of the genocide proper by Isreal. Over the next six months, the conflict which started in Gaza had exploded to the whole region with groups like Hezb-Allah, Ansar-Allah and Kateb Hezb-Allah all striking Israel within weeks of the conflicts beginning and they still play an active and constant Role six months after the fighting has begun. But it is from Palestine and the genocide that many workers worldwide have seen hope still flourish. With statements from two factions fighting the people’s war in Palestine, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine have played major roles in the Third Intifada, making some of the most inspiring propaganda and unifying the working class in ways not seen in over three decades. And we wish to note that in all the countries and movements we have talked about so far, all of them have shown solidarity and unity with Palestine. Palestine has united the world in bravery and action. And even in America today we see the bravery inspire as students fight for what’s right in universities all over the Americas and world facing violence and repression like they did at CUNY with the NYPD forcefully beating and arresting many students at CUNY the night of April 30th. 
Palestine has, with her actions for her freedom, inspired the whole world to strive for their freedom and to support Palestine in the same. This has led to a certain uptick in activity in Georgia experiencing protests by the working class against corruption and the Russian puppet government, and in Armenia against Azerbaijan expansionism. 
And even in Sudan, a nation which has been gripped by turmoil and civil war as Russian, CAR and UAE backed Rapid Support Forces cause mass death and destruction in the country. Even their solidarity and hope remain as the people’s war led by the Sudanese Communist Party fights against both the RSF and the government to liberate Sudan, and in the Congo, which faces imperialism too from its neighbours. This May Day report is to highlight all the struggles of the 3rd world. Of all oppressed nations. However, in this year 2024, to do that is impossible without giving tremendous praise and support to Palestine. Palestine is the heart of the 3rd world. Palestine is the heart of resistance, Palestine is the heart of the working class. Which is why on this International workers’ day we must remain steadfast and stalwart in support of all people’s wars waging against tyranny and fascism. From the Philippines to West Papua, from West Papua to Myanmar, to Myanmar to Khalistan, From Khalistan and Naxal to Pakistan, from Pakistan and Balochistan to Palestine and Sudan. The whole world must be united in bravery, in solidarity. For a free world, or as Ho Chi Mihn once said. “Nothing is more precious than independence and liberty,”. This remains true today more than ever before. So long live the victory of the people’s war in Vietnam, and pass the banner of victory forward to the new generation of freedom movements. For we have a world to win. Long Live the Victory of People’s War!
Now The Internationale In Arabic
هـبوا ضحايا الاضـــطهاد ضحايـا جـــوع الاضطـرار
بـركــان الـفكـر في اتـّـقاد هــذا آخــــــر انـــفـــــجــار
هــــيا نحــو كــــل ما مـر ثــوروا حـطـموا الـقــــيــود
شــــيـدوا الكون جديد حر كــونـــوا أنــتـم الــــوجـــود
بـجـموع قـوية   هبوا لاح الظفر
غـــد الأمـمــية   يـوحد الــبشــر
يـكـفي عــزاء بــــالخـيال عـــلـيـنا العــبء لا منــاص
فــيا عـــــمّــال لـــلنـضال فـــفي يـــميــنـنا الـخـــلاص
احموا الكور ضعوا الحديد و دقــــــوه على احـــــمـرار
يـريد الــشعــب أن يــسود فـــكـــوا الــــروح من اســار
بـجـموع قـوية   هبوا لاح الظفر
غـــد الأمـمــية   يـوحد الــبشــر
حــكــمٌ و شــــرعٌ ظالمان مــأجـــوران لـلأغـــنــيــــاء
حــديــث فـــارغ الـمعــان ذكــــــر حــقـوق الــفـقـــراء
دعــوا الهـــزء بالــمساواة فـــلـلمـــســـــاواة طــــريــق
الـــحــقــوق بالـواجــبــات و الواجـبــات بـالـــحـــقــوق
بـجـموع قـوية   هبوا لاح الظفر
غـــد الأمـمــية   يـوحد الــبشــر
أســيادنــا المــسـتـثــمرونا فــوق شـــواهــق الــعــروش
كـــم سلــبـونا الملايــيــــنا و لـم يُـــبـقـوا لــنـا الـقـروش
ذهـــــبٌ فــوق أن يُـــــحـدّ مُــصّ مــن دم الـعـــــــروق
يـــريــد الـــشعـب أن يـرد و لــم يــرد ســـوى الحقـوق
بـجـموع قـوية   هبوا لاح الظفر
غـــد الأمـمــية   يـوحد الــبشــر
إنــنــا سـكـرنا مــن دخــانِ أســـيــادٍ ســـمـموا الحــــياة
أذيــعـوا دعـــــوة الأمــــان فـيـنا وســــحـق الــطــــغاة
فـللإضــراب يـا جــيـــوش فـفي إضــرابــنــا الخــلاص
أن يـأبــى ذلــك الـــوحوش فـــعـنـدنـا لــهـم رصــــاص
بـجـموع قـوية   هبوا لاح الظفر
غـــد الأمـمــية   يـوحد الــبشــر
الــعـــــمال والفـــلاحـــونا جــمـيعـا حـزب الكـادحـيـن
أرض مــلــك المــنـتـجـيــنا فــمـا بـــقــاء الــخامــلــيــن
كــم تـمــزق الــــلحم مـــنـا مـــخــالــب الــمــفــترسـين
أجــلــوا سـود الغـربان عـنا تــشـرق الشمس كـل حـيـن
بـجـموع قـوية   هبوا لاح الظفر
غـــد الأمـمــية   يـوحد الــبشــر
 (United Nations. (n.d.). Gaza could become uninhabitable in less than five years due to ongoing ’de-development’– UN report | UN news. United Nations. https://news.un.org/en/story/2015/09/507762)
(Ammar, A. (n.d.). “barely a drop to drink”: Children in the Gaza Strip do not access 90 per cent of their normal water use. UNICEF. https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/barely-drop-drink-children-gaza-strip-do-not-access-90-cent-their-normal-water-use)
(Al Jazeera. (2024, April 8). Anti-coup forces claim control of key myanmar border town. Al Jazeera. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/4/8/anti-coup-forces-claim-control-of-key-myanmar-border-town)
(Al Jazeera. (2024b, April 29). The take: Could Myanmar’s coup come to an end? https://www.aljazeera.com/podcasts/2024/4/29/the-take-could-myanmars-coup-come-to-an-end) 
(Miller, G., Shih, G., & Nakashima, E. (2024, April 29). India’s Intelligence Service takes a deadly turn and stuns Washington - The Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/04/29/india-assassination-raw-sikhs-modi/)
(TNN / Updated: Mar 7, 2024. (2024, March 27). BJP worker hacked to death by Maoists; ninth in bastar region since last year: Raipur News - Times of India. The Times of India. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/raipur/bjp-worker-hacked-to-death-by-maoists-ninth-in-bastar-region-since-last-year/articleshow/108284527.cms)
(Al Jazeera. (2023, April 23). Amritpal Singh: Who is he and why was he arrested? https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/4/23/amritpal-singh-who-is-he-and-why-was-he-arrested)
(Mogul, R. (2023, September 29). India raids 53 sites nationwide as crackdown on Sikh separatists deepens. CNN. https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/29/india/india-anti-terror-raids-khalistan-intl-hnk/index.html)
(Kachmar, O. (2023, September 15). Pakistan faces rising separatist insurgency in Balochistan. New Lines Institute. https://newlinesinstitute.org/nonstate-actors/pakistan-faces-rising-separatist-insurgency-in-balochistan/)
(Davies, P. A. and C. (2024, January 17). Iran admits carrying out deadly strike on Pakistan Territory. BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-67999465)
(Wangge, H. (2023, March 14). Why Indonesia fails to address the west papua conflict. Al Jazeera. https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2023/3/14/why-indonesia-is-losing-the-west-papua-conflict)
(Ahmed, M. (2024, February 29). Pakistan swears in new Parliament amid chaotic scenes as Imran Khan’s followers protests vote count. AP News. https://apnews.com/article/pakistan-parliament-protest-imran-khan-126fd56bc43edbf2ae9a8499fe79867a)
(CBS Interactive. (n.d.). Pro-Palestinian protests spread, get more heated as schools’ reactions differ. CBS News. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/pro-palestinian-protests-spread-more-heated-schools-reactions-differ-israel-hamas-war/ )
(Al Jazeera. (2024a, February 17). Thousands take part in pro-Palestine protests across the world. Al Jazeera. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/17/thousands-take-part-in-pro-palestine-protests-across-the-world )
(Lisa. (2024, January 29). Sudan Communist Party and SLM-aw sign agreement in Juba. Dabanga Radio TV Online. https://www.dabangasudan.org/en/all-news/article/sudan-communist-party-and-slm-aw-sign-agreement-in-juba)
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blogynewsz · 7 months
"Unveiling the Mysterious Demise of Punjab's Agniveer: Unconventional Gunshot Triggers Military Funeral Controversy"
The White Knight Corps has addressed the social media backlash regarding the absence of a guard of honour or military funeral for Agniveer Amritpal Singh, who recently passed away. Singh, a native of Mansa, Punjab, had only been serving in the Poonch region of Jammu and Kashmir for a month before his unfortunate death on October 10th. His last rites were performed on October 13th in his…
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apnaanew · 1 year
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typoeastnews · 1 year
"Pressure Was Built, Then Arrested": Top Punjab Cop On Amritpal Singh
Speaking with media, Punjab DGP said that raids were done and pressure was built to arrest Khalistan sympathiser Amritpal Singh.
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Chandigarh: Khalistan sympathiser and ‘Waris Punjab De’ chief Amritpal Singh came to the fore after the Punjab Police created a pressure situation by conducting extensive raids, said Director General of Police Gaurav Yadav on Tuesday.
Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann held a review meeting with Punjab Police officers on Tuesday.
“CM held a law and order review meeting with Punjab Police officers. The operation that successfully concluded recently wherein NSA (National Security Act) detenues were successfully caught was reviewed. The officers who did the good work were motivated and encouraged by the CM,” Punjab DGP told reporters after the meeting.
Mr Yadav said discussions were also held on the overall upgradation, technological upgradation and future roadmap.
“CM appreciated the role of Punjab Police that without firing a single bullet or any damage to any life or property, peace was maintained in Punjab. The Punjab Police is committed to maintaining peace and harmony in the state,” the DGP said.
Asked about the questions being raised that Amritpal Singh was not arrested, he surrendered, the Punjab DGP said, “He was arrested. This is very clear. There is nothing to revisit here. He surfaced as raids were done and pressure was built. After that, he was arrested.”
On the incident of sacrilege at a Gurudwara in Morinda, he said, “The sacrilege is very unfortunate. The one who did that has been arrested. We will expose the conspiracy in-depth, if any.”
After a chase of over a month, Khalistan sympathiser and ‘Waris Punjab De’ chief Amritpal Singh was arrested by Punjab Police in Moga on Sunday and later shifted to Dibrugarh jail in Assam.
The self-styled preacher was evading Punjab Police since March 18. Nine of Amritpal’s aides who were arrested earlier were also lodged in Dibrugarh jail.
Earlier on Sunday, Amritpal was arrested from a Gurudwara in the Moga district of Punjab and reportedly also addressed a gathering before his arrest.
According to the officials, the arrest was done by combined efforts of the Punjab Police and Central intelligence agencies.
The father of the radical preacher Tarsem Singh said Amritpal was working to save people from the drug menace in the State.
“Through TV we came to know that he surrendered before the Police. We too wanted the same because people were being harassed due to him. We will fight the case. The entire community should fight it. He was working to save people from the drug menace; an offer has been made to us for it…” Amritpal’s father Tarsem Singh told ANI.
Amritpal Singh’s mother Balwinder Kaur said, “We saw the news and came to know that he has surrendered. I felt proud that he surrendered like a warrior…We will fight a legal battle and we will also go and meet him at the earliest.”
Earlier in March, pro-Khalistan supporters and associates of Amritpal Singh were shifted out of Punjab after Central Intelligence agencies raised concerns over possible jailbreak and repeat of the Ajnala incident.
Earlier on Sunday, the Punjab Inspector General of Police (IGP) said that National Security Act (NSA) warrants were issued against Amritpal Singh and those warrants have been executed this morning.
“NSA warrants were issued against Amritpal Singh and those warrants have been executed today morning…Amritpal Singh has been arrested by Punjab Police around 6.45 am today morning in the village Rode,” said Sukhchain Singh Gill.
He said that the Khalistan sympathiser and radical preacher was arrested in a joint operation by Punjab police and the intelligence wing.
“Amritpal Singh has been sent to Dibrugarh, Assam and further action will be taken as per law and order in the case. A warning has been issued against those elements trying to jeopardise the peace and harmony of the state,” he said.
“…Amritpal Singh was arrested by Punjab Police at around 6.45 am today morning in village Rode. A joint operation was conducted by Amritsar Police and the Intelligence Wing of Punjab Police. He was located in village Rode based on operational inputs by Punjab Police. To maintain sanctity, the Police didn’t enter Gurudwara Sahib. He has been taken to Dibrugarh under NSA…”, the IGP said.
Earlier, the radical leader had been declared a “fugitive” as he was on the run earlier in March.
The crackdown came almost over three weeks after Amritpal’s supporters stormed Ajnala police station in Amritsar on February 23, demanding the release of one of his aides, Lovepreet Toofan.
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gazetteweekly · 1 year
Khalistani preacher Amritpal Singh arrested, sent to Assam jail
The Punjab Police has already invoked the stringent National Security Act (NSA) against the Khalistan sympathizer.
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The Punjab police arrested Amritpal Singh in Moga’s Rode village early Sunday, ending an over a month-long manhunt against the radical preacher who styled himself after slain Khalistani militant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale.
The preacher was taken into custody at 6.45 am as he came out — in the traditional attire that included a sheathed sword — of the gurdwara in Rode, Bhindranwale’s native village and also the place where he himself took over last year as the chief of Waris Punjab De.
The 29-year-old was detained under the stringent National Security Act and flown to Assam on a special flight to be lodged at the Dibrugarh Central Jail, where nine other associates picked up over the past several weeks are kept.
Shortly after his arrest, a video surfaced online in which the extremist preacher is seen delivering a brief address, indicating that he is surrendering.
Another clip showed him sitting before a portrait of Bhindranwale, who died in a controversial Army operation in 1984 to flush out militants holed up inside Amritsar’s Golden Temple.
Inspector General of Police Sukhchain Singh Gill countered the preacher’s claim that it was a “surrender”, and said the fugitive was cornered.
“A joint operation was conducted by Amritsar police and the intelligence wing of Punjab Police. He was located in village Rode based on operational inputs with Punjab Police. He was surrounded from all sides. The village was surrounded by the Punjab Police,” he said.
He said police did not enter the gurdwara. “It was very important to maintain the sanctity of the gurdwara and police in uniform could not enter inside.” A message was conveyed to the preacher that he had no chance of making his escape, Gill said.
“National Security Act warrants were issued against Amritpal Singh and these have been executed today morning. Further, law will take its own course,” he said.
In a video message hours after the arrest, Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann said those who disturb peace and harmony in the state will face the law, and innocent people will not be disturbed.
Mann said he continuously monitored developments during the night, leading to the arrest.
Former Akal Takht jathedar Jasbir Singh Rode said he met Amritpal Singh at the gurdwara as the preacher prepared to surrender.
In the gurdwara clip, the fugitive recalled that Rode is Bhindranwale’s birth place, and the village where his own “dastar bandi” (turban-tying ceremony) took place – a reference to his taking over Waris Punjab De chief.
He claimed there were excesses by the government against Sikhs while he was on the run, appearing to suggest that the security agencies wanted to harass people rather than just arrest him. He said he would have cooperated with them had arrest been their objective.
“I have decided to surrender and this arrest is not an end, it is the beginning,” he said.
In the “court of the Almighty”, he said he is not guilty.
Police had launched a crackdown against Amritpal Singh on March 18, about three weeks after he and his supporters, many of them brandishing weapons, stormed into the Ajnala police station near Amritsar to secure the release of an arrested colleague.
There were concerns that the preacher had links with Pakistan spy agency ISI and was working towards radicalising the Sikh youth, in an effort to revive the call for a separate nation of ‘Khalistan’.
Amritpal Singh returned from Dubai last year and took over Waris Punjab De after the death of activist-singer Deep Sandhu.
Among the declared aims of the outfit was fighting drug addiction among young people, but intelligence agencies feared that this was just a front.
Several cases have been lodged against him and his associates for allegedly spreading disharmony, attempt to murder, attack on police personnel and obstructing the lawful discharge of duty by public servants.
While the preacher remained on the run for 36 days, authorities continued to pile pressure on him by arresting his key associates.
His wife Kirandeep Kaur, a UK-based woman he married in February, was stopped from boarding a flight to London from Amritsar airport recently.
Scores of sympathises were detained by police, but most of them were released as the Akal Takht and the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee claimed young people were being harassed.
Nine of the preacher’s alleged associates are in the Dibrugarh jail. They are Daljit Singh Kalsi, Papalpreet Singh, Kulwant Singh Dhaliwal, Varinder Singh Johal, Gurmeet Singh Bukkanwala, Harjit Singh, Bhagwant Singh, Basant Singh and Gurinderpal Singh Aujla.
The plane carrying Amritpal Singh landed in Dibrugarh on Sunday afternoon.
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newsriveting · 1 year
Team News Riveting
Chandigarh, April 23
Khalistani sympathiser and head of ‘Waris Punjab De’ Amritpal Singh was on Sunday arrested by the Punjab Police in Moga district where he had taken shelter in a Gurudwara.
Singh has been on the run since March 18. The Punjab Police had launched a crackdown on Amritpal and members of his outfit ‘Waris Punjab De’ on March 18, a month after his supporters stormed a police station in Ajnala. The pro-Khalistan activist was finally arrested after 36 days.
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asombarta · 1 year
Pro-Khalistan Activist Amritpal Singh Arrested After 35 Day Chase, He Claims He ‘Surrendered’
Pro-#Khalistan Activist #AmritpalSingh Arrested After 35 Day Chase, He Claims He ‘Surrendered’
News Desk: Pro-Khalistani activist Amritpal Singh, who had been evading the Punjab Police for 35 days, was arrested in Moga district. Amritpal had claimed that he had surrendered, while the police maintained that they had apprehended him. He had been charged under the National Security Act for allegedly spreading disharmony, attacking police personnel, and obstructing public servants. Amritpal…
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qudachuk · 1 year
Singh surrendered in Punjab town of Moga, says a Sikh leader, as police appeal to public for calmIndian police have arrested a separatist leader who revived calls for an independent Sikh homeland and the secession of India’s northern Punjab...
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williamchasterson · 1 year
Amritpal Singh: Sikh separatist arrested after weeks on the run
Indian police have arrested self-styled Sikh preacher Amritpal Singh, who was accused of attempted murder. from BBC News – World https://ift.tt/4tILRuB via IFTTT
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dashedin · 1 year
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'Amritpal Singh wanted' posters put up at Batala railway station — Punjab police offers reward to informer
The Punjab police have put up posters announcing a reward for information on Amritpal Singh, the chief of Waris Punjab De, who has been on the run since March 18. One of his close aides, Papalpreet Singh, was recently arrested and sent to jail.
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attud-com · 1 year
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buzz-london · 1 year
Khalistani Toolkit EXPOSED | Will It Succeed? | Amritpal Singh Update - 27 Mar 2023
The Punjab Police has launched a manhunt for Amritpal Singh, who is still on the run.
However, a coordinated international effort is underway to show AmritPal Singh, a self-described Khalistani Separatist, as an "activist" and victim of the "Authoritarian" Indian government.
This is quite similar to the "toolkit" launched by international organizations and politicians to support the farmers protest in 2021. However, 2023's toolkit aims to give support to Amritpal Singh, a Khalistani separatist, and hence, aims to threaten India's national security.
In this episode, we expose this new toolkit, show who is behind it, and if it can succeed in destabilizing India.
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mariacallous · 1 year
Last week, Sikh protesters damaged Indian diplomatic facilities in the United Kingdom and the United States, smashing windows and injuring personnel at the High Commission of India in London and the Indian Consulate in San Francisco. Indian reports suggest the protesters support radical preacher and Sikh separatist Amritpal Singh, who faces an arrest warrant under India’s National Security Act. India’s police have launched a manhunt for Singh, who is believed to have fled his home state of Punjab, and detained alleged supporters in the state. Over the weekend, hundreds of protesters gathered again at the Indian Consulate in Vancouver, Canada, to protest the crackdown.
Some analysts fear that the security breaches at Indian diplomatic missions could suggest the return of the separatist violence that wracked Punjab for more than a decade beginning in the 1980s. This violence spilled beyond the state: Sikh assailants carried out the assassination of Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in 1984, and a Sikh organization was implicated in the bombing of Air India Flight 182 in 1985. Given this history, India’s political leadership is understandably concerned about a revival of separatist ideology. But to prevent future terrorist violence, it will need Western countries with significant Sikh diaspora populations to take the threat seriously, too—presenting a delicate challenge for New Delhi.
In the 1980s, some members of the Sikh diaspora supported the separatist movement in Punjab. India eventually rooted out the insurgency through harsh methods that gave no quarter to the militants. Relative political normalcy returned to Punjab, which has since seen several peaceful transfers of power. However, elements within the Sikh diaspora—which includes communities in Australia, Canada, the U.K., and the United States—have remained committed to the vision of a Sikh homeland known as Khalistan (literally, “the land of the pure”). As this diaspora has grown in power, Western countries have voiced concern over the treatment of Sikh activists in India, with some even extending political refugee status to Sikh dissidents.
In 2020, social unrest returned to the forefront in Punjab, as Sikh and Punjabi farmers organized a mass protest movement in response to national farm laws designed to end state subsidies for farmers and open up agricultural markets. Demonstrators occupied India’s capital for more than a year, ultimately leading the government to withdraw the laws. The farmers’ protest movement received widespread international support and galvanized the Sikh diaspora. The protests were mostly peaceful, and many activists who seek an independent Khalistan have sought change through nonviolent means. But the farmers’ protests, along with recent developments in diaspora communities, seem to have spawned a new generation of militant pro-Khalistan leaders.
Singh’s group, which was formed in 2021, has reintroduced a violent political rhetoric that romanticizes the militance of the 1980s. Known as Waris Punjab De, or “heirs of Punjab,” the group is allegedly linked to a new wave of violence, including several encounters with the police. In response, the Indian government has cracked down across Punjab this month, arresting suspected members and sympathizers of Waris Punjab De. Singh has so far evaded capture, but the government has set up roadblocks and limited internet service throughout the state. This crackdown has prompted protests in cities around the world, including in London, San Francisco, and Vancouver.
India’s Western partners face a challenge in responding to the possible return of Sikh separatism. The U.K. and the United States have promised to coordinate with local authorities to punish those who targeted the Indian diplomatic facilities last week. But New Delhi rightly expects more from its partners, and it would prefer to see emerging Sikh separatist groups such as Waris Punjab De designated as terrorist organizations. This would boost India’s efforts to limit Sikh separatism, especially by helping to stop diaspora support for violent organizations. India is likely to ask for assistance in stemming this foreign financing, but it could also seek the extradition of those members of the diaspora who can be held legally responsible for supporting violent separatism in Punjab.
India’s Western partners are unlikely to honor such requests, given the political power of Sikh constituencies. Democratically elected leaders in the West are already sensitive to Sikh interests and may be hesitant to take a tough stance against supporters of Sikh separatism within their own borders. Consider Canada, which has a robust Sikh diaspora mostly concentrated around Toronto. There, elected leaders tend to pursue policies in line with the demands of the diaspora, including providing asylum, dawdling on extradition requests, and largely ignoring fundraising for separatist activities. And as the 2020 farmers’ protests showed, the Sikh and Punjabi diasporas can mobilize broad support against the Indian government on the world stage.
Furthermore, Western countries remain concerned about India’s recent declines in civil and religious liberties. Under Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, religious minorities face an unprecedented level of state-led persecution—including Sikhs, whose faith is distinct from Hinduism and Islam. The rise of Hindu fanaticism in India and the resulting political environment make it more difficult for Western leaders to support India’s efforts to beat back Sikh separatism, lest they be seen as condoning Modi’s efforts to build a Hindu-first state. All of this makes full-throated support from the West more unlikely.
Against this backdrop, Indian policymakers must tread carefully. New Delhi’s attempts to swiftly contain a renewed insurgency are legitimate, but its leaders need to show that they will not further erode the rule of law—especially given the country’s recent history of police brutality. India’s efforts so far have been confined to lodging official protests about the security lapses that allowed its diplomatic missions to be vandalized. But as it seeks to curb the activities of the separatists at home, it will also have to assuage the concerns of Western partners that it will not disregard legal norms.
Ultimately, Western leaders should look past their own political calculations and condemn violent Sikh separatist movements. By failing to do so, they add fodder to the popular Indian notion that the West is a fair-weather partner—which is not entirely unfounded. For example, even though India staunchly supported U.S.-led efforts in Afghanistan, it was mostly sidelined in negotiations with the Taliban and the 2021 U.S. troop withdrawal. India is also circumspect about Western entreaties to Pakistan, which continue to take place despite Islamabad’s long record of supporting terrorism, including Sikh separatism. Without taking a firm stance against violent pro-Khalistan movements, Western leaders risk further alienating India.
From a geopolitical perspective, the reemergence of Sikh separatism could not come at a worse time. A more powerful Sikh separatist movement would complicate relations between India and the West, just as Australia, Canada, the U.K., and the United States shift from focusing on terrorism to containing China in the Indo-Pacific region. If these Western countries want to establish a truly strong partnership with India, they cannot continue to support diaspora networks that enable violence, even tacitly.
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thedailyexcelsior · 1 year
Kishtwar: Amritpal Singh’s bodyguard Virendra Singh’s Gun License Cancelled
Kishtwar administration has cancelled the gun license of Virendra singh who was bdyguard of Waris Punjab De chief Amritpal Singh. He has been arrested by the Punjab Police. Police said licence was issued to him on the recommendation letter issued to him by his unit commander
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gadgetsforusesblog · 1 year
Stockpile of weapons, sinister plans and..., big revelation about Amritpal addiction center
A stash of weapons was found on behalf of the accomplices of Amritpal Singh, who was arrested by the police. In addition, the police have also received sensational information regarding his camp. The arrested officers of ‘Gangs of Amritpal’ told many shocking things to the Punjab police during interrogation. A video of this has also surfaced, in which a person named Amandeep answers the police’s…
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mithilatoday · 1 year
National Security Act Invoked Against Notorious Criminal Amritpal Singh, Four Suspects Arrested
In a major development, the National Security Act (NSA) has been invoked against Amritpal Singh, a notorious criminal who has been on the run for several months. The move comes after the police arrested four more people who had allegedly helped him escape from a police checkpoint. According to Punjab IGP Sukhchain Singh Gill, a non-bailable warrant was issued against Amritpal Singh on 18th…
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