#while Megatron was Tronus as the Orion/Optimus backstory
radioactivepeasant · 3 years
Fic Prompts: Transformers Tuesday
(Returning to my Shattered Glass Prime characters, but this time we get a look at what was happening on the other side while Megatron was stuck in the reverse polarity Prime world. Introduces a character who seems to have been implied but never introduced for SG)
Soundwave was worried. It had been well over a month now with no sign of Megatron. Starscream hadn't left the Bridge bay in Arizona more than twice in that time. He was still trying to recreate whatever had gone wrong with the Transwarp Bridge before.
Considering the Autobots hadn't been any quieter, Starscream's absence on the field was starting to cause some tensions in the Con ranks. Especially with Sephie and the Trine. Soundwave was starting to fear that Sephie would do something drastic again.
"HMM!" Ravage bounded up to perch on the edge of the water tower beside Soundwave. "THERE'S NO BOTBOTS HERE AIFINKSO. MAYBEE I CAN ASKS DAT SPAYCESHIP, K?"
Soundwave twitched. He bent down and scooped up the excitable Deployer. "Dude, what spaceship?"
Ravage butted his head affectionately against Soundwave's chin, pushing his visor towards the sky. "UM, DAT WON, BOSS."
It took a moment to access the right satellites, but eventually Soundwave saw what Ravage was talking about. The craft was small -- by the standards of a Cybertronian -- and sleek; it seemed to be made for aerial combat. And it was headed for the atmosphere a little faster than Soundwave thought was advisable.
"OoOooOH. IT'S IN OUR AIRS, VOYDIN ITS WARRANTEE!?" Ravage fretted, hopping down from Soundwave's arms.
Soundwave hastily contacted the Nemesis. "Like, HQ, we may or may not have mondo unidentified dudes incoming. Uh...we got any like, IDs on these bros?"
Airachnid's irritated voice crackled over the comms. "Soundwave, if you don't stop butchering that surfer language, I'm telling Sephie to burn your cartoons."
"She totally wouldn't!" Soundwave gasped, outraged.
"She will if I bribe her. Give me the coordinates of the UFO?"
"You're like, the worst." Soundwave grumbled as he transmitted his location. "How come you get to say uncool stuff like UFO but like, I can't have any fun?"
"Because I'm older than you." For a moment, there was silence on the line. When Airachnid came back, she sounded tense. "Soundwave, that's a Decepticon signal, but that ship was registered as destroyed before we evacuated Cybertron. Keep your guard up. I'm sending Skywarp to your location."
"Stealth mode, got it," Soundwave agreed.
"I WILL BE ALL THE QUIETS!" Ravage loudly added.
The ship landed hard, shaking the water tower and plowing through the asphalt like soft earth. It came to a stop three miles from Soundwave's perch, leaking fuel from damaged engines.
"Well," Soundwave muttered, "If it wasn't totally busted before, it is now."
He dropped to the ground and crept closer. Until he could read life signs, he would refrain from broadcasting his presence. For all he knew, there could be Autobots aboard. Or pirates. Maybe even Cosmic Rust. Hopefully not Cosmic Rust.
A hatch on the port side buckled suddenly. It seemed like the mechanism was damaged, unable to open. A muffled shot barely rose above the hiss and groan of the wrecked ship, and then the hatch was forcefully kicked open. A formidable frame forced its way out of the damaged hatch and kicked its way clear of the rubble. Soundwave instantly relaxed when he saw a familiar red brand on the being's chassis.
"Yo! Over here!" Soundwave jogged up to offer a hand to the Decepticon. Belatedly, he realized that he was much smaller than the hulking warrior, and probably wouldn't be much help.
"What planet is this?" the stranger asked. Her vocoder buzzed oddly, clearly experiencing some kind of crash damage.
"Earth, Sol System," Soundwave answered quickly. "It's rad, full of cute little organic dudes with nasty tempers. So watch where you step."
"Earth," the femme repeated. "Good, that's good. What is your designation, soldier?"
Soundwave couldn't help standing just a little straighter as he answered, "Soundwave, Communications and Morale, ma'am."
"AND RAVAGE! U SEE ME? I AM WAVING!" Ravage interjected before getting distracted by the reflection of sunlight off of metal. "OOH!"
The femme nodded. "I am...well, the Quintessons who healed me, bless their embers, could think of nothing more than Mega Magna. Now the Autobots have begun to designate me "Mega-Empress", unfortunately."
"Mega...empress?" Soundwave tilted his head and flashed a confused emoji onto his visor. "That's um...that's..a name, alright."
"Commander Magna will do," the Decepticon sighed. "To avoid confusion with my conjunx endura."
Something tugged at Soundwave's memory. A story Starscream had told him about the origins of the Decepticon faction vorns ago. But the pieces hadn't quite fallen together yet.
Mega Magna turned back to the wreckage of her ship and called down the hatch, "Girls! Let's go! Don't worry about the ship, it's all salvage now."
Two smaller femmes, probably no older than Skywarp -- or maybe even Sephie -- at a glance, scrambled out of the wrecked ship. The black and pink one scurried up behind Magna and clung to her arm nervously. The black and blue one primed a path blaster and stared warily at Soundwave and Ravage.
"Satellites indicate a lot of Autobots on this planet," the blue one warned.
"Acknowledged, Moonheart." Magna appeared to be unbothered. "Any sign of Megatron?"
"I think I hate this place," the pink femme mumbled, "I wanna go home."
"We just totaled home, Luna," Moonheart snapped.
Soundwave looked back and forth between the newcomers and reluctantly commed Airachnid again.
"Uh, good news and bad news, dudes."
"What is it, Soundwave?"
"Good news is, they're Cons! Bad news is, they're looking for Mega-Boss."
"Well. Scrap." Airachnid mumbled a few more choice words under her breath, then added, "Bring them back to HQ. Shockwave can fill them in."
Magna frowned sternly and took a step forward. Peering down at Soundwave she asked a single question.
"Where is my husband?"
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radioactivepeasant · 4 years
Fic Prompts: Transformers Tuesday
(Based on something I recently learned was planned for Shattered Glass Megatron's backstory. This goes with my other two Shattered Glass Prime prompts)
The base had been much too quiet since the return from the earth's core. Optimus was gone. Gone. Megatron had somehow convinced him that he was still Orion Pax and disappeared with him. Primus only knew what was happening to their leader now.
The other Megatron had avoided the Autobots for a few days. They would not have said so, but it was appreciated. The only one who seemed to have no misgivings about the "good guy Megatron" was Miko.
Arcee found them on the top of the mesa one night, watching the skies. Megatron was telling some kind of story while Miko clambered around his shoulders as though the giant Decepticon was her personal playground. The only time he moved was to shift his limbs and armor in order to provide better handholds for the girl. It was this, rather than anything he'd said, that made Arcee believe he was telling the truth. Megatron was clearly well-accustomed to interacting with young humans.
"Titania managed to drive away the Driller with some mining grenades we were supposed to be loading, but without the presence of a predator, the spider-bot population around the docks increased exponentially," the mech was saying as Arcee approached. He chuckled. "But I'll tell you what, Damos never left his energon rations outside again!"
Miko laughed. "Poor guy! Tell me another one, Tronus!"
Arcee frowned. "Tronus?"
Megatron's plating hitched slightly. "That was my name before the War," he explained. "I just...thought it might be easier for everyone if you didn't have to call me the same name as, you know, the other one."
Arcee shrugged. "Makes as much sense as anything else around here, I guess," she sighed.
Unexpectedly, she took a seat next to Megatron -- Tronus -- and glanced up at him. "So whose Titania?"
The electromagnetic field projecting from Tronus's spark was tinged with a bittersweet nostalgia. It was familiar enough that Arcee regretted asking.
"She..." Tronus faltered. "She was -- perhaps still is -- my conjunx endura."
Unaware of the emotions being subtly broadcast, Miko slid down Tronus's pauldron to lean against his head. "What's a con-junk endura?"
"Miko!" Arcee hissed, chagrined.
Tronus waved her off. "It's alright, it doesn't translate perfectly into most human languages. And she's translating it into two languages at once!"
He smiled down at Miko. "Latin-based languages can be a little convoluted to my mind. But that was the closest thing to the actual Cyberytonian word I could find. See if you can't work out the meaning by taking it apart. Con-junx en-dur-a."
Miko flopped dramatically down. "Homework? At this hour?" she joked, then she closed her eyes to think. "It...kinda sounds like "conjoined"...and some weird version of "endurance"?"
"Very good!" Tronus nodded, careful not to dislodge the girl. "It's essentially the concept of two who are forever joined together."
Miko ticked out a few fingers, clearly in the middle of some kind of thought process. Then she squinted. "So...you're either married, or you're a Combiner?"
Tronus laughed. "Well that's...yes, more or less, that's the simplified version."
"Megatron is married. Who'd have thought?" Miko laughed. "So where is she? Back with your team?"
Tronus sobered abruptly. "I...the last time I saw her, she and Damos and I were being shot down by an Autobot who wanted to test a new gun."
He closed his optics, and his servos scratched deep furrows into the rock. "I woke deep underground, in the midst of being reformatted to save my life. I never saw Titania again."
Miko stopped laughing. She pulled her knees to her chest and tentatively reached out to place a hand against Tronus's face. "Dude. That's horrible," she murmured. "Do you think maybe she got re-whatchamacallit too?"
"I don't know. It is unlikely," Tronus sighed, "But...I hope."
Before anything else could be said, the big mech pasted on a smile and carefully plucked Miko from his shoulder.
"Alright now, little one," he said teasingly, "Time you went to recharge."
"Nooo! I don't wanna!" Miko groaned, "C'mon, one more story? Pleeeease?"
Tronus almost stuck to his guns. Almost. Arcee could see the exact moment he crumbled.
"Ohhhh alright, one more story," he huffed.
Great. Now Miko had another pushover to ask when Ratchet told her no. Arcee hoped that wouldn't end badly.
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