#while Fushimi knows he was wrong too but he doesn't like admitting it
ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
Yata and Fushimi have been dating for a while, they're living together, they've talked about taking the next step but no plans have been made. Yata's been picking up more hours at work or working odd jobs where he can to save up money because he wants to buy Fushimi a really nice ring. Fushimi takes it the wrong way (Yata doesn't want to be around him) and argues with Yata the night Yata plans to propose. What happens from there?
Fushimi and fucking up his own life, name a more iconic duo. Imagine the two of them have been living together for a few months and dating for longer than that. Yata’s been thinking about proposing for a while now, which is actually why he suggested they move in together as like a way of ‘testing’ if he was ready to move to the next step. He’s definitely decided that he is too, he wants to propose to Fushimi as soon as possible. Except when he mentions it to the Homra guys and they all congratulate him they ask him what kind of ring he’s buying and Yata’s like ‘…shit.’
Intellectually Yata knows that Fushimi probably wouldn’t care much about jewelry but at the same time Yata wants to get him something, like not because you’re ‘supposed’ to buy engagement rings but because he wants something tangible that he can gift to Fushimi to show how much he wants Fushimi to marry him (and okay, maybe a little possessive, letting that creepy Blue King know that Saruhiko is taken thanks). Yata doesn’t have a lot of money though and maybe for the first time Yata is really aware that he’s never been rich while Fushimi is at least comfortable financially, that Fushimi grew up with rich parents and now has a cushy government job and how lame would it be if Yata gave him some cheap dinky ring. This is how Yata talks himself into getting Fushimi an expensive ring and to pay for it he starts taking extra hours at work, doing some extra errands for Kusanagi around the bar, maybe even adding on like a side hustle all so he can earn enough cash for a good ring.
Meanwhile Fushimi has obviously noticed that Yata isn’t around as much as normal. They probably have trouble finding free time to spend together as it is due to Fushimi’s work so now it’s even worse, some days Fushimi barely even sees Yata. When he asks about it Yata gets noticeably nervous and says he’s just doing some favors for people or that stuff came up at work, Yata probably thinks he’s being suave but he’s actually looking totally dodgy and suspicious. Fushimi being Fushimi he immediately starts suspecting the worst: they’ve only been living together a few months after all and Yata still complains about Fushimi’s diet and bad habits, complaining that he doesn’t do the laundry or that he could help with the cleaning and Fushimi’s suddenly like hyper aware of all his deficiencies, like maybe now that they’re living together Yata’s remembered what a mess Fushimi is and is trying to find a way to get out of this whole relationship.
With Yata being so busy and Fushimi’s own work schedule Yata doesn’t even notice that Fushimi’s been getting quieter and quieter, so focused on his goal that he completely forgets who he’s dating. Fushimi is just quietly going from self loathing spiral to self destructive and he’s started staying later at work to avoid Yata too, convincing himself that this was a stupid idea to begin with and why did he ever think Yata would love him. Finally Yata gets enough money to buy the ring and decides to go home early to surprise Fushimi, all ready to make a nice dinner and propose. Yata’s really nervous but excited, right until he steps into the apartment and sees Fushimi packing his bags.
Yata’s just shocked and also probably pretty hurt, thinking Fushimi was about to do like before and just disappear without telling Yata anything. Fushimi coldly says isn’t this what Yata wants, for Fushimi to leave him alone, and Yata starts to get angry because Fushimi’s just going to break things off without explaining again. Fushimi scoffs that Yata’s the one who was lying and playing pretend, going into full asshole mode to hide his own hurt and Yata starts to give in to his own anger and yell back…and then he puts a hand into his pocket and touches the ring and he stops, and takes a deep breath. 
Yata’s been through this before, after all, and didn’t he promise he wasn’t going to let miscommunication get between them again. So Yata takes a moment to calm himself and he sits down on the bed and asks Fushimi why he thinks Yata doesn’t want to be with him anymore. Fushimi’s caught off guard by this Misaki who won’t rise to the bait and he looks away, Yata reaches over and touches Fushimi’s cheek, making Fushimi look at him. Yata says they’re not gonna do this again right and finally Fushimi sighs and says Yata’s the one who’s been avoiding him.
 All of a sudden Yata realizes what this is about and he sighs and then says he’s sorry. Fushimi is just baffled by that one and Yata gives him a thin smile and says he forgot about how things affect Fushimi and he should know better than to keep stuff from Fushimi, even if it’s for a good reason, because Fushimi thinks too much and assumes the worst. Fushimi tries to act like he wasn’t assuming anything but Yata knows that’s exactly what Fushimi did and he says he’ll try to be better about that, if Fushimi can work on just telling Yata when something upsets him instead of immediately planning his escape. Fushimi shifts, obviously uncomfortable, and Yata says he’s serious, he thought maybe he’d done enough to help Fushimi realize that but there’s still stuff they need to work on, Fushimi can’t just plan to run at the first sign of trouble. Fushimi’s still tense but finally he sighs and mumbles out a ‘fine, I’ll try’ and imagine now he’s being clingy to hide the fact that he knows he did something wrong and doesn’t want to admit it. Yata laughs a little and says good, now do you want to see what I was doing all that time. Yata admits he’d planned something a little more romantic but this’ll have to do as he pulls out the ring, asking if Fushimi will marry him. 
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ridiasfangirlings · 5 months
Fushimi is hanging out with Yata and his siblings and they end up watching whatever was the latest Disney princess movie at the time and Fushimi reveals he hasn't watched any before so Yata's sister suggest a movie marathon. Fushimi thought it would be lame but ended up liking them especially the older ones since, while he doesn't want to admit it, he could relate to growing up in an abusive household and wanting out. And Yata was like the prince who helped take him away from all that.
Fushimi watching the wicked stepmother in Cinderella and being like ‘you think that’s wicked, amateur’ XD Imagine post-ROK Yata’s parents are leaving for an overnight trip, maybe Minoru has like something for school so they’re going with him and Yata asked to watch Megumi. Yata figures it can’t be so bad, he can babysit for the night and anyway he hasn’t spent a lot of time with his siblings since he left home so he thinks this could be a good opportunity. He asks Fushimi to come along, Fushimi snorts all ‘I’m not going to help you babysit.’ Yata’s like I’m not asking you to help (and maybe muttering ‘besides, I’ll probably end up babysitting you too’), he just thinks it’s a good chance to spend time together, like in middle school — staying up together with no one else home but his siblings. Fushimi pauses and then he’s like ‘…fine.’
Megumi is extra excited when she sees Fushimi came along too (and Minoru suddenly doesn’t want to go on his trip because he wants to see Saru too, Yata’s over here like what am I chopped liver). Yata makes dinner for the three of them and then says his mom gave him permission to let Megumi stay up a little later. Megumi wants to watch Disney movies and tells Fushimi to pick, Fushimi has never watched these before though so he just stares blankly. Yata says those are girls movies anyway and Megumi gives him the teary face and says Saru should see Disney movies, suddenly Yata has been roped into letting his little sister make them both watch a Disney movie marathon.
Yata quietly apologizes to Fushimi for this, like I know you aren’t into princesses and stuff. Fushimi shrugs and says it’s fine, already having his PDA out and totally ignoring the movie. Yata sighs and resigns himself to watching kids movies all night. They start with Snow White and imagine Fushimi slowly starts paying attention (starting of course with the part where the dwarves show up and being like ‘look Misaki, your people’ as Yata’s like ‘shut up if my sister wasn’t here I’d kick your ass’). I imagine Fushimi becoming the most interested in Cinderella though he starts complaining about how unrealistic it is, she’s just toiling away working for her terrible family and then magic comes and saves her, how stupid. Yata says he doesn’t think it’s stupid though, like Cinderella had to be pretty strong to keep surviving even with her family being terrible, right. He gives Fushimi a significant look and Fushimi clicks his tongue and looks away.
Fushimi keeps watching though, as the prince comes and takes Cinderella away. Yata says these kinds of happy endings aren’t bad right, sometimes there’s nothing wrong with someone taking you away to a place that’s better for you. Yata’s probably thinking about Mikoto here but then he glances over at Fushimi and adds it’s all about ending up where you belong. He coughs and says that anyway, maybe sometimes you need a prince to give you a little push and get you away from all that bad stuff, like homes you don’t need. Fushimi turns to look at Yata then and Yata gives him a soft smile, Fushimi clicks his tongue again but quietly adds ‘I guess even a prince can be a dwarf too’ and Yata’s all I knew I shouldn’t have let her start with that movie.
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
The clans hang out in an everybody lives au and the conversation gets to love interests. Some don't want to reveal the names of who they like and instead describes them. MikoRei's description of each other sounds like insults, SaruMi doesn't recognize their descriptions, KuroShiro has Shiro having fun with this, and IzuSeri is the only normal one and they weren't hiding the other person's name.
Someone’s gotta be the adults in this conversation okay XD Imagine Everybody Lives AU and maybe the cast are having like a meeting at Shiro’s dorm just to go over the state of things in the post-Slate world. As they’re talking Neko comes in, having just finished up her classes for the day, and she attaches herself to Shiro as she asks if they’re having ‘girl talk.’ Kukuri was telling her about this, that everyone sits in a big ring and discusses their love lives and other things. Shiro says this isn’t quite the same but he would be happy to discuss his love life, he has a beautiful wife who cooks him delicious meals every day. Neko is intrigued by the food part but curious about the ‘wife’ mention, Kuroh steps out of the kitchen and clears his throat as he menacingly states that he perhaps has interest in someone but that person should learn to be more conscious of the one making his food. Shiro laughs sheepishly like oops upset the wife, Kuroh sighs and says it’s difficult dealing with a useless husband, all while Neko looks between the two of them in confusion.
Munakata suggests they get back to the task at hand but Shiro thinks this is nice, isn’t it good to just discuss personal things and get to know each other better sometimes. He wonders if Munakata has anyone he’s interested in and Munakata states that the only person occupying his thoughts regularly is a certain troublesome barbarian. Mikoto thinks that’s an awfully nasty thing for Munakata to say but he gets it, he’s got a lot on his plate dealing with a stuffed shirt kind of guy who always gives lectures and can’t admit that he’s wrong.
Shiro decides maybe he should change the subject before they start fighting and destroy his dorm, he looks around for a rescue and his eyes rest on Yata. Yata of course gets all red at the mention of romance, coughing and looking nervous as he admits well there is someone, this really amazing guy but he’s kinda hard to deal with and always oblivious about these kinds of things so it’s hard to talk to him. Fushimi clicks his tongue and says of course an idiot like Misaki wouldn’t be able to handle anyone with more depth than a swimming pool and Yata’s like oh yeah well who do you like then. Fushimi snorts and says he doesn’t care about stupid things like romance, but if he did maybe there’s a sunshine idiot with a stupid smile out there that he could handle if that person ever stopped being a moron for one minute. Yata’s all surprised like wait so you do have a crush on someone who is it while Fushimi says that’s none of Yata’s business and doesn’t Yata have a crush on someone else too. Shiro also has to stop them before another fight can happen, even as he mutters under his breath ‘it’s—it’s really obvious for both of you, you know.’
Finally he turns to Awashima and Kusanagi, both of whom are drinking tea and waiting to get back to business talk. Shiro asks about who they like, surely Kusanagi is the type of person that gets a lot of attention. Kusanagi slowly looks up from his cup and then laughs a little as he admits that he and Awashima are already dating. Shiro’s actually caught off guard because hey someone said it right out, he tries to ask Awashima and she just calmly says ‘yes, we’re dating.’ There’s a long silence as everyone collectively realizes that mature adults are really something huh. 
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
Reisaru please. We all know Saru sometimes scratching his wound above Homura. Let's say before the slate was destroyed, him scratching it over & over doesn't cause any problem, bcs they are stronger than normal human. Post RoK, got a high fever from infection cause he's not strong as before to the point he collapse. Reisi found him, & immediately know the cause & asked Saru to treat the wound when he regain consciousness. Saru asked if seeing the emblem remind Reisi of Suoh. Jealous Saru
Post-ROK I wonder if Munakata would start being more firm in asking Fushimi to take care of his wound rather than aggravating it, like before that there’s clearly not much point in telling Fushimi to do anything because Fushimi won’t listen anyway but once he’s in a better mindset he might actually be willing to listen. Say this is shortly after ROK, while everyone still has their powers it’s been noticeable that the clansmen don’t have quite as sturdy a constitution as before. This is particularly noticeable with Fushimi, who likely doesn’t have the best stamina even before the Slate was destroyed, plus he’s still dealing with the after effects of his month in jungle. He’s noticed that his scar is bothering him more than usual but he’s so busy with work that Fushimi ignores it, just scratching at the wound simply because it itches and not thinking twice when his fingers come away bloody because that’s how it’s always been.
He’s out on a solo mission one day and say it’s a bit hot out too and he starts feeling dizzy. Fushimi assumes it’s just the heat and ignores it, buying a cola and going back to his pursuit. He starts feeling sick though and decides to sit down for just a moment, this leads to him passing out on a park bench. Luckily one of the alphabet squad alerts Munakata that Fushimi hasn’t been answering his PDA and Munakata decides to go retrieve Fushimi on his own, there’s probably tracking built into the S4 PDAs so he knows exactly where to go. When Munakata gets there he finds Fushimi passed out, sweating from fever. Even half conscious Fushimi is pawing at his neck and Munakata moves Fushimi’s collar aside to see that the burn scar is red and angry, hot to the touch.
Fushimi wakes up later in the infirmary, disoriented until he sees Munakata sitting at his side. Fushimi’s hand moves to scratch at his chest and he realizes there’s a bandage there. He asks Munakata what happened and Munakata says it seems Fushimi fainted due to his wound being infected. Munakata admits that perhaps he allowed this to go on too long, that he should have had Fushimi correct that injury long ago. Fushimi takes this the complete wrong way and wonders if it annoys Munakata, seeing ‘that man’s’ emblem on Fushimi’s chest. Munakata gives a heavy sigh and Fushimi clicks his tongue, pawing at the bandage as he’s like so that’s your problem, is this reminder of Suoh Mikoto too much for you, just feeling super irritated all of the sudden and he can’t even say why.
That’s when Munakata places a gentle hand on Fushimi’s and says that mark is not what troubles him and never has. This is where Fushimi belongs and Munakata has never thought otherwise — what upsets him is not what was on Fushimi’s chest but what is there, the scar that still pains Fushimi even now. Fushimi mumbles that it’s no big deal and Munakata disagrees, that scar should have been allowed to heal by now. Fushimi grumbles that it won’t heal and Munakata says perhaps not fully but it can scar over, become something which won’t continue to pain him. Fushimi dully says that it doesn’t hurt anymore and Munakata smiles slightly as he says the current painkillers may have something to do with that. He notes that infection has set in, so they will need to be cautious around the wound for now. Fushimi’s like what do you mean ‘we’ need to be cautious and Munakata says he is rectifying an old mistake — that wound should be allowed to heal, and Munakata wishes to be the one who aids Fushimi in healing it. Fushimi looks away and quietly asks if Munakata thinks that can even be done. Munakata touches his hand and says any wound can be healed with sufficient care, and if Fushimi will allow him to Munakata hopes to be able to offer a pair of healing hands.
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Fushimi: If it is important to a person, he will understand (without words on my part); Yata: If a person needs it, he will tell; Here he is the true conflict sarumi * throws the microphone on the floor * what do you say about it?
Honestly I lean more towards Yata's end of things here, sometimes it's impossible to know if something's wrong with a person if that person won't actually speak up and say it. The conflict at the heart of things here though seems to be more the assumption on both their parts that they're on the same wavelength, Fushimi thinking Yata should know what's wrong even though he's aware Yata isn't the brightest and Yata assuming Fushimi will tell him if something's wrong even though he knows that Fushimi sucks a honest emotional communication. On Fushimi's end of things, clearly he's not good at communicating his own needs and wants, and he's so afraid of being abandoned that he seems to assume that if he and Yata aren't thinking the same way this is a sign that Yata doesn't care. It never really seems to occur to him to actually tell Yata what he feels – Fushimi thinks that well, it was never a problem before in middle school, he never needed to say anything then and it made things easier because Fushimi didn't have to take the step of putting his feelings out there and opening himself to the possibility of rejection. I don't know if Fushimi necessarily thought that if Yata really considered him important Yata would read his mind and know what was wrong, I think it's more like he feels that Yata's changed so much due to Homra that Yata would have once felt the same as Fushimi about everything and now he doesn't, to Fushimi Yata's mind is so full of Homra and Mikoto that he stopped understanding Fushimi and because Yata isn't doing things that please Fushimi and that Fushimi finds interesting this is clearly a sign of Yata leaving him behind.
On Yata's end, he's obviously assuming everything is fine because Fushimi isn't saying otherwise. I think this is pretty understandable from his perspective honestly, like yes he should probably know that Fushimi sucks at being honest but at the same time you can't expect Yata to be Fushimi's emotional self esteem crutch forever when Fushimi's not even giving him the smallest of hints. I think there are plenty of points in the story where it's clear that if Fushimi would just be honest Yata would be willing to listen and befriend him again (the MOR cellar chapter for example, at the end), and Fushimi refuses to do so because he's just clinging to this idea that if he has to say it that means Yata doesn't care. We do see that Yata's maybe not entirely painted as being blameless in the way things went between them, like in Side Red when Totsuka kinda tries to give him a nudge at the amusement park and Yata totally misses what he's trying to say, and I think Yata did kinda stop understanding Fushimi in the sense that he forgets how Fushimi is and that Fushimi doesn't always understand things that other people find easy. At the same time though just with the way things go in Lost Small World at least Fushimi gives Yata precious little to work with, like there are so many points where I think if he had just asked for help Yata would have been willing to listen (and of course Fushimi's pride gets in the way here too, because if he admitted what was going on with the hallucinations Yata would immediately want to get the rest of Homra involved, assuming that it's even better if everyone's helping right, while Fushimi very specifically doesn't want to tell all of Homra and seem weak and be pitied). Ultimately I think the series comes down on Yata's side too – while there are some things Yata needs to understand in order to get to this point, in the end his final reconcilement with Fushimi is pretty clear: “Say things in a way I can understand. Keep saying it until I understand.”
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Awashima's day off chapter (in DOB) basically looked like Yayoi crushing on Seri while Seri tries to impress her by catching snakes, then spider comes and Seri is all sad like "I embarrassed myself in front of my crush" but Yayoi being all supportive gives me life ♡ then there's Fushimi watching like he doesn't care but secretly ships them so does Zenjo who's friend with Yayoi and they both become friends by trying to get their otp together
Yesss they have such strong girlfriend energy that whole chapter. On the one hand it feels like Yayoi is the one who's a bit more starry-eyed to me, like she totally has a crush on Awashima and wants to see her being cool and amazing, but then Awashima could also be showing off a little for her too. Imagine this being like an open secret in Scepter 4, everyone knows Awashima and Yayoi have a mutual crush thing going on and just haven't gotten around to confessing to each other and there's a lot of quiet support from the people around them. Fushimi would actually be particularly funny in this context, like imagine him watching them during the whole spider thing and of course he just has his Done face on but he's also irritably thinking 'of course you like each other, just say it out loud already so the rest of us don't have to sit through this' and having entirely no self awareness whatsoever that other people may think the same thing every time he fights with Yata.
Zenjoh I could see being sort of awkwardly supportive, he likes Yayoi and wants to help her confess to Awashima but he's also older than her and isn't entirely sure how Kids These Days do the flirting and dating thing (well, even when he was young he and Habari probably didn't do things the normal way either). He just does his best to let Yayoi know that he doesn't have any problem with her crush on Awashima and will support her any way she wishes, like trying to be subtle so he doesn't embarrass her. Maybe one day he's watching over her while she talks to Awashima and trying to quietly send her confidence when he spots Fushimi also conveniently hiding out of sight nearby focusing on Awashima and realizes that perhaps their goals are the same. Fushimi wouldn't want to admit that he supports the Lieutenant's crush though, someone might get the wrong idea about him and think he cares or something, so he tries to blow it off. But then he and Zenjoh keep ending up in situations where they can observe Awashima and Yayoi's interactions and it actually makes things less awkward at least between them, normally Fushimi doesn't like Zenjoh much but he's finding Zenjoh unexpectedly easy to deal with in this setting.
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
1) I read the last story and Yata often drinks coffee with Fushimi in the morning (for this you either have to go to each other, which is stupid, or live next door). But at the same time, Yata decided to sleep at Fushimi's since he lives closer to the filming location. In general, it looks like a subtle way to hang out with a boyfriend more, but what about moving in together?
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I wonder if it would be more difficult for Idol K Sarumi to have a relationship, like just knowing the backlash idols can get sometimes when it's revealed that they're dating or married because of the whole stupid idea of like 'idol purity culture' and all that. Homra and Scepter 4 would probably be somewhat more lax as far as labels go but then at the same time they do still have to think about marketing and sales and all that, and if a relationship would mess with their success the label can't just overlook it either. I feel like Munakata wouldn't be super draconian about this as far as contracts go, he's not going to force Fushimi to not have relationships (especially since he probably wants Fushimi-kun to get closer with people and not isolate himself) but he also has to be stern about how public any relationship can be too.
I think they could at least start living together though, especially since all their fans probably know that the two of them are childhood friends who used to be a duo before they were signed by Homra and eventually separated. Like imagining they become enemies for a while when Fushimi goes to Scepter 4 but then eventually reconcile and start becoming close again, maybe jumping off that short story Yata's filming a drama that's near Fushimi's place and he starts staying over. The more he spends time with Fushimi the more he recalls how much he missed this, the two of them being together and just hanging out and getting to see Fushimi every morning. With their busy schedules especially it can be hard to find time to talk so living together would solve that problem, and so the two start sharing a place again even before they're dating.
Because of this once they do confess and start dating it's a little easier to keep things low key, sure they live together but for all anyone knows they're just friends. I could see Yata wanting to just make it obvious to everyone while Fushimi's more cautious, knowing that the idol world can be hard to navigate when you have a boyfriend and probably feeling he needs to clear this with Munakata before anything (and then Yata gets annoyed, like 'you're not seriously gonna ask the head of your label if it's okay to date me?' and Fushimi clicks his tongue and says this is why Homra has to weather so many scandals that give Kusanagi gray hairs, because they have no concept of the duty idols have. They can't just announce to everyone that they're dating, they have a brand to think about). Munakata isn't going to stop Fushimi from dating Yata but advises him to be cautious and take the action he thinks is best, which for Fushimi means trying to keep things friendly and platonic in public and then getting to be affectionate with Misaki in private.
I don't think Yata could keep this up long though, I think he'd feel like why should he have to hide that he's with the person he loves. Maybe he and Fushimi have a fight about it and Yata admits that he feels like Fushimi is putting his career above his relationship. Fushimi calls Yata an idiot who should think about his own career and Yata says he doesn't care about his career, he cares about Saruhiko. Fushimi's stung by that but refuses to admit he's wrong, leading to tension between them. Then say Fushimi has like a live concert and he sees Yata's there and ends up deciding I guess I'll be an idiot too and sings a love song dedicated to Yata in front of everyone.
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
SendspeopletoNorthPole!Strain is back! Fushimi and two other alphabet boys (Maybe Benzai and Akiyama) are hit and they just assume in no time the power will wear of, except it doesn't and now Fushimi has to use his red powers to keep'em alive until S4 finds them... In the North Pole.
Luckily for them Scepter 4 is used to the North Pole Strain so at least they kinda know where everyone's been sent XD Fushimi's hunting down the Strain with the alphabet boys as backup, he's on his guard because he's already been sent to the North Pole one time too many thanks. Things end up getting messy though and Fushimi ends up getting attacked, Akiyama and Benzai try to rush in to protect him and all three are promptly hit by the Strain power. The next thing they know they're standing in deep snow and Fushimi just sighs and clicks his tongue like he knew he should have brought a winter coat along.
Fushimi's initially annoyed that he has people with him this time, figuring he'd have an easier time surviving on his own until Scepter 4 can get him home, but Akiyama and Benzai probably turn out to be surprisingly good companions in a crisis. Akiyama does have a brief flustered moment upon realizing where they are but he very quickly falls back into commanding officer mode, asking Fushimi if they should start constructing a shelter or looking for food first. Fushimi probably wasn't expecting to end up at the North Pole with people who are actually competent and he isn't even sure what to suggest first, as it happens Akiyama and Benzai have trained for various outdoor survival outcomes during their time in the Defense Force and they probably manage to find a nice shelter and get a fire going pretty quickly. Fushimi grudgingly admits that if he has to be stuck at the North Pole with some idiots these are in fact some of the best idiots he could end up stuck with.
However it seems to be taking some time for Scepter 4 to rescue them and as the hours tick by things are getting a bit dicier. It's hard to keep the fire going and they don't have a lot of extra wood, and even with the fire they're still pretty cold as no one's really dressed for the weather. Fushimi can tell that Akiyama and Benzai are getting pretty chilled and trying not to let on how cold they are, meanwhile Fushimi himself is shivering pretty bad and he knows he's going to need to use his Red power to warm up even though he hates having to do so. Just using it for himself makes him feel irritated though, like he knows Akiyama and Benzai wouldn't say anything but sitting there all warm while they freeze gives him annoying emotions so finally he clicks his tongue and tells them both to come over near him. Akiyama asks if something's wrong, worried for Fushimi's well being since he's not as hardy as he and Benzai are, and Fushimi says he's fine and not to worry about him. He starts to glow red a little as he tells them to stay close and Benzai and Akiyama exchange a surprised look, Fushimi grumbles that if they want to stay over there and freeze that's fine too. Akiyama shakes his head and he and Benzai settle on either side of Fushimi as Akiyama gives him a calm smile and a heartfelt thanks. Fushimi looks away and mumbles that it's nothing, he just doesn't want to have to explain to Captain how everyone else but him ended up freezing to death.
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
Fushimi's hypoallergenic cat is acting weird. He thinks it might be sick, but doesn't want anyone to know he cares about the cat. Resident cat lover Benzai finds out and helps him figure out what's wrong and what to do.
Continuing this, imagine Fushimi being so worried that his preciouscat is sick but he also doesn’t want anyone knowing that he actuallycares about the cat. Like say he’s had the cat for a month or so atthis point and while he’s been taking care of it to the best of hisabilities he hasn’t really done a lot of research into cat ownershipor anything. Zenjou gave him some cat food and Benzai probablystopped by with all these cat toys and suggestions for beds andscratching posts and put the litter box here and eventually Akiyamahad to drag him away. Fushimi and the cat have been getting alongpretty well together, like Fushimi still claims he doesn’t careabout it but he spends a lot of time sitting on his bed idly pettingit or working on his computer with the cat in his lap. Then one dayhe notices that the cat is really lethargic and not eating. Fushimitries to tempt it with some tuna and maybe he even starts trying toplay with it, like usually the cat amuses itself with the toys Benzaibrought but now Fushimi’s sitting there crouched on the floor wavinga stick with a feather attached in front of the cat’s face while thecat just curls up and is all miserable. Poor Fushimi is at a loss,like he’s probably already jumping ahead to all the possibly fatalcat diseases his kitty could have and remembering his anthill andcursing himself for getting attached.
Fushimi isn’t entirely sure what to do, like he feels as if he takesit to the vet he’ll just get bad news but asking anyone about thecat’s condition is tantamount to admitting that he is worried aboutthe cat and he doesn’t want to be. Finally the worry wins out thoughand maybe he ends up in front of Akiyama and Benzai’s dorm at likesix in the morning, trying to act like it’s no big deal but his cathasn’t eaten in a day and if Benzai wants to take a look maybe that’sfine. Akiyama and Benzai exchange a glance while Fushimi refuses tolook at either of them, Benzai’s like lead the way with Akiyamacoming along after him as moral support. Benzai proceeds to take alook at Fushimi’s cat and maybe it actually isn’t anything tooserious, like the cat actually has a hairball that it didn’t manageto cough up and Benzai’s able to recommend a couple products toFushimi that help the hairball pass through the cat’s digestive tractand afterward it’s fine. Once the cat’s back to normal Benzai notesthat yes, it looks like it was a hairball and he gives Fushimi allthese instructions on how to keep that from happening again. Fushimiacts like this is such a bother and this is why he hates cats buthe’s totally listening to everything Benzai says and later on at workafter the cat is better Fushimi just briefly passes by Benzai’s deskwith a mumbled reluctant ‘thanks.’
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
Trans!Yata but she wants to be a girl. and the same with Trans!Fushimi (if its at the same time or not doesn't matter to me) thank you for always making me laugh!
Actually if we go with both of them at the same time that strikes meas another reason why they become such close friends, since at thatpoint I can see them both having never really met anyone else who’strans and then suddenly here’s like a kindred spirit. Fushimi Iimagine has probably been mocked and teased by Niki for years andbelittled by Kisa, both of them insisting that there must besomething wrong with her because she keeps saying she’s a girl whenshe’s not. Maybe when she was younger Fushimi did briefly attempt tobuy more girl clothes and Niki set them on fire in front of her whilelaughing, mocking her for thinking she’s something she isn’t. So bymiddle school Fushimi is even more gloomy and reserved, not eventelling people that she’s a girl anymore because she knows that itwill just cause people to laugh at her and mock her. But then Fushimimeets Yata and they become friends, and it’s as they’re reallystarting to become close that Yata admits to Fushimi one day thatshe’s not actually a guy, like Yata knows she was technically born aguy and her mom and siblings all think she’s a guy but really, Yataknows she’s a girl and always has. Yata’s all worried that Fushimimight mock her for it too or act like it’s a stage, like when Yataattempted to tell her mom that she’s trans her mom just treated itlike Yata playing around, like it’s a phase and Yata will get overit. That’s when Fushimi quietly admits that it’s the same for her,she’s a girl and always has been, and Yata’s head shoots up becauseshe can’t believe that Fushimi feels this way too.
So then when they join Homra I can see Fushimi feeling even moreupset about the perceived new distance between them. Like when theymoved in together to Fushimi it was just like her and Yata againstthe world, they would go out together in girl’s clothes and couldfinally present as female without anyone teasing them for it, theyboth had similar feelings about how like they both know they’re girlsbut they don’t really care much for dresses (Yata says that Fushimilooks better than she does in skirts anyway) and they both struggleover what they can do as far as hormones and such to stop appearingmale to everyone (in this AU maybe Fushimi even decides to actuallyuse Niki’s inheritance money because he figures wouldn’t it piss Nikioff to know Fushimi was using it so she and Yata could get hormonetreatments). When they join Homra at first it seems like a goodthing, no one knows they’re trans except maybe the top three and Anna– and possibly Kamamoto, since he knew Yata when she was a kid andstill presenting male – and no one looks at them funny or treatsthem different just because they’re trans. For Yata this is enough,like everyone at Homra accepts her for who she is and she feels likeshe can finally just be Yata and no one cares about hergender. Fushimi still feels stifled though, like she always felt likeshe and Yata had this one unbreakable connection and it was enoughbut now Yata’s got things beyond that, has friends who don’t evenknow she’s trans and probably wouldn’t care. So Fushimi starts towonder if that one connection was all they had, like  Yata was onlywith her this long because they both had the same struggles but nowYata’s grown beyond that and left Fushimi behind.
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
What about a scenario where HOMRA is an island tribe and Scepter 4 are explorers who discover the island and initially they think the islanders are uncivilized. What is the tribal culture life like? And imagine Fushimi at first doesn't like the island but he comes to love the ocean and the plants. When no one is looking he smiles and sits to enjoy it.
So say Scepter 4are like this society of explorers led by Munakata, the eccentric sonof a deceased billionaire who has wasteful amounts of wealth to spendtaking ships all around the world in search of new and strangecivilizations (his true goal is to someday find the secret hideout ofall the world’s ninjas so that he can finally request anapprenticeship and fulfill his lifelong dream). I’m imagining thistaking place in like Victorian times, like Munakata lives in a giantEnglish townhouse with a bunch of servants and he likes to gather theother members of the Scepter 4 Explorers Society in his drawing roomwhere they have a giant map of the world that’s covered in pinsmarking all of the places that Munakata has been. Most of the otherrich people in society shun Munakata as being too strange, like yeshe’s always very polite at parties and somehow he’s constantly ableto get special dispensations from the ruler of the country to sendhis ships on expeditions to find new trade routes and such but no oneunderstands why he so constantly goes on these expeditions himselfrather than hiring out, or why it always seems almost as if he’ssparkling every time he smiles. Munakata for his part findshigh society life to be stifling and unfulfilling, what he trulywants to do is explore this world and discover all its wonders andlimitations.
One day Munakataplots an expedition to a certain segment of rarely-visited islandsoff the coast of some foreign country, there is a good chance thatMunakata might even be able to find an island that’s not even on themap and he’s quite excited about it. He prepares a ship for theexpedition, handpicking his crew from amongst the strongest membersof the explorer’s society (this includes all the alphabet squad andAwashima, the daughter of a wealthy autocrat who respects Munakata somuch she even went against her family’s wishes in order to goexploring with him, anyone who refuses to sail with her on thepremise that a woman on a ship is bad luck is told in no uncertainterms by Munakata that they are welcome to stay behind. Also allowedon the ship is clever but gloomy former street urchin Fushimi, whostowed away on one of Munakata’s ships during an expedition. Munakatacaught him sneaking food out of the galley and adopted him on thespot, Fushimi’s still not sure how that happened or why this means hekeeps getting dragged around on boats all the time and sent to stupidislands that are all humid and sticky and filled with irritatingbugs). Unfortunately the ship encounters bad weather as they near theisland chain and they end up capsizing, everyone washes up on amysterious uncharted island with only the clothes on their backs andwhat meager supplies they could scavenge from the ship before it wentdown. Fushimi is already complaining about how he would rather starvethan eat emergency rations or coconuts.
Scepter 4 hasbarely been on the island a day when they meet the island’s onlyinhabitants: the Homra tribe, who worship the fire god and who arevery wary of these snooty-looking strangers who just showed up ontheir island. Some of the Scepter 4 alphabet run into the Homraalphabet while trying to hunt a wild boar further inland, both groupsgo to report the encounter back to their respective superiors andMunakata ends up taking Fushimi and Awashima with him into the jungleto meet with Homra’s tribe leader Mikoto, the man who is said to haveinherited the soul of the fire god. Munakata is rather amused to findthat the man with the soul of an apparently fearsome and chaotic godappears to have just woken up from his nap when they walk in(meanwhile, Mikoto’s second in command Kusanagi is possibly checkingout Awashima and royal bodyguard Yata has already gotten into a fightwith Fushimi). Homra has its own language but they do some minimaltrading with the outside world and so most members speak otherlanguages passably enough that they can all communicate. Munakata andMikoto separate from the others for some private negotiations, whereMunakata implies that Mikoto is a barbarian and Mikoto says outrightthat Munakata is a prissy bastard and in the end they both smirk ateach other a little and Homra agrees to help Scepter 4 out providedScepter 4 pulls their weight in helping out around the island.
From then on thetwo groups work together to build a nice little life on the island.Homra helps Scepter 4 build their own shelters, Fushimi gets stuckhelping Yata find building materials and complains the whole timeabout the lack of air conditioning while Yata taunts Fushimi forbeing too delicate to survive in a place like this. Imagine bothgroups learning from each other though, like Homra has all these waysof making their own clothes and food and even making their ownalcohol (for anyone who’s read Terry Pratchett’s book Nation, imagineKusanagi teaching Awashima how to make beer, singing the beer song).They also have all these rituals for paying tribute to the fire godthat Scepter 4 initially dismiss as just silly superstition butregardless of whether they bring good fortune or not the rituals arereally amazing, like say when anyone comes of age they have to kill aboar by themselves and there’s this big party and banquet after, theydance with lit torches and do all these amazing tricks without evengetting so much as a burn and some of the Scepter 4 guys even end upparticipating. At some point a rumor spreads that Munakata must alsobe the incarnation of a god the way Mikoto is, he’s considered thespirit of the angry sea god come to life and they must be cautiousaround him (the Scepter 4 guys want to pretend that this is a cuteislander superstition again but…you know what they might not bewrong, the Captain’s kinda scary).
Meanwhile aseveryone else is getting acclimated Fushimi is initially the mostresistant, he can’t stand living in a place without modernconveniences, no heating or air conditioning or indoor plumbing.Munakata keeps giving him these mysterious smiles though and sendinghim out with Homra’s people all the time, like usually Fushimi endsup with Yata and they get sent out on hunting trips and gatheringsupplies and everything. Usually they argue a lot and Yata thinksFushimi’s kind of a dick but then maybe one day some traders stop bythe island and Yata and Fushimi stumble upon them. Yata’s wary,thinking that Fushimi will use this opportunity to get himself atleast off the island, but instead Fushimi barters for a bunch ofuseful fishing and hunting supplies and gets a better deal than anyof Homra’s people outside of Kusanagi have been able to do withvisiting traders. Yata has to admit that was kinda amazing of Fushimiand Fushimi just clicks his tongue and looks away as he says it wasnothing, he just figured if those guys were here it’s stupid not toget what they can out of them, Homra has a lot of what they need tosurvive on the island but there are things that could make theirlives easier if they knew how to use them. Yata’s also surprised thatFushimi didn’t leave with the traders and Fushimi just makes somevague excuse about not going places with strangers. Later that nightthough Yata catches Fushimi sitting on a cliff overlooking the ocean,staring up at the full moon with an almost content smile and Yatajust shakes his head like ‘such a dishonest guy, really’ and quietlycomes to sit beside him, not saying anything, just the two of themall peaceful as Fushimi watches the ocean waves crash against theshore.
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
Hercules (Disney) Sarumi AU! Misaki as Hercules, Saruhiko as Meg, Mikoto as Zeus and Hisui as Hades. Oh, and Saru sold his soul to Hisui for get rid of Niki and he won't say he's in love, because Misaki will choose Mikoto and he doesn't matter what happens to stupid Misaki anyway.
Totally here for Hercules AU where Fushimi sings I Won’t Say I’m inLove with Alphabet Squad muses backing him up, that would bebeautiful. So say Yata is like the little brother of chill god Mikotoand he’s happy up in Mt. Olympus when evil god Hisui decides to havehim kidnapped as part of a plot to get at Mikoto. Yata ends up losinghis godhood and falls to earth, where he’s adopted by a kind couplewho raise him to have a deep love of heroes and a desire to do heroicdeeds. He’s also still got his super god strength so he starts usingit to save people, which is awesome, but Yata always finds himselfwondering why he has this power and where it came from, his siblingsare perfectly normal so he knows it has to be something about him. Healso feels really left out of his family sometimes because his mothertells him one day that he was a foundling and Yata realizes that he’sthe only one in the family not actually related to anyone (ooh andmaybe the day he finds out little Yata runs away from home brieflywhere he ends up meeting this skinny gloomy kid in glasses who isalso running away from home. Yata says they should run awaytogether and makes the kid a promise that they’ll stick together, butthen there’s like a storm and an avalanche and Yata uses him strengthto save the kid but they lose track of each other in the process.Yata’s sad to lose his friend but he’s also found new resolve to usehis powers to save people, though he does wish he’d gotten that kid’sname. Elsewhere, Fushimi thinks that his new friend just got killedin the avalanche and it’s probably his fault somehow, and he justhuddles there filled with self loathing until Niki comes back tobring him home and make his life suck for a little longer).
Eventually Yata decides that if he wants to know where his strengthcame from he should ask someone who would know so he goes to thenearby temple of Mikoto and prays for answers. Mikoto himself showsup smoking a cigarette like ‘hey kid. Been a while.’ Yata is sopumped that the great god Mikoto knows who he is. Mikoto tells Yatathat he’s supposed to be a god too and the only way he can get hisgodhood back is to become a true hero or something. Yata is now extraeager to become an awesome hero and is sent to go train with retiredhero trainer Kusanagi, who’s an old friend of Mikoto’s and known forkeeping people in line and also sometimes training them to be properheroes. Yata starts doing heroic deeds and while he’s doing it hefinds himself constantly running into professional damsel in distressFushimi, who is distinctly unimpressed with Yata’s idea of heroism.Yata finds Fushimi super annoying and is determined to do somethingso heroic that Fushimi will have to admit he’s a hero. WhatYata doesn’t know is half the situations he ends up having to dealwith were actually set up by Fushimi, who sold his soul to Hisui inexchange for Niki’s death and is stuck working as his lackey for alleternity.
Yata keeps thwarting all of Hisui’s plans and in the process he andFushimi keep getting closer. At some point Yata realizes who Fushimiis, Fushimi acts like he didn’t know but he totally knew from thebeginning and has been trying to tell himself that Yata abandoned himto Niki that time. When Yata says that he looked for Fushimi then andwas so upset that he couldn’t find him Fushimi realizes that he wasall wrong but he can’t say anything now, not when he’s been workingfor the enemy. Hisui decides to use this to his advantage, pretendingto hold Fushimi’s life hostage in exchange for Yata giving up hispowers. Yata does because he wants to save Fushimi and then in theaftermath Fushimi himself admits that he’s been deceiving Yata allthis time, laughing coldly in Yata’s face and calling him a moronbecause he can’t stand that heartbreaking look on Yata’s face.
Meanwhile Hisui takes advantage of Yata’s powerlessness to try andtake over Olympus by seeking out the giant magic rock that gives thegods their powers, whoever has possession of it can rearrange all ofOlympus. Yata goes to try and defeat Hisui anyway but he’s losingbadly without his powers. At the last minute Fushimi jumps in to savehim and is seemingly killed by a boulder thrown by Hisui, this causesYata to get his powers back because the terms of his deal were hispowers for Fushimi’s safety and Fushimi is no longer safe. Yatadefeats Hisui and then goes into the underworld to save Fushimi’ssoul, Fushimi doesn’t want to go with him because he thinks that he’snot worth being saved by Yata. Yata’s like you idiot I told you we’dstick together right. He saves Fushimi and because of his heroismrisking his own life to save Fushimi Yata gets his full god powersback. He decides to give them up though because they’re awesome buthe wants to stay with Fushimi from now on, he made a promise thatthey’d stick together and he doesn’t intend to break that just forsomething like godly powers.
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